Search london history from Roman times to modern day
By visiting the relevant London Public Houses, you will find Licensee information, bar staff, boarders & lodgers from Census and Trade Directory information.
Comparing with 1944 may show up many of the road name changes taking place at this time.
1938 Index
Raby Castle, Edward
Baynes, 1 Winyard terrace, Upper
Kennington lane SE11
Radnor Arms, George
Flanagan, 247 Warwick Road, Kensington W14
Radnor Arms, Mrs Mabel
Hallett, 106 Mildmay Grove N1
Raglan, Levy & Franks
Ltd, 61 St Martins le Grand EC1
Railway Bell, Cecil J Paine,
14 Cawnpore Street, Norwood SE19
Railway Hotel, Luke Brady, 20 Atlantic Road SW9
Railway Hotel, Mrs Louisa R Coe, 470 Upper Richmond Road, Putney SW15
Railway Hotel, Thomas William Cutmore, 16 Blackheath Village SE3
Railway Hotel,
William Henry Garrett, 472 Hornsey Road N19
Railway Hotel, R V Goodhew
Ltd, 100 West End Lane NW6
Railway Hotel, Joseph H Hands, 93 Martin street, Stratford E15
Railway Hotel, Mrs F E
Horner, 1 & 3 High Street, Acton W3
Railway Hotel, Albert
Edward Parrish, 30 Grove Road, Bow E3
Railway Hotel, William James
Saddington, 2 Connaught Road, Silvertown E16
Railway Hotel, Albert William
Smith, 173 Forest lane, Forest gate E7
Railway Hotel,
Claude William Vaughan, 137 High Street, Battersea SW11
Railway Hotel, Widdicombe & McCrea, 17 Elephant road, New Kent road SE17
Railway Signal Hotel, Mrs Ella Victoria Archer, 7 Devonshire Road, Forest hill
Railway Tavern, Albert Ernest Acott, 145 Victoria Dock Road E16
Railway Tavern,
William Adamson, 68 West Green Road, Tottenham N15
Railway Tavern, Walter Alcock, 66 Gibbon Road, Nunhead SE15
Railway Tavern, William Jn
Ball, 181 Plumstead Road SE18
Railway Tavern, Jn
William & William Edward Craigen, 263 New Cross Road SE14
Railway Tavern, Mrs
Caroline Donne, 576 & 578 Commercial Road E14
Railway Tavern, Hy Edgson,
Catford Bridge SE6
Railway Tavern, Albert W Gulliver, South End Road, Hampstead NW3
Railway Tavern, Jas
Hall, 301 Southend Lane, Sydenham SE26
Railway Tavern, Stephen Albert Handfield & Ernest George Robinson, 272 & 273
Victoria Dock Road E16
Railway Tavern, Frederick George Hill, 196 Plaistow Road, West Ham E15
Railway Tavern, Harold
Hipwell, 117 St James Road SE16
Railway Tavern, Hull & Venner Ltd, 15 Liverpool street EC2
Railway Tavern, George Coulson Laceby, 2 Greyhound Lane, Streatham SW16
Railway Tavern, William Hy
Langworthy, 325 Kirkdale SE26
Railway Tavern, Harold Mead Moore & Albert J Waters, 123 Fairfield Street, Wandsworth SW18
Railway Tavern, Albert
Edward Norton, 65 White Hart Lane, Tottenham N17
Railway Tavern, Jn
Phillips, 35 Chalk Farm Road NW1
Railway Tavern, Pioneer Catering Co Ltd, 2 London Street EC3
Railway Tavern, Public
Refreshments Co Ltd, 55 Goldhawk Road, Shepherds Bush W12
Railway Tavern,
Chas Austin Reed, 110 Battersea Rise SW11
Railway Tavern, Rehm Bros Ltd, 18 Clapham High Street SW4
Railway Tavern, Mrs Julia Rippin, 8 Bridge Road, Stratford E15
Railway Tavern, Jas A Scott
116 West India Dock Road E14
Railway Tavern,
Thomas Jn Staines, 2 St Jude Street, Stoke Newington N16
Railway Tavern, Sidney Walter Stock, 48 Hamilton Road, Deptford SE8
Railway Tavern, William Jn
Tooke, 131 Angel Lane, Stratford E15
Railway Tavern, George
Edwin Trent, 339 Mare street E8
Railway Tavern, Jas Walsh,
13 & 15 Bollo Lane, Chiswick W4
Railway Tavern,
Benjamin Williams, 72 Blackfriars Road SE1
Railway Telegraph Tavern, Hy Rogers, 112 Stanstead Road, Forest hill SE23
Rainbow, David S Simpson, 18 Medland road, Ratcliff E14
Ram, Hy C Harrison, 26 North
Woolwich Road E16
Ram & Teasel, Harry J
Morings, 39 Queens Head Street, Islington N1
Ranelagh Arms, Frederick Jn
House, 279 Roman Road E3
Raven, Hy George Norton,
375 Goldhawk Road, Hammersmith W6
Raven Inn, Harry
Burton, 140 Bridge Road west, Battersea SW11
Raven & Sun, William Dobson,
52 Tanner Street SE1
Ravensbourne, Trust House
Ltd, 20 Catford Hill, Catford SE6
Ravensbourne Arms,
Leonard Joseph Philip Morris, 47 Albion Hill, Lewisham SE13
Raymouth Tavern,
Arthur Cyril Briggs, 302 Southwark Park Road SE16
Rayners, Patrick & McGregor Ltd, 45 Haymarket SW1
Recreation Tavern, William Albert Munns, 155 East India Dock road E14
Red Bull, Sidney Camp, 116
Peckham High Street SE15
Red Bull, Thomas Harry Clarke, 80 & 82 Grays Inn road WC1
Red Cow, Ralph Cartwright, 105 Charterhouse street EC1
Red Cow, Frederick Clarke, 212
Peckham High Street SE15
Red Cow, Sidney L Edwards, 4 King street, Snow hill EC1
Red Cow, Morris Joseph Myers,
157 Hammersmith Road W6
Red Cow, William Rd Warren, 13
The Grange, Bermondsey SE1
Red Cross, Miss Sophia Cook, 19 Paternoster square EC4
Red Deer, George Herbert
Peter Mickleburgh, 393 Cambridge Heath E2
Red House, Leslio Hollingbery,
2 Elystan Street, Chelsea SW3
Red House Hotel, Oliver
Christopher Sims & Albert Edward Thomas, 155 Park Road, St Johns Wood NW8
Red Lion, Percy Ansell,
2 Duke of York Street SW1
Red Lion, William Hy Banister, Shooters Hill, Woolwich SE18
Red Lion, Mrs Harriet
Bartholomew & Edwin Jn Chater, 407 Walworth Road SE17
Red Lion, Arthur Barwell, 181 Old
Street EC1
Red Lion, Luke Brady & Jn F
McDonnell, 34 Kilburn High Road NW6
Red Lion, Mrs Eliz E Brooks, 31
Poppins Court, Fleet Street EC4
Red Lion, Mrs A E M Cartwright, 82 Hoxton street N1
Red Lion, William Philip
Clear, 634 High Road, Tottenham N17
Red Lion, Sidney Cornelius, 243
Northwold Road, Upper Clapton E5
Red Lion, Jn Thos Curry, 34 Old Gravel Lane E1
Red Lion, Emanuel
Defries, 17 Bevis Marks EC3
Red Lion, Jn F Dickinson, 42
Kennington Park Road SE11
Red Lion, Albert
Dockrell, 36 & 38 Paradise Street SE16
Red Lion, Frank Ernest
Hill, 239 Edgware Road W2
Red Lion, Harry E Hunt, 29 Floral street WC2
Red Lion, Improved Public House Co Ltd, 45 Rosoman Street EC1
Red Lion, Alfred
Moss Joel, 30 Whitechapel High Street EC1
Red Lion, Mrs Florence Emily Johnson, 53 Basinghall street EC2
Red Lion, Jones & Chapman, 8 Lombard Court EC3
Red Lion, Jn Kercher,
160 Union Street SE1
Red Lion, Knowland
Brothers Ltd, 172 Westminster Bridge Road SE1
Red Lion, London & Suburban Catering Co Ltd, 122 Stoke Newington Church Street
Red Lion, Harry Lewis McDonald, Red Lion Court, Fleet Street EC4
Red Lion, Harry Edward McLagan,
488 Cable Street E1
Red Lion, Cyril
Ernest Martin, 280 Borough High Street SE1
Red Lion, Stanley
Frederick Miles, 1 Waverton Street, Berkeley square W1
Red Lion, Jas
Munday, 48 Parliament Street SW1
Red Lion, Peter George & Miss Bessie Louisa Pearce, 18 Herbrand Street WC1
Red Lion, Jas W Pelham, 23 Crown Court, Pall Mall SW1
Red Lion, J T C Phillips Ltd, 490
& 492 Fulham Road SW6
Red Lion, Stanley Winkworth Poole, 198 Lower Road SE8
Red Lion, Alfred Rd Porter, 1
Eldon Street EC2
Red Lion, Benj Resteghini, 24 Warner street EC1
Red Lion, William Chas & Herbert Hector Rusby, 94 Turnmill Street EC1
Red Lion, Jn J Stafford, 13 Rectory place, Woolwich SE18
Red Lion, Fras
Stephens, 17 Greenwich Road, Greenwich SE10
Red Lion, Mrs Beatrice
Wall, 39 Duke Street, Manchester Square W1
Red Lion,
Owen Ward, 9 Princes Street SW1
Red Lion, E E Whittle, 95
Plumstead High Street SE18
Red Lion, Hy D
Widdicombe & L A Vaughan, 20 Great Windmill Street W1
Red Lion & Ball, Jn W Cooper, 62 & 63 Red Lion street WC1
Red Lion Hotel, Chas Hatchman, 281
High Street, Acton W3
Red Lion & Wheatsheaf,
E J Rose & Co Ltd, 45 Deptford High Street SE8
Redan, Hy Archibald Cooper, 1
Westbourne Grove W2
Redcliffe Arms, Ernest
Block, 268 Fulham Road SW10
Refiners Arms, George Jacobs, 52 Buross Street, Commercial Road east E1
Regent Arms, Jas Carter, 53 & 55 Regency Street SW1
Regent Tavern, William F W Tratt, 79 Coutts road E3
Reindeer, Frederick
Saltmarsh, 151 Rye Lane, Peckham SE15
Resolute Tavern, Jn W Adams, 210
High Street, Poplar E14
Richmond, Cecil Frank Ferris & William Rt Hallpike, 55 Shepherds Bush Road
Richmond Arms,
Allens (Caterers) Ltd, Orchardson Street, Edgware Road NW8
Richmond Arms, Walter E Beard, 108 Richmond road SW5
Richmond Arms, Harry
Howard Vincett, 51 Blundell Street, Caledonian rooad N7
Ridley arms, Henry Neary, 17
Ridley Road, Dalston E8
Rifle, Mrs Florence Ada
Howard, 80 Fulham Palace Road, Hammersmith W6
Rifle Volunteer, Rt Walter
Palmer, 77 Kilburn High Road NW6
Rising Sun, Cecil Edwin Bird, 189
& 191 Eltham High Street SE9
Rising Sun,
Lawrence Edward Buckmaster, 24 Blackfriars Road SE1
Rising Sun, Walter Frederick Clayson, 226 Morning Lane, Hackney E9
Rising Sun, Jn Rt Dean, 118
Larkhall Lane SW4
Rising Sun, Mrs Selina Jane
Fitzgibbon, 56 York Road, Lambeth SE1
Rising Sun, Cecil Gray, 4 Knott street, Deptford SE8
Rising Sun, Mrs Ada Griffin, 46 Ebury Bridge Road SW1
Rising Sun, Mrs Eliza Holt,
Harlesden Road, Willesden NW10
Rising Sun, Philip Wade
Kelso, 477 Fulham Road SW6
Rising Sun, Jas Hy Lavell, 98 Harper Road, New Kent Road SE1
Rising Sun, Albert Ernest
Maple, 55 Brooksby Street N1
Rising Sun, Alfred James
Norris, 88 Rushey Green, Catford SE6
Rising Sun, Alfred
Pearce, 130 Princes Road, Lambeth SE11
Rising Sun, Samuel Michael
Plight, 38 Cloth Fair EC1
Rising Sun, Lord Gilbert Pope,
248 Globe Road E2
Rising Sun, Hy
Walter Seear & Co, 61 Carter Lane EC4
Rising Sun, Edward Jn
Skelton, 799 Old Kent Road SE15
Rising Sun, Percival
Frederick Strube, 46 Tottenham Court Road W1
Rising Sun, Mrs Ethel May
Turner, 72 Jamaica Road SE16
Rising Sun, Mrs
Mary Louise Walters, 186 Battersea Bridge Road SW11
Rising Sun, Jn Edward
Warlow, 120 Euston Road NW1
Rising Sun, Jas W Wright,
12 Royal Mint Street, Minories E1
Robarts Arms, Jas Walter
Seaman, 1 Devonport Street, Commercial Road east E1
Robert Burns, Timothy P
Breen, 248 West Ferry Road, Millwall E14
Robin Hood, Mrs Florence Maris Betton, 281 High Holborn WC1
Robin Hood Tavern, Mrs C L
Killman, High Hill Ferry, Upper Clapton E5
Robin Hood & Little John,
George Chas Doe, 117 Deptford Church Street SE8
Robin Hood & Little
John, Alfred Fountain, 33 Kensal Road, North Kensington W10
Robin Hood & Little John,
Reginald George Robinson, 49 Kenbury Street, Camberwell SE5
Robin Hood & Little John,
William JamesToombs, 140 St Johns Road, Hoxton N1
Robin Hood, William David,
42 Shacklewell Lane E8
Robinson Crusoe, John Alexander Levy, 93 Earl Street NW8
Rochester Castle,
E J Rose & Co Ltd, 145 High Street, Stoke Newington N16
Rock, Frederick Jas
Pearson, 153 Battersea Park Road SW8
Rockingham Arms, S L
Emanuel & J F Mather, 175 Newington Causeway SE1
Rockingham Arms,
S L Emanuel & J F Mather, 1 & 3 New Kent Road SE1
Rodney, J Levy & L Kear, 215
Westminster Bridge Road SE1
Rodneys Head, Ernest
Cecil Brown, 22 Rodney Street N1
Roebuck, Sydney Thomas Abel, 293
Kennington Road SE11
Roebuck, William Cawley, 15
Pond Street, Hampstead NW3
Roebuck, Percy L Clarke, 354 Kings Road, Chelsea SW3
Roebuck, Ernest Walter Jarvis, 84 Ashmole Street, South Lambeth SW8
Roebuck, Mrs Dorothy La Vie, 108a Tottenham Court Road W1
Roebuck, William
George Nutting, 47 Trafalgar Street, Walworth SE17
Roebuck, A E Robson & Mrs N
Perry, 122 Chiswick High Road W4
Roebuck, Rt Chas Witham, 50
Great Dover Street SE1
Roman Arms, E J Rose & Co Ltd, 260 Roman road E3
Rose, Anchor Taverns Ltd, 78
Edmund Street, Camberwell SE5
Rose, Henry Holland
Freshwater, 58 Hatton Garden EC1
Rose, Mrs Fanny Frost, 123
Snowfields SE1
Rose, Alfred H Green, 23 Saville
Place, Lambeth SE11
Rose, Arthur Edward Ivory, 1 Harwood
Terrace, Fulham SW6
Rose, William Morris, 2 Waverley Road, Plumstead SE18
Rose, Ernest W Smith, 86 Fulham
Road SW3
Rose, Thomas Wale, 35 Usk street, Bethnal Green E2
Rose & Crown,
William Barker & Son (DDs) Ltd, 9 Ship Tavern Passage, Gracechurch Street EC3
Rose & Crown,
Samuel Percy Block, 68 Southwark Park Road SE16
Rose & Crown, Rt William Boyd,
78 Aldgate High Street EC3
Rose & Crown, Cecil Broadway, 28 Little Britain EC1
Rose & Crown, Mrs Ettie
Brown, 85 Dean Street W1
Rose & Crown, Harold J
Buckhurst, 13 Mare Street E8
Rose & Crown, Alfred Jas
Buggey, 2 Devons Road, Bromley E3
Rose & Crown, Frederick George Burwood jun, 51 The Highway E1
Rose & Crown, Mrs Alice Charnick, 24 Plumstead High Street SE18
Rose & Crown, Alfred L Cope,
336 High Road, Tottenham N15
Rose & Crown, Fras Laurence
Dennis, 86 High Street, Highgate N6
Rose & Crown, Jn Ellis, 95 Thames Street, Greenwich SE10
Rose & Crown, Mrs Emma Martha Elmes, 32 Dallington street, Goswell road EC1
Rose & Crown, Jas S
Ford, 65 Union Street, Borough SE1
Rose & Crown, David Goodman, 51 Charles street, Stepney E1
Rose & Crown, William
Thomas Goodman, 1 Crooms Hill, Greenwich SE10
Rose & Crown, Sidney
Leslie Green, 30 Burne Street, Edgware Road NW1
Rose & Crown, Albert Hawkes, 19 Commercial road, Lambeth SE1
Rose & Crown,
Mrs Rebecca Joel, 2 Park Lane W1
Rose & Crown, Alfred Leftwich, 134 Wandsworth High Street SW18
Rose & Crown, Andrew
MacIntosh, 90 & 92 Lower Sloane Street SW1
Rose & Crown, Maclaren & Co, Crown lane, Streatham SW16
Rose & Crown, Mrs Ada J
Matthews, 114 & 115 Lollard Street SE11
Rose & Crown, Joseph M
Myers, 203 Hammersmith Road W6
Rose & Crown, J B Peccorini, 119A Charing Cross road WC2
Rose & Crown,
Edward Jas Plum, Church Street, Stoke Newington N16
Rose & Crown, William Arthur Rogers, 140 Tooting Bec Road, Tooting SW17
Rose & Crown, William Alfred Rowe, 83 Bunhill row EC1
Rose & Crown, Mrs Mary Beatrice Watson, 47 Colombo Street SE1
Rose & Crown, William
Watson, 96 Rodney Road, Walworth SE17
Rose & Crown, Mrs Fanny Whitaker, 8 Dorset street EC4
Rose of Denmark, Walter
Brown, 78 Shirley Street, Canning Town E16
Rose of Kent, Mrs Ada Caroline
Carpenter, 156 Trundleys Road, Deptford SE8
Rose of Lee, George Poole, 162 Lee High Road, Lewisham SE13
Rose & Lily, George John
Lovett, 155 Drummond Road SE16
Rose & Punch Bowl, Philip
Casman, 7 Redmans Road E1
Rose & Thistle, Mrs S A
Humphreys, 97 Warner Road, Camberwell SE5
Rosedale Arms, Harry Frederick Joseph & Joseph Alleston, 2
Roseberry street,
Bermondsey SE16
Rosemary Branch,
Walter King, 2 Shepperton Road, Islington N1
Rosemary Branch,
Arthur Stone, 263 Southampton way, Camberwell SE5
Rosemary Branch, Frederick
T J Wilde, 44 Lewisham High road, New Cross SE14
Rosendale Hotel, Frank
Farrell, 65 Rosendale Road, Dulwich SE21
Rosalyn Arms, Mrs Maud
Money, 48 Rosslyn Hill, Hampstead NW3
Rothbury Arms, Mrs Alice
Dale, 5 Matilda Street, Caledonian road N1
Rotherfield Arms,
Stanely A Gilbert, 38 Shepperton Road, Islington N1
Rouel Tavern, Albert & Albert Fras Patrick, 70 Rouel road SE16
Round House, Joe Platt
Kinder, 83 & 85 Wardour Street W1
Round Table Tavern, Henry James Davey & George Alfred Miles, 26 St Martins
court, Leicester square WC2
Roupell Arms, Mrs Agnes M
Pearman, 246 Woolwich Road, Charlton SE7
Royal Albert, Albert Edward
Day, 63 Prospect Vale SE18
Royal Albert, Arthur
Thomas Giles, 51 East Street, Walworth SE17
Royal Albert, Owen Lynch, 54 Wandsworth road SW8
Royal Albert, Kenneth Grant
Salmon, 74 Albert Road, Silvertown SE16
Royal Albert, Edwin Chas
Stanley Welton, 460 New Cross Road SE14
Royal Albert, Mrs
Mable Willis, 43 St Stephens Terrace, South Lambeth SW8
Royal Albert Tavern, Edgar
Beasley, 38 & 40 Freemasons Road, Custom House E16
Royal Archer, Edwin Shewry, 1
Egmont Street, Casella Road SE14
Royal Arms, Sidney C Fillery, 133 Warwick Road SW5
Royal Arms, Stephen Albert Handfield & Hy J Wiltshier, Factory road, Silvertown
Royal Arms, Eric Lewis
Henderson, 42 & 44 Gaisford Street NW5
Royal Arms, Jn Hy Marvin, 359 Battersea Park Road SW11
Royal Connaught, Frederick T Woods, 262 High Holborn WC1
Royal Cricketers,
Jas Leaman Brown, 211 Old Ford Road, Bethnal Green E2
Royal Duke, Leonard Jas Hy
Herbert, 474 Commercial Road east E1
Royal Edward, Chas J Harris,
74 Mare Street, Hackney E8
Royal Exchange, Samuel
Moss stockton, 57 Hartland Road, Chalk Farm road NW1
Royal Fort, Claude Pomeroy
Tredwell, 131 Grange Road SE1
Royal George, Attwood &
Widdicombe, 412 Essex Road N1
Royal George, Arthur
Bird, 85a Tanners Hill, Deptford SE8
Royal George, George Fras
Caine, 2 Blissett Street, Greenwich SE10
Royal George, George William
Day, 27 Carlisle street, Lambeth SE1
Royal George, Hugh Howell, 52 Drummond street NW1
Royal George, Barrow Isaacs,
133 Charing Cross Road WC2
Royal George, Hy Leigh,
84 Abbey Street, BermondseySE1
Royal George, Primus Rd
Moore, 34 New Street, Kennington SE17
Royal George, Mrs Alice S
A Thumwood, 30 Bristol Gardens W9
Royal George, Frank Wood, 449 Rotherhithe New road SE16
Royal Hotel, T W Croft & Co Ltd, 185 Court road, Eltham SE9
Royal Hotel, Frederick C Furlonger, 48 Leytonstone road, Stratford E15
Royal Hotel, William A Jackman, 560A mile End road E3 & 2 & 4 Burdett road E3
Royal Hotel, Levy & Franks Ktd, 50 Norland road W11
Royal Hotel, George Albert Pryer, Wetherell road, Hackney E9
Royal Mail, Albert Ernest Berry, 16 & 17 Noble street EC2
Royal Mail, William Bounds,
153 Upper Street N1
Royal Marine, Arthur Ward,
116 Prince Street SE8
Royal Midshipman, Jn
E Townrow, 25 & 26 Skinner Street, Clerkenwell EC1
Royal Mortar Hotel, G Davis, 1
Plumstead Road, Plumstead SE18
Royal Oak, Lionel Barnett,
120 Whitechapel Road E1
Royal Oak, William H
Barrington, 2 Lyham Road, Brixton SW2
Royal Oak, Arthur Baxter, 19
Raphael Street, Knightsbridge SW7
Royal Oak, Mrs Maud Amelia
Bayley, 73 Columbia Road E2
Royal Oak, Harvey Belcham, 1 Lee
Church Street, Lewisham SE13
Royal Oak, William Stonel Clark, 72 Pitfield street, Hoxton N1
Royal Oak, Comans Catering
Co Ltd, 10 Clapham High Street SW4
Royal Oak, Leonard H
Cook, 14 Milson Road, Kensington W14
Royal Oak, Chas J
Craft, 2 Regency Street SW1
Royal Oak, Chas Clifford Croft,
27 New Road, Woolwich SE18
Royal Oak, William Thomas
Ellis, 71 Princes Road, Plumstead SE18
Royal Oak, Percy Hy
Gallagher, 76 York Street, Portman square W1
Royal Oak, Edward
William Hagon, 79 Green Lanes, Stoke Newington N16
Royal Oak, William Plomer
Jackman, 13 Lingham Street, Stockwell SW9
Royal Oak, Rd F Kirkham, 113 Tooley street SE1
Royal Oak, Stanley Frederick
Kirkham, 44 Tabard Street, Borough SE1
Royal Oak, William Maaser, 1 Effra Parade, Brixton SW2
Royal Oak, Ambrose
Moss, 1 & 2 Patmore Street SW8
Royal Oak, Samuel Chas Newbold,
37 Waterloo Street EC1
Royal Oak, Albert Orrow, 108 Stepney green E1
Royal Oak, Walter
William Parrish, 68 Elizabeth Street SW1
Royal Oak, Leon Jas
Hill Partridge, 140 Offord Road N1
Royal Oak, Lionel Pollack, 83
Wilton road, Dalston E8
Royal Oak, Henry Charles
Rhodes, 67 Barking Road, Canning Town E16
Royal Oak, Chas Hy Webster &
Baden Harry William Packham, 88 Bishops Bridge Road W2
Royal Oak, Chas Hy Webster&
Baden Harry William Packham, 1 Porchester Road W2
Royal Oak, George White, 62
Glenthorne Road, Hammersmith W6
Royal Oak, Mrs Blanche
Williams, 98 St Johns road, Upper Holloway N19
Royal Oak, Albert H Woodroof, 60 Maltby street, Bermondsey SE1
Royal Pavilion, Bernard Jn Dunnett, 217 Vauxhall Bridge road SW1
Royal Pavilion Hotel, E L
Short & Co Ltd, 2 High street, North Woolwich E16
Royal Rifleman, Jn
Thomas Mantle, 76 Nine Elms Lane SW8
Royal Saxon, George Moir,
64 Alfred Road, Harrow Road W2
Royal Sovereign, Jn Rd
Cooper, 64 Northwold Road, Upper Clapton E5
Royal Standard, Jas H Burkett & Harry Percy Bloom, 32 York Road, Battersea SW11
Royal Standard, George
Hy Charlton, 9 Sale street, Paddington W2
Royal Standard, Walter
Clarke-Lawes, 104 Ann Street, Plumstead SE18
Royal Standard, Hy Rt
Flintham, 84 Victoria Park Road E9
Royal Standard, Thimas
Edwin Gardner, 68 Tanners Hill, Deptford New town SE8
Royal Standard, William Keech, 25 William street, Regents Park NW1
Royal Standard, Jn Edgar
Kirvan, 26 Hemming Street, Bethnal Green E1
Royal Standard, Rd C Moore, 88 Woolwich High street SE18
Royal Standard,
Bertram Jas Phillips, 7 Flemming Street, Kingsland road N1
Royal Standard, Martin Tighe, 9 Well street, Cable street E1
Royal Standard, Walter
Jas Twyman, 106 Shepherdess Walk N1
Royal Standard, Jn Walker, 44
Vanbrugh Park, Blackheath SE3
Royal Standard, Alfred
Horace Worsfold, 116 Albert Road, North Woolwich E16
Royal Star, Jn H Saddington, 220 City road EC1
Royal Vauxhall Tavern,
Mrs M K Hawthorne, 372 Kennington Lane SE11
Royal Victoria Tavern, Marl alter Loveridge, 131 Waterloo road SE1
Royal Victory, Henry &
Frank (Caterers) Ltd, 83 to 91 Georges Road, Holloway N7
Rugby, Alexander Jacobs, 19
Great James Street WC1
Rugby, Alexander Jacobs, 1
Rugby Street, Bedford Row WC1
Running Footman,
Albert George Utting, 5 Charles Street, Berkeley Square W1
Running Horse, R A S
Allen & P G Noble, 21 & 23 Harrow Road W2
Running Horse, Alfred Jn Cope, 5 East Chapel street, Mayfair W1
Running Horse,
Jn Owen Davenport, 50 Davies Street W1
Rushton Arms, George
Abbott, 67 Rushton Street, Hoxton N1
Russell Arms, Frederick F
Whitrick, 3 Barnby Street, Ampthill square NW1
Russell Hotel, Luke Brady, 116 &
118 Brixton Road SW9
Rutland, Nadir Cooper, 9 &
10 West Smithfield EC1
Rutland Arms, William Tabraham Guiver, 9 Rutland street, Hampstead road NW1
Rutland Arms,
Arthur William House, 57 Pearson Street E2
Rutland Hotel, Mts
Lilian Louisa Flora Croxson, 15 Lower Mall, Hammersmith W6
Rydon Arms, Stanley R
Monyard, 225 New North Road N1
Rye Hotel, Harold Victor
Wesson, 31 Peckham Rye SE15
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