London 1746 Rocques map

Railway Tavern, 301 Southend Lane, Sydenham SE26

Sydenham index

The modern address for this pub is 401 Southend Lane, following street renumbering. It is also listed as Bell Green in the 1874 Directory *

Directory of Pubs in the UK, historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Sydenham, Kent .

Residents at this address

1871/Thomas R Wilson/Publican/45/Alton, Hampshire/Census
1871/Sarah C Wilson/Wife/45/Clerkenwell, Middlesex/Census
1871/Ann Thompson/Visitor/79/Clerkenwell, Middlesex/Census

1874/William Lamb/../../../Kelly's Directory *

1896/Disney Perou/../../../Kelly's Directory *

1903/Walter Amos/../../../Post Office Directory *

1904/Walter Amos/../../../Post Office Directory *

1906/Thomas Wilson/../../../Post Office Directory *

1911/Harry Longhurst/../../../Post Office Directory *

1911/Harry Longhurst/Publican/42/Town Malling, Kent/Census *
1911/Dara Longhurst/Wife/43/Dwellfield, Berkshire/Census
1911/Florence Wisbey/Servant/23/New Kent Road/Census

1914/Giovanni Pietro Bassi/../../../Post Office Directory *

1919/Mrs Emma Kate Bassi/../../../Post Office Directory *

1944/E. J. Legg/../../../Post Office Directory *

* Provided By Ewan

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