Man Loaded with Mischielf

Survey of London history index - William Maitland in 1756

The Survey of London in 1756 was written by William Maitland, and based on Stows survey of 1733, with additional detail.

The index of the survey of London in 1756 by William Maitland.

Chap. I. The Situation, Extent, Number of houses, and Division into eight general Parts.

Chap. II. An Account of the Alleys, Banks, Bridges, Buildings, Buries, closes A to K, closes L to Y Corners, Courts, Ditches, Docks, Entries, Gardens, Greens, Grounds, Lanes, Markets, Marshes, Mewses, Passages, Rents, Roads, Rows, Squares, Streets, Walks, Yards, &c. within the City of London, and Suburbs thereof, alphabetically digested.

Chap. III. Divers Accounts of the Bills of Mortality, shewing the great Increase of the City, with the Number of its nhabitants.

Chap. IV. Certain Parallels between London and divers other great Cities, both ancient and modern,

Chap. V. An Account of divers Sorts of Provisions wherewith the City is supplied.

Chap. VI. Of Aldersgate Ward. Ihe Antiquity of Wards. The Bounds of Aldersgate Ward within and without. Number of Parishes and Parish Churcbes. The ancient and modern State of this Ward. Halls and other publick Buildings. The State of the Lying in Hospital for married Women. The Liberty of St. Martin's le grand, its Privileges, and some Observations thereon.

Chap. VII. Aldgate Ward. The Etymology and Bounds of Aldgate Ward. The ancient and present State. Priory of the Holy Trinity. The Papey. The Portugueze Jews Synagogue. Crutched Friars. Sir John Milburn's Charity. Parishes and Churches. Navy Office, Halls and other publick Buildings, and ancient Monuments. Alderman and Common council.

Chap. VIII. Basinghall, or Bassishaw Ward. The Situation and Bounds of Basinghall Ward. Whence it takes its Name. Its present State and Government. Remarkable Things therein. Of Blackwell hall, Masons hall, Girdlers hall, Weavers hall, and their Charter from K.H. II.

Chap. IX. Billingsgate Ward. Situation, Bounds, and Contents of Billingfgate Ward. Whence it derives its Name. Parishes and Parish Churches. Government and present State. Billingsgate Market. Keys or Docks. Butchers hall, fire of London. Antiquities.

Chap. X. Bishopsgate Ward. Its Name, Bounds, and Extent. Its present State. Parishes. The Artillery ground. St. Mary Spittle. Devonshire houie. Clerks hall. Leatherfellers hall, Crosby square. South Sea house, Gresham College

Chap. XI. Bread street Ward. Derivation of its Name. Bound . Present State. Parishes and Churches. Cordwainers hall. Gerard's hall Inn. Compter removed. Acl of Common council. Goldsmiths row.

Chap. XII. Of Bridge Ward within. Its Name. Whence derived. Its Bounds and present State. Parishes and Churches. London Bridge. Water Machine. Fishmongers hall. The Monument. The Black Prince's Palace. Alderman and Common Council.

Chap. XIII. Of Broad street Ward. The Derivation of its Name. Bounds and Contents. Present State. Alderman and Common Council. Winchester Place. St. AugustinV Priory. The Dutch Church. The French Church. Scalding house. Carpenters, Drapers, Merchant taylors, and Pinners Halls. The Bank of England, and Directors. Ihe South Sea house, Company and Directors. The Pay office, Gresham Almshouse, and the Ward school.

Chap. XIV. Of Candlewick Ward. Its Name, Bounds, and Extent. Modern State. Alderman and Common Councilmen. Parijhes and Parish
churches. A French Episcopal Church. Two Colleges. The Poet Lidiats Account of East cheap.

Chap. XV. Of Castle Baynard Ward.

Chap. XVI. Cheap Ward. Its Name. Bounds and Extent. Modern State. The Alderman and Common Councilman. Remarkable Things. Parishes and Churches. The Guild hall. Guildhall chapel. Mercers hall and Chapel. Grocers hall. Poultry compter. Cometh Tower. Standard, Cross and Conduit in Cheapside.

Chap. XVII. Coleman street Ward. Its Name. Bounds. Extent. Modern State. Alderman and Common council, &c. Remarkable Things. Parishes and Churches. Armourers and Brasiers hall. Founders hall, and Scotch Kirk. Excise office. Commissioners and Officers. Antiquities. First Jews Synagogue. Friars de Pcenitentia. Prince's Wardrobe.

Chap. XVIII. Of Cordwainers street Ward. Its Name. Bounds. Extent. Modern State. Alderman and Common council. Parishes and Churches. Roman Causeway.

Chap. XIX. Of Cornhill Ward. Its Name. Bounds. Extent. Modern State. Alderman and Common Councilmen. Churches and Parishes. Royal Exchange. Royal Exchange Assurance office. Great Fire in Cornhill, 1747. King John's Court. Tun and Conduit, and the Standard

Chap. XX. Of Cripplegate Ward. Its Name. Bounds. Extent. Modern State, Government, Alderman and Common Council. Parishes and Churches. Lamb's Chapel, Sion College and Alms houses. Barbers hall, Haberdashers hall, Waxchandlers hall, Plasterers hall, Brewers hall, Curriers hall, Loriners hall. Alms houses. Antiquities.

Chap. XXI. Of Dowgate Ward. Its Name. Bounds. Extent. Government. Alderman and Common Council. Parifies and Churches. Watermans hall. Skinners hall. Tallow chandlers hall. Innholders hall. Joyners hall. Plumbers hall. Steel yard. Merchant taylors school. Antiquities. Jesus Commons. Conduit. Cold Harbour.

Chap. XXII. Of Faringdon Ward within. Its Name. Bounds. Extent. Modern State. Government. Alderman and Common Council. Parishes
and Churches. Companies Halls. St. Paul's School. College of Pbysicians. Christ's Hospital.

Chap. XXIII. Of Faringdon Ward without. Its Name. Bounds. Extent. Modern State. Government. Alderman, Common Councilmen. Division. Remarkable Things. Parishes and Churches. The Temple and Temple Church. The Rolls Chapel. Barnards Inn. Thave's Inn. Cliffords Inn. Serjeants Inn, Six Clerk's office. Bridewell and Bartholomew's Hospital. Smithfield. Fleet Market, and Prison. Old bailey. Semons house. Surgeons hall. Temple bar. Antiquities. White friars.

Chap. XXIV. Of Langbourn Ward, and Penny about. Its Name. Extent. Modern State. Government. Alderman and Common Councilmen. Parishes and Churches. Hudfon's bay hall. Pewterers hall. General Post office. Antiquities. Dif charge from Fifteenths

Chap. XXV. Lime street Ward. Its Name. Bounds. Extent. Modern State. Alderman and Common Councilmen. Leaden hall. East India house. Antiquities.

Chap. XXV. Portsoken Ward. Its Name. Bounds. ancient State. Extent. Modern State. Government. Aldermen and Common Councilmen. Parishes and Churches. Priory of the Holy Trinity St. Catherine's Trinity Church and Canons. East Smithfield. New abby. Minories. Goodman's fields. Nunnery of St. Clare.

Chap. XXVI. Of Queenhithe Ward. Its Name. Bounds. Extent. Modern State. Government. Alderman and Common Councilmen. Parishes and
Churches. Painter Stainers and Blackfmiths halls. Lutheran Church. Queenhithe. Wharfs. Antiquities.

Chap. XXVII. Of Tower street Ward. Its Name. Bounds. Extent. Modern State. Government. Remarkable Things. Parshies and Churches. The Tower of London. The Custom house. The Clothworkers hall. The Bakers hall. The Trinity house. Antiquities,

Chap. XXVIII. Of Vintry Ward. Its Name. Bounds. Extent. Modern State. Alderman and Common Councilmen. Parishes and Churches.
Vintners hall, &c. Antiquities. Whittington's College. Tower Royal, &c.

Chap. XXIX. Of Walbrook Ward. Its Name. Bounds. Extent. Modem State. Government. Alderman and Common Councilmen. Parishes and


An Account of the ancient and present State of the several Parishes within the City and Liberties of London, alphabetically digested.

Containing the Civil, Ecclesiastical, and Military

Chap. I. An Account of the Civil Government, by Portreves, Bailiffs, and Mayors ; with a Lift of the latter. p. 1191

Chap. II. An Account of the City Representatives in Parliament, with a Lift of them. p. 1196
Chap. III. An Account of the Aldermen and Sheriffs, tenth a Lift of the latter. p. 1199
Chap. IV. An" Account of the several Courts within the City and Liberties of London. p. 1208
Chap. V. An Account of the Settling the Christian Religion in London ; with the Progress thereof under divers of its Bishops. p. 1214
Chap. VI. An Account, of the Military Government of London. p. 1226

Containing an Account of the City Incorporations, its Commerce, and the several Offices, &c. thereon depending.

Chap. I. An Account of the several Incorporations of the Arts and Mysteries of the Citizens of London, the twelve first whereof are set down according to Precedence, and the others in alphabetical Order digested, with their respeclive Numbers, shewing their several Degrees of Preeminence, p. 1232


Containing an Account of the several Schools, Societies, Libraries, Inns of Court, Courts of Justice, Colleges, Hospitals, and Alms houses within the City and Suburbs of London.

Chap. I. An Account of the Free and Charity Schools within the Bill of Mortality, p. 1274
Chap. II. Of the Inns of Court. p. 1278
Chap. III. Of the Courts of Juftice. p. 1279
Chap. IV. An Account of Societies, Colleges and Libraries within the City and Suburbs of London. p. 1282
Chap. V. Of the Publick Libraries. p. 1286
Chap. VI. An Account of the several Hospitals and Alms houses within the Cities and Suburbs of London, p. 1288
Chap. VII. Of the Manner of Living, and modern Diversions used by the Citizens. p. 1326


Containing the History, Antiquities and Government of Westminfter, both Ecclesiastical and Civil, with a Description of the several Parishes, and other Things remarkable within the City and Liberty thereof.

Chap. I. An Account of the Foundation of the Abbey of Westminster, with the Construction of the present Church. p. 1327
Chap. II. An Account of the Suppression of the Abbey, the converting the same into a Bishoprick, and then into a Collegiate Church. p. 1329
Chap. III. The most remarkable Mo umental Inscriptions in the Collegiate Church Of St. Peter, p. 1330
Chap. IV. An Account of the events Parishes within the City and Liberty of Westminfter. P 1334


Containing an Account of the Ancient and present State of the several Parishes and Liberties in the County of Middlesex within the Bill of Mortality, with an ample Defcription of the Remarkables now therein. p. 1350


Containing the Ancient and present State of the Borough of Southwark, &c. with an ample Description of the several Parishes, and Remakables at present, alphabetically digested.

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 10:58:55 BST

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