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The London Wards - Queenhithe Ward in 1756

Queenhithe and Vintry Wards in 1756 neatly engraved from a New Survey

Queenhithe and Vintry Wards in 1756 neatly engraved from a New Survey

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Index of London wards in 1756 by William Maitland

Chap. XXVI.

Queenhithe Ward.

With a Plan, neatly engraved from a New Survey.

Its Name. Bounds. Extent. Modern State. Government. Alderman and Common Councilmen. Parishes and Churches. Painter Stainers and Blackfmiths halls. Lutheran Church. Queenhithe. Wharfs. Antiquities.

This Ward receives its Name from the Hithe or Harbour for large Boats, Barges or Lighters, and even for Ships, which in ancient Times anchored at that Place, as they do now at Billingsgate ; the Timber Bridge or Lock on London bridge being drawn up for their Passage through ; Queenhithe being then the principal Key, Wharf or Strand for lading and and unlading in the Heart of the City.

It is bounded on the East by Dowgate Ward; on the North by Bread street Ward and Cordwainer Ward ; on the South by the River of
Thames ; and on the West by Baynards castle Ward.

This Ward beginneth in the East, in Knightriders street, on the South Side thereof, at the East End of the Parish Church called the Holy Trinity ; and runneth West, on the South Side, to a Lane called Lambert hill; which is the Length of the Ward in Knightrider's street. Out of which Street are divers Lanes, running South to Thames street, and are of this Ward. The first is Trinity lane, which runneth down by the West End of Trinity Church. Then is Spuren lane, or Spooners lane, now called Huggen lane.
Then Bread street hill. Then St. Mary Mounthaut. Out of the which Lane, on the East Side thereof, is one other Lane, turning East through St. Nicholas Olave's Church yard, to Breadstreet hill. This Lane is called Finimore lane, or Five foot lane, because it is but five Foot in Breadth at the West End. In the midst of this Lane, runneth down one other Lane, broader, South to Thames street, called Desborne lane. I read of such a Lane to have been in the Parish of St. Mary Somerset, in the 22d of Ed
ward III. Where there is said to lie between the Tenement of Edward de Montacute, Knt. on the East Part, and the Tenement some time pertaining to William Gladwine, on the West, one Plat of Ground, containing in Length towards Thames street twenty five Foot, last of all, is Lambert hill, so called of one Lambert ; an Owner thereof ; and this is the farthest West Part of this Ward .

On the North Side, coming down from Knightriders street, the East Side or Lambert hill is wholly of this Ward ; and the West Side, from the North End of the Blackfmiths hall (which is about the midst of this Lane) unto Thames street. Then Part of Thames street is also of this Ward, to wit, from a Cook's house called the Sign of King David, three houses West from the Old Swan Brewhouse in the East, unto Huntington house, over against St. Peter's Church in the West, near unto Pauls wharf : And on the Lane Side, from the Blue boar, to the West End of St. Peter's Church, and up St. Peter's hill, two houses North above the said Church.

The chief Streets, Lanes, and Hills, in this Ward, are Thames street, Qusenhitbe, with the several Lanes which run down to the Thames, Lambert hill, Fish street bill, Five foot lane, Bread street hill, Huggen lane, Liitle Trinity lane, with the South Side of Great Trinity lane, Old Fish street.

Thames street runs through the Heart of this Ward, as it does through that of the Vintry ; and the Lanes, Alleys, Hills, and Courts, as they lie on each Side, shall be specified, beginning at the West End, and on the South Side.

This Street enjoys a good Trade, and hath a great Resort, occasioned by the several Wharfs on the Water Side; and therefore much pestered with Carts. Black boy alley, long and narrow, having a great Dyer's at the lower End. Boss alley, also long and narrow, with a Dyer's by the Thames Side. Betwixt this Place and Black boy alley, is a large Passage to a Wood Wharf.
Robin hood court, but very ordinary. Trig stairs, so called from the Stairs on the Water Side, which is indifferently well supplied by Watermen. The Lane is open, reasonably well built and inhabited. Castle lane, pretty broad for Carts, having a Wood Wharf at the lower End, the Buildings are but ordinary. George yard, being good and large, and taken up by Timber Merchants and Wood Wharfs at the lower End. Broken wharf; by this was a Water house to convey the Thames Water in Pipes into this Quarter of the City.

Brookes's wharf leads also to the River Thames, having a large Wharf, with Keys therein, for the landing of Corn, Malt, and other Goods, thither brought in considerable Quantities. For which it is of great Resort.

Eastwards from the Water house, is High timber street, or Hithe, so called from the Timber or Boards there taken up and wharfed. The Place is but ordinary, and serves as a Passage to other Places which lead to the Wharfs; as Dunghill lane, Brokers wharf, and Hamonds lane, formerly called Stew lane, from a Stew or Hot~house there kept ; all Places of ordinary Account. And from this Lane is a Passage to Queen hithe, called the Dark lane : And here is Boydens's wharf.

Queenhithe, a great Receptacle for Western Barges, Lighters, and Boats, which brings a considerable Resort and Trade to the Place. Here is a great Meat Market, having the Conveniency for Stowage of the Goods thither brought to be fold by the said Vessels. The Market house is commodiously seated by the Water side, and before it an open Yard for Carts to carry off the Goods there sold ; and round about the Yard, except the South Side next the Thames, are Rows of houses, well inhabited, besides good Store of Publick houses, for the Reception of People that Resort thither about Business, next the Stairs.

Eastward of Queenhithe, is Pump court, or Yard, a small Place, which comes out of Queenhithe, and falls into Town end lane, an open Place for Carts to the Wharfs. And these are the Eastern Limits of this Ward.

Then on the North Side are these Places. Bowling alley, a small Place, which falls into Sugar loaf court, now taken up for a Brew house.

St. Michael Queenhithe Church, rebuilt since the great Fire, a handsome well built Church, of Free stone, having on the Top of the Steeple a small Free stone Spire, with a Ship upon a Ball all gilt with Gold. To this Church and Parish is that of Trinity united.
Little Trinity lane comes. out of Great Trinity lane, and falls into Thames street, by St. Michael Queenhithe Church. This Lane is well built and inhabited.
Huggen lane, formerly called Spooners lane, comes out of Great Trinity lane, and falls into Thames street, a Lane of good Account. On the East Side is Fair cloth court, very small, with a Free stone Pavement. Star yard, very ordinary, hath a Passage into Bread street hill.
Bread street hill, a Place well built, and inhabited by good Tradesmen, mostly Wholesale.

On the West Side of this Hill was the Parish Church of St. Nicholas Olave. The Church was destroyed in the dreadful Fire of London, and not rebuilt; but the Parish is united unto St. Nicholas Cole abbey.

More Southward is a very handsome square Court, with three large houses, now called Miglys court, from one of that Name inhabiting there.

Five foot lane, so called, for that the West End was but five Foot broad. It hath its chief Entrance out of Thames street, and with a turning Passage leads into Fish street hill It hath another Passage out of Bread street hill, by St. Nicholas Olaves Church yard ; and another into Old Fish street, through Star court, which is but small.

Fish street hill, a well inhabited Place, comes out of Old Fish street, and runs down into The street. On the East Side is Five foot lane, as aforesaid.

More Southward was the Parish Church of St. Mary Mountshaw, or Mount baut. It was destroyed in the Fire of London, and not rebuilt, the Parish being united to St. Mary Somerset ; and the Ground on which it stood being inclosed for a Burial place for the Inhabitants.
Labour in vain yard, a large Place, having at the upper End, on the North Side, a handsome Court, with private houses ; the Southern Part being taken up with Stabling, where it hath a Passage into Lambeth, or Lambert hill. Dove court, a handsome Place, adjoining to Labcur in vain yard. Bell alley, long and ordinary, adjoining to Fish street hill.
But in Thames street, over against Broken wharf, is seated the Parish Church of St. Mary Somerset.
Lambert hill, a Place well built, and inhabited by private house keepers. Of this Hill, the West Side, about half Way, viz. unto Green dragon court, is in Castle baynard's Ward, and all the rest is in this Ward. In which is Green dragon court, being now a Timber yard, and has a Passage into Thames street. On this Hill is Blacksmiths Hall, a good handsome Building ; and the Alms houses are in Castle baynard's Ward, and there spoken of.
St. Peters hill, spoken of in Castle baynard's Ward. In this there are but two houses and the Church, which, before the Fire of London, (and destroyed by it) was but small, and is not rebuilt ; but the Parish is united to St. Bennet Paul's wharf near adjoining.
Old Fishstreet, a good open broad Street, well built, and inhabited chiefly by Fishmongers, from whom it took its Name. The North Side is in Bread street Ward, and the South in this.

Here is seated the Parish Church of St. Nicholas Cole abbey.
Near St. Nicholas Cole abbey, is Moor's yard, indifferent. And beyond Fish street hill is Star court, which is but small, and hath a Passage into Five foot lane.
Great Trinity lane comes out of St. Thomas Apostles, and runs West ward to Old Fish street, a Place indifferently well built and inhabited, the South Side is only in this Ward, the North Side in Bread street Ward.
Adjoining to the Lutheran Church, is a small Place called Swedish court. And now more Eastward is Jacks alley, narrow and mean ; but this is in Vintry Ward.

There are to watch at the several Stands in this Ward, every Night, a Constable, the Beadle, and forty Watchmen.

The Jurymen returned by the Inquest for this Ward are to serve in the several Courts at Guildhall in the Month of October.

This Ward hath an Alderman, and six Common Councilmen, nine Constables, eight Scavengers, thirteen Inquestmen, and a Beadle.
It is taxed to the Fifteenth in London 20 l. and in the Exchequer at 19 l. 6 s. 1d.

The Alderman is Marsh. Dickinson, Esq; and the Common Council men are, Mr. George Nelson, Deputy ; Mr. Richard Peers ; Mr. Richard Belson , Mr. Samuel Turner ; Mr. Richard Speed ; and Mr. John Rily.

The remarkable Things in this Ward are, first, Three Parishes with Churches, as ( 1 ) St. Nicholas Cole abbey, (2) St. Mary Somerset, (3) St. Michael Queenhithe : And four Parish vithout Churches, ( 1 ) The Parish of Trinity the less, (2) St. Nicholas Olave's, (3) St. Mary Mounthaw, and (4) St. Peter Paul's wbarf: Of which in the Parochial History.

Secondly, Here are two Halls of Companies :
(1) Painter Stainers Hall, which is situate in Little Trinity lane, and is adorned with a handsome Screen, Arches, Pillars and Pilasters or the Corinthian Order, painted in Imitation of Porphyry, with gilt Capitals. The Pannels of Wainscot, and the Ceilings are embellished with great Variety of History and other Paintings, exquisitely performed , as, 1. The Portraitures of King Charles II. and his Queen Catharine, by Hoffman. 2. The Fire of London. 3. Endymion and Luna, by Palmaitier. 4. Orpheus slaying Pan, by Brull. 5. A Piece of Architecture of the Corinthian Order, by Trevit. . 6. Another of the Ionick Order, given by Mr. Thompson, the City Painter. 7. Heraclitus and Demccritus, by Penn. 8. A Landskip, by Aggas. 9. Fish and Fowl, by Robinson. 10. Art and Envy, by Hungis. 11. A Piece of Birds, by Barlow. 12. A Piece of Fruit and Flowers, by Everbrook. 13. A Ruin, by Grissier. 14. Camdens Portrait. 15. A Piece of Birds. 16. The Ceiling is finely painted with Pallas triumphant, with Art and same, attended by Mercury, suppressing their Enemies, Sloth, Envy, Pride, &c. done by Fuller. 17. A fine Piece of Shipping, by Mr. Peter Monumea. And there are several other Pieces in the Parlour.

In the Court Room are several fine Pictures, most of them Members of this Company.

(2.) Blacksmiths Hall, situate on Lambert hill, and a very handsome Building.

Thirdly, The Lutheran Church, known commonly by the Name of the Swedes Church, tho' Supported chiefly by the Hamburgh Merchants, is built upon the Site of the little Parish Church of the Holy Trinity in Little Trinity lane.

The converting of this Trinity Church into a Church for Protestant Foreigners, called' Lutherans, is founded upon the King's Letters Patents, dated the thirteenth of September, 24 Car. II. to Theodore Jacobson, and five other Gentlemen more, named in the Patent, and to their Heirs and Assigns, by the Confent and Approbation of the then ArchBishop of Canterbury, Bishop of London, and Lord Mayor : Free Liberty being granted them to cause a Temple to be erected on the Ruins where the Church of the Holy Trinity, before the Fire of London, stood ; which Ground they had purchased of the City of London, for the free Exercise of the Augustan Confession in the German Tongue; with divers other Powers and Authorities mentioned in the said Letters Patents.

Fourthly, The Harbour of Queen hithe, anciently known by the Name of Edreds hithe, in Thames street, with two Passages to it out of the City, one down Little Trinity lane, the other down Huggen lane, is a large Receptacle for Ships, Lighters, Barges, and such other Vessels. Touching the Antiquity and Use of this Gate and Hithe ; first I find, that of old Time the same belonged to one named Edred, and was then called Edreds hithe. Which since falling into the Hands of King Stephen, it was by his Charter confirmed to Will, de Ypre. The Farm thereof in Fee and in Heritage, Will, de Ypre gave it unto the Prior and Convent of the Holy Trinity within Aldgate, as appeareth by a Charter :

Fifthly, Here are several considerable Wharfs; as,

(1) Next adjoining to this ghieen hithe, on the West Side thereof, is Salt wharf, named of Salt taken up, measured, and sold here.

(2) Brookes's wharf, and Broken wharf , a Water gate or Key so called of being broken and fallen down into the Thames.

Brookes's wharf leadeth to the River Thames, having a large Wharf, with Keys therein, for the landing, of Corn, Malt, and other Goods, thither brought in considerable Quantities. For which it is of great Resort, as before recited.

At a Common Council, July 23, the 2d of Queen Elizabeth, Order was taken, that out of a certain void Space of Ground at Broken wharf, there should be thirty three Foot inclosed, and laid to the City's Brewhouse. Which was to have a substantial Pale about it, to keep the City's Fuel, and other Goods, &c.

By this Broken wharf remaineth one large old Building of Stone, with arched Gates; which Messuage, I find, in the Reign of Henry III. the 43d Year, pertaining unto Hugh de Bygot ; and in the 11th of Edward II to Thomas Brothertun, the King's Brother, Earl of Norfolk, Marshal of England; and in the 11th of Henry VI. to John Mowbray, Duke of Norfolk, &c.

Within the Gate of this house (now belonging to the City of London) is lately, to wit, in the Year 1594, and 1595, builded one large house of great Height, called an Engine, made by Bevis Bulmar, Gentleman, for the conveying and forcing of Thames Water, to serve the Middle and West Parts of the City. The ancient great Hall of this Messuage is yet standing, and pertaining to a great Brewhouse for Beer.

In this Ward were formerly, 1. A City Mansion belonging to John Earl or Cornwall, in the fourteenth of Edward III. on the East Side of Trinity lane, near the Bottom. 2. A Mansion belonging to the Bishop of Hereford, on the West Side of Old Fish street hill, built of Stone and Timber, which some Time belonged to the Mounthauts in Norfolk. Radulphus de Maydenstone,
Bishop of Hereford, about 1234, bought it of the Mounthauts, and gave it to the Bishops of Hereford his Successors. Charles, both Bishop of Hereford and Chancellor of the Marches, about the Year 1517, repaired it.

(3.) There was some Time a fair house in the Parish of St. Mary Mounthaut, belonging to Robert Belkenape, one of the King's Justices ; but the said Belkenape being banished this Realm, King Richard II. in the twelfth of his Reign, gave it to William Wickham, Bishop of Winchester.

(4.) On the East Side of this Old Fish street hill is one great house, now letten out for Rent, which house some Time was one of the Halls pertaining to the Company of Fishmongers, at such Time as they had six Hallmotes or Meeting places ; namely, two in Bridge street, or New Fish street; two in Old Fish street, whereof this was one; and two in Stockfishmonger row, or Thames
street , as appeareth by a Record of the twenty second of Richard II.

(5.) On the North Side of St. Nicholas Cole Abbey Church, in the Wall thereof, was built a convenient Cistern of Stone and Lead for Receipt of Thames Water, conveyed in Pipes of Lead to that Place, for the Ease and Commodity of the Fishmongers, and other Inhabitants in and about Old Fish street.

Barnard Randolph, Common Serjeant of the City of London, did (in his Life time) deliver to the Company of Fishmongers the Sum of nine hundred Pounds, to be employed towards the conducting of the said Thames Water, and cisterning the same, &c. And in the Parishes of St. Mary Magdalen and St. Nicholas Cole Abbey, near Fish street, seven hundred Pounds, and other two hundred Pounds to charitable Deeds. He deceased in 1583; and shortly after this Conduit, with the other, was made and finished.

And Last updated on: Friday, 15-Sep-2023 12:27:39 BST

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