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Index of London wards in 1756 by William Maitland
With a Plan, neatly engraved from a New Survey.
Its Name, Bounds, Extent, modern State, Government. Alderman and Common Council. Parishes and Churches. Lamb's Chapel. Sion College and Alms houses. Barbers Hall, Haberdashers Hall, Waxchandlers Hall, Plasterers Hall, Brewers Hall, Curriers Hall,
Loriners Hall. Alms~houses. Antiquities.
Cripplegate Ward takes its Name from the North West Gate of the City.
It is bounded on the East by Little Moorfields, Part of Coleman street Ward, Bassishaw Ward, and Cheap Ward ; on the North by the Parish of St. Luke's Old street, formerly called Cripplegate Parish. without the Freedom ; on the West by Aldersgate Ward ; and on the South by the Ward of Cheap.
This Ward consists of two Parts ; one lying within Cripplegate and London wall; and the other, to the Extent of the Freedom, without.
Within the Wall, on the East Part thereof, toward the North, it runs to the West Side of Basinghall Ward ; and towards the South it joins to the Ward of Cheap. It begins at the West End of St. Laurence's Church in the Jewry, on the North Side, and runs West to a Pump, where, some Time, was a Well with two Buckets, at the South Corner of Aldermanbury street ; which Street runs down North to Gayspur lane, and so to London wall; which Street and Lane are wholly (on both Sides) of this Ward ; and so are some few Houses (on both Sides) from Gayspur lane, by and against the Wall of the City, East to the Grates made for the Water Course of the Channels, and West to Cripplegate.
Now on the South Side, from over against the West End of St. Laurence's Church to the Pump, and then up Milk street, South to Cheap ; which Milk street is wholly (on both Sides of Cripplegate Ward ; as also, without the South End of Milk street a Part of West Cheap, viz. from the Place where the Standard stood, to where the Cross was set. Then down Great Wood street, which is wholly of this Ward, on both Sides thereof ; so is Little Wood street, which runs down to Cripplegate.
Out of this Wood street are divers Lanes, namely, on the East Side is Lad lane, which runs East to Milkstreet Corner. Down lower in Wood street is Love lane, which lies by the South Side of St Alban's Church in Wood street, and runs down to the Conduit in Aldermanbury street. Lower down in Wood street is Addle street ; out of which runs Philip lane down to London wall. these are the Lanes on the East Side.
On the West Side of Wood street is Hugen lane by the South Side of St. Mchael's Church, and goes through to Gutheron's lane. Then lower is Maiden lane, which runs West to the North End of Gutheron's lane ; and up to the said Lane, on the East Side thereof, till against Kery lane, and back again. Then the said Mall : se on the North Side, goes up to Staining lane, and up a
Part thereof, on the East Side, to the farthest North Part of Haberdafhers hall, and back again to Wood street. And there, lower down, is Silver street, which is of this Ward, till you come to the East End of St. Olave's Church on the South Side, and to Monkwell street on the North Side. Then down the said Monkwell street, on the East Side thereof, and so to Cripplegate, do make the Bound of this Ward within the Walls.
Without Cripplegate, Fore street runs a Cross before the Gate, from against the North Side of St. Giles's Church, along to Moor lane End, and almost to Moorgate. The houses on that Side of Moorfields, and Alleys to Finsbury court, are all of Cripplegate Ward.
Joining to Moorfields is the New Artillery Ground, so called, in Distinction from another Artillery garden, near St. Mary Spital. See Bishopsgate Ward.
Then to turn back again through the aforesaid Moor lane, the next is Grub street ; more than Half of it is in this Ward. The next is White Cross Street, up to the End of Beech lane ; and then RedCross street wholly, with a Part of Golden lane, to the Posts there placed as a Boundary.
Then is Beech lane, before spoken of, on the East Side of the RedCross and the Barbican street, more than Half thereof, towards Aldersgate street, which are the Bounds of Cripplegate Ward with out the Walls.
The present State of this Ward will be better collected from the following Plan and Description.
The Part of this Ward within the Wall, by, which it is severed from that without, contains several Streets and Lanes, some in Whole, others in Part, viz. Milk street on both Sides, and the greater Part of Honey lane Market ; Cateaton street, so far as to St. Laurence's Church, Lad lane, Aldermanbury, Love lane, Addle street, London wall street, from Litlle Wood street to beyond the Postern ; Philip lane, Great Wood street, all about 70 Feet on the Well Side towards Cheapside , Little Wood street, Hart street, the South Side thereof; Monkswell street the East Side, Fell street, Silver street ; Maiden lane, the East Part thereof ; Hugen lane, Goldsmiths street, the whole, except 25 Feet on the West Side ; Gutter lane, the West Side from Maiden lane, to over against the End of Carey street, on the East Side of the Way only ;and Cheapside, on the North Side, 170 Feet from the Corner of Woodstreet, Eastward. In all which said Places are several Courts and Places of Note.
The Places in this Ward without the Wall are Fore strect, and the postern leading to Moorfields, Back street in the Little Moorfields, Moor lane, Grub street, the South Part to the Posts and Chain ; WhiteCross street, the South Side, so far as the Posts and Chain ; RedCross street, about 450 Feet on both Sides ; Beech lane, Golden lane, the South Part to the Post and Chain ; Barbican, the East Part thereof, on both Sides, for about 450 Feet from the Corner of Golden lane ; Jewen street, the East Part thereof, and on both Sides to RedCross street, for about 450 Feet ; Brackiey street, Bridge water street, and Letton street ; all of them built in the Place where Bridge water house stood before.
Of these Places in Order ; and, first, for those within the Wall.
Milk street is broad, comes out of Cheapside, and falls into Lad lane : This Street is well built, and inhabited by Wholesale Traders, chiefly in Haberdashery, and that Part that lies open to Honey lane Market is the bell.
Here in this Street, towards Cheapside, stood the Parish Church of St. Magdalen's Milk street. It was destroyed in the dreadful Fire of London, and not rebuilt ; but the Parish is united to St. Laurence Jewry, and the Ground converted into Honey lane Market.
The Courts and Alleys in this Street are, Castle tavern court, so called from the Castle Tavern therein formerly seated. It hath a narrow Passage into Wood street. Feathers court, long and open, with a Free stone Pavement. Robin hood alley has a Passage into Honey lane Market. Crown court, but small. Mumford's court, a large Place, well built, with a Free stone Pavement. About the Middle is a Passage into Castle court, or alley , which is likewise long, falling into St. Laurence lane, and well inhabited. Clement court, a handsome open Place, with good houses, and has a Passage up Steps into Fryars court, which leads into Wood street.
Cateaton street has but a small Part in this Ward, viz. from the Corner of Aldermanbury to St. Laurence Jewry ; the rest is in Cheap Ward.
Lad lane lies betwixt Wood street in the West, and Milk street and Aldermanbury in the East. It is likewise a Street of good Trade, and well inhabited. Here on the North Side is the Swan Inn with two Necks; which is large, and of a considerable Trade for Northern Carriers. More towards Woodstreet are two small Courts, or Alleys, but without Name.
Aldermanbury, a handsome Street, graced with good Buildings, which are well inhabited by Merchants, Wholesale Dealers, &c. In this Street are these Courts, viz. Fountain court, on the East Side, a large square Place, well inhabited and built ; has a Passage into St. Laurence Church alley, which leads into Guildhall yard. This Court was built out of a large house, formerly the Seat of Erasmus de la Fountaine, Knt. deceased.
Dyer's court, large, and well inhabited by Persons of Repute, having an open Entrance for Coach or Cart. Carpenters court, a handsome Place, with a Free stone Pavement, well inhabited.
On the North Side is Hadleys court, but small, with a Free stone Pavement. Church alley has a Passage into Basinghall street by the Church Wall. Millers court, indifferent large, but with a narrow Passage.
Love lane comes out of Aldermanbury, and falls into Woodstreet by St. Albans Wood street Church, where it divides, and one Part incompasses the Church, except the Front in Wood street. In this Lane is Berry court, which is handsome, and well built.
Addle street, which also lies betwixt Aldermanbury and Wood street, is yet much inhabited by Joiners, for the making of Bedsteds, Chests of Drawers, Scrutores, Tables, and such like Joinery Wares.
London wall is a Iong Street, coming out of Little Wood street by Cripplegate, and runs Eastward as far as Winchester street, but goes no farther in this Ward than within 60 Feet of the North West End of Coleman street.
Philip lane goes from London wall, and falls into Addle street, a Place indifferently built and inhabited. In this Place is Sion court, indifferent large, with a Free stone Pavement. Burge court hath a Passage into Wood street ; the middle Part is open, with a Free stone Pavement. Cook's court, but small, also with a Free stone Pavement. Hand alley, small and narrow. Curriers court, seated in London wall street, Westward of Sion College, a Place but ordinary ; at the upper End of which is Curriers hall.
Hart street, adjoining to Cripplegate, falls into Monkswell street. The North Side of this Street, as also the West Side of Monkswell street, belongs to Farringdon Ward within. On the North Side of Hart street are the City Alms houses for six poor Women. On the South Side is Bowyers court, which is but small ; and here was formerly Bowyers hall.
Monkswell, or Mugwell street, is a Place of no Trade, but indifferently well built, and inhabited by private house keepers. The Courts and Places of Name are Lamb's chapel court, somewhat large, and Lamb's alley, narrow, but lately well built ; Gilbert's court, small and mean ; Dobin's court, ordinary , Windsor court, the same; Winchester court, a large open Place, well built.
The next is Fell street, seated betwixt Monkswell street and Little Wood street, a Place of no great Account, and but narrow. Here is Fell court, square and well built, but hath a narrow Passage into it.
Silver street goes from Little Wood street unto Noble street, a handsome broad Street, with well built houses, supposed to be so called from the Silversmiths then there dwelling, which are now removed into Foster lane, and other Places.
In this Street are these Places, Winton court, handsome, with a Free done Pavement ; Red lion court, indifferent good and large ; over against which is a large well built Presbyterian Meeting house in a Yard.
Westmoreland court, an open large Place, but ordinarily built, and fronts Noble street.
Wood street, of which there is the Great and the Little, Great Wood street, beginning on the South at Cheapside, and falling into Little Wood street, runs up to Cripplegate. Both Streets are in this Ward, except a small Part next to Cheapside, as already taken Notice of. Great Wood street is a Street well built and inhabited, and was formerly noted for good Cakes there made, which were wont to be bought here for Weddings, Christenings, and Twelfth Nights.
On the East Side of Great Wood street is one of the Prisons belonging to the Sheriffs, and called Wood street Compter.
In Wood street are a great many Courts and Alleys. We shall begin with that Part next Cheapside.
Goldsmitb's street, handsome, and falls into Foster lane, hath some Part in the Ward of Farringdon within, where it is mentioned. Paul's alley, good, with a Free done Pavement.
Fryars alley, or court, but ordinary, hath a Passage into Clement's court, which leads into Milk street. Shovel alley, good, with a Free stone Pavement.
Hurzen lane , this Lane comes out of Wood street, by the South Side of St. Michael's Church, where it is broad, well built and inhabited. But further, where it runneth into Gutter lane, thro' the Incroachments of Buildings, it becomes very narrow, and but ordinary.
Maidenhead court, a handsome square open Place, with good Buildings, having a wide Entrance for Cart or Coach, with a Gate to shut up at Nights. Paved alley, long and ordinary, runs up into Staining street by the Church yard Wall of Staining Church, and thence into Lillypot lane, which leads into Noble street.
Fryingpan alley, but indifferent, and hath a turning Passage into Paved alley. Bird's or Burge's court, indifferent good, the Middle being more open, with a Free stone Pavement, and hath a Passage into Philip lane.
In Little Wood street, in an Alley, are seven Rooms, for so many poor People to live Rent free, the Gift of Henry Barton, Skinner, and Mayor, 1516.
Maiden lane, a Street well inhabited and built, it comes out of Wood street, and falls into
Foster lane ; but the Part in this Ward goeth but to Staining lane.
Flying horse court, which is but ordinary, is in this Street ; and Mutton court, likewise narrow and mean.
Gutter lane hath some Part in this Ward.
Cripplegate Ward without the Wall.
This is a large Tract of Ground, containing several Streets, and all crowded with Courts and Alleys, the chief are Fore street, the postern street, Back street in Little Moorfields, Moor lane, Grub street, WhiteCross street, Redcross street, Beech lane, Golden lane, Barbican, and Jewen street : Of these in Order.
Fore street, broad, and inhabited by Butchers, Smiths, Turners, &c. runs from the North End of St. Giles's Cripplegate Church to Moor lane, Eastward, and then falls into Postern street, which leads to Little Moorfields, against New Bethlehem.
In this Street are a great many Courts and Alleys, which shall be taken Notice of, beginning next to St. Giles's Church, which is seated opposite to RedCross street, and in Fore street.
Some small Distance from this Church, Eastward, and Opposite to Cripplegate, was a Water Conduit, now a Pump.
Little Cock alley, ordinary. Great Cock alley, or Yard, a large Place, indifferently built, and has a Passage into WhiteCross street. Grashopper alley, long, narrow, and ordinary. White hart inn, good, chiefly for Livery Stables. Three Dagger court, both ordinary and meanly inhabited. Black horse alley, long, but mean. Unicorn alley, long and ordinary. Betwixt this and Black horse alley is an ordinary Court, only for the Parish Alms People. Red hart court, handsome, with new built houses, and a Free stone Favement, well inhabited. Day's court, indifferent good : Opposite to this Court are two long Carpenters or Timber Yards. Founders court, but ordinary.
Red bull court, good. Aldermanbury postern, a handsome short Street, well built and inhabited, and opens without a Gate through London wall, over against Aldermanbury , and therefore so called.
The postern street begins at the Corner of Moor lane, and runs into Little Moorfields ; a Place well built, and inhabited by Cooks, Victuallers, Butchers, Distillers, &c. Maid's court, a handsome neat Place, with Garden Plats before the houses.
Basing hall postern has an open Passage without a Gate into London wall street.
The Greenyard, which is large, and made use of by the City as a Pound, for such Cars and Coaches, whose Drivers commit any Offence in the Streets, contrary to Rules or Orders to be observed by them. Cradle court, indifferent good, nigh to which is a Carpenter's Yard. Moor court, small and ordinary.
Little Moorfields, or the Back street, now so called, Little to distinguish it from the new double Row of houses, now finished, which is called the Fore street on the paved Stones ; which said new Row of Buildings is in Coleman street Ward, are good, and well inhabited. Out of this Back street are several Courts and Alleys, viz. Crown court, long, and indifferent . Hind alley, likewise long and good. Half moon alley, long and narrow, and but indifferently built and inhabited, as are most of these Alleys. At the upper End it divides itself into two Parts, one of which falls into Vine court, and the other into Angel alley, and thence into Moor lane. Angel alley is long and good, and at the upper End falls into Moor lane, and has a Passage into Half moon aley. Hartfmoon alley, likewise long and mean, runs into Moor lane. Butler' s alley, long and narrow, but indifferent ; also falls into Moor lane, where it is broadest. And about the upper End, on the South Side, is Oysterbell court, which is good. Gun aley, narrow, but well built, at the upper End falls into Sugar loaf court, and so into Moor lane. White's alley, a handsome open Place, well built ; some of the houses haveing Gardens to them. Rope makers alley has several Garden houses, which are well built and inhabited. This Alley falls into Butler's alley, which, with several Turnings, falls into Grub street.
Moor lane, for the Generality, but meanly built and inhabited, especially the upper End, which is narrow, and leads into a Place called Back alley, mean ; having a Passage upon Sufferance into Ropemakers alley ; likewise another Passage into Butlers alley, and so into Grub street. Rams head court, but ordinary, taken up by Carmen for Stablinog; for their Horses. Sugar loaf court, long and ordinary, has a Passage into Gun alley, and so into Little Moorfields. Seven star court, mean. Sugar loaf alley, small and ordinary. Butler's alley leads into Moorfields. Car yard, a large Place for Stabling. Cock alley, small and mean. Vine court and Maiden head court, both which have been new built, with good houses, having each a Passage into Little Moorfields thro' Half moon alley.
Grub street, long, coming out of Fore street, and running Northward into Chiswell street ; but some small Part, viz. from Sun alley to Chiswel street, is not in the Ward, but in the Liberty of Finsbury. This Street, taking in the whole, is but indifferent, as to its houses and Inhabitants, and sufficiently peppered with Courts and Alleys, as follow :
Lund's alley, long and ordinary, falls into Moor lane. Honey suckle court, good, with new built houses. fleur de lis court, small and ordinary. Little Bell alley, but mean. Flying horse court, long, but ordinarily built.
Over against the Pump is a Court without a Name. Oakley court, large and open, the greatest Part at present unbuilt, and lying West. Butler's alley, narrow and ordinary, giving a Passage into Moor lane, where it is broad. Cross keys court, indifferent large, and old built, leads into Half moon alley, and so into WhiteCross street. Maiden head court, handsome, and indifferently
well built and inhabited. Great Bell alley, small, but indifferent good.
Haberdashers square, genteel, with new well built houses , the Court is square, and inclosed in with Palisade Pales, except a handsome Passage to the houses round about, and in the Middle a Dial. This Court was made out of two old ones, viz. Paviors court and Robin Hood court. Sun alley, but small.
WhiteCross street, a Place well built and inhabited ; it begins in Fore street, and runs Northward into Old street, which is of a great Length. But the Part within the Ward goes but a little beyond Beech lane, where the City Posts are set up, as they are in Grub street, and in Golden lane, being the Circuits of the Freedom.
In this Street are these Courts and Alleys, viz. Cross keys Inn, large, and of an indifferent Trade, with some private houses in it. Cock alley leads into RedCross street, as also into Fore Street; where it is mentioned under the Name of Great Cock alley. Three king court, or Yard, being long and open, with good houses. Kings arms yard, large, with ordinary old Buildings, chiefly for Carmen. Peacock brewhouse, a handsome convenient Building, and of a considerable trade. King s head court, well built, with a Free stone Pavement. Cross keys court, large, and falls into Grub street, where it is spoken of.
Half moon alley, but ordinary, falls into Cross keys court, and thence into Grub street, by a Passage newly made by the Consent of the Landlords. This Alley also falls into Horseshoe alley, which is very mean. Bowling alley, an open Place, containing some Courts within it ; as George yard, &c. which is but mean ; and this Alley, by a Passage, falls into Cradle court, seated in Red Cross street. Anabaptist court. long, but ordinary. Castle court, a pretty Yard, but small. Red rose court,
small and ordinary. Fern's yard, a Place only for refining of Lead.
Beech lane comes out of WhiteCross street, and falls into RedCross street, over against Barbican ; a Place of slender Account as to Trade or Resort, and but indifferent as to its Inhabitants.
Ship yard, but ordinary, having a long Passage into a small Court. Glovers hall court, a large Place. King s head court, large, and well built, hath a Passage into Red lion court, lying in the Manor of Finsbury.
Golden lane, of no great Account either for Golden Buildings or Inhabitants. It comes out of Redcross street, and runs up into Old street , but the Part in this Ward goeth no further than Angel alley, which is by the City Posts.
The Courts and Alleys in this Lane are, Jacobs well alley, very mean. Cocks head court, pretty large, and well built ; hath a Door and Passage, by Sufferance, into the RedCross Tavern in Barbican. Black raven court, pretty handsome, but small. Crown court, a good open Place. Sun court, long, and in some Places pretty broad : It runs into Red lion market, which is in the Lordship. Near to this Place is the Sun Brewhouse; as also Three Arrows Brewhouse, both of a good Trade. Dixon' s rents, very small and ordinary. Vine court, indifferent good.
Litton street, a pretty good Place, not long built ; being made out of Bridgwater house and Garden. Which said Street runs into Brackley street, and thence into Bridgwatcr street ; all built out of Bridgwater house and Ground. Bell alley, very ordinary.
Barbican, a good broad Street, formerly well Barbican, inhabited by Tradesmen, especially Salesmen for Apparel, both new and old. It comes out of Aldersgate street, against Long lane, and falls into RedCross street ; but the Part in this Ward goeth but to the City Posts. And fronting Red Cross street is the Watch house, where formerly stood a Watch Tower, called Burgh kenning, i. e. Barbican, for the Security of the City in those Parts.
In this Street are these Places of Name, Garter court, pretty large, containing two Courts, and both so called ; which are indifferent good. Bridgwater square, a very handsome open Place, with very good Buildings, well inhabited. The middle is neatly inclosed with Palisade Pales, and set round with Trees, which renders the Place very delightful. At the North West Corner is a Passage into Bridgwater street ; and in the South East Corner of the Square is another Passage into Charles street, and from thence into Brackley street : Out of which Place is a Passage through Litton street, into Golden lane. And on the East Side of Charles street is a short Street, which has the Name of Silver street; but is a Place of no great Account. And where this Square is, stood the house of the Earl of Bridgwater.
Three pigeon court, both small and ordinary. Plough alley, long and mean. Blue boars head court, also long and ordinary. Fox and Crown court, long and mean. Fig tree court, pretty good, and well inhabited. Play house yard, long, with old Buildings, so called, for that here was a Play house in former Days.
Redcross street, wide, well built and inhabited; it comes out of Barbican, and runs up to Cripplegate Church. About the Middle of this Street, on the North Side, is a publick Library, appropriated to the Dissenting Clergy. The Courts and Alleys here are, Three herring court, pretty large, but ordinary. Red lion and Axe Inn, but indifferent. Three faulcon court, very good, and well built, with a Free stone Pavement. Cradle court, pretty large and good, falls into Bowling alley in White Cross street. Paul's alley, very long, with some pretty handsome Houses, fit for good Inhabitants ; and runs into Aldersgate street, by the Half moon Tavern. Bear and Ragged Staff alley, very ordinary. Frying pan alley, very mean. Ship yard, but ordinary.
Jewen street comes out of RedCross Street, and falls into Aldersgate street ; a Place well built and inhabited, except at the West End, and of some Trade for Button mould makers.
In this Street are these Places; Crowded well alley, very long, running into Aldersgate street, through an Inn yard. It hath good Buildings, well inhabited. This Place is of some Note for its Well, which gives Name to the Alley. The Water of this Well is esteemed very good for sore Eyes, to wash them with ; and is said to be also very good to drink for several Distempers : And some say, it is very good for Men in Drink to take of this Water, for it will allay the Fumes, and bring them to be sober.
Bull head court, a broad Place, with old Buildings, but well inhabited. RedCross alley, very long, but somewhat narrow, with pretty good houses ; to many of which are Gardens, which occasions the Place to be the better inhabited. Three pigeon court, square, and pretty good. Cockpit court, but ordinary, and leads into Horn alley ; but this is in Aldersgate street Ward. Lauderdale court, being built out of the Garden belonging to Lauderdale house, seated in Aldersgate street ; but some of the Ground lieth yet unbuilt. And on the East Side of the Entrance into this Court, going up Steps, is Goldsmiths court, which is but ordinary.
There are to watch at Cripplegate, and at several other Stands, in divers Places of this Ward, every Night, a Constable, a Beadle, and forty Watchmen, within the Walls, and one Constable, a Beadle, and ninety Watchmen in several Places without the Walls ; being for the whole Ward 130.
The Jurymen returned by the Wardmote Inquest are to serve in the several Courts in the Guildhall in the Month of March.
This Ward hath an Alderman ; and within the Gate, 8 Common Council, 9 Constables, 12 Scavengers. For Wardmote Inquest 15, and a Beadle. Without the Gate, it hath 4 Common Council, 2 Constables, 4 Scavengers, 17 Wardmote Inquest, and a Beadle.
It is taxed in London to the Fifteenth at 40 l. and in the Exchequer at 39 l. 10 s.
The Alderman of this Ward is John Blachford, Esq; who has past the Chair. The Commmon Councilmen withinthe Wall are, Mr. Richard Molineux, Deputy, Mr. Thomas Atkins, Mr. John Knight, Mr. John Cartwright, Mr. Robert Elliot, Mr. Edward Sadler, Mr. Holles Bull, and Mr. Robert Markland. Without the Wall are, Mr. John Wallington, Deputy, Mr. Edward Farmer, Mr. Francis Roberts, and Mr. Thomas Whincup.
The remarkable Things in this Ward are, first, Five Parishes with Churches; (1) St. Giles Cripplegate, (2) St. Alphage, (3) St. Alban Wood street, (4) St. Michael's Wood street, (5) St. Mary Aldermanbury ; and one Parish without a Church, viz. St. Mary Magdalen Milk street : Of which in the Parochial History.
Secondly, A Chapel situate in a Court, to which it gives Name, at the North West Corner of London wall. This Chapel was founded as early as the Time of King Edward I. and dedicated to St. James, and distinguished from other Cognominal Dedications by the Name of St. James's Chapel, or Hermitage on the Wall, because situate in or near London wall, at the North West Corner of Monks well street, which Street took its Name from the Monks lodging therein, and a Well belonging to them. This Hermitage, says Bishop Tanner, in his Notiiia, p. 317. belonged to the Abbot and Convent of Gerondon in Leicestershire, who kept two Cistertian Monks of their own Order here. At the Dissolution it was granted, 34 Hen. VIII. to William Lamb, a rich Cloth worker of this City, who bequeathed it with other Appurtenances to his Company for the Uses mentioned.
In this Chapel the Worshipful Company of Cloth workers have four Sermons preached to them upon four principal Festivals in the Year, viz. upon the Feast of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, March 25 ; on the Feast of St. John Baptist, June 24 ; on the Feast of St. Michael the Archangel, September 29 ; and on the Feast of St. Thomas the Apostle, December 21.
Upon which Days, the Master, Wardens, and Livery of the Company meet at some convenient Place, near unto the Chapel, whence they go in their Gowns and Hoods to the Chapel, and hear the Sermon : After which, they relieve twelve poor Men, and as many Women, with 12 d. a piece in Money ; and once a Year, viz. at Michaelmas, give to each of them a Frieze Gown a Lockram Shift, and a good Pair of Winter Shoes, fit for their wearing. From whence this Chapel is now commonly called Lamb's chapel, and the Inhabitants of the Tenements belonging to the said Chapel, till the Year 1660, stood in Competition with the Parishioners of the
Parish of St. Olave's Silver street, who would have had those Inhabitants to have been of their Parish, which indeed they are, as may appear by A very ancient Deed
Thirdly, Sion college, founded and set apart for the Meetings and Improvement of the London Clergy, is situated upon the Ruins of the Priory of Elsing' Spital ; which consisted of a College for a Warden, four Priests and two Clerks, and an Hospital for one hundred old, blind and poor Persons of both Sexes, blind, paralytic and disabled Priests to be preferred. This Foundation was created on the Site of several Tenements of one William Elsing, Citizen and Mercer of London, the Founder, A. D. 1329, who dedicated the same to St. Mary. But in the Year 1340 he changed the College of Seculars into a Priory for a Prior and five Regular Canons of the Order of St. Augistine ; which at the Dissolution were increased to nine in Number, endowed with 193 l. 15 s. 5 d. per Ann. according to Dugdale, or 239 l. 13s. 11 d. according to Speed. In 31 Hen.XUl. this religious house, situate Part in the Parish of Aldermanbury, and Part in the Parish of St. Alphagr, was granted to Sir John Williams, Master of the King's Jewels afterwards Lord Thame , and the next Year, on Christmas Eve, it was burnt down, he then living in it, having made a Garden of the Church yard, and Stables of the Lodgings for the Poor.
In this Grant was reserved a Quit Rent of 1 l.
17s. 2 d. per Ann. to the Crown. This Estate devolved to Henry Norris, Esq , who married Sir William's only Daughter Margery, and conveyed it to Sir Rowland Hayward, Alderman of London; for 700 l. whose Son Sir John Hayward sold it (with an Incumbrance of the said Quit Rent and 4/. per Ann. for ever, left by his Father Sir Rowland to the Poor, of St. Alphage, to be distributed in Bread) to one Robert Parkhurst, who, in 3 Charles I. conveyed it to the Reverend Mr. John Simpfon, Rector of St. Olave's Hart street, and John Keeling of the Inner Temple, Esq , for the Uses of the Will of the Reverend Dr. Thomas White, Vicar of St. Dunstans in the West ; who, Amongst other Charities, &c. had insructed them to lay out 3000 l. in the Purchase and Building of a College for the Use of the London Clergy, and Alms houses for twenty poor People, ten Men and ten Women. And in Prosecution of the said Dr. White's Will, a Charter was procured the 3d of July, 6 Charles I. under the Great Seal of England, for incorporating the Clergy of London : By which all the Rectors, Vicars, Lecturers, and Curates, are constituted Fellows of the College. And, out of the Incumbents, are annually to be elected, on Tuesday three Weeks after Eastcr, as Governors, a President, two Deans, and four Assistants, who are to meet quarterly, to hear a Sermon ad Clerum ; and afterwards to be entertained with a Dinner in the College Hall, at the Charge of the Foundation.
The Bishop of London is Visitor. But no Bishop of London ever visited till July 16, 1695, when Dr. Henry Compton, then Lord Bishop of London, visited.
Anno 1632, the Governors and Clergy, being summoned, agreed upon a common Seal, which had round it Sigillum Collegii de Sion Londini ; and upon it the good Samaritan, with this Inscription, Vade Et sac similiter, St. Luc. x. 37. This for
the Foundation.
(2.) Haberdashers hall, situate at the End of Staining lane, on the North Side of Maiden lane, is a good Brick Building ; particularly that Room called the Hall is very neat and lofty, paved with Marble and Purbeck, wainscoted about 12 Feet high , and the Screen at the West End, where are two arched Apertures, is adorned with Pilasters of the Corinthian Order, with
Enrichments, and round the Hall are several Coats of Arms, as the King's, those of London, this Company's, and others.
(3.) Waxchandlers hall, which is also in Maiden lane, on the South Side, at the very Extremity of the Ward in that Direction. It is a handsome, tho' not a spacious old Building, and has been lately well repaired and beautified.
(4.) Plasterers hall, a very neat pretty Building, on the North West Side of Addle street. This was in ancient Days Pinners hall ; which Company, says Stow, being not worth a Pin, was in his Time gone to Decay.
(5.) Brewers hall is also a good Building, near adjoining to Plasterers hall, with a genteel Entrance into a large Court, paved with Free stone, cloistered, the Building above being supported with handsome Pillars.
(6.) Curriers hall, situate at the upper End of Curriers court, is an indifferent good Building with an handsome Free stone Entrance.
(7.) Bowyers hall was formerly situate in a Court on the South Side of Hart street.
(8.) Loriners hall adjoins to London wall in the postern street, facing Basinghall street, and,' tho' small, is a pretty neat Building.
Fifthly, Here are also several charitable Foundations, called Alms houses.
(1.) The Alms houses on the East Side of Monkswell street, founded A. D. 1575 by Sir Ambrose Nicholas, Knt. Salter, and Mayor, for 12 poor aged People, and endowed with 7d. per Week each, and 5 Sacks of Charcoal, and a Quarter of an hundred of Faggots to each, yearly.
(2.) Rogers's Alms houses, the Foundation of Mr. Robert Rogers, Leatherseller and Merchant Adventurer, in Hart street near London wall, having a Room below, and another above, for six ancient Couple, each being free, and having no Charge of Children. They were erected in the Year 1612, as appears by the Inscription on these Houses, and are in the Disposal of the City, who pay 4 l. per Ann. to each.
(3.) In Little Wood street, in an Alley on the West Side, Henry Barton, Esq; and Mayor of London, built seven Chambers for so many poor People to live Rent free.
(4.) Drapers Alms houses, so called, being founded by Lady Askew, Widow of Sir Christopher Askew, Draper, and Mayor of London 1533, for eight poor Widows of the Drapers Company.
They stand at the North East Corner of Beech lane, and are built of Brick and Timber. The Endowment is 4 l. per Ann. to each, paid by the Drapers Company monthly.
(5.) Thirteen Alms houses in Golden lane, founded by Ricard Gallard of Islington, Esq; Citizen and Painter Stainer of London, for so many poor People, and endowed by him with 2 d. a piece weekly, and a Load of Charcoal Amongst them yearly, charged upon his Estate about Islington.
(6.) Sion Alms houses. See before the Account of Sion College.
A Compter in Wood street, built in the Year 1555 for the Reception of Prisoners from the Compter in Bread street, ordered to be abolished for the Misdemeanors of its Keeper.
At the Meeting of the Corners of Aldermanbury, Milk street, Lad lane, and Cateaton street, which the Editor of Stow by Mistake calls Old Jewry, there was formerly a Well with two Buckets. And somewhere in the Street called Aldermanbury, there was the first Guildhall or London, as far as we have upon Record : And that Street in all Probability took its Name from the Court of Aldermen kept in the said Hall, for as much as Bury signifies a Court. The Time of its Removal to the present Hall is particularly noted before in our first Book. In the Middle of this Street, facing the South Side of the Church, is a Conduit, built at the Charge of William Eastfield, Esq; and Lord Mayor of London, who lived near thereunto, and brought Water thither from Tyburn in Pipes to supply it.
The Monuments in Elsing Spital before its Dissolution (See Sion College) were, for Thomas Cheyne, Son to William Cheyne ; Thomas, John and William, Sons of Sir William Cheyne : John Northampton, Draper, Mayor, 1381. Edmond Hungerford, Henry Frozvicke, Joan, Daughter to Sir William Cheyne, Wife to William Stokes. Robert Elderbroke, Esq , 1460. Dame Joan Ratcliffe, Wife of William Fowler. William Kingston, Thomas Swineley, and Helen his Wife, &c.
The principal Isle of this Church, towards the North, was pulled down, and a Frame of four houses set up in the Place. The other Part of this Church (from the Steeple upward) was converted into the Parish Church of St. Alphage: And the Parish Church which stood near unto the Wall of the City, by Cripplegate, was pulled down, and the Plat thereof made a Carpenter's Yard with Saw Pits.
In Milk street, so called from being the Milk Market, was the house of Gregory Rokesly, chief Assay Master of the King's Mints, and Mayor of London in the Year 1275, the third of Edward I. This house belonged to the Priory of Lewes in Sussex, to whom he was Tenant, and paid the Rent of 20 s. a Year, without being bound to Reparations.
Mention is made in divers Records of a house in Wood street, then called Black hall; but no Man, at this Day, can tell in what Part.
In the Time of King Richard II. Sir Henry Percy, the Son and Heir of Henry Percy, Earl of Northumberland, had a house in Wood street in London, (whether this Black hall or no, it is hard to trace) wherein he treated King Richard, the Duke of Lancaster, the Duke of York, the Earl Mashal, and his Father, the Earl of Northumberland, with others, at Supper.
There was in Cripplegate Church, of old Time, a Fraternity or Brotherhood of our Blessed Lady, or Corpus Christi, and St. Giles ; founded by John Bellancer, in the 35th Year of the Reign of King Edward III.
Some small Distance from the East End of this Church was a Water Conduit, brought in Pipes of Lead from Highbery, by John Middleton, one of the Executors to Sir William Eastfield. The Inhabitants adjoining castellated it, at their own Costs and Charges, about the Year 1483.
At a Common Council afterwards, held it was agreed, That the Chamberiain should, at the Costs of the Chamber, cause the common Well and Spring at St; Giles's to be covered with a House of Brick.
There was also a Boss of clear Water in the Wall of the Church Yard, made at the Charges of Richard Whittington, sometime Mayor, and was like to that of Billingsgate. The same was afterwards turned into a Pump, and so quite decayed.
There was also a Pool of clear Water, near the Parsonage, on the West Side thereof; which was filled up in the Reign of Henry VI. The Spring was cooped in, and arched over with hard Stone ; and Stairs of Stone to go down to the Spring, on the Bank of the Town Ditch. And this was also done of the Goods, and by the Executors, of Richard Whittington.
In WhiteCross street, King Henry V. built one fair house, and founded there a Brotherhood of St. Giles, to be kept. Which house had sometime been an Hospital of the French Order, by the Name of St. Giles without Cripplegate, in the Reign of Edward I. The King having the Jurisdiction, and appointing a Custos thereof, for the Precinct of St. Giles, &c. Which Hospital being suppressed, the Lands were given to the Brotherhood, for Relief of the Poor.
In this Street was a White Cross, and near it was built an Arch of Stone, under which ran a Course of Water down to the Moor, called now Moorfields. Which being too narrow for the free Course of the Water, and so an Annoyance to the Inhabitants, the twelve Men presented it at an Inquisition of the King's Justices, 3 Edw. I. And they presented the Abbot of Ramsey, and the Prior of St. Trinity ; whose Predeceffors, six Years past, had built (as the Inquisition ran) a certain Stone Arch at White Cross, in the Ward of Cripplegate, beyond the Course of a certain Water, coming down from Smethfeld del Barbican, in that Ward, towards the Moor. Which Arch the aforesaid Abbot and Prior, and their Successors, ought to maintain and repair: And which was so strait, that the Water there could not have its full Course, to the Annoyance of the Inhabitants. Hereupon it was commanded the Sheriffs to distrain the said Abbot and Convent to mend the said Arch.
One Alley, of divers Tenements, over against the North Wall of St. Giles's Church Yard, was, appointed to be Alms houses for the Poor, wherein they dwelt Rent free, and otherwise were relieved : But the said Brotherhood was suppressed by Henry VIII. Sir John Gresham, Mayor, purchased the Lands thereof, and gave it to the Maintenance of a Free School, which he had founded at Holt, a Market Town in Norfolk. Red cross. In RedCross street, on the West Side from St. Giles's Church Yard, up to the Cross, were many good houses, built outward, i with divers Alleys, turning into a large Plat of Ground, of old Time called the Jews Garden as being the only Place appointed them in England, where in to bury their Dead; 'till the Year 1177, the
24th of Henry II. that it was permitted them (after long Suit to the King and Parliament at Oxford) to have special Place assigned them in every Quarter wheie they dwelt.
This Plat of Ground remained to the said Jews, 'till the Time of their final Banishment out of England, and was afterwards turned into fair Garden Plats, and Summer houses for Pleasure.
It is now called Jewen street, being a continued Street of houses on each Side of the Way, and leads into Aldersgate street. This Place, with the Appurtenances, was anciently called Leyrestowe ; which King Edward I. granted to William de Monte Forte, Dean of St. Paul's, London : Being a Place (as it is expressed in a Record) without Cripplegate, and the Suburbs of London, called Leyrestowe , and which was the burying Place of the Jews of London ; which was valued at 40 s. per Annum.
On the East Side of this RedCross street is Beech lane, perhaps so called of Nicholas de la Beech, Lieutenant ot the Tower of London, put out of that Office in the 13th of Edward III.
This Lane stretches from RedCross street to White Cross Street, and is replenished, not with Beech
Trees, but with ordinary houses of Brick and Timber, Amongst which was (of old Time) a great house, belonging to the Abbot
of Ramsey for his Lodging, when he repaired to the City.
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