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The London Wards - Aldersgate in 1756.

Aldersgate Ward in 1756 neatly engraved from a New Survey

Aldersgate Ward in 1756 neatly engraved from a New Survey

Index of London wards in 1756 by William Maitland


With a Plan neatly engraved from a New Survey.

Aldersgate Ward takes its Name from that Ward. North Gate of the City, and consists of divers Streets and Lanes, lying as well within the Gate and Wall, as without. And first, to speak of that Part within the Gate; The East Part thereof joins unto the West Part of Cripplegate Ward, in Engain Lane, or Maiden Lane. It begins on the North Side of that Lane, at Staining Lane End, and runs up that Lane from Haberdashers Hall, to where St. Mary Staining Church stood , and by thence East, winding almost to Wood Street, and West through Oat Lane, and then by the South Side of Bacon house to Noble Street, and back again by Lillypot Lane, (which is also of that Ward) to Maiden Lane so on that North Side, West to where St. John Zachary's Church stood, and to Foster Lane.
Now on the South Side of Engain Lane, or Maiden Lane, is the West Side of Gutter Lane, to Carey Lane , and Carey Lane it self (which is of this Ward) and back again into Engain Lane, by the North Side of Goldsmiths Hall, to Foster lane , and this is the East Wing of this Ward.
Then is Foster lane, almost wholly in this Ward, and begins in the South toward Cheapside, on the East, by the North Side of St. Foster's Church, and runs down North West by the West End of Maiden lane, by Lillypot lane and Oat lane, to Noble street ; and through that by Shelly house (of old Time so called, as belonging to the Shellies. For Sir Thomas Shelly, Knt. was Owner thereof in the 1st of Henry IV. It was afterwards called Bacon house, because the same was new built by Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper of the Great Seal under Queen Elizabeth.) Then down on that Side to where St. Olaves Church stood in Silver street, at the North West End of Noble street.
In Foster lane, this Ward begins on the West Side thereof, over against the South West Corner of St. Foster's Church, and runs down by where St. Leonard's Church stood, by Pope lane End, and by St. Anne's lane End, which Lane is also of this Ward. Here you enter the main Street called St. Martin's, which includes St. Martin on the East Side thereof, and so down on both Sides to Aldersgate ; and these are the Bounds of this Ward within the Wall and Gate.

Without the Gate. From the Gate it runs North to the Church, and then West up Little Britain, and so takes in Part of Town Ditch and three houses in Crown Court in Long Walk, and thence it goes North, and takes in a Corner of the New Hospital, lately built, where formerly stood Peterborough house, and so comes to the Gate at Bartholomew close in Little Britain on the West, and thence to Great Montague Court, which is of this Ward, and both Sides of Little Britain, and so it runs up the West Side of Aldersgate street , taking in Part of Long lane on both Sides of the Way, to Carthusian street, taking the South Side thereof, it ends including the first Great house in Charterhouse square to the Left.
And this is the Western Bounds. The Eastern begins one house beyond the White horse yard in Fan's Alley, and runs down Pickax street on the East to Barbican, Part of which is in this Ward, and so down Aldersgate street to Jewin street, Part of which is in this Ward ; and from thence to the Gate. And these are the Bounds of Aldersgate Ward without.

In describing of this Ward, I shall take in the Liberty of St. Martins le Grand at the South End.
In the Freedom of the City of London is Foster lane, a Place well inhabited, chiefly by Silversmiths. The South End next unto Cheapside, that is, two houses Northwards from St. Vedast, or Foster Church, is in the Ward of Faringdon within ; and all the rest of the West Side is in the Liberty of St. Martins Le Grand, as far as Bell court : So that only Part of the East Side is in this Ward. In this Lane are these Places : Adams court, but small, seated over against the Church. Priest's court, or Alley, long and ordinary, with a Passage into Gutter lane, through the Half moon Tavern. Rose and Crown court, good, with a Free stone Pavement.
Dark Entry, very ordinary, gives a Passage into St. Martin's le Grand. On the North Side of this Entry, was seated the Parish Church of St. Leonard Foster lane ; which being consumed in the Fire of London, is not rebuilt, but the Parish united to Christ church , and the Place where it stood is inclosed within a Wall, and serveth as a Burial Place for the Inhabitants of the Parish.

Carey lane falls into Gutter lane, a Place of some Trade for Silversmiths. Bell court, a large open Place, with good houses, well inhabited, hath a Passage with a Free stone Pavement into St. Martin' s le Grand. Three Crown court, both small and ordinary, near Bell court. Goldsmiths Hall, seated at the Corner of this Lane, turning into Maiden lane, the back Part being in Gutter lane; a handsome new Brick Building, with an open square Court within. Over against this Hall is a large house, now made Use of for refining of Silver.
Maiden lane, formerly Engain lane, a handsome well built and inhabited Street ; the East End falleth into Wood street, but hath no more in this Ward than to Staining lane. At the North West Corner, over against Goldsmiths Hall, stood the Parish Church of St. John Zachary, which since the dreadful Fire is not rebuilt ; but the Parish united unto St. Anne's Aldersgate ; and the Ground on which it stood, inclosed within a Wall, serving as a Burial Place for the Parish.
Near this Church yard, is a spacious house, with a large Court yard, handsomely paved with Free stone, formerly belonging to Sir Thomas Bludworth, Knt. Lord Mayor, 1666, and since to Richard Level, Esq; Son of Sir Richard Level, Knt. Lord Mayor in the Year 1700 ; in which house he kept his Mayoralty. But at present it is rebuilt and converted into an Office for the Union Insurance against Losses by Fire. On the same Side, but beyond Staining lane, is seated Haberdashers Hall, a large Building, which is in Part of this Lane, but in Cripplegate Ward.

Staining lane, the East Side, which joineth unto Haberdashers Hall, is in Cripplegate Ward. At the upper End of the Lane was the Church of St. Mary Staining, which Church is not rebuilt since the Fire of London , but the Parish united unto St. Michael Wood street, and the Ground inclosed within a Wall, for the Burial of the Dead for the Parish.
Gutter lane hath the West Side, from the Corner of Maiden lane unto Carey lane, in this Ward, and the East in Cripplegate Ward.
Noble street, long, and indifferently well inhabited ; the End next to Foster lane being esteemed the best. In this Street are these Places of Note , Lillypot lane, but ordinary, falls into Staining lane, as doth Oat lane also, but small. Betwixt these two Lanes is White horse court, open, but ordinary. Dolphin court, small, seated opposite to Oat lane. A little more Northwards, is Coachmakers Hall, a handsome Building. Fitche's court, a broad Place, with a Free stone Pavement, and good Houses. At the Upper End is an old Timber house, where formerly Titchborn, some Time Alderman and Lord Mayor, dwelt.
This house strangely escaped burning in the dreadful Fire of London, when all the houses round it were quite consumed. Hide's court, but small.
St. Olave's Silver street Church was seated on the North West Corner of this Street, not rebuilt since its Burning in the great Fire of London, and the Parish is united to St. Alban's Wood street.
St. Anne's lane, a Place of some Trade, lieth betwixt Foster lane, and St. Martin' s le Grand, near Aldersgate. About the Middle of this Lane on the North Side, is St. Anne's alley, having a Free stone Pavement, which leadeth to St. Anne's Church, and from thence into Noble street, severing the Church from the Church yard. Since the Fire of London, in which it was consumed, it is rebuilt very handsome and neat, the Front facing Southward, all of rubbed Brick : To which is united the Parish of St. John Zachary, as before mentioned.
Aldersgate street, very spacious and long, and although the Buildings are old, and not uniform, yet many of them are very good, and well inhabited. This Street runs Northward unto the End of Barbican on the East Side, and Long lane on the West, where Goswel street begins. In this Street are a great many Alleys and Courts ; and for the describing them, we shall begin at Aldersgate. Falcon and Castle lnn, very large, and of a considerable Resort. In the Yard are several good houses for private Families: And out of this Yard, is a Passage into Jewin street, and another into Noble street. Harrow court, small and indifferent. Cooks Hall, seated over against Little Britain. Greyhound court, mean and ordinary. Cock and botlle court, poor and ordinary. Ball alley, long, narrow, and ordinary. Golden lion court, well built, and inhabited on the North Side, the East Side being open and airy, with Gardens.
Deputies court, or Rose and rainbow court, ordinary ; but there have been, within a few Years, several new Buildings at the farther End of it.
Nettleton court, large, but ordinary Buildings. Maidenhead court, large, but indifferently built, with a Passage into Crowders well alley ; from whence one may go into Jewin street, in Cripplegate Ward. George Inn, formerly the White hart Inn, very large, and convenient for the Reception of Coaches, Waggons, and Travellers. Trinity court, open, but indifferently built. Westmoreland alley, or the Paved alley, as paved with Free stone ; the Passage leads through Westmoreland court into Bartholomew close. Angel alley, large, and somewhat narrow towards the Upper End; where it has a Passage into Horn alley, an open Place, very long, with low Buildings. About the Middle it has a Passage into Cockpit yard, well built, which gives Entrance into Jewin street, and that falls in to Red Cross street, near St. Giles's Cripplegate Church , and this is a Street well built and inhabited : But of this Street there is no more in this Ward than Cockpit yard, the rest and greatest Part being in Cripplegate Ward. Cradle court, a handsome open Place, well built, with a Free stone Pavement. Black horse alley, but small and ordinary. Black horse court, also small. Half moon court, a little open, but mean. Half moon alley, but narrow, has a Passage through the Half moon Tavern into St. Bartholomew 's close. Tongue' s court, small, with old Buildings.
Lauderdale house, a large old Building, with a Free stone Court before it. Hare court, open for Carts ; at the Upper End it falls into Paul's alley, and so into Red Cross street. Bell Inn, of good Resort for Waggons with Meal, &c.
Goswel street begins at Barbican, where Aldersgate street ends, and runs up to the Bars, in this Ward, and much farther Northward beyond Old street. This Street is broad, but meanly built and inhabited, especially beyond the Bars. In this Street, within the Bars, are these Courts and Places of Note : Cock Inn has a good Trade, and is resorted unto by Waggons that bring Meal, and other Goods. Devonshire court contains two Courts, one within another, and both but small and ordinary.
Red lion Inn, of good Trade, and has a large Yard for Coach houses and Stabling. Through this Yard is a Passage into Charter house yard, and another into Long lane. Beggars lane, an open Passage into Charter house yard, and so to Smithfield bars, and St. John's street, a great Thoroughfare. Three Cups Inn. White horse yard, a large open Place for Stabling and Coach houses, and has in it some Dwelling houses.
Fine yard, large, but of small Account, having old houses, and some Parts not built. Fans alley, just without the Bars, as to the Entrance, it is broad enough for Carts, and but indifferently built and inhabited, the South Side being in this Ward, and the other in the Liberty of St. Giles's Cripplegate. This Alley has a Passage into Bridgewater street.
Barbican, a good large Street, comes out of the Upper End of Aldersgate street, and runs up to Red Cross street ; formerly a Place of good Trade for Salesmen and Brokers for Apparel, both old and new. The Part of this Street within the Ward is but little, viz. from the Corner next to Aldersgate street, to White lion court on the North Side, which is but mean, and Fox and crown court on the South Side, which is also but ordinary.
Long lane, so called for its Length, coming out of Aldersgate street against Barbican, and falls into West Smithfield. A Place also of ancient Note for the Sale of Apparel, Linen, and Upholsterers Goods, both Second hand and New, but chiefly for Old, but this Trade has left the Place for many Years : And the houses at the East End are greatly decayed. This Lane has but little in this Ward, especially the South Side, and the North Side takes in the Red lion Inn already spoken of.
Little Britain comes out of Aldersgate street, by St. Botolphs Aldersgate Church, and runs up to the Pump, and is very ruinous ; there it opens into a broad Street, and turning Northward, runs up to Duck lane, having another turning Passage to St. Bartholomew's Hospital. This Part of the Street is well built, and tho' much inhabited formerly by Booksellers, from the Pump to Duck lane, who dealt chiefly in old Books, it is now much deserted, and has little Trade.
The Parish Church of St. Botolph's Aldersgate, seated at the End of this Street, next to Aldersgate street, now repairing, was an old Building, and escaped the Fire of London, 1666.
In this Street of Little Britain are these Courts and Places of Note. George yard, ordinary. Cross keys court, a Place with good Buildings, and Gardens behind some of them. Red Cross alley, a small and ordinary Place. Carpenters yard, an open Place, which has a Passage into Townditch, being an open Place belonging to Christ's Hospital, which has good houses on the Side fronting the Hospital. Pelican court, a large Place, with good houses, well inhabited. At the Upper End it divides itself into two Courts, and both bear the same Name. On the West Side it has a Passage into Fryers rents, which is but small and ordinary. Fryers rents has a narrow Passage into a small and ordinary Court.
Axe yard,, or Court, long and narrow, with good houses at the Upper End. Great Montague court, a good handsome Place, with a Free stone Pavement, well built and inhabited. Little Montague court, but narrow, with a Free stone Pavement.

There are to watch at Aldersgate, and other Stands in this Ward, every Night, one Constable, the' Beadle, and 44 Watchmen. And in the Liberty of St. Martins le Grand, which is in this Ward, 12. In all 56.
The Jurymen, which are returned by the Wardmote Inquell, are to serve in the several Courts in the Guildhall in the Month of August.
This Ward hath an Alderman and two Deputies, one within the Gate, and one without, eight Common Councilmen, eight Constables, nine Scavengers, nineteen Wardmote Inquest Men, and a Beadle.
It is taxed to the Fifteenth in London, 7 l. and in the Exchequer, 6 l. 19 s.
The Alderman of this Ward (in 1755) is William Benn, Esq , who has passed the high Station of Lord Mayor of this City : The Common Council are, John Underwood, Deputy, Samuel Read, Joseph Rose, Samuel Bates, Samuel Ballard, Deputy, Robert Henshaw, Richard Reiley, and William Tyler.
The most remarkable Things in this Ward.

First, the Churches, which before the Fire in 1666 were five ; dedicated, 1. to St. John Zachary, situate at the Corner of Maiden house in Foster lane ; 2. St. Mary Staining, at the North End of Staining lane ; 3. St. Olave Silver street, at the North East Corner of Noble street, 4. St. Anne Aldersgate, in St. Anne's lane; and 5. St. Botolph, at the South East Corner of Little Britain, in Aldersgate street ; which five, at present, are reduced to two Churches only, viz. St. Botolph's and St. Anne's ; of which her Easter in the Ecclesiastical State of this City.

Secondly, The Halls ; as, (1.) Goldsmiths hall, which is situate at the North East Angle of Foster lane. It was originally built by Sir Brew Barentin, about the Year 1407 ; and, since the Fire in 1666, is made a stately Structure of Brick and Stone, consisting of several handsome Apartments, and a spacious Hall ? well finished, with Wainscot, &V.
(2.) Cooks hall, situate on the East Side of Aldersgate street, facing Little Britain, an ancient Building, that escaped the Fire of London.
(3.) Coachmakers, formerly Scriveners hall, in Noble street.

Thirdly ', Other publick Buildings), as :
(1.) Ten Alms houses, situate on the East Side of Shining lane near Haberdashers Hall, for ten poor People of that Company ; founded by one Thomas Huntlow, Haberdasher, in 1539, and endowed with 8d. a Week, to be paid weekly on every Friday, which was augmented by Mr. Thomas Barns with 10/. per Annum more for ever.
(2.) London house on the West Side of Aldersgate street. It was anciently called Dorchester house, and then Peter's or Petre's house, having been possessed by the Marquis of Dorchester, and afterwards by that ancient and noble Family of the Lord Petre. After the Restoration, it was purchased for the Residence of the Bishop of London, and so called London house. It is a very large, commodious and handsome Brick Building, with a neat Chapel annexed , but has been long deserted by the Prelates of this See : It is let out into divers Tenements and Warehouses.
(3.) Thanet or Shaftsbury house, on the East Side of Aldersgate street, and somewhat nearer the Gate than the last mentioned, was originally built by the noble Family of the Earls of Thanet. It is how converted into an Hospital for Lying in Married Women.
This was a most delightful fine Edifice, and was formerly the Residence of the Earls of Shaftesbury. An Edifice, says a judicious Author, that deserves a much better Situation, and greater Care to preserve it from the Injuries of Time :
But the Politeness of the Town is so far removed from Hence, that it is hardly possible this Fabric should be admired as it ought, or be kept in suitable Repair. Already (this Author wrote in 1736) it has been converted into a Tavern, and made to serve other mechanic Uses , insomuch that the judicious Spectator at once wonders how it came to be erected there, and laments its present Decay. At present this Palace is converted into an Hospital for Lying in Women, a Use of publick Benefit, of which the Reader may depend on the following Account, published by Order of the President and Governors in the Year 1754.
The City of London Lying in Hospital for Married Women, at Shaftsbury house in Aldersgate street, was instituted March 30, 1750.

The good Effects of the many noble Institutions for training up Orphans, and other indigent Children, in the Knowledge and Practice of their Duty to God, and their Country ; for relieving the industrious Poor, under the accidental Calamities of Sickness, Lameness, or Lunacy ; and for restraining, and if possible, reclaiming the Dissolute and Debauched ; together with the truly Christian Spirit of Benevolence, which at this Time so generally prevails Amongst us, to the great Honour of this Age and Nation ; were Inducements to several worthy Aldermen and Citizens of London, to establish a proper Provision for the Wives of poor Tradesmen or others labouring under the Terrors, Pains and Hazards of Child birth as the only Kind of Charity that appeared wanting in this populous and opulent City.
(4.) On the same Side, more Northward, was another Nobleman's Seat, the Duke of Lauderdale's, situate between Cherry tree Court and Hare Court ; likewise deserted by the Successors of that most noble family, and at present occupied by an eminent Distiller.
(5.) Again, on the West Side cf this Street, and to the South of London house, was a fine Mansion house belonging to the Earls of Westmoreland ; whose Remains pronounce it to have been a beautiful and capacious Building ; and are now let out into divers Tenements, and for mechanic Uses.
(6.) In the Street called Little Britain, anciently called Britain Street, was once the City Mansion of the Duke of Bretagne, near to the Church of St. Botolph; but for several Ages entirely erazed, and the Site alienated to private Property, whole Buildings are now also become ruinous.
(7.) Peterborough House, a Palace belonging to the Earls of that Title, graced the South East Corner of the same Street, on the Spot where the South Part of St. Bartholomew's Hospital now stands. And,
(8.) Almost the whole East Side of Little Britain, from the Gate that leads into Bartholomew close to Little Mountague Court inclusive, was adorned with a superb Palace, the ancient Residence of the Lord Mountague.
(9.) Near the West End of Aldersgate, in Bull and Mouth Street, was situate a City Mansion house of the Earls of Northumberland.
(10.) Near the North East Corner of Little Britain in Aldersgate Street, as noted in the Plan, stood an Hospital, Hall or Priory belonging to the Abby of Cluny in France; which, among other alien Foundations, being suppressed by King Henry V. his Majesty granted it" Revenues to the Parishioners ot St. Botolph, on Condition that they would found in their Church a Fraternity or
Altar dedicated to the Holy Trinity. The Site of this ancient religious house remains still, by the Name of Trinity Hall, and several Tenements in Trinity Lane, in the Possession of the Parish ; and Part of the Building is existing : A lower Part is
let out for a Coffee house, but the upper Room retains somewhat the Appearance of its original Use, serving for a Place of Worship to a Congregation of Non jurors. Here also the Parishioners meet in Vestry on particular Occasions. The other Parcels thereof are occupied by different Tenants. And for seven Inquest Men without the Gate fitting every Year in Trinity Hall upon
the Wardmote Inquest, the Parish receives seven Shillings yearly.
(11.) besides these were several more (lately Edifices ; as Shelly house, built by Sir Thomas Shelly in the Henry IV. and afterwards rebuilt by Sir Nicholas Bacon, Lord Keeper under Queen Elizabeth ; and that spacious house of Sir Richard Kennet, between the Church yard of St. John Zachary and Staining lane, in Maiden lane, where now is built, and finished this present Year, (1754) the Union Fire Office of Assurance of Goods, removed from Gutter lane.

This Office was erected in the Year 1714 by a considerable Number of Persons, who mutually agreeing to insure one another's Goods and Merchandize from Loss by Fire by an amicable Contribution, entered into a Deed of Settlement for that Purpose, which being signed by every Person desirous of becoming a Member, he is thereby admitted into the joint Contributionship, and becomes an equal Sharer in Profit and Loss, in proportion to his, her, or their respective Insurances which Deed of Settlement was executed on the 16th of February, Anno 1714, and inrolled in Chancery on the 3d of July, Anno 1715.
This Office, denominated The Union Society for insuring of Goods and Merchandize from Loss by Fire, was erected upon the same Foot, in all respects, as that of the Hand in Hand Fire Office, other than this, that instead of houses, they only insure Goods and Merchandize at the Rates in the following Table :

(12.) According to an ancient Record in the Tower, I find a certain Tenement in the Parish of St. Mary Staining lane pertaining to King Edward II. bounded on the South by the Land of Robert Burideine, and a Lane which leads from the said Church unto the King's Street of Wood street ; which house the King granted first to C. de Burgalia, and again to Rafe Baffet de Draiton, A. D.
1320, Reg. 14.

After this pompous Survey of the ancient Buildings in this Parish compared to its present Condition, which has Reason to bemoan the Loss of its noble Inhabitants, and the Destruction of their Palaces ; 1 shall proceed with a Survey of the Liberty of St. Martin le Grand.

St. Martins le Grand contains but one principal Street, called St. Martin's le Grand ; which cometh out of Blowbladder street, by the West End of Cheapside, and runneth North to Aldersgate. But this Liberty runneth but to Bell court, near unto St. Anne's lane, on the East Side. For from Bell court unto Aldersgate, is in Aldersgate Ward, and out of this Liberty. This Street is a Place of considerable Trade, is a great Thoroughfare, and its houses well built.

In this Liberty are these Courts and Places of Note, Round court, large, with a handsome Free stone Pavement, the Part towards St. Martin's being a handsome square Court. It has a Passage into Blowbladder street, which was formerly inhabited by milliners, and such as sell Copper Lace, called St. Martin's Lace, for which it was of Note. Out of this Court is an Alley, which leads into New rents, which also comes into St. Martin' s street , and at the Upper End are two Passages into Foster lane, one of which goes into a Place called the Dark entry, by St. Leonard Foster lane Church Yard. Mould makers rents, an indifferent open Place, out of which are several Passages, as into New rents, Dean's court, and George street.
New rents, a handsome Street, which comes out of St. Martins street; and at the Upper End was the Swan Tavern, Great Dean's court, an open Place, in differently well built and inhabited ; has a Passage into Mouldmakers rents, or Row, and another into George street. In this Court is another small one, called Little Dean's court, which is but ordinary. George street, of which there are two; the one leading into Foster lane, and the other into Round court. St. John's alley, ordinary. Cock alley has a narrow Entrance, which leads into an open Place, with a Free stone Pavement, indifferent. Christopher's alley has a Free stone Pavement, good, which at the Upper End, has a Door into the Bagnio. Four dove court, an open Place, with a Free stone Pavement. King's hand court, a handsome Place, well built and inhabited, with a Free stone Pavement. Angel alley, good ; the Upper End falls into Butcher hall lane. Of this Street, that Part within this Liberty goes no Farther than King's head court ; the rest of this Street is in the Ward of Faringdon within.

Bull and mouth street goes out of St. Martin's le Grand, and runs up to Butcherhall lane ; but it has no more in this Ward than a little Westward of the Bull and mouth Inn, which is large, and well built, and of good Resort by those that bring Bone Lace, where the Shop keepers and others come to buy it. The Fountain Tavern, commonly called the Mourning Bush, which has a Back Door into St. Anne's lane, is seated near unto Aldersgate. And in this Part of St. Martin's, was a noted Meeting house of the Quakers, called the Bull and mouth, where they met long before the Fire; till the building Lease expired a few Years ago ; but at present it is occupied by a Methodist Preacher.
This Liberty was an Ecclesiastical Foundation : It takes its Name originally from a Collegiate Church founded by Ingalricus and his Brother Edward, A. D. 1056, for a Dean and secular Canons or Priests, and dedicated to St. Martin, with the Addition of Le Grand, from the great or extraordinary Privileges of Sanctuary, &c. granted by divers Monarchs thereto ; of which there has been Mention made in the first Book of this History, and to which we add,
The Charter granted by William the Conqueror, concerning the ancient Privileges of St. Martins le Grand.
The most remakable Things in this Ward at present are,
First, Four Parish Churches, (1) St. Katberine cree or Christ church, (2) St. Andrew Undershaft, (3; St. Catherine Coleman, (4) St. James Duke's Place, and the Parith or St. Mary axe, united and annexed to the Parish of St. Andrew Undershaft of which more particularly in the Parochial State of this City.
Secondly, The Navy Office, which is a large modern Building, very commodious for Business ; the Office where the Commissioners meet, and the several Clerks keep their Books, being placed in the midst of a large Court, apart from the rest of the Buildings round about it, which are set apart for the Residence of the Commissioners and principal Officers, the Office being thus built apart to prevent the Danger of firing the Books, &c. This Office has another Entrance into Seething lane, and another by Tower hill.
Thirdly, The Halls : (1) Bricklayers hall, a Building of Brick in the Year 1627, on the South Side of Leadenhall street, almost facing St. Kaiherine cree Church : But fo covered with private houses and Shops in the Front, that it cannot be seen from the Street, the Way to it being thro' a very narrow Passage.
(2.) Fletcher' 's hall, at the North East Corner of St. Mary axe street.
(3.) Ironmongers hall, at the Extremity of the Ward, in Fenchurch street, a very fine modern Building, created in the Year 1748, with a Stone Front, agreeable to the Elevation annexed.
Fourthly, Other publick Buildings :
(1.) An Independent Meeting house at the South End of Bury street, and another on the Side of Poor jury lane near the North End.
(2.) Three Jews Synagogues, one at the North End of Bury street, as mentioned before ; and another in Magpye alley for the Portugueze, and other Jews from Spain, Italy, and other Countries on the South and East ; and one in Duke's place for the Dutch, German, and other Jews from the North and Western Parts.
(3.) Aldgate ; of which there has been given a Description on Page 22, Vol. I. where for Sir John Tash read Sir John Cafs.
Sir John Cafs, Knt. Alderman, Sheriff, and one of the Representatives of this City in two successive Parliaments, built two Schools near the Church of St. Botolph without Aldgate, (A.D. 1709 .) in his Life time, and at his own Expense, for the Charity Children belonging to Portsoken Ward, who till then were clothed and educated by voluntary Contributions. these Schools, for fifty Boys and forty Girls, were at first endowed by him with an Annuity out of some contiguous Building, and from the Profits arising out of the Burials in a certain Vault near the Church, built at the same Time ; and opened with great Solemnity in 1710, by a Sermon in St. Botolph's, the Parish Church, preached by the Mod Rev. Sir William Dawes, attended by sixteen Peers, and forty Members of the house of Commons. This Benefaction was afterwards, by his last Will, dated July 5, 1718, augmented with an Annuity of 150/. more, for providing Salaries for the Master and Mistress, and Cloathing for the Children, and with the Residue of his Estate after the Death of his Wife, which he gave to Mr. Valentine Brewis, and eight other Trustees, in Trust, to provide a sufficient Dinner every Day for the said Children, and for other. Purposes. But Sir John's Breath failing him, when he had signed with his Name only two Sheets of his Will, which confided of several Sheets of Paper, it was necessary after his Death to apply to Parliament to get this his last Will established by an Act ; in which the Trustees were greatly assisted by the Lady Cass ; and the Act passed the house of Lords. But the Heirs at Law claiming the Freehold Estates, which could not be conveyed by such an imperfect Will, the Commons threw it out at the second Reading. This was in the Year 1726.
On the Death of Lady Cass, on July the 7th, 1732, Mr. Valentine Brewis, then Deputy of Portsoken Ward, solely stood up in behalf of Sir John's last Will, ; which he proved in due Form, and then commenced a Suit in Chancery for the Establishment of this Charity, none of the other Trustees being willing to embark in so knotty an Affair. But this Gentleman dying in October 1738, tho' the Suit abated for awhile after his Death, the Ward was prevailed upon by their Principals, in 1742, to revive it, and obtained a Decree in Chancery to establish as well the Freehold as Copyhold Estates for the Uses declared by the said Will. However, the Charity still remained dormant. The many and long Accompts that were now ordered to be passed before a Master in Chancery had like to have frustrated the Designs of the pious Founder, had not Mr. Gascoyne, then one of the Common Council of Portsoken Ward, now Sir Crispe Gafcoyne, Knt. Alderman, and late Lord Mayor of London, with indefatigable Pains unravelled and digested the Proceedings of the Accomptant and two Attornies, who had got the Management of the Karate, and the Receipt of its Profits, in their Hands, which was finally adjusted and laid before a general Vestry of the freedom Part of St. Botolph's Parish, or whole Ward of Portsoken, on the first of April, 1747, to their general Satisfaction. And, in Consequence of this proceeding, the Master's Report was finished and confirmed by the Lord Chancellor in April 1748 ;
when his Lordship approved of the Scheme stated therein, for the present establishment of the Charity, and gave Directions for the Appointment of twenty one Truftees for the Care and Management thereo;, therein named ; and those to be from Time to Time filled up, when the Number of the Truftees is reduced to eleven.
Nineteen of these Trustees appointed in Chancery met at the School Room on the thirteenth of July following, and elected Mr. Alderman Gascoyne Treasurer of the Trust Estate. And upon an Account delivered in the Year 1749, the Estate consisted of a Capital Fund of between 400 and 500 l, per Annum. Real Estate, and 5000 l. in Money.
Their next Care was to provide a Master and Mistress with their Lodging, and a School Room convenient, which at present is over Aldgate.

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