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An Account of all the Alleys, Banks, Bridges, Buildings, Buries, closes, Corners, Courts, Ditches, Docks, Entries, Gardens, Greens, Grounds, Mewses, Passages, Rents, Roads, Rows, Squares, Streets, Yards, &c. within the City of London, and Suburbs thereof , alphabetically digested.
ALLEYS in 1732.
Acorn alley, Bilhopsgate street
Adam and Eve alley, Barnaby street
Adam and Eve alley, Smithfield
Anchor alley, Mint street
Anchor alley, Thames street
Anchor and Kope alley, Wapping
Angel alley, Aldersgate street
Angel alley, street street
Angel alley, Fore street, Lambeth S
Angel allev, Golden lane
Angel alley. Gray's Inn lane
Angel alley, Houndsditch
Angel alley, King street, St. James's square
Angel alley, Leadenhall street
Angel alley, Little Moorfields
Angel alley, Long acre
Angel alley, Nightingale lane
Angel alley, Pepper alley, Southwark
Angel alley, Ratcliff Highway
Angel alley, Shoe lane
Angel alley, Stoney lane
Angel alley, WhiteCross street
Angel alley, Whitechapel
Anne's alley, East Smithfield
Antelope alley, King street
Artichoke alley, Barnaby street
Artichoke alley, Hijiweli street,
Ax alley, Leadenhall street
Bab's alley, Mint street, Southwark
Back alley, Back hill, Hatton wall
Back alley, Bear alley, Fleet ditch
Back alley, Bowling alley, Westminster
Back alley, Church lane, Whitechapel
Back alley, Church lane, T street
Back alley, Cloth fair
Back alley, Great Garden, St. Catharine's
Back alley, Green Bank, Wapping
Back alley, Playhouse yard, WhiteCross street
Back alley, Three Foxes court, Long lane
Bacon alley, Woolpack alley, Houndsditch
Badger alley, Shoreditch
Bagand Bottle alley. Old street
Bailey's alley, in the Strand
Baker's alley, Church lane, Whitechapel
Baker's allev, Farmer's street, Shadwell
Baker's alley, Goswell street
Baker's alley, King street, Westminster
Baker's alley, Monkwell street
Baker's alley, St. John street
Baker's alley, in the Strand
Baker's alley, Swallow street
Bakers arms alley, Rosemary lane
Ball alley, Aldersgate street
Ball alley, Canon street
Ball alley, Kingfiand road
Ball alley, Lime street
Ball alley, Lombard street
Ball alley, Long alley, Moorfields
Ball alley, St. Catharine's lane
Bali alley, Wheeler street
Bandy Leg alley, Fleet ditch
Bnnnister's alley, Broad S Giles's
Bannister's alley, Nightingale lane
Barbers alley, Brown's jane, Spitalfields
Barbers Pole alley, St. Margarets hill
Barking alley, Seething lane, Tower street
Basket alley, Golden lane
Basket alley, Goswell street
Bear alley. Addle hill
Bear alley, Bride lane
Bear alley, London wall
Bear alley, Fleet ditch
Bear alley, Wormwood street
Beehive alley, Snow hill
Beggars Alms alley, Rosemary lane
Bell alley, Austin Friars
Bell alley, Budge row
Bell alley, Canon street
Bell alley, Coleman street
Bell alley, Dean street
Bell alley, Fenchurch street
Bell alley, Goswell street
Bell alley, Great Carter lane
Bell alley, Great Eastcheap
Bell alley, Green alley, Tooly street, Southwark
Bell alley, Kingfiand road
Bell alley, King street, Westminster
Bell alley, New Stairs, Wapping
Bell alley, Old Bedlam
Bell alley, Old street
Bell alley, Saffron hill
Bell alley, Thieving lane
Bell alley, Turnmill street
Bell alley, Walbrook
Bell alley, Wapping s
Bell and Bear alley, Great Eastcheap
Bell's alley, St. Catherine's lane
Benfon's alley, Shoreditch
Betts's alley, Shoreditch
Biggs's alley, Thral street
Bilton's alley, Freeman's lane
Birds alley, Fashion street
Birdcage alley, Anchor street
Birdcage alley, St. Margaret's hill
Birdcatchers alley, Whitechapel
Bird in Hand alley, Cheapside
Bitt alley, Turnmill street
Black and white alley, Old Bailey
Black Bell alley, Petticoat lane
Blackbird alley, St. John street
Black Boy alley, Chick lane
Black Boy alley, Fore street, Lambeth
Black Boy alley, in the Minories
Black Boy alley, Rosemary lane
Black Boy alley, Thames street
Black Bull alley, Petticoat lane
Black Dog alley, Bowling alley
Black Dog alley, East Smithfield
Black horse alley, Fleet street
Black Jack alley, East Smithfield
Black Jack alley, Great Windmill street
Black Jack alley, Old street
Blackburn's alley, Rotherhithe Wall
Black's alley, East Smithfield
Black Lyon alley, Wentworth street
Blackmoors alley, Farthing fields
Blackmoors alley, Green Bank
Blackmoors alley, St. Martin's lane
Black Raven alley, Coleman street
Black Raven alley, Leadenhall street
Black Raven alley, Thames street
Black SpreadEagle alley, Blackman street
Black Spread Eagle alley, Kent street
Black Spread Eagle alley, Turnmill street
Tjlack Swan alley, Golden lane
Black Swan alley, Holiwell street
Black Swan alley, Little Carter lane
Black Swan alley. London Wall
Black Swan alley, St. Margaret's Hill
Black Swan alley, Thames street
Blake's alley, Holiwell lane
BlindBeggars alley, CowCross
Blue Anchor alley, Barnaby street
Bine Anchor alley, Brook's street
Blue Anchor alley, Bunhiil row
Blue anchor alley, Cable street
Blue Anchor alley, Green Bank
Blue Anchor alley, Minories
Blue Anchor alley, Old street
Blue Anchor alley, Pesthouse row
Blue Anchor alley, Petty France
Blue Anchor alley, Rosemary lane
Blue Anchor alley, St. Catherine's
Blue Anchor alley, Tooly street
Blue Anchor alley, Tower Ditch
Blue Anchor alley, WhiteCross street
Blue Ball alley, in the Mint
Blue Boar alley, Blackman street
Blue Boar alley, Field lane street
Blue Boar's Head alley, White street
Blue Gate alley, WhiteCross street
Blue Maid alley, St Margaret's
Blue Posts alley, Blue Gate field
Blunderbuss alley, St. Thomas Apostles
Boar alley, Grub street
Boarded alley, Baldwin's Gardens
Boar's Head alley, Whitechapel
Boar's Head alley, White street
Bock's alley, Wapping Wall
Bolt and Tun alley, Whitechapel
Boot alley, Abchurch lane
Boot alley, Grub street
Boot alley, Kent street
Boot alley, St. James's street
Boot alley, Upper Ground street
Boss alley, St Mary at hill
Boss alley, Shad Thames
Boss alley, Thames street
Bostwick's alley, Whitechapel
Botolph's alley, Botolph lane
Bottle alley, street street
Bowl alley, St. Saviour's, Dock Head
Bowling alley, Cow Cross
Bowling alley, Dean's yard, Westminster
Bowling alley, Thames street
Bowling alley, Tooly street
Bowling alley, Turmmill street
Bowling alley, WhiteCross street
Boxe's alley, Wapping
Boy and Bell alley, Brick lane
Brake's alley, Nightingale lane
Breadstreet alley, Bread street bill
Breakneck alley, in the Minories
Brewers alley, Shoe lane
Bride alley, Fleet street
Bridewell alley, St. Margaret's hill
Broomstick alley, Bunhill
Broomstick alley, Field lane
Broomstick alley, WhiteCross street
Brown Beer alley, East Smithfield
Brown's alley, King street
Brown's alley, Norton Falgate
Brown's alley, Gravel street
Buckridge alley, George street
Brum alley. East Snathfield 7
Bull alley, Turnmill street
Bull alley, Whitechapel
Bull Head alley, Rag street
Butchers alley, Cable street
Butcher:, alley, St. John street
Butlers alley, Grab street
Butlers alley, Little Moorfields
Butlers alley, Windmill row
Buttermilk alley, Phoenix street
Cabbage alley. Barnaby street
Cain and Abel's allay, Angel alley
Campion's alley, Market street
Canon alley, St, Paul's churchyard
Castle alley, Cornhill
Castle alley. Thames street
Catharine alley, street street
Catharine wheel alley , George inn
Catharine wheel alley, Holiwell street
Catharine wheel alley, Petticoat lane
Catharine wheel alley, St.James street
Catharine wheel alley, Whitechapel
Cat alley. Long lane
Catlin's alley, Shoreditch
Chapel alley, near Oxford street
Chapel alley, Longacre
Chequer alley, in the Borough
Checquer alley, Old Bethlehem
Chequer alley, WhiteCross street
Cherry tree alley, Golden lane
Chitterling alley, Beer lane
Christopher's alley, Lambert street
Christopher's alley, Moorfields
Christopher's alley, St. Martin's le Grand
Church alley, North, Basinghall street
Church alley, South, Basinghall street
Church alley, Giltspur street
Church alley, Old Jewry
Church alley, St. Mary Hill
Church alley, Thames street
Church alley, Tooley street
Church alley, Wapping
Church alley, Whitechapel
Churchyard alley, Cartwright street
Churchyard alley, Fetter lane
Churchyard alley, Harp alley
Churchyard alley, Shoe lane
Chymillcrs alley, Bedfordbury
Cinnamon alley, Turnmill street
Clark's alley, street street
Clark's alley, Whitechapel
Coal alley, Whitechapel
Cock alley, East Smithfieid
Cock alley, Deadmans Place
Cock alley, Ludgate Hill
Cock alley, Norton Falgate
Cock alley. Portpool lane
Cock alley, Shoreditch
Cock alley, Wapping
Cock alley, Whitechapel
Cocket alley, Fore street
Cockpit alley, Drury lane
Cockpit alley, Gravel lane
Coleman's alley, Bunhill Fields
Commistrys alley, Cock Hill
Compter alley. Borough
Conduit alley, Quakers street
Constabtes alley, Hoxton
Cooks alley, Bedfordbury
Cork alley, Turnmill street
Corkcutters alley, Longditch
Coopers alley, WhiteCross street
Counsellors alley, Great Pearl street
Covely's alley, Grey eagle street
Cox's alley, Leather lane
Cradle alley, CowCross
Cradle alley, Cat throat lane Shadwell
Cradle alley, Drury lane
Cradle alley, Golden lane
Cradle alley, Grays inn Lane
Crane alley, Chancery lane
Crane alley, Old Change
Cranebourn alley. Leicester fields
Crispin's alley, Holm ell street
Cropp's allev, Back street, Lambeth
Cross alley, George alley Shoe lane
Cross alley, Marigold street
Cross alley, One Uun alley, Wapping
Cross alley, Upper Well alley, Wapping
Crosskeys alley, Blackman street
Cross keys alley, Barnaby street
Crosskeys alley, Norton Falgate
Crosskeys allev, Walling street
Crosskeys alley, WhiteCross street
Crosskeys alley, without Temple Bar
Cross Shovel alley, Blackman street
Crow alley, Whitecross street
Crowd alley, Salisbury court
Crowder's Well alley, |ewin street
Crown alley, Bank Side
Crown alley, King Tudor street
Crown alley, Minories
Crown aliey, Tooly street
Crown alley, Upper Moorfields
Crown alley, WhiteCross street
Crown allev, White street , horselydown
Cucumber alley, Ship yard, Temple Bar
Cupid's alley, Golden lane
Cumers alley, Shoe lane
Cutting alley, New North street
Dagger alley, St. Margaret's Hill
Dagger alley, Peter street, Cow Cross
Dagger allev, Quaker street, Spitalfields
Dart's alley, Whitechapel
David and Harp alley, Whitechapel
Dawson's alley, St. Martin's le grand
Dirty alley, Fashion street
Dirty aliey, Ratcliff Highway
Dipping alley, Fair street, horselydown
Ditch alley, Green alley, Tooly street
Doctor Frier's alley, Little Britain
Dod's alley, Nightingale lane
Dod alley, Bowling alley, Westminster
Dog alley, Fore street, Lambeth
Dog and Bear alley, Horselvdown
Dog and Duck alley, New Bond street
Dolittle'a alley, Little Carter lane
Dolphin alley, Blackman street
Dolphin ailey, Cock lane, Snowhill
Dolphin aliey, Gun street, Spitalfields
Dolphin alley, Long alley, Moorfields
Dolphin alley, St. Catharine's court
Dolphin alley, Wapping
Drum alley, Drury lane
Ducking Pond alley, Whitechapel road
Duke's alley, Kingsland road
Dumb alley, High Holborn
Dunning's alley, Bishiopsgate street
Dyersalley, Bricklane, Spitalfields
Eagle and Child alley, Shoe lane
Exchange alley, Cornhill
Exchange alley, Mint, Southwark
Falcon alley, Barnaby street
Falcon alley, Redcross street
Falconers alley, CowCross
Farmers alley, Gardiners lane
Farr's alley, St. Giles's
Farm's alley, Goswell street
Fann's alley, Web's square
Farthing ailey, East Smithfieid
Farthing ailey, Jacob street
Farthing alley, in the Maze
Feathers aliey, Bedfordbury
Fishers alley, Hide street, Bloomsbury
Fishers alley, Rosemary lane
Fishers alley, Water lane, Fleet street
Fishmongers alley, St. Margaret's hill
Fishmongers alley, Fenchurch street
Five Foot alley, Old Gravel lane
Five lnk horn alley, Whitechapel
Five Pipe alley. Pickle Herring
Flower de Luce aliey. Blackfriars
Flower de Luce aliey, Wheeler street
Fole allev, Swan allev, East Smithfie1d
Formans alley, Old street
Fountain alley, Maiden lane
Fox and Goose alley, Peters lane
French alley , Goswell street
French alley, Quaker street
Friers alley, Wood street 1
Fryingpan alley, Berwick street
Fryingpan alley, Borough, Southwark
Fryingpan alley, Browns Gardens
Fryingpan alley, Deadmans Place
Fryingpan alley, Fore street, Lambeth
Fryingpan alley, Golden lane
Fryingpan alley, Great Swan alley
Fryingpan aliey, Oxford street
Fryingpan alley, Petticoat lane
Fryingpan alley, Redcross street
Fryingpan alley, To thill street
Fryingpan alley, Turnmill street
Fryingpan alley, Wood street 1
Garland alley, street street
George alley, Coleman street
George allev, Field lane
George alley, St. Margaret's hill
George alley, Shoe lane
George alley, Stony street
Geosge alley, Thames street
George alley, Turnmill street
George alley, York Buildings
George and Vulture alley, Cornhill
Gingerbread alley, Holiwell lane
Globe alley, Dead man's Place
Globe alley, Narrow street, Limehouse
Globe alley, Quaker street
Glebe alley, Wapping
Globe Stairs alley, Jamaica street
Goat alley, Upper Ground
Goat alley, WhiteCross street
Gob's alley, Grey Eagle street
Golden Anchor alley, Old street
Golden Lyon alley, Longditch
Goldsmith's alley, Jewin street
Good Child's alley, Market street
Goofe alley, fleet Ditch
Grace's alley, Wellclose square
Grey Pea alley, Redmaid lane
Grasshopper alley, Fore street
Great Bell ailey, Coleman street
Great Cock alley, Fore street
Great Crow alley, WhiteCross street
Great Lamb alley, Blackman street
Great Swordbearers alley, Chiswell street
Great Turnstile alley, High Holborn
Green alley, Broad Sanctuary
Green alley, Coleman street
Green alley, St. Saviour's Dock
Green alley, Tooly street
Green Dragon alley, Narrow street, Limehouse
Green Dragon alley, Wapping
Greenwich alley, Brickhill lane
Greyhound alley, St. Mary Ax 1
Grey Peas alley, Three Maid lane
Gridiron alley, Whitechapel
Griffin alley, Blackman street
Grocers alley, Poultry
Grocers alley, Shoreditch
Guildhall alley, Basinghall street
Gullyhole alley, Wheeler street
Gum alley, Barnaby street
Gummery's alley, Dorset street
Gun alley, Little Moorfields
Gun alley, Well street, May fair
Gunpowder alley, Poor Jewry lane
Gunpowder alley, Shoe lane
Halfmoon alley, street street
Halfmoon alley, Cheapside
Halfmoon alley, Green Bank, Wapping
Halfmoon alley, Jewin street
Halfmoon alley, Little Bartholomew close
Halfmoon alley, Little Moorfields
Halfmoon alley, Saltpetre Bank
Halfmoon alley, Seven Stars alley, Golden lane
Halfmoon alley, Whitechapel
Halfpenny alley, Jacob street
Halfpenny aliey, Sharp's alley, Cow Cross
Hand alley, High Holborn
Hand alley, Long alley, Moorfields
Hand alley, Petticoat lane
Hand and Crown alley, Cow lane
Hand and Pen alley, Tower hill
Hanging Sword alley, Water lane
Hangman's Gains alley, St. Catharine's
Hare alley, Shoreditch
Harp alley, Fleet Market
Harrow alley, Mint street
Harrow alley, Old Gravel lane
Harrow alley, Petticoat lane
Harrow alley, Whitechapel
Hatchet alley, Church lane
Hatchet alley, East Smithfield
Hatchet alley, Little Britain
Hatchet alley, Little Tower Hill
Hedge alley, Barnaby street
Hepworth's alley, Dancing bridge
Hercules Pillars alley, Fleet street
Holford's alley, Drury lane
Hoop alley, Old street
Hoop alley, Portpool lane
Horn alley, Aldcrfgate street
Horn alley, Liquorpond street
Horseshoe alley, Anchor street
Horseshoe alley, Bank Side
Horseshoe alley, Maiden lane
Horseshoe alley, Moorfields
Horseshoe alley, Petticoat lane
Horseshoe alley, Petty France
Horseshoe alley, Whitechapel
Housewife alley, Old Bethlehem
Howard's Causeway alley, Narrow Wall
Huggen alley, Wood street
Hutley's alley, Bank Side
Jack Adams's alley, Safrron hill
Jacksons alley, Bow street, Covent Garden
Jacob's alley, Barnaby street
Jacob's Well alley, Nightingale lane
Jacob's Well alley, Thames street
Jerufalem allev, Gracechurch street
John's alley, Budge row
Joyners Hall alley, Thames street
Kings Head alley, Broad street , Ratcliff
Kings Head allev, Whitechapel
Kings Bench allev, St. Margaret's hill
Labour in vain alley, St. Margaret's hill
Lady alley, King street, Westminster
Lamb alley, street street
Lamb alley, Goodman's Fields
Lamb alley, Monkwell street
Lamb alley, in the Old Change
Lamb alley, St. Giles's Broad way
Lamb alley, Sherbourn lane
Lamb ailey, Whitechapel
Landress alley, Five Feet lane
Lane's alley, St. Giles's Broadway
Last alley, Cow Cross
Last alley, Whitechapel
Leg alley, Barnaby street
Leg allev, Shoreditch
Leg alley, Tooly street
Lilley's alley, Saffron hill
Little Bell alley, Coleman street
Little Bell alley, Grub street
Little Eofs alley, Thames street
Little Cock alley, WhiteCross street
Little Crow alley, WhiteCross street
Little Crowder's Well alley, George Inn
Little Crown alley, Long alley, Moorfields
Little Dunning's alley, near street street
Little Greenwich alley, Aldersgate street
Little Gun alley, Orchard, Wapping
Little Lamb alley, Blackman street
Little Lalt alley! East Smithfield
Little Maypole alley, St. Margaret's Hill
Little Mouse alley, East Smithfield
Little Northumberland alley, Crutched Friars 1
Little Star alley, Mark lane
Little Swan alley, Coleman street
Little Swan alley, Mount Mill
Little Swan alley, St. John street
Little Swoidbearer's alley, Chifwell street
Little Three Tun alley, near Whitechapel
Little Turnftile alley, High Holborn
Little Twyford's alley, St. Ermin's Hill
Long alley, Black Friars
Long alley, Moorfields
Long alley, in the Strand
Loom alley, Old Bethlehem
Lower Gun alley, Green Wapping
Lower Well alley, Green Wapping
Lucas's alley, Quaker street
Lyon and Lamb alley, Golden lane
Maidenhead alley, Wapping
Magpye allev, Aldersgate street
Magpye alley, Bishiopsgate street
Magpye alley, Fetter lane
Magpye alley, Gray's Inn lane
Magpye alley, Phoenix street
Maypole alley, Fenchurch street
Maypole alley, Holiwell street
Maypole alley, St. Margaret's Hill
Maypole alley, Wych street
Marigold alley, Barnaby street
Masons alley, Basinghall street
Meetinghouse alley, Johnsons street
Meetinghouse alley, Queen street, Rotherhithe
Michael's alley, Cornhill
Milk alley, Dean street, Soho
Milk alley, Long ditch, Westminster
Milk alley, Wapping
Milk alley, Winchester street
Month's alley, St. Catharine's lane 7
Moor's alley, King street, Westminster
Moor's alley, Norton falgate
Morgan's alley, Green walk, Southwark 8
Moses alley, Bank Side, Southwark 8
Moses and Aaron's alley, Whitechapel
Mouse alley, East Smithfield
Mustard alley, Castle lane
Nag's Head alley, Bridge yard Pasage
Nag's Head alley, Fenchurch street
Nags Head alley, St. Margaret's Hill
Naked Boy alley, Barnaby street
Narrow alley, Stoney lane
Nevils alley, Fetter lane
New alley, in Hoxton
New Turnstile alley, Holborn
Nichols's alley, Cable street, Rag fair
Noah's Ark alley, Narrow street, Ratcliff
North Prescot alley, St. John street
Northumberland alley, Fenchurch street
Off alley, York Buildings
Old Pav'd alley, Pallmall
OldShoe alley, Hoxton
Oliver's alley, in the Strand
One Gun alley, Wapping
One Tun alley, Hungerford Market
Pain's alley, Wapping wall
Pannier alley, Newgate street
Parker's alley, near Cherry Garden street
Parker's alley, Turnmill street
Park Prospect alley, Knightsbridge
Parliament Stairs alley, Westminster
Parrot alley, WhiteCross street
Parrot alley, East Smithfield
Paternoster alley, Paternoster row
Paul's alley, Fenchurch street
Paul's alley, Paul's Churchyard
Paul's alley, RedcCross street
Pav'd alley, Charles street, St. James's
Pav'd alley, Lime street
Pav'd alley, London house yard
Pav'd alley, Water lane, Blackfriars
Pav'd alley, White friars
Peal alley, Upper Shadwell
Pear Tree alley, Cinnamon street
Pear Tree alley, Shoreditch
Pear Tree alley, Wapping
Peas Porridge alley, Gravel lane
Penny Barber's alley, Stoney lane
Pepper alley, in the Borough
Petty Canon's alley, Paul's Church yard
Petty France alley, Old Bethlehem
Pewter Platter alley, Gracechurch street
Phoenix alley, Longacre
Phipps's alley, Shoreditch
Pin alley, near Rosemary lane
Pinner's alley, Shoreditch
Pipe alley, Broad way, Westminster
Pipemakers alley, Great St. Ann's lane
Pipemakers alley, WhiteCross street
Plow alley, Bank side
Plow alley, Barbican
Plow alley, Carey street
Plow alley, Wapping
Pope's Head alley, Cornhill
Poppet's alley, Green bank
Popping's alley, Fleet street
Porridgepot alley, Aldersgate street
Porter's alley, Basinghall street
Powel's alley, Chiswell street
Price's alley, Brewer street
Price's alley, Queen street, Park
Prichard's alley, Fair street
Priests alley, Foster lane
Priests alley, Tower street
Primrose alley, Bishopsgate street
Primrose alley, St. Mary Overy's dock
Pump alley, Green bank, Wapping
Pump alley, Kennington
Pump alley, Perkins's rents
Pump alley, Quaker street
Pump alley, Queen street, Park
Pump alley, near WhiteCross Bishopsgate
Quart Pot alley, George street
Queen's Arms alley, Shoe lane
Queen's Head alley, Hoxton
Queen's Head alley, Newgate Bishopsgate
Queen's Head alley, Wapping
Queen's Head alley, Whitechapel
Queenhithe alley, near Thames Bishopsgate
Rag alley, Golden lane
Ram alley, Cock lane
Ram alley, Cow Cross
Ram alley, Fleet street
Ram alley, St. John street
Red Bull alley, Kent street
Red Bull alley, Thames street
Red Cow alley, Old street
RedCross alley, Jewin street
RedCross alley, RedCross street
RedCross alley, St. Margaret's hill
Red Lyon alley, Cow Cross
Red Lyon alley, Minories
Red Lyon alley, St. Catharine's
Red Lyon alley, Peter street, St. John street
Red Lyon alley, St. John street
Red Lyon alley, Tower ditch
Red Lyon alley, Whitechapel
Red Rofe alley, WhiteCross street
Roe Buck alley, Turnmill street
Ropemakers ailey, Little Moorfields
Rose alley, Bank side, Southwark
Rose alley, Bishopsgate street
Rose alley, East Smithfield
Rose alley, Fleet lane
Rose alley, Golden lane
Rose alley, High Holborn
Rose alley, Rose street, Long acre
Rose alley, Saffron hill
Rose alley, Shoreditch
Rose alley, Sugarbakers lane
Rose alley, Tooly street
Rose alley, Turnmill street
Rose alley, Widegate street
Rose and Crown alley, near Whitechapel
Rosemary branch alley, Rosemary lane
Royal Oak alley, Ratcliff
St. Ann's alley, Noble street
St. Christopher's alley, St. Christopher's court
St. Dunstan's alley, St. Dunstans hill
St. John's alley, St. Martin le Grand
St. Laurence's alley, Cateaton street
St. Peter's alley, Cornhill
Salter's alley, Green bank, Wapping
Salter's alley, Nightingale lane
Savery's alley, Farmer street
Savoy alley, Savoy
Scalding alley, Poultry
Schoolhouse allev, Swan alley
Sea alley, King street, Westminster
Seamrns ailey, Rotherhithe wall
Serfnet's alley, Narrow street, Limehouse
Seven Stars alley, Ratcliff highway
Seven Stars alley, Rosemary lane
Seven Steps alley, Rotherhithe wall
Seven Steps alley, Old Montague street
Seven Steps alley, Petticoat lane
Sharp's alley, Barnaby street
Sharp's alley, Cow Cross
Sharp's alley, Leadenhall street
Sharp's alley, Norton folgate
Shaw's alley, Kent street
Sheers alley, East Smithfield
Sheers alley, White street
Sheers alley, Wentworth street
Sheers alley, Wood street
Shepherds alley, Thames street
Ship alley, Narrow street, Limehouse
Ship alley, Ratcliff highway
Shoulder of Mutton alley, Limehouse
Shovel alley, Back lane, Rag fair
Shovel alley, East Smithfield
Shovelalley, St. Catharine's
Shovel alley, Wood street
Six Bells alley, Foster lane
Shorey's alley, King street, Rotherhithe
Slaughterhouse alley, Spitalfields market
Sleep's alley, Islington road, St. John street
Slop alley, Gray's Inn lane
Smallcoal alley, Brick lane
Smallcoal alley, Faftiion street
Smallcoal alley, Rupert street
Smallcoal alley, St. John street
Smiths alley, Joyners street
Smock alley, Hockley in the holee
Smock alley, Petticoat lane
Sopers alley, WhiteCross street
Spectacles alley, Shoe lane
Spread Eagle alley, Kinfland road
Spread Eagle alley, Whitechapel
Squirrel alley, in the Minories
Stag's alley, Bedfordbury
Star alley, East Smithfield
Star alley, Fenchurch street
Star alley, Minories
Starch alley, Green bank, Southwark
Starch alley, Rotten row, Goswell street
Staymakero alley, Booth street
Stevens's alley, King street
Still alley, street street
Still alley, Blewgare field
Still alley, Houndsditch
Still alley, Long alley, Moorfields
Still alley, New street, St. Thomas's
Still alley, Petticoat lane
Stockingframe alley, Shoreditch
Stonecutters alley, Little Queen street
Stonecutters alley, Pallmall
Sugarloaf alley, Barnaby streets
Sugarloaf alley, Mark lane
Sugarloaf alley, Moses and Aaron alley
Sugarloaf alley, Portpool lane
Sugarloaf alley, Wentworth street
Sun alley, Barnaby street
Sun alley, Cow Cross
Sun alley, Golden lane
Sun alley, Grub street
Sun alley, Kent street
Sun alley, King street, Cheapside
Sun alley, St. John street
Sun and Trumpet alley, Whitechapel
Sun dial alley, Moorfields
Swan alley, Barnaby street
Swan alley, Brown's lane
Swan alley, Coleman street
Swan alley, East Smithfield
Swan alley, Golden lane
Swan allev, Goswell street
Swan alley, Minories
Swan alley, Puddle dock
Swan alley, Rotherhithe wall
Sweeting's alley, Cornhill
Tan alley, Long lane
Tafh alley, Shoreditch
Tenter alley, Little Moorfields
Tenter allev, Tooly street
Tenterground alley, Castle street
Thatch'd alley, Chick lane
Thatch'd house alley, Strand
Three Anchor alley, Shoe lane
Three Colt alley, near Bishopsgate street
Three Compaffes alley, East Smithfield
Three Crane alley, Bonds stables
Three Crane alley, in the Borough
Three Cup alley, Shoreditch
Three Falcon alley, St. Margaret's hill
Three Hats alley, horselydown lane
Three horseshoe alley, Old street
Three Leg alley, East Harding street
Three Link alley, Fafhion street
Three Needle alley, Moorfields
Three Pigeon alley, Hockley in the hole
Three Step alley, Rotherhithe
Three Tun alley, Bishopsgate ftr.
Three Tun alley, Cow Cross
Three Tun alley, London wall
Three Tun alley, Petticoat lane
Three Tun alley, St. Margaret's hill
Three Tun alley, Thames street
Three Tun alley, White street
Three Twifters alley, Bunhill row
Thrift's alley, Spring street
Thunderbolt alley, Windmill row
Tite's alley, Limehouse
Tongue's alley, Whitechapel
Tripp's alley, Ratcliff
Troter alley, Barnaby street
Trump alley, Cheapside
Tun alley, Love lane
Turner's alley, Little Eastcheap
Turnftile alley, Drury lane
Two Leg alley, Old Bethlehem
Twyford's alley, Petty France
Unicorn alley, Fore street
Unicorn alley, Holiwell street
Unicorn alley, Kent street
Unicorn alley, Wheeler street
Upper Gun alley, Wapping
Upper Well alley, Wapping
Valiant Soldier alley, Barnaby street
Wall's aliey, Minories
Walnut Tree alley, Tooly street
Washermaid's alley, Five Feet lane
Watercock alley, East Smithfield
Waterman's alley, New street, St Thomas's
Well alley, Minoriss
Well alley, near Tooly street
Weil alley, Ropemakers fields
Well and bucket alley, Old street
West Side alley, near Tooly street
Wheatsheaf alley, Barn;;by street
Wheatsheaf alley, Lambeth
Wheatfheaf alley, Thames street
Wheeler's alley, Old street
White's alley, Bond's stables
White's alley, Chancery lane
White's alley, Coleman street
White's alley, Little Moorfields
White's alley, Long ditch, Westminster
White's alley, Middle Moorfields
White Bear alley, Kent street
White Bear alley, Whitechapel
White Cock alley, Thames street
White Hart allev, Leadenhall street
White horse alley, Chick lane
White horse alley, Cow Cross
White horse alley, Great Eastcheap
White horse alley, Kent street
White horse alley, Turnmill street
White Lyon alley, Birching lane
White Rofe alley, WhiteCross street
Whiting's alley, Morgan's lane
Whiting's alley, near Tooly street
Wildgoofe alley, Thames street
Willow Tree alley, Wapping
Windmill alley, St. Margaret's hill
Windmill alley, Whitechapel
Wisdom's alley, Milibank, Westminster
Wiseman's alley, Brook street
Wightman's alley, St. John street
Wood's alley, Harrow alley
Woolpack alley, Houndsditch
York alley, St. Mary Magdalen's Church yard
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