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Langborn and Candlewick Wards in 1756 neatly engraved from a New Survey
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Index of London wards in 1756 by William Maitland
With a Plan, neatly engraved from a New Survey.
Its Name, Bounds, and Extent. Modern State. Aldermen and Common Councilmen.
Parishes and Parish Churches. A French Episcopal Church. Two Colleges, the Poet
Lidiat's Account of East cheap.
ThisS Ward took its Name from a Street called Candlewick or Candlewright street,
a Place remarkable for Wax and Tallow Chandlers or Candlewrights, as they were
anciently named. It is bounded on the East by Bridge Ward ; on the South by
Bridge and Dowgate Wards ; on the North by Langborn Ward ; and on the West by
Dowgate and Wallbrook, Wards.
It begins at the East End of Great East cheap, and runs Westward thro' the said
Street, and Candlewick street, now Canon street, to the North End of Green
Lettice, formerly called Suffolk lane, on the South Side, and down that Lane to
the West End of St. Laurence Poultney Church yard, including, on the South Side
of Canon street, half Crooked Lane, and the greatest Part of all the other Lanes
: But on the North Side it takes in not one fourth Part of those Lanes, which
run into Lombard street. Thus, Great Eastcheap, the whole on both Sides, except
a very small Part in the North Corner next to Grass church street :
Candlewick (now commonly called Canon) street, from Green lettice lane on both
Sides to Great East cheap : Abchurch lane, all, except 96 Feet on the West Side,
and about 140 Feet on the East Side of the North End, towards Lombard street.
St. Nicholas lane, about 300 Feet, at the South End, on both Sides.
St. Clement's lane, the South End, and about 180 Feet on the West Side, and 150
Feet on the East Side. St. Michael's lane, all but about 140 Feet at the South
End on both Sides. Crooked lane, the West End, about Half. St. Martin's lane,
all, on both Sides, except about 95 Feet at the South End. St. Laurence Poultney
lane, or Hill, from Canon street on both Sides, a little beyond St. Laurence
Church yard. Green lettice lane, the East Side. And all these Streets and Lanes
have several Courts and Alleys and small Passages, which shall be mentioned
under each.
Great East cheap begins by the Corner of Fish street hill, and runs
Westward unto Clement's lane, where Canon street begins. It took its Name, East
cheap, from a Market anciently there kept for the serving the East Part of the
City : Which Market was afterwards removed to Leadenhall street, and now is kept
in Leadenhall square.
But still Great East cheap continues a Flesh market, and is a great Thoroughfare
from the Eastern Parts to those in the West. In this Street is the Boar's head
Tavern, under the Sign of which is wrote, This is the oldest Tavern in London.
It is in this Tavern where some of the Scenes of the Poet Shakespear's Henry IV.
are laid, which he introduces Prince Henry, Falstaff, his Companions.
The Courts and Alleys are as followeth, beginning Eastwards, viz.
Small alley, very ordinary, only for Stabling.
Maidenhead court, but small, with a Meeting house at the upper End.
Rat alley, also narrow and very mean.
White Bell alley, also small and ordinary.
Canon street begins at East cheap, and runs West wards to Green Lettice lane ; a
Street well built and inhabited by able Tradesmen : The Courts and Alleys are,
Bell alley, which hath a Passage into St. Nicholas lane through the Bell Tavern.
Black Swan alley, but indifferent. Artichoke court, a pretty good Place, with a
Free stone Pavement.
Clement' s lane, on the North Side of Canon street, falls into Lombard street, a
Place well built and inhabited : The Part in this Ward goeth a little beyond St.
Clement' s East cheap Church ; which is a handsome Brick Building, with
Freestone Work at the Corners ; adjoining to which Church is a good handsome
Place called Church alley, the North Side having a Row of houses, and the South
Side lying open to the Church and Church yard.
Nicholas lane, of which in Langborn'Ward.
Abchurch lane comes out of Lombard street, and runs up to Canon street, a Place
well built and inhabited by Merchants and Persons of Repute. In this Lane are
these Courts and Alleys :
Nicholas alley, but narrow, with a Passage into Nicholas lane.
Lamb alley, but indifferently inhabited, and narrow, with a Passage into
Sherborn lane ; and near unto this Alley is Lamb court, which is but ordinary.
The Lanes on the South Side of Canon street are Michael' s lane, and Crooked
lane, St. Martin's lane, St. Laurence Poultney lane, and Green lettice lane.
Michael' s lane goes out of Great East cheap, and runs down into Thames street,
which Lane is almost all in this Ward; that Part towards Thames street being in
Dowgate Ward. It is a Place well built and inhabited. Crooked lane comes out of
Michael' s lane by St. Michael's Church, and falls into Fish street hill
against the Monument : Which Part next Fish street is in the Bridge Ward Within.
It is a Place of great Note for the Tin Ware, Fishing Tackle, Turnery Ware, Bird
Cages, Haberdashery and Cutlery Ware.
On the West Side of Michael's lane, over against the Church, is Hockins court,
which is but small, containing two houses. And on the same Side is Meeting house
yard, so called from a Meeting house, which takes up the greatest Part. Fencourt
hath pretty good houses, and a Free stone Pavement.
Three tun court, a good square Place, with an open Entrance for Carts.
St. Martin's lane also falls into Thames street, and is well built, and
inhabited by Merchants.
On the East Side is St. Martin's Orgar Church yard ; the Church not being
rebuilt since its burning down in the great Fire, the Parish is united unto St.
Clement's East cheap. Part of the Steeple remains, where there is a Dial, which
hangs over into the Street.
Laurence Poultney lane, so called from the Parish Church there formerly {landing
on the West Side, that was consumed by the Fire of London, and is not since
Green Lettice lane comes out of Canon street, and falls into St. Laurence
Poultney hill; a Place well inhabited. The East Side is only in this Ward; the
West in Wallbrook.
There are to watch at the several Stands in this Ward every Night a Constable,
the Beadle, and twenty four Watchmen. The Jurymen returned by the Wardmote
Inquest are to serve on Juries for this Ward in Guildhall in the Month of
It hath an Alderman, his Deputy, and seven more Common Councilmen, Constables
eight, Scavengers six, Wardmote Inquest Men twelve, and a Beadle. It is taxed to
the Fifteenth at 16 l.
The Alderman of this Ward is Sir Charles Asgill, Knight. The Common Councilmen
are, Mr. Samuel Gordon, Deputy, Mr. George Cunnick, Mr. George Middleton, Mr.
George Dealtry, Mr. John Southby, Mr. Robert Kite, Mr. George Hoare, and Mr.
Thomas Bowers.
The remarkable Things in this Ward are,
First, Three Parish Churches , (1) St. Clement's East cheap, (2) St. Mary's
Abchurch, (3) St. Michael's Crooked lane. But there are five Parishes ;
(1) St. Clement's East cheap, (2) St. Martin's Orgar, (3) St. Mary's Abchurch,
(4) St. Laurence's Poultney, (5) St. Michael's Crooked lane :
Of which more particularly herafter in the parochial History of this City.
Secondly, An Episcopal French Church, which assembles in the small Remains of
the ancient Parish Church of St. Martin's Orgar , Part of the Tower, and Nave
thereof, being found capable of Repairs after the Fire of London : Of which the
following is the best Account we are able to collect :
A Bill in Parliament being engrossed for keeping a Church for the French
Protestants, journing in London, in the Church yard this Parish of St. Martin
Orgars, after the great Fire ; the Parishioners offered Reasons to the
Parliament against it, declaring, nevertheless, that they were not against
erecting a Church, but only against erecting it in the Place mentioned in the
Bill : Since, by the Act for rebuilding the City, the Site and Church yard of
St. Martin's Orgars, was directed to be enclosed with a Wall, and laid open for
a Burying place for the Parish. The said Act was for confirming a Lease of the
Church yard, made from the Parson and Church wardens of the said Parish unto
certain Trustees for 50 Years, to erect a Church there for French Protestants,
with Liberty for the Parson and Church wardens, during the said Term, to renew
the said Lease for 50 Years, and so on. This was agreed on at a Vestry : But
many of the Parishioners not knowing of this that was done, and so without and
contrary to their Assent, now put up their Reasons against passing the Bill :
But notwithstanding, the Bill passed ; and there is a French Episcopal Church
there at this Time. The Ministers are the Reverend Mr. David Durand, F. R. S.
the Rev. Mr. Mauzy, and the Rev. Mr. Defprez, who perform the Service according
to the Rites and Liturgy of the Church of England.
Thirdly, In this Ward, in ancient Times were two Colleges, one founded by Sir
William Walworth, 4 Rich. II. in the Church of St. Michael's Crooked lane, his
own Parish, for one Master and nine Chaplains or Priests : The other was called
the College of Jesus and of Corpus Christi, founded by John Poultney, several
times Lord Mayor of London, about the 20 Edw. III. near the Church of St.
Laurence Poultney, for a Master, Warden, thirteen Priests, and four Chonuu s.
After his Decease, it obtained the Name of the College of St. Laurence de
The Face of this Ward is greatly changed, as may be collected from the following
Song, called London Lickpenny, made by Lidgate a Monk of Bury, in the Reign of
Henry V. in the Person of a Country man coming to London, and travelling through
the same. In West cheap (faith the Song) he was called on to buy fine Lawne,
Paris Thread, Cotton Umble, and other Linen Clothes, and such like, (he speaketh
of no Silks) : In Cornhill, to buy old Apparel, and Household Stuff ; where he
was forced to buy his own Hood, which he had lost in Westminster hall. In
Candlewright Street, Drapers proferred him cheap Cloth : In East cheap, the Cooks
cryed Hot Ribs of Beef rosted, Pies well baked, and other Victuals : There was
clattering of Pots, Harp, Pipe and Sawtrie ; yea by cock, nay by cock, for other
greater Oaths were spared : Some sang of Jenkin and Julian, &c. all which Melody
liked well the Passenger, but he wanted Money to abide by it, and therefore
gat him into Gravesend Barge, and home into Kent.
And the Eating houses in East cheap at that Time were of such Note, that we read
in the Annals of London, that the Royal Family used to frequent them. Seep. 185.
And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:13:01 BST
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