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Baynards Castle and Faringdo nwithin Wards in 1756 neatly engraved from a New Survey
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Index of London wards in 1756 by William Maitland
With a Plan, neatly engraved from a New Survey.
Its Name, Bounds, and Extent. Modern State. Aldermen and Common Council.
Parishes and Churches. The Heralds Office or College of Arms. Doctors Commons
Courts and Offices, Doctors and Protlors. Baynard Castle, and other remarkable
This Ward takes its Name from an ancient Castle built by one Baynard, a Nobleman
of great Authority, who came from Normandy with the Conqueror. It was situate on
the Bank near the Thames. Of which more at large Amongst the remarkable Things
of this Ward.
It is bounded on the East by Queenhithe and Bread street Wards, on the South by
the River Thames ; on the West and on the North by the Ward of Farringdon
This Ward begins in the East on the Thames Side, by where, of old Time, was a
house called Huntington house, and runs by St. Paul's wharf, by where old
Baynard's Castle stood, Puddle wharf, and by the South Side of Black fryars :
Turns by the East Wall of the said Fryars, to the South West End of Creed lane :
Then on the North Side of Thames street, by where St. Peter's Church stood, and
the Lane called St. Peters hill, along 'till over against Puddle wharf;
and then North up by the Great Wardrobe to the West End of Carter lane : Up
Creed lane, Ave mary lane, and a Piece of Paternoster row, and back again up
Warwick lane, all the East Side thereof, to the Sign of the Crown by Newgate
market ; which is the farthest North Part of this Ward.
Out of Thames street are Lanes ascending North to Knightriders street . The
first is Peter hill lane, all of that Ward, (two houses excepted.) The next is
Paul's wharf hill, which Crossing Knightriders street and Carter lane, goes up
to the South Chain of St. Paul's Church yard :
Addle street, over against the West Part of Baynards Castle, going up the West
End of Knightriders street, and to Carter lane.
The one half of the West Side of Lambart hill lane is of this Ward. At the North
West End thereof, and at the West End of St. Mary Magdalen's Church, which
stands on the North Side, begins Knightriders street, which runs West, on both
Sides, to the Parish Church of St. Andrew by the Wardrobe, all in this Ward. At
the East End of St. Mary Magdalen's Church, goes up to the Old exchange ; all
the West Side whereof, up to the South East Gate, or Entrance into St. Paul's
Church yard, and by St. Austin's Church, is of this Ward.
About the Middle of the Old exchange, on the West Side thereof, is Carter lane,
which runs West to the East Entry of the Blackfryars, and the South End of Creed
lane. Out of which Carter lane descends a Lane called Do little lane, and comes
into Knightriders street.
More West is Sermon lane. Then out of Carter lane, on the North Side thereof,
the South Chain of St. Paul's Church yard, and the Church yard itself, on the
South Side of St. Paul's Church, and Dean's court, are all of this Ward ; and
these are the Bounds thereof.
In describing the present State of this Ward, we shall begin with the South Part
next the Thames, and Thames street, with the Lanes, Hills, and Courts that fall
into the said Street ; as Lambeth, or Lambart hill, St. Peter's hill, St.
Bennet's hill, Addle hill, and Puddle dock hill; then with Knightriders street,
Carter lane, Creed lane, Ave mary lane, and Warwick lane.
On the Banks of the River Thames are the Wharfs of Puddle dock, used for a
Laystall for the Soil of the Streets, and much frequented by Barges and Lighters
for taking the same away, as also for landing of Corn and other Goods. Paul's
wharf, or St. Bennet Paul's wharf, a noted Stairs for Watermen.
Baynard' s Castle had its Entrance out of Thames street; which being all, burnt
down, except a little Tower next the Water Side, in the Conflagration of London,
1666, was converted into Buildings and Wharfs, as now it is. Hereabouts, where
anciently flood divers Noblemen's houses fronting the Thames, are now generally
Wharfs, Dyehouses, Brewhouses, Distillers, &c.
Castle street, seated near to Paul's wharf, a good broad Street, falling down to
the Thames, but meanly inhabited, and of no Account for Trade.
Westward from Castle street are Common lane Common and Dunghill lane, both which
run down to the Thames ; and beyond Puddle dock is Queen's college yard, and
Bristol street ; both which fall into Duke Humphrey's ; all Places of ordinary
Account. It has a Passage into Puddle dock, and another into Black fryars.
Thames street begins at Puddle dock, and runs Eastward to the Tower of London,
which is above a Mile in Length, but is in several Wards. It is a Street,
especially Eastward, of very great Trade, and inhabited by large and eminent
Dealers in heavy Goods ; besides the Dyers, Brewers, Woodmongers, and Timber
yards, on the South Side, next the Thames : And by Reason thereof, and of the
several Keys and Wharfs, it is much pestered with Carts, for lading and unlading
of Goods. The first Place at the North West End of this Street is Great Rutland
court, in different large and good, and has a Passage up Steps into Church hill
alley. At the North East Extremity of this Ward is Lambeth or Lambart hill, a
small Part, viz. on the West Side, from a little beyond Green dragon court to
the Corner of Old Fish street, over against St. Mary Magdalen's Church, is in
this Ward ; all the rest is in Queenhithe Ward : But in this Ward here is St.
Mary Magdalen's Church yard, being the Place for the Burial of the Dead of that
Parish. Here is Crane court, which is long, and has a Passage into St. Peter's
hill, with a Free stone Pavement, but the houses are indifferent.
More Westward is St. Peter's hill, well built and inhabited, especially the End
next to Old Fish street. On this Hill are Alms houses for six poor Widows. On
the West Side is the Back Part of the Heralds Office, with a Door leading into
St. Bennet's hill, or Paul's wharf hill, takes its Rise out of Thames street,
and runs up to Paul's chain into St. Paul's Church yard. It is a Place
much pestered with Carts to the Wharfs. Yet it is of Note, and well Resorted to,
by Reason of Doctors commons, and the Heralds Office there seated. The former on
the West Side, possessed by the Doctors, and others professing the Civil Law,
and practising it here. Out of this Place is a Back door into Knightrider's
The Heralds Office, or College of Heralds, is seated on the East Side, of which
Addle hill comes out of Carter lane, and runs down to Thames street, leaving
Knightrider's street on the East Side, and Church hill alley on the West. which
said Alley, with a turning Passage by St. Andrew's Wardrobe Church, falls into
Puddle dock. The houses are only on the South Side, the North lying open to the
Church and Church yard. And in this Alley is Crown court, which is indifferent
good. Adjoining to this Church was the King's great Wardrobe, as being formerly
imployed for that Use. The Garden is converted into a large and square Court,
with good houses, and called Wardrobe court.
On the West Side of Addle hill, is White bear court, very large, containing two
or three Courts of that Name ; but all very ordinary, and meanly built and
inhabited. Out of this Place is a Passage up Steps into Church hill alley ; and
another down Steps into Great Rutland court.
Likewise on this Hill are three small and ordinary Places, viz. Rose court,
White horse court, and Cock and hoop court.
Knightrider's street, of which there is the Great; and the Little, being severed
from each other by Bennett hill and Paul's chain : The Less runneth towards Old
Fish street, and the Greater towards St. Andrew Wardrobe Church.
And this Street is wider, and better built ; and chiefly inhabited by Proctors,
and such as have Dependance on Doctors commons. Out of this Street is a Passage
into Carter lane, thro' Bell yard, which is a very good open Court, with
handsome houses, well inhabited.
Little Knightrider's street, but narrow, and not over well inhabited, especially
the End next to Paul's chain.
Over against Lambeth hill, in the Passage to the Old change, is the Parish
Church of St. Mary Magdalen Old Fish street.
A little Westward from this Church is Do little lane, then Sermon lane ; which
fall into Carter lane, and are of no great Account, either for Inhabitants or
Buildings. Carter lane, of which there is the Great and the Little : The
Little comes out of the Old change, and falls into Great Carter lane, but
severed by Pauls chain, and thence runs Westward to Puddle dock and Creed lane.
Great Carter lane is the broadest, best built and inhabited. And in both these
Lanes are these Courts, viz. Scollop court, which has a Passage of Free stone
Pavement into Creed lane. Dean's court, which will be mentioned hersfter.
Wardrobe court and Bell yard, already mentioned. Mermaid lane, large, and of a
good Trade. King's bead court, indifferent large, with a Passage into St. Paul's
Church yard. And within this Court is another, bearing the Name of Red lion
court, handsome, with a Free stone Pavement. Black Swan court, indifferent good,
also has a Passage into St. Paul's Church yard.
Old change has only the West Side, from St. Mary Magdalen's Church to St.
Austin's Gate, in this Ward ; so that there is little to say of it, more than
what is said of it in Farringdon Ward Within.
Paul's chain begins at the Corner of Knightriders street, and runs up to St.
Paul's Church Yard. A Street large and open, well built, and inhabited by
Proctors and Tradesmen ; and, by Reason of its near Situation to Doctors
commons, is of great Resort.
Paul's bakehouse, now a good square Court, with four handsome large houses,
especially two, which are well inhabited. At the East Corner of this Street,
next to Little Carter lane, is kept the Faculty Office, for the granting of
Licences for Marriages, &c.
The Part or Side of St. Paul's Church yard in this Ward all lies open to St.
Paul's ; and is a spacious Street, graced with good houses, loftily built and
uniform, well inhabited by Woollen Drapers, and some of the most eminent Masters
in the Chair, Upholstery, and Cabinet Way.
In this Row of Building, which reaches from St. Austin's Gate to Ludgate hill,
are these Courts, besides those already taken Notice of.
In Carter lane, Dean's court, by many called the Prerogative court ; for that
the Prerogative Office is kept here. In which said Court is a very large house,
the Seat of the Deans of St. Paul's Sucsively. This Court is open and airy, and
has a Passage into Great Carter lane. More towards Ludgate hill, and almost in
the South West Corner, is a new Court called St. Paul's college, made Use of for
the Singing Men and Petty Canon belonging to St. Paul's Cathedral.
St. Gregory's, seated by the South West End of St. Paul's. It was destroyed by
the great Fire, and is not rebuilt, that the Ground on which it stood might lie
open to St. Paul's Church yard ; and the Parish is united to St. Mary Magdalen
Old fish street.
On the North West Side of St. Paul's Cathedral was the Bishop of London's
Palace, long since converted into Tenements, now called The Bishop of London's
Yard. The Ground Rents are the Bishop's.
Paul's alley has a Free stone Pavement, and a Passage into Paternoster rcw.
Creed lane and Warwick lane have the East Sides in this Ward ; for the Account
whereof, and for the Market, Part of which stands here, see Farringdon Ward
Within. On this Side is the Bell Inn, chiefly used by Market People. Over
against the College of Physicians is Crown court, which is but small and
There are to watch at the several Stands in this Ward every Night, a Constable,
with the Beadle and twenty four Watchmen.
The Jurymen returned by the Inquest for this Ward, are to serve in the several
Courts at Guildhall in the Month of September.
This Ward hath an Alderman, who at present is Sir Robert Ladbroke, Knight, and
one of the Common Representatives of this City ; and ten Common Councilmen, viz,
Mr. Nathaniel Nash, Deputy, Mr. Benjamin Crook, Mr. John Willis, Mr. William
Gyles, Mr. Robert Willis, Mr. Henry Major; Mr. John Pitway, Mr. John Wilson, Mr.
John Hopkins, and Mr. George Bellas. Here are also ten Constables, seven
Scavengers, fourteen Wardmote Inquest Men, and a Beadle.
It is taxed to the Fifteenth in London at 12 l. in the Exchequer at 11 l. 13 s.
The remarkable Things in this Ward at present are,
First, Three Parish Churches, dedicated, 1. to St. Bennet, Paul's Wharf; 2. to
St. Andrew Wardrobe . 3. to St. Mary Magdalen, in Old Fish street. 4. Here is
also another Parish without a Church, dedicated to St. Gregory, which is now
united to St. Mary Magdalen's, as aforesaid ; of which more particularly in our
Parochial History.
Secondly, Between Peter's hill and Bennets hill, about the Mid way from Thames
street to Knightriders street, is the Heralds Office.
Thirdly, Facing the North West Corner of the College of Arms is a Passage into
Doctors Commons, to which you ascend by Several Steps, from Bennets hill; with a
Passage thro' two square Courts into Great Knighrider's street. This is properly
a College for such as study and practise the Civil Law, and decide Causes within
their own Walls ; and the Addition of Commons is taken from the Manner in which
the Civilians live here, Commoning together, as practised in Colleges. And all
Persons that have Business relating to the Civil or Ecclesiastical Laws, or have
Occasion to consult with learned Men in that Faculty, may repair hither, where
their several Chambers, Apartments, and Offices be.
And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:13:01 BST
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