Queenhithe and Vintry Wards in 1756 neatly engraved from a New Survey
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Index of London wards in 1756 by William Maitland
Chap. XXVII.
Vintry Ward.
With a Plan, neatly engraved from a New Survey.
Its Name. Bounds. Extent. Modern State. Alderman and Common Councilmen. Parishes and Churches. Vintners Hall, &c. Antiquities. Whittington's College. Tower Royal, &c. &c.
Vintry Ward takes its Name from a Part thereof called the Vintrie by the Ancients, occupied by Vintners or Wine Merchants from Bourdeaux, cettled on the Bank of the River Thames ; at which Place they landed their Wines, and were obliged to cell them in forty Days, till the 28th of Edward I. who by Privy Seal granted longer Time and certain Privileges to the said Merchants, as we have more largely shown in the first Book, under that King's Reign.
Its Bounds may be collected from this Description : It begins, in the East, at the West End of Dowgate Ward, as the Water course of Walbrook parteth them, to wit, at Grantham's lane on the Thames Side, and at Elbow lane on the Land Side : It runneth along in Thames street, West, some three houses beyond the Old Swan, a Brewhouse on the Thames Side, and on the Land Side some three houses West beyond St. James at Garlick hithe.
In Breadth, this Ward stretcheth from the Vintry, North, to the Wall of the West Gate of the Tower Royal : So that it is bounded on the East by Dowgate Ward, on the South by the Thames, on the West by Queen hithe Ward, and on the North by Cordwainers Ward.
Out of this Royal street, by the South Gate of the Tower Royal, runneth a small Street, East, to St. John's upon Walbrook, which Street is called Horshoe bridge, of such a Bridge some Time over the Brook there, which is now vaulted over.
Then from the South Gate, West, runneth one other Street, called Knightriders street, by St. Thomas Apostles Church, on the North Side, and Wringwren lane, by the said Church, at the West End thereof, and to the East End of the Trinity Church in the said Knightriders street ; where this Ward endeth on that South Side the Street. But on the North Side it runneth no farther than the Corner against the Tavern, and other houses, in a Plat of Ground, where some Time stood Ormond place. Another Lane lower down in Royal street, stretching forth from over against St. MichaePs Church, to and by the North Side of St. James's Church by Garlick hithe, called Kerion lane. On the Thames Side, West from Granthams lane, is Herber lane, or Brickles lane, so called of John Brickies, sometime Owner thereof.
Then is Simsons lane, of one Simson ; or lane. Emperors head lane, of such a Sign : Then the Three Cranes lane, so called, not only of a Sign of three Cranes at a Tavern Door, but rather of three strong Cranes of Timber, placed on the Vintry Wharf by the Thames Side, to crane up Wines there, as is before shewed. This Lane was, in the 9th of Richard II. called the Painted Tavern lane, of the Tavern being painted.
Over against St. Martin's Church is a large house, builded of Stone and Timber, with Vaults for the Stowage of Wines, called the Vintry. There dwelled John Gifors, Mayor of London, and Constable of the Tower. And then Henry Picard, Vintner, Mayor. In this house Henry Picard feasted four Kings in one Day.
Next is Vannars lane, so called of one Vannar that was Owner thereof. It is now called Church lane, of the coming up from the Wharf to St. Martin's Church.
Broad lane, for that the same is broader for the Passage of Carts from the Vintry Wharf, than be the other Lanes. At the North West Corner of this Lane is the Parish Clerks Hall.
Spittle lane, of old Time so called; since Stodies lane, of the Owner thereof, named Stodie. Sir John Stodie, Vintner, Mayor in the Year 1357, gave it, with all the Quadrant wherein Vintners Hall now standeth, with the Tenements round about, unto the Vintners.
Next is Palmers lane, now called Anchor lane. The Plummers have their Hall there, but are Tenants to the Vintners.
Then is Worcester house, sometime belonging to the Earls of Worcester, now divided into many Tenements. The Fruiterers have their Hall there. Then is the Old Swan, a great Brewhouse. And this is all, on the Thames Side, that I can note in this Ward.
On the Land Side, in the Royal street, is Paternoster lane, I think, of old Time called Arches : For I read, that Robert de Suffolk gave to Walter Darford his Tenement, with the Appurtenance, in the Lane called Les Arches, in the Parish of St. Michael de Paternoster Church, between the Wall of the Field called Winchester field on the East, and the same Lane on the West, &c. More, I read of a Stone house, called Stoda de Winton, juxta Stodum bridge, which in that Lane was over Walbrook Water.
Thames street runneth through the Heart of this Ward from East to West ; being a Street, as before noted, well inhabited by able Tradesmen : The Part in this Ward is from little Elbow lane in the East, where Dowgate Ward joins unto it, and to Townsend lane in the West, where Queen hithe Ward begins. In this Part of Thames street, within this Ward, are these Places :
Shepherds alley, long and narrow, but indifferent good. Black swan alley, indifferent well built, and wide enough for Boats to pass to the River Side: Here was formerly a large house called Worcester house, as belonging to the Earls of Worcester, and from thence so called ; now converted into Tenements : And here the Fruiterers have their Hall.
Anchor lane, long and narrow, running down to the Thames : It was formerly called Palmers lane, and here the Plumbers have their Hall.
New Queen street, commonly called the Three Cranes in the Vintry, a good open Street, especially that Part next Cheapside, which is beft built, and inhabited; but it hath no more in this Ward than a little beyond. St. Thomas Apostles, the rest of this Street being in Cordwainers Ward, and Cheap Ward : At the lower End of the Street, next the Thames, is a Pair of Stairs, the usual Place for the Lord Mayor and Aldermen to take Water at to go to Westminster Hall, for the new Lord Mayor to be sworn before the Barons or the Exchequer. This P1ace, with the Three Cranes, is now of some Account for the Codtermongers, where they have their Warehouses for their Fruit.
Church lane, so called, as seated over against St. Martin's Vintry Church, a long and narrow Lane, which leadeth to the River of Themes; Out of this Place is a Passage into New Qucen Street.
Three Crane lane, long and narrow, running down to the Thames, where there is a Pair of Stairs : This Lane is also taken up by Costermongers; about the Middle of the Lane is a Passage into Church lane, as also into Brickhill lane. Over against this Lane was the Church of St. Martin in the Vintry ; it is in the Diocese of London : The Abbot of Gloucester was Patron, and the Difmes 1 l. 6 s. 8 d. This Church was consumed in the Fire of London, 1666, and not rebuilt, but the Parish united to St. Michael Royal.
Brick hill lane, a pretty open Place, with good Buildings, and runneth down almost to the Thames.
Emperor's head lane, narrow and ordinary, with a Passage to the Thames. Tennis court, or Friars lane, runneth down almost to the Thames, where there is a Dyer's, and falls into Dowgate. In this Lane is the Entrance into Joyners Hall, in Dowgate Ward.
The North Side of Thames Street hath these Places :
Little Elbow lane, which falls into Great Elbow lane, and so into College hill, by St. Michael Royal Church, both which Lanes are indifferent. The East Part of this Lane is in Dowgate Ward.
College hill comes out of St. Thomas Apostles, and falls into Thames Street ; a Place well built, and inhabited by Merchants and others. On the West Side is Maiden lane, which crosseth New Queen street, and falls into Garlick hill, by St. James Garlickhithe Church. Out of this Lane is a Passage into Thames Street, and another into Maiden head court, which is but ordinary. On the East Side of College hill is St. Michael's Royal Church, and almost over against the said Church is Buckingham house, so called as being bought by the Duke of Buckingham, and where he some Time resided upon a particular Humour : It is a very large and graceful Building, late the Seat of Sir John Lethulier, an eminent Merchant, some Time Sheriff and Alderman of London, deceased.
St. Thomas Apostles, of which there are two, viz. Great St. Thomas Apostles, which is in this Ward, and Little St. Thomas Apostles, which is in Cordwainers Ward. This Great St. Thomas Apostles is a good handsome Street, and well inhabited : On the North Side was seated the Church of St. Thomas Apostles which, before its being burnt in the general Fire of London, stood in the middle of New Queen street; a Street made, since the said Fire, out of Soper lane, &c, for a straight Passage to the Water side from Guildhall.
This Church not being rebuilt, the Parish is united unto St. Mary Aldermary,
In this Street of Great St. Thomas Apostles are these Places :
Black lion Inn, but indifferent. Baldwinss yard, a good handsome open Court, with good Buildings at the upper End. Blunder buss alley, on the East Side of St. Thomas Church yard, very small. Dodsons court, a pretty large open Place, with a Free stone Passage into Budge row, pretty well built and inhabited. Almost over against this Court is Cutlers Hall, seated in Cloak lane, which falleth into Dowgate hill, a pretty good Building, as to its Bigness.
Garlick hill takes its Beginning in the North from Bow lane, and falls into Thames Street, a Place well built, and inhabited. In this Place are these Courts :
Sugar loaf court, a good large Place, but ordinarily inhabited : It hath a Passage down Steps into Thames street, through a Place called the Bowling alley. Three spear court, small and ordinary , over against this Court is the Parish Church of St. James Garlick hithe.
Great Trinity lane hath but a small Part in this Ward.
Bow lane hath also some small Part in this Ward, but the greatest Share is in Cordwainers Ward.
There are to watch at the several Stands in this Ward every Night a Constable, the Beadle, and thirty four Watchmen.
The jurymen returned by the Wardmote Inquest for this Ward are to serve in the several Courts holden in the Guildhall in the Month of April.
The Government of this Ward is by an Alderman, who at present is Sir Crisp Gascoyne, Knt. and nine Common Councilmen, who are, Mr. Thomas Gregg, Deputy, Mr. John Gould, Mr. Moses Allnutt, Mr. Thomas Delamott, Mr. Higgins ?n, Mr. John Kent, Mr. Will. Campbell, Mr. Benj. Gascoyne, Mr. James Wilkes : Under whom are nine Constables, four Scavengers, fourteen Wardmote Inquestmen, and a Beadle.
It is taxed to the Fifteenth in London 6 l. 13 s. 8 d.
The most remarkable Things in this Ward are,
First, Four Parish Churches, viz. (1) Of St. Michael's Royal, (2) St. Martin's Vintry, (3) St. Thomas Apostles, and (4) St. James Garlick hithe : Of which in our Parochial Fliftory.
Secondly, Four Halls belonging to several Com panies, viz. (1) Vintners Hall, a curious large Building, which encloseth a large square Court, with a handsome Free stone Pavement. The North Side fronts the Street, where there is a curious Pair of Gates, with Free stone Pillars on each Side, wreathed with Grapes and Leaves, and upon each of the Pillars are three Tuns, with a Bacchus fitting thereon. Behind the Hall and other Buildings is a Garden, from which is a Passage to the Thames ; where there is a Pair of Stairs, and, being thus open, hath a fine Prospect into the Thames. It is built on Part of the Ground bequeathed unto the said Company by Sir John Stody before mentioned.
This Place of Stody was called in old Records, The Manor of the Vintry. This Manor the said Stody, July 3, the 2d of Edw. III. gave and granted to one John Take, Parson of that Parish Church; '* to have and to hold the said
" Manor to him and his Succeffors, to the Use and Behalf of the said Church, the Kings Licence thereof not had, nor obtained. By
Force of which Feoffment the said John was seized thereof as of Fee, contrary to the Sense of the Statute of Lands and Tenements to be put into Mortmains, had and provided. Of this there was an Inquisition taken in the 17th of Edw. IV. before Sir Rauf Joscelyn: And there was likewise a Trial in the Exchequer about it. But King Richard III. granted it to the Company of Vintners. "
Tthese Vintners in London were, of old Time, called Merchant Vintners of Gascoyne ; and so I read them in the Records of Edward II. the 11th Year, and Edward III. the 9th Year. They were, as well Englishmen, as Strangers born beyond the Seas, but then Subjects to the Kings of England, great Bourdeaux Merchants of Gascoyne and French Wines. Divers of them were Mayors of this City ; namely, John Adrean, Vintner ; Reginald at Conduit ; John Oxenford ; Henry Picard, that feasted the Kings of England, France, Scotland, and Cyprus ; John Stody, that gave Stodys lane to the Vintners : The four last were Mayors in the Reign of Edward III. and yet Gascoyne Wines were then to be sold at London not above four Pence, nor Rhenish Wines above six Pence the Gallon.
I read in the 6th of Henry VI. the Lombards corrupting their sweet Wines, when Knowledge thereof came to John Rainwell, Mayor of
London, he (in divers Places of the City) commanded the Heads of the Buts and other Vessels in the open Streets to be broken, to the Number of one hundred and fifty. So that the Liquor running forth, passed through the City like a Stream of Rain Water, in the Sight of all the People ; from whence there issued a most loathsome Savour.
In the Reign of Henry VII. no sweet Wines were brought into this Realm, but Malmfeys, by the Longobards, paying to the King for his Licence, 6 s. 8 d. of every Butt, besides 1 2 d. for Bottle large. It appeareth in the Church Book of St. Andrew Undershaft, that in the Year 1547, I. G. and S. K. then Church wardens, for eighty Pints of Malmsey spent in the Church, after one Penny Halfpenny the Pint, paid at the Year's End for the same ten Shillings.
The Vintners and Wine drawers, that retailed by the Pottle, Quart and Pint, were all incorporated by the Name of Wine tunners in the Reign of Edward III. and confirmed the 15th of Henry VI.
(2) In Horse bridge street is the Cutlers Hall. Richard de Wilehale, 1295, confirmed to Paul Butelar this house, and the Edifices, in the Parish of St. Michael Patenoster Church, and St. John upon Walbrooke; which some Time Lawrence Gifors, and his Son Peter Gifors, did possess, and afterwards Hugo de Hingham; and lieth between the Tenement of the said Richard towards the South, and the Lane called horse shoe bridge towards the North ; and between the Way called Paternoster Church on the West,
and the Course of Walbrooke on the East ; paying yearly one Clove of Gillifiowers at Easter, and to the Prior and Convent of St. Mary Overy 6 s. This house some Time belonged to Simon Dolesly, Grocer, Mayor in the Year 1359. They of this Company were (of old Time) three Arts, or Sorts of Workmen ; to wit, the first were Smiths, Forgers of Blades, and therefore called Bladers: And divers of them proved wealthy Men ; as namely, Walter Nele, Blader, one of the Sheriffs, the twelfth of King Edward III. deceased, 1352, and buried in St. James Garlick hithe. He left Lands to the mending of High ways about London, between Newgate and Wicombe, Aldgate and Chelmsford, Bishopsgate and Ware, Southwark and Rochester, &c.
The second were Makers of Hafts, and otherwise Garnishers of Blades : The third Sort were Sheath makers for Swords, Daggers and Knives. In the tenth of Henry IV. certain Ordinances were made betwixt the Bladers, and other Cutlers ; and in the fourth of Henry VI. they were all three Companies drawn into one Fraternity or Brotherhood, by the Name of Cutlers.
(3) Plumbers Hall, and (4) Fruiterers Hall, which have nothing in them remarkable.
Thirdly, The Antiquities in this Ward are at present reduced to the following Particulars :
(1) Whittington College, founded on the Spot where now stands the Parish Church of St. Michael, called Paternoster Church, in the Royal.
This Church was new builded, and made a College of St. Spirit, and St. Mary, founded by Richard Whittington, Mercer, four Times Mayor, for a Master, four Fellows, Masters of Arts, Clerks, Conducts, Chorists, &c . and an Alms house, called God's House or Hospital, for thirteen poor Men : One of them to be Tutor, and to have 16 d. the Week; the other twelve each of them to have 14 d. the Week forever, with other necessary Provision, an Hutch with three Docks, a common Seal, &c.
(2.) The Tower Royal, formerly situate at the upper End of the Street now so called, was a great Place, pertaining to the Kings of this Realm ; but by whom the same was built, or of what Antiquity continued, I have not read more, than in the Reign of King Edward L the second, fourth, and seventh Years, it was the Tenement of Simon Beawmes; also that, in the thirty sixth of Edward III. the same was called the Royal, in the Parish of Michael de Paternoster ; and that, in the forty third of his Reign, he gave it by the Name of his Inne called the Royal, in his City of London, in Value twenty Pounds by the Year, unto his College of St. Stephen at Westminster. Notwithstanding, in the Reign of Richard II. it was called the Queen's Wardrobe, as appeareth by
this that followeth :
" King Richard having in Smithfield overcome and dispersed the Rebels, he, his Lords, and all his Company, entered the City of London with great Joy, and went to the Lady Princess his Mother, who was then lodged in the Tower Royal, called the Queen's Wardrobe, where she had remained three Days and two Nights, right fore abashed. But when she saw the King her Son, fhe was greatly rejoiced, and said, Ah, Son, what great Sorrow have I suffered for you this Day! The King answered and said, Certainly, Madam, I know it well, now rejoice and thank God, for I this Day recovered mine Heritage, the Realm of England, which i had near Hand 1ost"
This Tower seemeth to have been (at that Time) of good Defence; for when the rebels had beset the Tower of London, and got possession thereof, taking from thence whom they lifted, the Princess being forced to fly, came to this Tower Royal, where she was lodged, and remained safe, as ye have heard, and it may be also supposed, that the King himself was at that Time lodged there. I read, that, in the Year 1386, Lyon King of Armony, being chased out of his Realm by the Tartaridns, received innumerable Gifts of the King and of his Nobles, the King then lying in the Royal; where he also granted to the said King of Armony a Charter of a thousand Pounds by Year during his Life. This Proof may suffice, that Kings of England have been lodged in this Tower; though the same; (of later Time) hath been neglected, and turned into Stabling for the King's horses, and now
lett out to divers Men, and divided into Tenements.
This great house, belonging anciently to the Kings of England, was inhabited by the first Duke of Norfolk of the Family of the Howards, granted unto him by King Richard III. for so I find in an old Ledger Book of that King's; where it is said,
" That the King granted unto John Duke of Norfolk, Messuagium cum Pertinenciis, voc. le Tower, infra Paroch. Sancli Thomas Lond." Where we may observe how this Messuage is said to stand in St. Thomas Apostle, though Stow placeth it in St. Michael's.
(3.) In St. Thomas Apostles there was a Messe, perhaps some Time the Dwelling of the Earls of Cornwall, called Ringed hall; for in the Reign of Edward III. a Place so called, with four Shops and two Gardens, in this Parish, was granted by Edmund Earl of Cornwall to the Abbot of Beaulieu near Oxford; and re granted, and a Plea thereupon in the Hustings, in the second of Richard II.
(4.) Then West from the said Church, on the same Side, was one great Messuage, some Time called Ipres Inn, of William of Ipres, a Fleming, the first Builder thereof. This William was called out of Flanders, with a Number of Flemings, to the Aid of King Stephen, against Maud the Empress, in the Year 1138, and grew so far in Favour with the said King for his Service, that he built this house near the Tower Royal, in which Tower it seemeth the King was then lodged, as in the Heart of the City, for his greater Safety.
Robert Earl of Gloucester, Brother to the Empress, being taken, was committed to the Custody of this William, to be kept in the Castle of Rochester; till King Stephen was also taken, and then one was delivered in Exchange for the other, and both set free.
(5.) Over against Ipres Jnn in Knightriders street, at the Corner towards St. James at Garlick hithe, was a great house built of Stone, and called Ormond place, which belonged to the Earls of Ormond. King Edward IV. in the fifth of his Reign, gave to Elizabeth his Wife the Manor of Greenwich, with the Town and Park, in the County of Kent; he also gave this Tenement called Ormond place, with all the Appurtenances to the same, situate in the Parish of St. Trinity in Knightriders street, in London.
(6.) In the Parish of St. James Garlick hithe was anciently a Guild or Fraternity founded, to the Honour of their Church's Saint; an Account whereof, by Order from the King, was brought in to the Archbishop of York, Lord Chancellor, by Roger Stokes and Henry Garnevil, Wardens of the said Guild;
(7.) In this same Parish of St. James Garlickhite was a Messuage called the Commons, in the Tenure of divers Priests, and heretofore given by Thomas Kent for the maintaining of an Anniversary in the same Church. This, with divers other Lands, of the yearly Value of one hundred and sixty eight Pounds two Shillings and two Pence, was made over and granted by King Edward VI. in the fourth of his Reign, to William Place and Nicolas Spakeman, for two thousand five hundred and fifty one Pounds three Shillings.
And Last updated on: Friday, 15-Sep-2023 12:27:39 BST
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