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Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent - Traders in 1858 part 4.

Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent.

GREENWICH is a large town and borough, on the south bank of the Thames,  ...

Public Houses in Greenwich

Gentry in 1858
A to J ; K to Y

Traders in Melvilles 1858 Trade Directory by surname

A to C ; C to F ; F to H ; I to M ; M to R ; S to TU to Y
Traders in Melvilles 1858 Trade Directory

Illman, Henry, watch and clock maker, Royal hill row
Illman, Charles, watch and clock maker, Park row
Imison, Samuel, gasfitter and brassworker, Blackheath hill
Ingram, Henry, grocer, Old Woolwich road, East Greenwich
Innell, Mrs. Ann, laundress, Maidenstone terrace, Maidenstone hill
Inward, Mrs. Frances, the Hit or Miss, Roan street
Irving, John, draper, Goss place Greenwich road
Ives, Charles, clerk of County Court, Burney street
Ixer, Charles James, engineer, Lewisham road
Jackson, Miss Louisa, professor of music, Trafalgar road
Jackson, William, marine store dealer, Trafalgar road
Jackson, Henry 1C., seedsman and corn merchant, London street, Greenwich, and Broadway, Deptford
Jackson, Richard, picture frame maker, South street
Jackson, Henry K., flour and potato merchant, Church street, residence, Lawn House
Jacob, Benjamin, bonded lighterman, Deptford Bridge
James, Mr., solicitor, Burney street
Jarman, Mrs. Mary Ann, establishment for young ladies, Circus street, Royal hill
Jarman, Mrs., apartments, Brand street
Jarvis, Edwin George, cutler, London street
Jayne, Abraham, Horse and Groom, Blackheath hill
Jeal, Richard, Victory, Park row
Jeans, Thomas, baker, Church street
Jeans, Alexander, baker, Trafalgar road
Jee, Thomas, potter, Blackheath road
Jefferis, Miss Jane, milliner and dressmaker, Wintoun place, Blackheath road
Jenkins, John, the Maltster, Bridge street
Jennings, Charles, dealer in old clothes, Church passage
Jerry, Mrs. Ann, second-hand clothes dealer, Turnpin lane, Greenwich market
Job, Mrs. Jane, apartments, Collyer buildings, Blackheath hill, Lewisham
Johnson, James, apartments, Ashburnham grove
Johnson, Miss, and Budds, Mrs., dressmakers, Royal place
Johnson, John Frederick, grocer, George street, Croom's hill
Johnson, Benjamin, watch and clock maker, Blackheath hill
Johnson, John, pilot, Brand street
Johnston, Miss Jessie, establishment for young ladies, Cambridge villas, South street
Johnstone, William, carrier, Little George street
Jones, William, sedan chairman, George street, Croom's hill
Jones, William George, fishmonger, Roan street
Jones, Frederick, draper, Nelson street
Jones, Miss Mary Ann, eating house, Church street
Jones, William, solicitor, Goss place, Greenwich road
Jones, Joseph, shopkeeper, Blisset street
Jones, Thomas, apartments, St. Mary's place, Greenwich road
Jones, John, tailor, Trafalgar road
Jones, George, apartments, Ashburnham grove
Jull, William, baker and shopkeeper, Cold Bath street
Jupe, William, cabinet maker, Blackheath
Jupp, Thomas, shopkeeper, Thames street
Justins, James, banker's clerk, Croom's hill
Keell, Mrs. Elizabeth A., silk mercer, Stockwell street
Kelly, Frederick, coffee and dining rooms, Lewisham road
Kenp, H, accountant, Burney street, and at King street, Woolwich
Kemshead, Mrs Elizabeth, shopkeeper, East Greenwich
Kennedy, Robert, stationer and news agent, Blackheath hill
Kent, Joseph A., tailor, Trafalgar road
Kentish Mercury Office, Bexley house, London street.- John Hooper Hartnoll, proprietor; published every Saturday morning
Keyser, Mrs. Margaret, establishment for young ladies, Croom's hill
Kibble, Richard, working goldsmith, jeweller, &c., London street
Kimin, William B., chemist, Egerton road
King, John, tobacconist, Blackheath road
King, Reuben Webster, artist, picture dealer, and restorer, dealer in ancient bronze, &o., 38 and 60, Blackheath hill
Kingham, Jonathan, hairdresser, Bridge street
Kinnear, William, British Queen, Church street
Kipps, John, painter, &c., Prior street
Kirby, George, chemist, Trafalgar road
Kirkland, John, Commercial dining rooms, King street
Kitchen, Mrs. Sarah, dealer in ready-made linen, Orchard hill
Kitson, James, bricklayer, Pelham road, East Greenwich
Knight, Henry R, grocer, Trafalgar road
Knight, Robert V , engineer, Egerton road
Knightly Joseph boarding and day school, Blue Stile House, Greenwich road
Knowles, James, wine and spirit merchant, Prince of Wales, London street
Kreekler, Frederick, trunk and harness maker, London street
Kuper, W., and Co., patent Submarine Telegraph cable and wire rope manufacturers, East Greenwich
La Feuillade, James, pianoforte warehouse, Queen's place, Blackheath road
Lainsbury, Mrs. Ann, ladies' school, Croom's hill
Lainson and Co., drapers, Blackheath hill
Lambert, Thomas, shopkeeper, Union street
Lampard, John, smith, South street
Lance, Benjamin, grocer, Church street
Lance, E. and H., the Misses, baby linen warehouse, 4, Stockwell street
Langletz, Philip Stephen, French teacher, Catharine grove
Langrish, Henry, clothier, London street, Greenwich, and St. John street, Clerkenwell
Langton and Co., timber merchants, Greenwich road
Larkan, Mrs. Elizabeth, Gloucester coffee house and tea gardens, King street, and Silver street
Lavell, Mrs. F., establishment for young ladies, Circus street, Royal hill
Law, Joseph, baker, Roan street
Lawrence, Thomas, apartments, Clarence street
Lawrence, Francis baker, Greenwich market
Leach, John, Robin Hood and Little John, Blue stile, Greenwich road
Leachman, Miss, day school, Greenwich road
Lee, George, merchant's clerk, Prior street
Lee, John, boot and shoe maker, Dunford passage, Greenwich market
Lee, William Thomas, turner, Patent place, Royal hill
Legg, Thomas R, woolstapler. Croom's hill
Leighton, George, modeller, Guilford road
Letton, Miss Louisa, apartments, George street, Croom's hill
Letton, Miss Eliza, milliner and dressmaker, Green lane
Levens, Samuel, printer, Old Woolwich road, .East Greenwich
Lever, Charles, shopkeeper, Atlas street
Lewis, Charles Carter, King's Arms, King street
Liddon, Joseph, locksmith and bell hanger, Church passage
Lilley, John, fruiterer, London street
Lloyd, Thomas, furniture broker, Woolwich road
Lloyd, Mr., Three Crowns Inn, High bridge, East Greenwich
Lockley, William, furniture broker, Trafalgar road
Lockwood, George, hairdresser and dealer in tobacco, Claremont street
Lockwood, William John, Mason's Arms, Church street
Loclington, William S., banker's clerk, Guilford road
Loeffler, L. and U., clock makers, Blackheath road
Long and Wildish, Mesdames, milliners and dressmakers, 11, Holwell place, Blackheath road
Longhurst, Miss Eleanor, ladies' boarding and day school, Montpelier House, South street
Lovebond, John, brewer, Nag's Head Brewery, Bridge street
Lovegrove, Henry C., Ship and Billett, Woolwich road
Lovick, John Sparks, outfitter, Hadding terrace, King William street
Lucas, Ralph W, artist, Hyde vale
Lucas, Mrs Maria, dressmaker, Blackheath hill
Lucas, John S, naturalist and tobacconist, Blackheath hill
Lucas, William Henry, grocer, Bath terrace, Cold Bath street
Lucas, John Samuel, beer house, Cold Bath street
Lynch, Patrick, teacher, Upper George street
McClellan, Samuel, watch and clock maker, Deptford bridge
McGhan, Robert, clock and watch maker, Lewisham road, Blackheath hill
Mack, Thomas and David, agricultural implement makers, Blackheath road
Macdonnell, John, coffee house, Church street
Macqueen, Charles, apartments, Haddington terrace
Main, Thomas, engineer, Albion street
Major, Henry, upholsterer, Church street
Mailer, John, shopkeeper, Cold Bath street
Maiyon, Thomas, seedsman, etc., Royal Circus street
McMillan, J., tailor, Morden street
Manchester, Charles, horse letter, Trinity street, Blackheath hill
Mankletow, Jesse, shopkeeper, Straight's mouth
Manners, Henry, apartments, South street
Masnell, Mrs., apartments, Haddington terrace
Mansfield, John, boot and shoe maker, Cold Bath street
Marehant, John, greengrocer, Royal hill
Markham, William, butcher, Deptford bridge
Marks, Israel, brass founder, Bridge street
Marriott, William, cowkeeper, Prior street
Marsh, John, marine store dealer, Bath terrace, Cold Bath street
Marshall, William, ironmonger and gasfitter, London street, and Osborn place, Blackheath
Marshall Matthew, lighterman, Woodland terrace, Trafalgar road
Marshall, Mrs. Mary, corn dealer, Trafalgar road
Marshall, James, beer retailer, Trafalgar road
Marshall, William, sen., blacksmith, Trafalgar road
Morris, Robert, timber dealer, Catharine grove
Marter, the Misses Mary and Emily, ladies' boarding school, Park place
Martin, Mrs. Elizabeth, apartments, Holwell place, Blackheath road
Martin, Alfred J., chemist, Queen's place, Blackheath road
Maskell, the Misses, apartments, Croom's hill grove
Mason, Mrs. Ann, apartments, Guilford road
Mason, Thomas, pawnbroker, Church street
Masters, George C., chemist, Nelson street
Matterface, William, tailor, Maidenstone hill
Matthew, John, engineer, Valentine terrace, Blackheath, road
May, John, butcher, Royal hill
May, Henry, greengrocer, John's terrace, Woolwich road
Maynard, Thomas, second-hand clothes dealer, Market place
Mead, Joseph, boot maker, Trafalgar road
Meade, Joshua, wine and spirit merchant, White Hart Inn, London street
Meadows, Joseph, butcher, Trafalgar road
Medlicott, John, hairdresser, Greenwich market
Medwin, Aaron, chemist and dentist, 4, Blackheath, road. Post-office, Money Orders granted
Meluish, William, baker, Blackheath hill
agent to Monarch Fire and Life Office
Mern, William, coffee house, Blackheath road
Michie, Peter B., Royal Oak, Lewisham road
Middleton, Henry, grocer, Marlborough street, East Greenwich
Milburn, Mrs. Sarah, day school, Clarence street
Miles, William, Market gardener, Woolwich road
Miles, Frederick William, commercial traveller, Lewisham road
Miller, Mrs. Martha, milliner, Deptford Bridge
Miller, Aaron, wholesale coffee and spice dealer, h Brand street, shop, 44, Eastcheap, London
Miller, Edward, bricklayer, Circus street, Royal hill
Miller, William, bricklayer, Lewisham road, Blackheath hill
Mills, John, dealer in coal, wood, and potatoes, Blisset street
Milne, John, provision agent, Prior street
Minal, Charles, shopkeeper, Union street
Mitchell, Henry R., Admiral Harvey, Clarence street
Mitchell, James, marine1 store dealer, Church street
Mitchell, Benjamin, army and navy tailor, London street
Mitchell, W W, fishmonger, East street
Mitchell, Thomas, grocer etc, Old Woolwichroad
Monkhouse, Elliott, apartments, Ashburnham road
Moore, Mrs Elizabeth, corset maker, George street, Croom's hill
Moore, George J., plumber and painter, Reform place, Trafalgar road
Moore, Joseph, butcher, Trafalgar road
Moore, Samuel, grocer, &c., Orchard hill
Moore, William James, Secretary to British Shield Insurance Office, Ashburnham grove
Moore, Miss, milliner, Haddington terrace, King street
Moore, John, apartments, 21, Brand street
Moores, Joseph, shopkeeper, Grove place
Morgan, Hugh, toy and fancy warehouse, London street
Morgan, Mrs. Sarah, news agent, Lewisham road
Moriarty, Cornelius, wire weaver and worker, Nelson street
Morley, Frederick, baker, George street, Croom's hill
Morley, Henry, pianoforte and music repository, Croom's hill
Morris, Mrs. Elizabeth, milliner, Nelson street
Morris, Mrs. Sarah; tobacconist, Bear lane
Morris, Thomas, hairdresser, Church passage

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