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Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent - Traders in 1858 part 1.

GREENWICH is a large town and borough, on the south bank of the Thames,  ...

Public Houses in Greenwich

Gentry in 1858
A to J ; K to Y

Traders in Melvilles 1858 Trade Directory by surname

A to C ; C to F ; F to H ; I to M ; M to R ; S to TU to Y

Traders in Melvilles 1858 Trade Directory

Abbey, Joseph, boot and shoe maker, Lamb lane
Ablett, John, Railway Tavern, Church fields
Absolom, Charles, greengrocer, Trafalgar road
Adams, Cornelius, hairdresser, Trafalgar road
Adams, James, smith, etc., Blackheath road
Adams, Mrs. Lydia, shopkeeper, George street, Croom's hill
Adley, George, draper, Church street
Adron, Henry, secretary to Greenwich Railway, Bexley place, Greenwich road
Akland, Joseph C., shipbroker's clerk, Catharine grove
Allen, James, Royal George, Blisset street
Allen, Mrs. Elizabeth, glass and china dealer, Greenwich market
Allen, James, carpenter and undertaker, Burney street
Allen, John, umbrella maker, Bridge street
Allen, William, lighterman and coal merchant, Bridge street
Allen, Mrs. Martha, coffee rooms, Church street
Allen, Joseph, surveyor of taxes, London street
Allen, Miss, milliner and dressmaker, Brand street
Allen and Co., stationers, etc., Stockwell street
Allt, Thomas, merchant, Egerton road
Almond, Nicholas H., bootmaker, Royal hill
Allworth, John, apartments, Ashburnham grove
Allworth, George, builder and undertaker, Hyde place, Royal hill
Allworth, Charles Henry, upholsterer and undertaker, London street
Allwright, Edward, broker, South street
Allwright, George, auctioneer and furniture dealer, Lewisham road
Anderson, John, painter, Roan street
Anderson, Thomas, cowkeeper, Roan street
Andrews, Benjamin, baker & confectioner, Greenwich road
Apted, Francis, baker, Church street
Ardley, Mrs Mary, apartments, Croom's hill grove
Armitage, Joseph H, chemist, Church street
Arnold, Richard, printer, Circus street, Royal hill
Arnold, Miss Jane, stationer, Blackheath hill
Arnold, Robert, silk throwster, Silk Mills, Lewisham
Ashburn, William, ginger beer maker, Woolwich road
Ashby, Joseph, orange merchant, Greenwich market
Ashton, Charles, hatter, Church street
Atkinson, Mrs. Sarah, apartments, George street, Croom's hill
Atkinson, Mrs. Elizabeth, coffee house, Blackheath road
Atterbury, Edward, hairdresser, Blackheath hill
Attwell, William, apartments, Upper George street
Auckland, Thomas, Custom House officer, Union place, Greenwich road
Badge, William, boot and shoe maker, Blackheath hill
Badger, Charles Robert, architect, Valentine terrace, Blackheath road
Bailey, William, china and earthenware dealer, Turnpin lane, Greenwich market
Baker, Mrs. Frances, fruiterer, Greenwich road
Baldwin, George, herbalist, Greenwich road
Baldwin, Mr., greengrocer, East lane
Baldy, Reuben, boot and shoe maker, Royal hill
Ballinger, James Joseph, Yorkshire Grey. Blackheath hill
Baptil, W., carpenter, Cold Bath street
Barber, Charles William, tea and Italian warehouse, Church street
Barber, John, London city missionary, Ashburnham road
Barker, Mrs. Charlotte, dressmaker, Prior street
Barnes, Henry, tobacconist, Blackheath hill
Barnes, William, boarding and day school, Blackheath road
Barnett, Frederick, Ordnance Arms, Lewisham road
Barr, John, silversmith and jeweller, Nelson street
Barrett, Mrs. Mary, haberdasher, Greenwich road
Bartlett, Mrs. Elizabeth, confectioner, Trafalgar road
Barton, James, banker's clerk, Egerton road
Barwis, George, solicitor, Catharine grove
Base, Joseph, mariner, Brand street
Basing, William, earthenware dealer, Royal hill
Baskett, John, gardener, Prior street
Bates, Edward, baker, Bath street
Bath, Stephen, bricklayer, George street
Baxter, Mrs. Fanny, upholstress, Skelton street
Beach, William, apartments, Guilford road
Beale, Joshua T., ironfounder, East Greenwich
Beaumont, William, linen draper, Trafalgar road
Beaver, Mrs. Sarah A., boot and shoe maker, Greenwich market
Beaver, John W., bookseller, stationer, and bookbinder, Nelson street
Beaver, Samuel, shopkeeper, Bridge street
Bedford, Mrs Charlotte, apartments, Goss place, Greenwich road
Beere, John, dairyman, Church street
Bekenn, Miss Mary Eliza, apartments, Royal hill
Bell, Thomas, baker, Church street
Bell, G. M., secretary in Australian Bank, Croom's hill
Bell, Nicholas James, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street
Bell, Alfred C., zinc worker and gas fitter,
Mount Pleasant place, Lewisham road
Bell, John Z., artist, West Grove House, Blackheath point
Bell, John, B.A., teacher, Burney street
Belton, William, coffee house, Silver street
Belton, William, Barley Mow, Green lane
Belville, Mrs. Henry, establishment for young ladies, Croom's hill
Bennett, Charles, tailor, Greenwich road; agent to the Times Life and Fire Office
Bennett, Mrs. Sarah, apartments, Brand street
Bennett, Richard Henry, marine store dealer, Thames street
Bennett, George W., watch and clock manufacturer, silversmith, jeweller, etc., Stockwell street, Greenwich, and near the railway station, Blackheath
Bennett, Moses, baker, Blackheath hill
Bentall, William, general dealer, Church fields
Berry, Henry, academy, Park place
Berryman, John, apartments, Guilford road
Berryman, Miss Jane, teacher of music, and day school for young ladies, Guilford road
Berryman, Edward George, engraver, Holwell place, Blackheath road
Bethell, John, timber works, East Greenwich
Bethwin, Henry, currier and leather seller, Turnpin lane, Greenwich market
Bethwin, the Misses, preparatory school, Mordenstone hill
Bevan, William Jordan, gas fitter, Prior street
Biddle, James, baker, Blackheath road
Bidgood, William Fisher, merchant's clerk, Circus street, Royal hill
Billington, Mrs. Charlotte, undertaker, Straight's mouth
Billington, John William, sen., undertaker, Church fields
Bilton, William, the Victoria, Thames street
Bishop, John, solicitor, Burney street, and Blackfriars, London
Bishop, Richard, broker, Turnpin lane
Bishop, Mrs, Elizabeth P., preparatory school for young gentlemen, Bexley place, London street
Blackbourn, William, fishmonger, Church street
Blackburn, Nathaniel, fishmonger, Dunsford's passage, Greenwich market
Blackheath and Greenwich Ladies' College, Thornton House, near the Terminus; ladies principals, Mrs. Rexford and Mrs. Brown
Blackmur, William B., cheesemonger, Church street
Blacknell, Edward, baker, Orange place, Greenwich road
Blair, Robert S., grocer, Trafalgar road
Blake, Thomas, baker, Lewisham road, Lewisham
Blondon, Mrs. Ann, fishmonger, Stockwell street
Bloss, Edward, police sergeant, Ashburnham grove
Blosse, Charles A., tobacconist and stationer, Greenwich road
Blow, William, baker and postmaster, Trafalgar road
Boardman, Joseph, tailor, London street
Bond, Abraham, tailor and outfitter, Clarance street
Bond, Mrs. Harriet, beer retailer, Park place
Bond, William, tailor, Old Woolwich road
Bone, Samuel, upholsterer, Prospect place, Greenwich road
Bone, Mrs. Ann, grocer, Pelton road, East Greenwich
Bone, Mrs., milliner and dress maker, Orchard hill
Bone, Samuel, paper hanger and blind maker, Greenwich road
Bookham, Thomas, wheelwright, Trafalgar road
Bottomley, Miss Charlotte, shopkeeper, Trinity street
Boulton, James, victualling clerk to the Royal Hospital, Burney street
Bower, Joshua, accountant and notary, Valentine terrace, Blackheath road
Bowles, Henry, basket maker, Greenwich market
Box, George, apartments, Upper George street
Boyles, James, boot and shoe maker, Blisset street
Bradley, Richard H., surgeon, Trafalgar road
Brandon, Joseph, tobacconist, Romney terrace, King William street
Brannan, Mrs. Margaret, beer house, Norway street
Bransby, Russell, agent to the General Life and Fire Assurance Company, 1, Catharine place, Blackheath road
Breanski, L. De, French and German master at the Greenwich Preparatory School, and French master at the Literary
Institution, Greenwich, Circus Lodge, Royal hill
Brewerton, Benjamin, umbrella maker and toy dealer, Royal hill
Brewerton, Samuel, news agent, Royal hill
Briggs and Son, dyers, George street, Croom's hill, and Bayswater, London
Bristed, John, chemist, medical hall, Nelson street
Bristow, Henry B., merchant, Langdale place, Greenwich road
Bristow, Alfred Rhodes and William, solicitors, commissioners to administer oaths in Chancery, London street
Bromley, Paul H., carpenter, Trafalgar road
Bromley, William G. S., smith and ironmonger, Nelson street
Brooke, Charles, carpenter and upholsterer, Queen's place, Blackheath road
Brook, Thomas, grocer, Blackheath hill
Brookes, Thomas, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street
Brookes, Philip John, the Royal Briton, Thames street
Brown, Benjamin, coffee house, Silver street
Brown, Samuel, grocer, Lewisham road
Brown, Mrs. Eliza, tobacconist, Greenwich road
Brown, John, news agent and dealer in tobacco, Union street
Brown, Timothy, cork manufacturer, Lewisham road
Browne, William, shopkeeper, Bridge street
Browne, Robert Palmer, architect and surveyor, Royal place
Browning, William S., translator of languages, Camden place, South street
Bryan, Charles, grocer, Thornton row
Buckland, Thomas, grocer, Blisset street
Buckley, John, pork butcher, Church street
Budding, Henry, engineer, Ashburnham road
Burnstead, Edward J. B., tobacconist, King street
Burch, Mrs. Mary, apartments, Brand street
Burcham, Charles, second-hand clothes dealer, Skelton street
Burchett, Mrs. Mary, Three Tuns, London street
Burgess, John James, greengrocer, Blackheath hill
Burt, Mrs. Elizabeth, stationer and toy dealer, South street
Burtell, John, ironmonger, Trafalgar road
Burtt, Francis William, tailor, Royal hill
Bush, James L., milliner, Turnpin lane, Greenwich market
Bush, Samuel, baker, Roan street
Buttle, Edwin J., furniture dealer, Greenwich road
Buttle, Edwin, furniture broker and appraiser, London street
Button, Mrs. Louisa R., day school, Ashburnham road
Cabban, Thomas, linen draper, Stockwell street
Oallean, Miss Maria, milliner and straw bonnet maker, Royal hill
Callenne, Henry B., photographic artist, London street
Callone, John, shopkeeper, Straight's mouth
Canham, William, oilman, Trafalgar road
Cape, William, grocer and cheesemonger, Church street
Capern, Francis, hairdresser and tobacconist, Church street
Carey, Mrs. Evenden, second-hand clothes dealer, Church fields
Carley, Edwin, hatter, Greenwich market
Carman, James; engineer, Heath cottages, South street
Carman, Charles, coal and potato dealer, Lewisham road
Carpenter and Son, boot makers, London street
Carpenter, James, plumber, Ashburnham grove
Carpenter, Mrs., stationer, Trafalgar road
Carpenter, Andrew, grocer and cheesemonger, London street
Carter, John, timber merchant, Burney street
Carter, Henry C., builder, Catharine grove
Carter, Miss Eliza, dress maker, Ashburnham grove
Carter, Silas, draper, Guilford road
Carter and Houston, stay and belt makers, Stockwell street
Carter, Edward, pawnbroker, Bear lane
Carter, George, lighterman, Pelham road, East Greenwich
Carthwaite, Robert George, fishmonger, Royal hill

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