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Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent.
GREENWICH is a large town and borough, on the south
bank of the Thames, ...
Public Houses in Greenwich
Gentry in 1858
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Traders in Melvilles 1858 Trade Directory by surname
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Traders in Melvilles 1858 Trade Directory
Morris, Caleb, boot and shoe
maker, Blisset street Morris, William, carpenter, Blackheath road Morris, Maurice, ham and beef shop, London street Morrison, George, apartments, Brand street Moses, Miss Catharine, apartments, Thornton row Mowlem, Burt, and Freeman, stone merchants, Granite Wharf, East Greenwich Moyes, Mrs. Priscilla, tobacconist , Deptford bridge Muat, Mrs. Rebecca, clothes dealer, Greenwich road Mumford,S. P, and S, P., flour steam mills, Greenwich road Munyard, Alfred H., butcher, London street Munyard, Thomas, Spread Eagle, Stockwell street Munyard, Arthur, baker and confectioner, London street Murray, Henry G., baker, Trafalgar road Murrin, Josiah, carpenter, Little George street, h Royal hill Murrin, Josiah, Prince Albert, Royal hill Musgrove, John, cabinet maker and undertaker, Royal hill Mu'ssett,' Thomas Joseph, cooper, Blackheath hill Nash, Edward, pawnbroker, and salesman, London street Neale, Mrs. Rachel H., straw bonnet maker, Dunsford passage, Greenwich market Neale & Son, bricklayers, Harlinggate place, South Street, and at Blackheath Neale, Mrs, Hannah, milliner, Market avenue Neale, William G., greengrocer, Market place Needham, William, shopkeeper, Roan street Nevill, Samuel, Waterman, Billingsgate street Nevill, George, fruiterer, Deptford bridge Neville, Richard M. S., draper, Royal hill . New, Charles, Custom House officer, Ryde Villa, South street Newey, Benjamin, fancy repository, Greenwich Newnham, William, cheesemonger, Lewisham road Newham, Robert, carver and gilder, Blisset street Newman, Richard, boot and shoe maker, Lewisham road Newman, John, butcher, Gale's row, Straights mouth Newsom, William, boot and shoe maker, Royal hill Newton, Thomas, coffee rooms, Church street Nicholas, Joseph M., boot and shoe maker, Blisset street Nichols, John, draper's assistant, George street, Croom's hill Nicholls, John, Painter's Arms, Church fields Niven, John, fishmonger, Greenwich road Nixon, Thomas, beer retailer, Bennett street Nixon, John, carpenter, Old Woolwich road Nobbs, William, boot and shoe maker, Church street Noble, Samuel, architect, surveyor, and auctioneer, London street, and 18, Bucklersbury Norman and Gregory, drapers, London street Norrie, Stephen, hairdresser and tobacconist, Church street Norriss, Mrs. Matilda Letitia, the Bee Hive, Bridge street Norris, Edward Charles, oilman, Lewisham road, Blackheath hill Notley, Mrs Rebecca, bookseller and stationer, Blackheath road Nugent, Mrs Mary, tobacconist, Church street Nunn, Joshua, boot and shoe maker, Blackheath hill Oake, George jun., furniture dealer, Trafalgar road Ogilvie, the Misses, dress makers, Blackheath hill Oliver, Josiah, fishmonger, Trafalgar road Olley, John William, brush manufacturer, Deptford bridge O'Neill, Mrs. Mary, barber, Billingsgate street Orchard, William, eating house, High street Orchard, Miss Eliza, trunk and portmanteau manufacturer, and register office for servants, Royal hill Orr, Frederick S., grocer and chocolate manufacturer, Croom's hill Osborn, Mrs. Elizabeth, shopkeeper, Bridge street Ovenden, Edward, watch and clock maker, Dunsford passage, Greenwich Market Owden, Henry, butcher, John's terrace, Woolwich road Owen, Abraham, grocer, John's terrace, Woolwich road Oxborough, Arthur, tailor, Trafalgar road Page, Henry, brewer and maltster, Church street Page, Philip Flood, architect and surveyor, Catharine grove Page, Henry, brewer and maltster, Bee Hive Brewery, Church street Pallant, Benjamin, fruiterer, King street Palmer, Charles, ginger beer maker, Blackheath hill Palmer John, baker, Gale's row Palmer, John, baker, Straight's mouth Palmer, Henry R., surgeon & accoucheur, Clarence street Papworth, George, upholsterer, Albion terrace, Lewisham road Parham, Thomas G., boot and shoe maker, Royal hill row Parker, Robert, wharfinger, Haddington terrace Parker, Mrs. Elizabeth, bricklayer and plasterer, Trinity Cottage, Maidenstone hill Parker, John Thomas, potato salesman, Egerton road Parker, David, marine store dealer, Straight's mouth Parkinson, Miss Sophia, establishment for young ladies, Catherine House, Blackheath road Parr, Henry, grocer, &c., Trafalgar road Parris, James, tailor, Lewisham road, Blackheath hill Parsley, Edmund, carpenter, Trafalgar road Partridge, Samuel, baker, Bridge street Partridge, Mrs. Elizabeth, apartments, Haddington terrace Pash, Joseph A., boot and shoe warehouse, London street Patrick, Mrs. Ann, shopkeeper, Ravensbourne lane Patterson, Miss Ann, apartments, Royal place Patteson, John, bricklayer, Blackheath road Pattison, William, beer house, John street Pauli, Mrs. Mary Ann, furrier, Royal hill Payne, Edward, bookseller and binder, Catharine grove Payne, Mrs. Ann, poulterer, Greenwich market Peacock, William, superanuated surveyor of highways, Blisset street Pearce, Edward R., dentist, Bexley place, London street Peckham, Joseph-Cooper, gas fitter, ironmonger, etc., Blackheath hill Penfold, Mrs. Mary, shopkeeper, Ravensbourne street Penfold, Richard, Fox and Hounds, Royal hill Penn, John, and Son, engineers, Greenwich, and at Deptford pier Pennington, John Franklin, baby linen warehouse, Stockwell street Penny, John, cooper, Mounthod Cottage, Lewisham road Percival, Joseph, hairdresser, Lewisham road Perkins, William, butcher, Church street Perkins, Francis, butcher, Church street Perren, Abraham, corn and coal merchant, Upper George street Perry, William, coffee house, Clarence street |
Perry, Henry, boot and shoe maker, Bridge street Perry and Son, cutlers and surgical instrument makers, Greenwich road Pettafor, Thomas, china, glass, & earthenware dealer, Lewisham road, Blackheath hill Pettafor, George, Crown and Anchor, King street Pettit, Miss Elizabeth, corn dealer, Lewisham road Pettett, George, schoolmaster to Grey Coat School, Roan street Phillips, William Henry, White Swan, Blackheath road Phillips, George, banker's clerk, Maidenstone terrace, Maidenstone hill Phillips, Edward, Duke of Wellington, Old Woolwich road Phillips, Mrs Ann, Yacht Tavern, Crane street, East Greenwich Philpot, George, gas fitter, East street Pigott, Mrs. Amelia, embroidery and artificial flower dealer, King street Pilgrim, Mrs. Sarah, coffee house, Romney terrace Pimm, George, miller, Egerton road Pinchback, Benjamin G., cabinet maker, Blisset street Pink, John, shopkeeper, Royal hill road Pink, Frederick, boot and shoe maker, Lewisham road . Pink, Henry N., surgeon, Croom's hill Pink, Mrs. Lydia, laundress, Brand street Pinnegar, Josiah, bricklayer, Roan street Piper, Mrs. Ann, coffee house, Lewisham road, Blackheath hill Plaw, Mrs. Ann G., Buffalo's Head, Church street, Playter, John, shopkeeper, Bridge street Poole, James, builder and contractor, George street, Croom's hill Porter, William, blind maker, Bridge street Porter, Henry, draper, Stockwell street Potter, James, Eight Bells, Church street Pound, Richard, Foresters Arms, Royal hill Powell, Henry, stationer, &c., Pelham road, East Greenwich Pratt, Mr., dentist, Circus street Price, William, painter, Little George street Price, John, baker, Royal hill Priest, Aaron, marine store dealer, Royal hill road Prowse, John Spark, ship broker and notary public, Thornton row Pugh, Thomas, smith, Royal hill Pullen, Edward, clerk of works in Greenwich Hospital, Ashburnham grove Pullen, George, White Hart Coffee House, Stockwell street Purcell, Edward, surgeon, Croom's hill Purvis, Joshua, sail maker, St. Mary's place, Greenwich road Putt, P. W., bootmaker, Straight's mouth Pyatt, Frederick, hat manufacturer, 7, Deptford bridge Quartermaine, Thomas, Ship Tavern, King William street Radley, Mrs. Elizabeth, milliner and dress maker, George street, Croom's hill Ragsdale,Thomas, tea dealer, Nelson street Rand, Mrs. Charlotte, grocer, Pelham road, East Greenwich Rate, Mrs. Martha, dress maker, Wellington place, Greenwich road Rawlins, Thomas, baker, Horseferry road Rayner, Thomas, marine store dealer, Bridge street Raynes, Philip, Sugar Loaf, Billingsgate street Read, George, bootmaker, Trafalgar road Rebbeck, George, Rose and Crown, Thames street Reddish, James, shopkeeper, Blisset place Redford, Frederick, beer retailer, Bennett street, East Greenwich Reed, David, M.D., homeopathic dispensary, Riga Cottage, Blackheath road Reed, Joseph, beer house, Bennett street Rees, David, greengrocer, Dunsford passage Reeve, George, carrier, and high constable, Royal hill Reeve, Frederick, butcher, Royal hill row, Reeves, Robert William, boot and shoe maker, Commercial place, Lewisham road Reid, Alexander, watchmaker, Church street Relph, William, patten maker, Vine Cottage, Morden street Renneck, John, apartments, Guilford road Rexford, Mrs., and Brown, Mrs., Blackheath and Greenwich Ladies' College, Thornton House, near the railway terminus Reynolds, Henry, clerk in victualling dockyard, Guilford road Reynolds, Mrs. Sarah, apartments, Ashburnham grove Rhodes, Joseph, engineer, Lewisham road Ribbins, Thomas, marine store dealer, Roan street Richards, John, James, glass and china dealer, Norfolk place, Trafalgar road Richardson, Joseph, furnishing undertaker, house and estate agent, appraiser, and registrar of births, deaths, and marriages for the Greenwich west district, London street Richardson, Alfred, auctioneer, London street Richardson, Henry S., stationer, bookseller, and printer, Church street Ridgewell, Edwin, grocer, Green bank Ringer, William, cabinet maker, Brand street Ritchie, Archibald T., agent to the Scottish Equitable Life Assurance Society (Mutual), established 1831, Croom's hill Ritchie and Smith, coal, stone, brick, and slate merchants, Deptford bridge Roberts, John, glass and china dealer, Church street Roberts, Miss Ann, dealer in second-hand clothes, Straight's mouth Roberts, Benjamin, picture liner and restorer, London street Roberts, John, auctioneer's clerk, Haddington terrace Roberts, James, ship-owner, Crane street, East Greenwich Roberts, Brothers, confectioners, London street Roberts, Richard, corn and coal merhants, Blackheath hill Roberts, Thomas, day school, South street Roberts, Miss Sophia, day school, South street Roberts, Robert G., lace and embroidery warehouse, Stockwell street Robinson, William, Prince of Orange, Greenwich road Robinson, Thomas W., the Mitre Hotel, London street Rook, William, coach builder, Blackheath hill Roper, Richard, corn and flour dealer, Royal bill , Rosling, Amariah, beer retailer, Old Woolwich road Rowley, William, engineer in R.N., Ashburnham grove Eumsey, Miss, dressmaker, Bath terrace, Cold Bath terrace Russell, Henry, plumber, etc., Deptford bridge Russel, Edward, boot and shoe maker, Greenwich market Russel, John, commercial traveller, Prior street Rutley, George, coffee house, Silver street Rutter, John, tailor, Straight's mouth |
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