Prince Albert, 72 Royal Hill, Greenwich SE10

At 15 Royal Hill before 1891

Greenwich Index

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Greenwich, London.

Prince Albert, 72 Royal Hill, SE10 - in December 2007

Prince Albert, 72 Royal Hill, SE10 - in December 2007

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

Residents at this address.

1851/Josiah Murrin/Carpenter & Beer Shop Keeper/36/Newton Abbot, Devon/Census *
1851/Ann Murrin/Wife/23/Brill, Buckinghamshire/Census
1851/Sarah Murrin/Daughter/3/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1851/Josiah Murrin/Son/8 weeks/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1851/Sarah Blincko/Mother-in-Law (Widow)/59/Stafford, Northamptonshire/Census
1851/Henry Dale/Pot Boy/12/Greenwich, Kent/Census

1852/Josiah Warrin/beer retailer/../../Archdeacons Directory *

1858/Josiah Murrin/../../../Melvilles Directory

1862/Josiah Murrin/beer retailer/../../Kelly's Directory *

1881/Ann Murrin/Licensed Victualler/53/Brill, Buckingham/Census
1881/Sarah Murrin/Daughter, Barmaid/32/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1881/William H Murrin/Nephew, Draper/31/Newton Abbott, Devon/Census
1881/Elizabeth A Avery/Visitor, Milliner/29/Chudleigh, Devon/Census
1881/Amy Loren/General Servant/18/Deptford, Kent/Census
1881/Edward Gable/Potman/20/Lewisham, Kent/Census

1882/Mrs A Murrin/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/W Murrin/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/William Murrin/Licensed Victualler/38/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1891/Elizabeth M Murrin/Wife/38/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1891/William G Murrin/Son/15/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1891/Percy A Murrin/Son/13/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1891/Thomas R Murrin/Son/11/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1891/John E Murrin/Son/7/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1891/Alice M Murrin/Daughter/5 months/Greenwich, Kent/Census
1891/Emily L Pettit/Barmaid/21/Bury St Edmunds/Census
1891/Maud Foster/Domestic Servant/20/Deptford, Kent/Census

1896/Alfred Reeves/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/Geo R Murrell/../../../Post Office Directory

1901/George R Murrell/Publican/45/Deptford, London/Census
1901/George R Murrell/Son, Assistant/18/Camberwell, London/Census
1901/Rose E Watkins/Boarder, Barmaid/18/Deptford, London/Census
1901/Minnie Robertson/Boarder, Manageress, Widow/27/Bledlow, Buckinghamshire/Census

1904/George R Murrell/../../../Post Office Directory

1905/George Parry/../../../Post Office Directory

1906/George Parry/../../../Post Office Directory *

1908/Mrs Eliza Mason/../../../Post Office Directory

1911/William Miller/../../../Post Office Directory

1911/Myers Mayfield/Publican/60/Cambridge/Census
1911/Georgeanna Mayfield/Wife, Assistant/62/Aldboro, Suffolk/Census
1911/Grace Elfis/Domestic Servant/17/Northampton/Census
1911/Florence Collis/Domestic Servant/29/City Road, London/Census

1914/Myas Mayfield/../../../Post Office Directory *

1919/John Attwell/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/John Attwell/../../../Post Office Directory *

1938/Walter White/../../../Post Office Directory

1944/Walter White/../../../Post Office Directory

* Provided By Ewan

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