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John Lockie, a descriptive London Street Directory in 1810 - A.

A Concise Local description of and Accurate Direction to every Square, Street, Lane, Court, Dock, Wharf, Inn, Public Office, &c. in the Metropolis and its Environs.


John Lockie 1810 index & next

Abbey place, Tavistock Mews, Russell Square, the first on the Left in Little Coram street from 54, Great Coram street.
Abbey Place, Bethnal Green Road, the North continuation of Marys row, from the North East corner of Wilmot square.
Abbey Place North, Bethnal Green Road, at the North end of the last above described.
Abbey Place South, Bethnal Green Road, at the South end of Abbey place aforesaid.
Abbey Street, Bethnal Green Road, at 92, the first on the Right below the turnpike, about 1/2 a mile from 65 Shoreditch.
Abchurch Lane, Lombard Street at 18, between the General Post office and Phoenix fire office, leading to 67 Cannon street.
Abchurch Yard, Abchurch Lane, the open space at the South end by 67 Cannon street.
Abels or Whites Buildings, Rosemary Lane, at 94, the East end leading to Chamber street, Goodmans fields.
Abingdon Buildings, Abingdon Street, Westminster, at 17, near Millbank street, leading to the Thames.
Abingdon Place, Abingdon Street, Westminster, 3 doors on the Left from Old Palace yard, leading to the stone wharf
Abingdon Street, Westminster, the first West parallel to the Thames, extending from Old Palace yard to Millbank street.
Abingdon Street (Little) at 10, Abingdon street, is that number of doors on the Left from Old Palace yard, leading to the Thames.
Academy Court, Chancery Lane, at 93, near Cary street and opposite Symonds inn.
Acorn Alley, Bishopsgate without, at 125, about a 1/4 of a mile on the Left north from the church, leading to Skinner street.
Acorn Court, Rolls Buildings, the first on the Right from 117, Fetter lane, is continued by Whites alley and Breams buildings, to 30, the middle of Chancery lane.
Acton Place, Locks Fields, Walworth, extends from the end of York street and is the continuation of it to Camden street leading to East lane.
Acton Street, Grays Inn Lane, is about | of a mile North from Guilford street Foundling hospital, on the Right and the same distance South from Battle bridge on the L.
Adam and Eve Court, Oxford Street, at 67, the North side, nearly opposite the Pantheon , leading to 61 Castle street
Adam and Eve Court, White Cross Street, St Lukes, at 106, about the middle of the East side, nearly opposite Playhouse yard.
Adam & Eve Court,  Old Broad Street, at 11, opposite Throgmorton street 11 doors on the Right from Threadneedle street.
Adam and Eve Court, Angel Alley, Bishopsgate Without, a few yards in ditto from 137, Bishopsgate, towards Angel passage, and 43, Skinner street.
Adam & Eve Court, Dukes Place, the first on the Left in Mitre court from 29, Aldgate, is continued by New court to King street and Bury street.
Adam a Digging Yard, Great Peter street, Westminster, about the middle of the South side, nearly opposite Little street Anns lane.
Adams Gardens, Adam Street, Rotherhithe, the first North parallel. which extends from Adams place to New court.
Adams Mews, Adam Street, Portman Square, at 20, about 6 doors on the Left from 26, Upper Seymour street, leading to Upper Berkeley street.
Adams Mews, South Audley Street, at 35, leading to 10, Charles street being the first South East parallel to Grosvenor square.
Adams Place, High Street, Borough, at 187, about 22 doors on the Right South from Union street, leading to 52, Red cross street.
Adams Place, Adam Street, Rotherhithe, is near the West end, being the first on the Left from Neptune street.
Adams Row, Hampstead Road, the North continuation of Tottenham court road on the Left extending from the New road to Henry street
Adam Street, Portman Square, at 8, Baker street leading to 56, Manchester street two doors from the square.
Adam Street West, Portman Square, the first North East parallel to Edgware road, extends from 30, Upper Seymour street to Upper Berkeley street
Adam Street, Adelphi, at 73, in the Strand, 73 doors on the Right from Charing Cross, and about  a mile on the Left from Temple Bar, on the opposite direction, it extends to the Thames.
Adam Street, Rotherhithe, is the second South parallel to the Thames, about 1/8 of a mile from it, commences at Neptune street, where there are 1 & 94, it extends to Swan lane, and is about of a mile in length.
Addle Hill, Upper Thames Street , at 231, the first on the Left from Earl street leading to 4, Great Carter lane, Doctors Commons.
Addle Street, Wood Street, Cheapside, at 43, the third on the Right and about 1/5 of a mile from 122, Cheapside, extending to 58, Aldermanbury.
Adelphi, Strand. See Adam Street.
Adelphi Terrace, facing the Thames the second on the Right in Adam street from 73, Strand.
Adelphi Wharfs, under the Terrace, - the principal entrance at Durham street 65, Strand, besides warehouses here are coal wharfs occupied by Saints, Perkins, and Smithers, whose names they bear.
Adjutant Generals Office, Whitehall, is the door on the Left under the arch in the Horse Guards, from Whitehall towards the park.
Admiralty, Whitehall, a few doors on the Right from Charing Cross, opposite Great Scotland yard.
Admiralty Office, Doctors Commons, is the second door on the Left from 7, Great Knight Rider street
Affidavit Office, Symonds Inn, the first on the Right from 23, Chancery lane.
African Companys Office, 3, Suffolk lane, Cannon street a few doors on the Left from 151, Upper Thames street.
African and Senegal Coffee House, Cornhill, about the middle of the South side, between 41 & 42.
Aggats Passage, Cutler Street, Houndsditch, the first on the Left in Cutler street from 114, Houndsditch, leading to Devonshire square and Bishopsgate.
St Agnes le Clair, Old Street Road, between the end of Paul street, Finsbury, and Pump row.
St Agnes Crescent, Old Street Road, is part of the South side of it, extending from the end of Paul street to Wood street.
St Agnes Place, Old Street Road, a few houses which connect Old street road with Paul street
St Agnes Street, Old Street Road, is the first South parallel to part of Old street road, extending from Paul street to Wood street
St Agnes Terrace, Tabernacle Walk, Finsbury, is the North continuation of it to Paul street.
Agriculture, Board of, Sackville Street, at 32, 12 doors on the Left from 49, Piccadilly.
Air Street, Piccadilly, at 27, the first on the Right and 27 doors from the Haymarket, it leads to Brewer street and Golden square.
Airs Alms Houses, Whites Alley, Coleman Street, the second on the Left from 61 Coleman street
St Albans Court, Wood Street, Cheapside, at 91, about the middle of the West side, leading to Oat lane and Noble street.
St Albans Church, Wood Street, Cheapside, is opposite 91, and about 1/7 of a mile on the Right from 122, Cheapside.
St Albans Street, street James's, at 13, Pall Mall, the second on the Right from the Haymarket, it extends to St James's Market.
Albany Chambers, Burlington Gardens, the first West parallel to Sackville street extending from Vigo lane to Albany house, and 52, Piccadilly.
Albany House, Piccadilly (late York House) by 52, about 1/4 of a mile on the R. from the Haymarket, it leads to Albany chambers.
Albemarle Street, Piccadilly, at 62, opposite street Jamess, the fifth on the Right and 1/3 of a mile from the Haymarket, leading to Grafton street and New Bond street.
Albemarle Street, Clerkenwell, at 13 St Johns sq. leading to 23 St Johns street about the middle of the West side.
Albion Brewery, Whitechapel Road, at 170, a few doors North from Mile End turnpike.
Albion Buildings, Bartholomew Close. at the end of Westmoreland buildings from 159, Aldersgate street
Albion Court, Albion Place, St Georges in the East, leads to Mary street and Chapel street. See Albion Place.
Albion Fire and Life Office, the corner of Bridge street and Ludgate hill, facing the end of Fleet market.
Albion Information Office, at 22, Earl street Black Friars, a few doors on the Right from the bridge towards Thames street.
Albion Mews, Stamford Street, Black Friars Road, at 33, a few doors on the Right from the said road.
Albion News Paper Office, at 1, Paternoster row, the first house on the Right from Cheapside.
Albion Place, Walworth or Newington Butts, the second on the Left about 1/4 of a mile from the Elephant and Castle, on the road towards Camberwell.
Albion Place, East lane, Walworth, is part of the East side, a few yards on the Left from the Kent road, towards Walworth high street or road.
Albion Place, Black Friars Road, the wide part of the road which adjoins the bridge, on the East side of which stood the Albion mill.
Albion Place, Lower Chapman Street, St Georges in the East, is on the South side between Mary street and Duke street.
Albion Street, St Georges in the East, the fourth on the Right in the Commercial road, East from Cannon street road, leading to Lower Chapman street.
Albion Street, Black Friars Road, the South continuation of Albion place by the bridge, in length about 16 houses which extend to Stamford street.
Albion Street, Rotherhithe, the East continuation of Paradise row, from Deptford lower road, extending across Neptune street.
Albion Timber Wharf, Blackfriars, is a few yards East of the bridge, entrance at Earl street.
Aldermanbury, the North continuation of Milk street Cheapside, commencing at Lad lane, where there are Nos. 1 & 76, extends to London wall.
Aldermanbury Postern, the North continuation of Aldermanbury, extending from London Wall to 32 Fore street.
Aldermans Walk, Bishopsgate Without, at 201, on the North side the church, about of a mile on the Left from Cornhill.
Aldermary Church Yard, at 38, Watling street leading to 37, Bow lane, about 18 or 19 doors on the Left from 59, Cheapside.
Aldersgate Buildings, Aldersgate Street, at 91, about 3/5 of a mile on the Right from 66 Newgate street nearly opposite Charter house  square
Aldersgate Chapel, Glass House Street, the middle of the West side entrance at 108 Goswell street
Aldersgate School, is behind 77, Little Britain, a few doors on the Left from Aldersgate street.
Aldersgate Street, the North continuation of St, Martins Le Grand, from 66, Newgate street Nos. 1 & 180 are at street Martins le Grand, it is about 1/4 of a mile in length.
Aldersgate Workhouse, at 129, Aldersgate street the South East end of New street, Cloth fair.
Aldgate High Street, the East continuation of Leadenhall street and Fenchurch street extending from the pump to Somerset street and Petticoat lane.
Aldolis Court, John Street, Leonard Street, Shoreditch, is on the West side, nearly facing Charles street from the Curtain road.
Alexander Buildings, Three Oak Lane, Horselydown, is the East continuation of Free school street, Tooley street.
Alfred Buildings, Castle Lane, Westminster, the second on the Right from James street or the West end of York street by the park, or third on the Left from the Stag brewery, Pimlico, on the opposite direction.
Alfreds Buildings, Windmill Street, Finsbury square is a few yards on the Right from the North West corner of Finsbury sq. 2 doors from Providence row.
Alfred Court, Pauls Alley, Red Cross Street, Cripplegate, the first on the Left in Pauls Alley, from 17, Red cross street, leading to 62, Aldersgate street.
Alfred Mews, Tottenham Court Road, at 109, nearly opposite Chapel street and about 1/3 of a mile on the Right from Oxford street.
Alfred Place, Goswell Street Road, part of the West side, commencing at the end of Rawstone street, opposite Sidney street is continued by Owens place, Gwins buildings, to the City road.
Alfred Place, Kent Road, is part of the South side, about 1/4 of a mile on the Right below the Bricklayers arms, the corner of East lane.
Alfred Place, Bedford Square, the first on the Left in Store street from Tottenham court road, extending to Chenies street.
Alfred Place, Blackfriars Road, the first East parallel to Great Surrey street entrance at 18, nearly opposite Christ church, about 1/7 of a mile on the Left from Black Friars bridge.
Alfred Place, Newington High Road, is part of the West side, the first row on the Left from the Elephant and Castle towards London.
Alfred Row, Charles Street, Bethnal Green Road, the second on the Left from the road, opposite Wilmot sq. is about 3/4 of a mile on the Right from 65 Shoreditch.
Alien Office, 18, Crown Street, Westminster, a few doors on the Right from King street
Alienation Office, Kings Bench Walk, Temple, on the East side, a few yards on the Left from the South end of Mitre court, leading from 44, Fleet street.
Alligator Auction Rooms, at the South East corner of the Kings road, opposite 66, Grays inn lane.
Allens or Allans Alms Houses, Lamb Alley, Bishopsgate Without, a few doors on the Right from 144, in the said street on the North side of Sun street.
Allens Buildings, Bowling Green Lane, Clerkenwell, the first on the Left from opposite the Workhouse, Coppice row.
Allens Buildings, Vine Yard, street Olaves, the second on the Left from 110, the East end of Tooley street, about 3/8 of a mile on the Left from London bridge.
Allens Court, Oxford Street, at 388, between Wardour street and Chapel street about of a mile on the Left from street Giless.
Allens Court or Rents, Harrow Alley, Gravel Lane, Houndsditch, the second on the Right from Gravel lane, towards the middle of Petticoat lane.
Allen Street, Clerkenwell, commences at 113, on the West side of Goswell street and by a narrow passage leads to Compton street
Alleys Alms Houses, Great street Annes Lane, Westminster, about ten doors on the R. from Great Peter street at the back of the Woolstaplers Alms houses.
Allhallows Church, Bread Street, Cheapside, is between 50 and 51, the corner of Watling street
Allhallows Church, London Wall, is a few yards East on the Left from Moorfields, op. Little Winchester street, near Wormwood street, Bishopsgate.
Allhallows Church, behind 48, Lombard street a few doors on the Right from Gracechurch street
Allhallows Barking Church, 54, Great Tower street, the corner of Seething lane, by Tower hill.
Allhallows Church, Upper Thames Street, at 88, the corner of Allhallows lane.
Allhallows Staining Church, Mark Lane, is four doors on the Right from 55, Fenchurch street.
Allhallows Lane, Upper Thames Street, at 88, opposite Bush lane, Cannon street, about # of a mile on the Left from London Bridge, leading to the Thames.
Allhallows Passage, Gracechurch Street, at 18, about half a dozen doors North from Lombard street
Allhallows Stairs, the bottom of Allhallows lane, from 88, Upper Thames street. See ditto.
Almacks Rooms, King Street, St James's. See Williss.
Almonry (Great), Westminster, the first South parallel to Tothill street and communicates with it by Wrights passage. See the next.
Almonry (Little), the East continuation of great ditto, crossing Dean street, street, and leading to Deans yard by the Abbey.
Alpha House, Lucas Place, Commercial Road, is a few yards East on the Right from the half way house.
Alphabet Court, Browns Buildings, Clare Market, at 30, Stanhope street leading to Nags head court and 119, Drury lane.
St Alphages Church, London Wall, at 13, four doors West from Aldermanbury.
Alports Garden, Hackney Road. about 1/3 of a mile on the Left from Shoreditch Church, nearly opposite Middlesex Chapel,
Alsops Buildings, New Rd. Marylebone, is part of the North side, the North end of Baker street Portman square.
Alsops Farm, New Road, Marylebone, at the back of the East end of Alsop buildings.
Alsops Mews, New Road, Marylebone, the first North parallel to part of Alsops Buildings, extending from Baker street North to Upper Gloucester street
Alsops Place, New Road, Marylebone, is situate on the North side of Alsops buildings, extending from Pleasant row to Baker street North
Alscot Place, Grange Road, Bermondsey, is part of the South side, about of a mile on the Right from Bermondsey new road, and a few yards East from Pages walk.
Amelia Row, Borough Road, St Georges Fields, is on the South side of it facing the Kings bench, is continued by Earl street to the London road. opposite the Philanthropic.
Amelia Street, Walworth, about 1/3 of a mile on the Right from the Elephant and Castle on the road to Camberwell, the South end of it is now called Penton street
Amen Corner, Ave Maria Lane, the first on the Left from 29, Ludgate street leading to Stationers alley.
America Place, Southwark, the first East parallel to part of Great Guilford street there is an entrance to it at 21, Queen street, it leads to Orions buildings and Castle street
America Square, Minories, at 121, the middle of the West side, the fourth on the Right down Crutched Friars from 65, Mark Lane.
America Street, Great Guilford Street, Southwark, the first on the Right and five or six doors from 35, Queen street leading to America place.
Amias Alms Houses, George yard at 108, Old street St Lukes, near Brick lane.
Amicable Assurance Office, Sergents Inn, the sixth house on the Left from 50, Fleet street
Amphitheatre (Astleys) Surrey side of Westminster Bridge, fourteen doors on the R. from the Bridge foot.
Amphitheatre Row, Westminster Bridge Road, extends from Astleys Theatre to Stangate.
Anchor Alley, Old Street, St Lukes at 99, North side, the first West from the Church, formerly called Horse shoe alley.
Anchor Brewery, Old Street, St Lukes, on the South side, opposite No. 100, is situate between White cross street and Golden lane.
Anchor Brewery, (Charringtons) Mile End Road, a little above 1/4 of a mile on the Left East from the turnpike opposite Stepney Green.
Anchor and Hope Alley, St Georges in the East, the continuation of Red Lion street, from 120, Wapping, little below the church on the Left
Anchor Street, Shoreditch or Bethnal Green, extends from the back of the Swan, 54, Shoreditch, to Club row, is continued by Slaughter or Sclater street to 154, Brick lane.
Anchor Street (Little), Bethnal Green, parallel to and between Anchor street and Church street
Anchor Street, Mile End, on the West side of Charringtons Brewery, about 1/4 of a mile on the Left east from the turnpike, opposite Stepney Green.
Andersons Buildings, City Road, part of the North side by the turnpike, a little more than 3/4 of a mile on the Right from Finsbury square, and near 1/3 of a mile from the Angel, Islington, on the opposite direction.
Andersons Buildings, Grange Road, Bermondsey, part of the North side, about 1/8 of a mile on the Left from Bermondsey new road, nearly opposite Pages walk, (by some called the Terrace).
Andersons Court, Queen Street, Borough, at 15, near Union street and opposite White Cross street
Andersons Walk, Vauxhall Walk, the first on the Right from Lambeth Butts towards Vauxhall Gardens, it leads into Princes street by the side of the Thames.
Andersons Coal Wharf. See Horse Shoe ditto.
Andersons Yard, Chelsea, a narrow passage leading from Royal Hospital row to Turks row, is situate between Jamess yard and Castle yard.
St Andrews Church, Holborn Hill, is a few yards on the Left west from Fleet market.
St Andrews Undershaft Church. St Mary Axe. the East corner by 116, Leadenhall street.
St Andrew s Court, Holborn Hill, at 58, about twenty doors on the Left from Fleet market, and five houses West from the church.
St Andrews Court, White Friars, is part of Ashentree court, Temple street. See ditto.
St Andrews Hill, Black Friars, extends from the East end of Earl street or West end of Upper Thames street to Great Carter lane.
St Andrews Charity School, Hatton Garden, Holborn, at 43, the corner of Cross street 80 Boys and 71 Girls are educated here.
St Andrews Street, Seven Dials, the first coach turning on the Left in Broad street, St Giless, from Drury Iane, leading to the Seven Dials.
St Andrews Street (Little) the continuation of St Andrews street from the Seven Dials to St Martins lane or West end of Long Acre.
St Andrews Wharf, Earl Street, Black Friars, at 13, the fifth Wharf on the Right from Black friars bridge.
St Andrews Workhouse, 41, Shoe lane, a few yards on the Left from 65, Holborn hill, there is another entrance at 61, Fleet market.
St Andrews Workhouse, the North end of Saffron hill, by Ray street, Clerkenwell.
St Andrews, Holborn and St George the Martyrs Workhouse, is on the Left in Little Grays inn lane, towards Mount pleasant and Cold bath fields, is at the back of 79, Grays inn lane, of a mile from Holborn.
Angel Alley, Long Acre, at 10, West end leading into Rose court and to King street and Covent Garden.
Angel Alley, Aldersgate Street, at 42, the first South from Jewin street and about 1/4 of a mile on the Right from 65 Newgate street along St Martins le Grand.
Angel Alley, Angel Square, Bishopsgate Without, at 138, about six doors North of Sun street leading to Long alley, and by Angel passage to 12, Skinner street.
Angel Alley, Little Moorfields, at 20, the third on the Left from 61, Fore street leading to Hartshorn alley and Moor lane.
Angel Alley, Ratcliffe highway, at 61, opposite street Georges church, leading to 144, Pennington street.
Angel Alley, Nightingale Lane, at 22, the third on the Right from 110, Upper East Smithfield, leading into Sun yard.
Angel Alley, Whitechapel, at 84, near the church, the first West parallel to Osborn street leading into Wentworth street.
Angel Alley, High Street, Borough, at 146, near St Georges church, being the continuation of Angel court, leading to Collins rents and 23, White street
Angel Court, Princes Street, Westminster, at 5, by St James's park, leading into Bow street
Angel Court, King Street. St James's Square, at 20, the second on the Right from 11, St James's street
Angel Court, Strand, at 335, opposite Somerset house, is continued by Eagle court, to White hart yard, Drury lane.
Angel Court, Strand, at 173, by Surrey street about 1/5 of a mile on the Left from Temple bar.
Angel Court, Charing Cross, six doors on the Left from the Strand towards Westminster bridge, late Johnsons court.
Angel Court, Great Windmill Street, Haymarket, at 50, the first on the Left from Piccadilly.
Angel Court, Angel Street, St Martins le Grand, the first on the Left in Angel street from 15, St Martins le Grand.
Angel Court, Golden Lane, Cripplegate, the first on the Right north from Brackley street about 6 doors from Vine street.
Angel Court, Grub Street, about the middle of the East side, nearly opposite Star court.
Angel Court, Friday Street, at 8, the second on the Right and 6 doors from 35, Cheapside.
Angel Court, Snow Hill, the first on the Left from Newgate towards Fleet market, and is Opposite St Sepulchres church.
Angel Court, Throgmorton Street, at 35, three doors on the Left from Bartholomew lane, by the Bank, it leads to Bell alley and Moorfields.
Angel Court, Red Lion Street, Spitalfields, is on the West side of Spitalfields church, nearly opposite Dorset street
Angel Court, Leadenhall Street, at 64, about 10 doors on the Left from Aldgate
Angel Court, Whites Yard, Rosemary Lane, about six doors on the Right from 58, Rosemary lane.
Angel Court, Back Lane, Shadwell, four doors East on the Right from Bluegate fields, by the Angel public house.
Angel Court, Shadwell High Street, at 235, nine doors East from Bluegate fields, and seven doors West from Union street on the opposite direction.
Angel Court, Nightingale Lane, Upper East Smithfield, the continuation of Angel alley, from 22, Nightingale lane, leading to Sun yard.
Angel Court, Stoney Lane, Gravel Lane, Houndsditch, the second on the Left from Gravel lane, from 148, Houndsditch.
Angel Court, High Street, Borough, at 247, by St Margarets hill, leading to 82, Red cross street. Note. The end next the Borough is a stable yard and sometimes shut.
Angel Court, High Street, Borough, at 146, near street Georges church, is continued by Angel alley, and leads to Collins's rents and 23, White street.
Angel Court, Borough Market, the second on the Right in York street from 276, High street about of a mile on the Right from London bridge.
Angel, Angel Court, Walworth, about # of a mile on the Right from the Elephant and Castle, on the Road to Camberwell, the first West from Amelia street, and East end of the Terrace.
Angel Gardens, Back Lane, Shadwell, eight doors East on the Right from Bluegate fields, by the Angel public house, about 1/5 of a mile East from Cannon street turnpike.
Angel Inn, St Clements, Strand, on the North side the church, a few doors on the Right from Temple bar.
Angel Inn, Broad Street, St Giles, adjoining the church, on the East side, four doors West from Compton street.
Angel Inn, Angel Street, St Martins le Grand, at 13 Butcher hall lane, and is that number of doors on the Right from 82 Newgate street.
Angel Inn, Fleet Market, at 53, West side, about eight or nine doors on the Right from Holbom bridge.
Angel Inn, Islington, at the point where the City road, Pentonville, High street and St Johns Street road, all meet.
Angel Inn, Blackman street, Borough, at 80, about seventeen doors on the Left from the Kings bench
Angel Livery Stables, Earl Street, Blackfriars, three doors on the Left from Bridge street
Angel Passage, Upper Thames Street, at 95, opposite Ducks foot lane, about twenty four doors on the Left from London bridge, leading to Dyers hall wharf.
Angel Passage, Skinner Street, Bishopsgate, at 42, the second on the Left from 120,Bishopsgate without, leading to Long alley, Moorfields.
Angel Place, Broad Wall, Christs Church, the middle of the East side, near Hatfield street and about 1/6 of a mile on the Right from the New cut, or Lambeth marsh.
Angel Row, Islington, from the Angel inn towards Pentonville and Sommers town.
Angel Square, Bishopsgate Without, at 137, the second on the Left and five doors North from Sun street it leads into Angel alley and Long alley, Moorfields.
Angel Street, St Martins le Grand, at 15, the first on the Left from 66, Newgate street leading to the Angel inn and Butcher hall lane.
Angel Street, Broad Wall , Christ Church, is part of the South end of it, the second on the Right in Lambeth marsh, from Surrey chapel, towards Westminster bridge.
Angel and Sun Inn, Strand, at 184, opposite Norfolk street about 1/7 of a mile on the Right from Temple bar.
Angel Yard, Piccadilly, at 34, and is that number of doors on the Right from the Hay market.
St Anns Church, Blackfriars, is a few yards on the Right on street Andrew s hill, from Earl street and West end of Upper Thames street
St Anns Church, Soho, at the bottom of Dean street, from 400, Oxford street also the South West end of Compton street from St Giless.
St Anns Church, St Anns Lane, is about the middle of the North side, and behind 41 Noble street Foster lane, Cheapside.
St Anns Church, Limehouse, is on the South side of the Commercial road, about 7/8 of a mile East from Shadwell church, near 1/2 a mile North from the Thames, and about 2 from the Royal Exchange.
St Anns Court, St Anns street, Westminster, is the first on the Right and a few doors from Great Peter street.
St Anns Court, Wardour Street, Soho, at 31, about the middle of the East side, leading to 63, Dean street near Soho square.
St Anns Court, Upper Well Alley, Wapping, the second on the Left from 110 Wapping Street, or five doors on the Right from Green bank near Wapping church.
St Anns Court, Mary Street, St Georges in the East, is situate between Chapel street and Lower Chapman street.
St Anns Lane, Westminster, at 33, Orchard street about six doors on the Left from Dean street leading to Great Peter street.
St Anns Lane, (Little), is the first West to Great ditto, leading from 39, Old Pye street to Great Peter street.
St Anns Lane, Foster Lane, Cheapside, at 17, leading to 58 St Martins le grand.
St Anns Passage, Noble Street, Foster Lane, at 41, three doors North from St Anns lane.
St Anns Place, Commercial Road, Limehouse, is part of the North side, commencing at the Britannia by the bridge and extending to opposite the church,
St Anns Place East, Commercial Road, Limehouse, is part of the South side, a few houses on the East side of the church adjoining Commercial terrace.
St Anns Place North, Limehouse, is part of the East side of Salmon lane, near the Commercial road, leading towards Stepney, opposite Wilsons place.
Anns Place, St Georges Fields, the first West parallel to Webber street extending from Webber row to Barons buildings.
Anns Place, Stepney, is facing the South West corner of the church by the ship.
St Anns Row, Limehouse, the first on the Right in St Anns Street, facing the church.
St Anns School, Rose Street, Soho, at 3, the first on the Left and three or four doors from Crown street.
St Anns School, St Anns Lane, is the fourth house on the Right from 17, Foster lane, Cheapside.
Ann Street, Pentonville, is the second East from the chapel, extending from 11, Kings row, to Henry street, about 1/4 of a mile from Islington.
Ann Street, Bethnal Green Road, the North West corner of Wilmot sq. leading to Pollard row, about 2/3 of a mile from 65 Shoreditch.
Ann Street, Bethnal Green Road, on the East side of Wilmot square, leading from the road to Marys row and Wilmots folly.
Ann Street, St Georges in the East, the third East parallel to Cannon street New road, extending from Upper Chapman street to Lower Chapman street.
Anns Street, (Little), Lower Chapman Street, St Georges in the East, is the fourth on the Left from Cannon street New road, a few doors East of Catherine street
St Anns Street, Limehouse, the first on the Left east from the Britannia, in the Commercial road, nearly opposite the church, extending from Anns place to the barge river.
St Anns Workhouse, Soho, is the first house on the Left in Rose street from 6, Greek street
Annuity Bank, Knightsbridge, the first house on the Right about 1/7 of a mile from the turnpike, Hyde park corner.
Ansels Rents, Three Colt Street, Limehouse, at the back of 34, in the said street, nearly opposite Ropemakers fields.
Anthony Street, St Georges in the East, the second East parallel to Cannon street New road, extending from from Lower Chapman street to Hack lane.
Antigallican Passage, Temple Bar, is on the North side of Fleet street by Temple bar and Great Shire lane.
St Antholins Church, Size lane. is opposite 50 Watling street the corner of Budge row.
Apollo Buildings, St Georges Fields, the first on the Left in Tower street from the Asylum, Westminster bridge road.
Apollo Buildings, East Lane, Walworth, is about the middle of it, on both sides, about 1/4 of a mile from the Kent road, and a little more from Walworth High road, on the opposite direction.
Apollo Court, Fleet Street, at 202, North side by Temple bar, leading to 7 Bell yard.
Apothecarys Hall, Blackfriars, the East end of Union street from 36, the middle of the East side of Bridge street.
Apple Tree Court, Bermondsey Street, at 184, near the church, and about 4/10 of a mile on the Right from Tooley street
Apple Tree Yard, York Street, St James's, is behind 105 Jermyn street between St James's church and St James's square.
Arabella Gardens, Chelsea, at the West side of Grosvenor row, by the one mile stone from Buckingham gate.
Arabella row, Pimlico, is the first on the Right and about of a mile from Buckingham gate, is continued by Grosvenor place to Hyde park corner.
Archer Street, Great Windmill Street, at 19, the first on the Right from the Hay market, there is a thoroughfare from it by a dirty narrow passage to Rupert street
Archer Yard, Christophers Alley, Finsbury, is the first on the Left and a few doors from Wilson street North side Moorfields.
Archibald Place, Wallburge Street, St Georges in the East, the first on the Rightfrom Back lane, towards Chapman street
Argyll or Argyle Street, Oxford Street, at 331, about 1/3 of a mile from St Giles on the Left leading to Great Marlborough street.
Argyll Street (Little), the first on the Right in Argyll street, from 331 Oxford street leading into Swallow street.
Aris Buildings, Bowling Green lane, Clerkenwell, the first on the Right from Rosamond street towards Coppice row, or the second on the Left from Coppice row, on the opposite direction.
Arlington Street, Piccadilly, at 160, about # of a mile on the Left from the Haymarket, the first South West parallel to street James's street
Armourers & Braziers Alms Houses, Swan Yard, Bishopsgate, at 2, a few yards from 186 Bishopsgate without.
Army Medical Office, Berkeley street Berkeley square, at 5, seven doors on the Right from Piccadilly.
Army Pay Office, Horse Guards, the entrance is a few yards on the Left (under the arch) from Whitehall.
Army Victualling Office. See Victualling Office.
Arnolds Place, Walworth, is the first West parallel to the terrace, on the main road, extending from Hanover street to Amelia street
Arnolds Paragon, Walworth, behind the middle of the West side of Arnolds place.
Arthur Place, St Lukes, the first North parallel to Great Arthur street, and a part of Bell alley, leading from 13 Goswell street to Turks court and 121, Golden lane.
Arthur Street(Great), Goswell Street, St Lukes, communicates with No. 10, Goswell street by New court, and is continued by Ball yard, to Golden lane.
Arthur street (Little), Goswell Street, St Lukes, the first South parallel to the last described and communicates with it. See Ditto.
Artichoke Court, White Cross Street, Cripplegate, at 10, about seven doors on the Right from Beech lane, Barbican, towards Wood street
Artichoke Court, Cannon Street, at 32, about the middle of the South side, and is opposite Abchurch lane from the General Post office, Lombard street.
Artichoke Hill, Ratcliffe Highway, at 19, opposite Princes square leading to Pennington street and the London docks.
Artichoke Row, Mile End, is part of the South side of the road opposite the Bell and Mackarel, about 1 1/3 of a mile on the Right from Aldgate pump.
Artichoke Yard, Lambeth Marsh, the second on the Left from Westminster bridge road, towards Blackfriars road.
Artillery Court, Chiswell Street, at 53, the first on the Right from Finsbury square leading to the Artillery ground.
Artillery Ground, is situate on the West of Finsbury square, has three entrances, viz. at 53 Chiswell street, 29 Bunhill row, and 18 Artillery place.
Artillery Ground (Old), part of Union street, Bishopsgate, and Artillery lane, the whole of Duke street Gun street, Steward street, and Fort street.
Artillery Lane, Bishopsgate, opposite 161, about 4/10 of a mile on the Right from Cornhill, it is continued by Artillery street, and Smock alley, to Crispin street.
Artillery Place, Westminster, on the South side of St Margarets church, leading from Brewers green to Strutton ground.
Artillery Place, Finsbury Square, commences at the North West corner on the Left extends from Nos. 1 to 25, opposite Castle street
Artillery Place, Spitalfields, is the continuation of Artillery lane and street, from Bishopsgate, this place is better known by the name of Smock alley.
Artillery Street, Bishopsgate without, the continuation of Artillery lane, leading to Artillery place (or Smock alley) and Crispin street Spitalfields.
Artillery Street, St Johns, Southwark, is near the East end of Tooley street, the first South parallel to St Johns church yard, it is continued by Charles street to Dock head, on the East and by Crucifix lane to Bermondsey street on the West
Artillery Street, St Georges Fields, is somewhat parallel to the East side of Blackfriars road, extending from Bennetts row to Higlers lane.
Arts, Society of. See Society.
Arts, Academy of. See Royal.
Antiquarian Society. See Royal.
Arundel Street, Strand, at 187, the second on the Left about 1/8 of a mile from Temple bar extending to the Thames.
Arundel Stairs, the bottom of Arundel street from the Strand. See Ditto.
Ashentree Court, White Friars, at the South end of Bouverie street from 62 Fleet street and is near the boftom of Water lane.
Ashby Street, Clerkenwell, the first on the Right in Islington road from the North end of St Johns street leading to Northampton square.
Ashfield Place, Stepney, at the North East corner of Stepney church yard, by the Walnut tree in Ocean row, Cow lane.
Ashton Street, Black Wall, at the North end of Robinhood lane, facing the East India dock gate.
Aske Terrace, Haberdashers Walk, Hoxton, the second on the Left north from Haberdashers Alms houses, nearly opposite Gloucester terrace, leading towards the City road.
Assay Office, Cary Lane, is the first house on the Right from 20, Gutter lane,Cheapside.
Assembly Row, Mile End, part of the South side of the road, commencing about 1/8 of a mile on the Right below the turnpike, and is nearly 1/8 in length.
Assembly Passage, Mile End, at 18, Assembly row, leading to Redmans row.
Astleys Theatre, Surrey end of Westminster bridge. See Amphitheatre.
Asylum for Female Orphans, Lambeth, the South side of Westminster bridge road, about 3/8 of a mile from it, and near 1/8 of a mile from the Obelisk, St Georges fields.
Asylum for Deaf and Dumb, Kent Road, is a little above 1/4 of a mile on the Right below the Bricklayers arms.
Asylum (Naval) Harrow Road, Paddington, is about of a mile from the West end of Oxford street, along the Edgware road.
Asylum (Royal Military) Chelsea, is situate between Lower Sloane street and the hospital, and between Turks row and the Kings road.
Asylum Brewery, Gloucester Street, Lambeth, the corner of Hooper street and Apollo buildings.
Asylum Buildings, Westminster Bridge Road, is part of the South side of the road, commencing near the Obelisk, and leading towards the Asylum.
Asylum Place, Lambeth, at the middle of Mead row, on the South East side of the Asylum.
Asylum Row, Westminster Bridge Road, is a part of the South side of it, leading from the Asylum on the Right towards the Obelisk.
Atkins Gardens, Bethnal Green Road,.. is on the North side of Thorold square about 1/2 a mile on the Left from 65 Shoreditch.
Atlas Insurance Companys Office, 92, Cheapside, the corner of King street.
Auction Mart, Bartholomew Lane, the last house on the Right from the Royal Exchange, and the first in Throgmorton street facing the North East corner of the Bank of England.
Auditors Office for Public Accounts, is on the East or Left side of the square in Somerset place, from opposite 331 Strand, there is another office at 5 Adam street Adelphi, six doors on the Left from 73, Strand.
Audley Square (South) at the end of South Audley street near Curzon street May Fair, opposite Tilney street from Park lane.
Audley Street (North) Oxford Street, at 263, near the West end, or the second on the Right from Hyde park, it extends to Grosvenor square.
Audley Street (South) is the continuation of North Audley street from Grosvenor square extends to Curzon street May Fair, near Park lane, the total length from Oxford street is about 4 a mile.
St Augustines and St Faiths Church, Old Change, is behind 35, St Pauls church yard, the corner of  Watling street.
Augustus Row, Grange Road, Bermondsey, is part of the North side of it, a few yards W. from the Spa, South parallel to the Neckinger paper manufactory
Austin Court, Austin Street, Betbnal Green, is the first on the Left in it from Hackney road by Shoreditch church
Austin Friars, Old Broad Street, at 67, under the arch, leading to 30, Winchester street and Moorfields.
Austin Street, Bethnal Green, is the first on the Right in Hackney road from Shoreditch church, it is continued by Castle street Virginia row, and Bird cage walk to Hackney road.
Ave Maria Lane, Ludgate Street, at 29, the first on the Right from St Pauls church yard, it is continued by Warwick lane to 10, Newgate street.
Avery Farm Row, Pimlico, extends from Ebury place, Kemps row, facing Ranelagh walk to the five fields, and is about 2/3 of a mile from Buckingham gate.
Avery Row, Grosvenor square extends from 3 Grosvenor street to 30 Brook street the first West from and nearly parallel to New Bond street
Axe Court, Hackney Road, is about 1/5 of a mile on the Left from Shoreditch church, at the back of the Axe public house, and opposite the Green Gate.
Axe Inn, Aldermanbury, at 20, about the middle of the East side, and is that number of doors North on the Right from Cateaton street or from Milk street Cheapside.
Aylesbury Street, Clerkenwell, is opposite 191, St John street about 1/3 of a mile from Smithfield, leading to Clerkenwell green.
Ayliffe Street, Goodmans. Fields, the first South parallel to part of Whitechapel High street extending from Somerset street to Red Lion street
Ayliffe Street (Little), the East continuation of Ayliffe street leading to Goodmans stile and Church lane, total length about 1/4 of a mile.

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