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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818  - Aldermanbury, London wall

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

John Lockie in 1810 describes as :

"Aldermanbury, the Northern continuation of Milk street Cheapside, commencing at Lad lane, where there are Nos. 1 & 76, extends to London wall."

Aldermanbury in 1832 and 1842

Aldermanbury, London wall
Length 357 yards. No. of Houses 77.
1 Hodgson, William, Warehouseman
2 Baptists Head Coffee house and hotel
3 Wilson, S, and G. Warehousemen
4 Stone, Nathaniel, Grocer & tea dealer
5 Newcomb & Sons, Carpet manufacturers
6 Haigh, Daniel, & Co. Merchants
7 Wilson, C. Sons, & Co. Whalebone merchant
8 Hall, John, Paper hanging manufacturer
9 Herring, J. & Sons, Bombazin & crape maker
* Grew, William, Bombazin dresser, &c.
11 Wright, Joseph & Co. Merchants
* Wright, W. S. & Co. Hosiery manufacturer
12 Scott, Garner, and Co. Cornfactors
14 Payne and Leachman, Solicitors
15 Telford, J. & Co. Blackwell hall factors
16 Mangnall, Ja. Warehouseman & factor
17 Babington, Willian, M.D.
* Parry, W. and T. Merchants
18 Parry, William, Jun. Merchant
19 Brewer, S. K. Silk manufacturer
* Walters, S. Fancy trimming manufacturer
20  - Three Axe Inn is about here, although listed below.
20 Fisher, Garbutt, Blackwell hall factor
* Holt, Thomas, Agent
* Husey, Charles, Blanket warehouse
21 Storr, John, Commission woollen warehouse
22 Turtle, William, George inn
23 Duke & Co. Water proof cloth manufacturer 
24 Gunn, T. & S. Whitesmiths & tool makers
25 Goddard, Mary, Umbrella & parasol maker
26 Smith, W. H. Perfumery and toy warehouse
27 Howe, John, Veterinary forge
28 Cook, John, Stationer and war chandler
31 Cleasby, Anthony, Woollen factor
34 Simmonds and Co. Cheese factors
35 Smith and Son, Tobacco & snuff manufacturer
36 Puxley, James, Carpenter and builder
37 Redfern, John, Plumber and glazier
40 Parkes, Benj. British wine merchant
42  - Weavers Arms
43 Whitehead, T. Cabinet maker & under.
46 Messent, Philip, Silk manufacturer
47 Pike, Joseph, Warehouseman and factor
48 Johnston, Samuel, Woollen factor
49 Gunnis, James, Merchant
* Hodges, Charles, Blackwell hall factor
50 Evans, John, Factor and toy merchant
51 Eldridge, Eliz. Glazier and plumber
52 Beechey, T. Silk & crape trimming maker
53 Gedge, Robert H. Chemist & druggist
54 Hall, John, R. & Co. Merchants
55 Sandford, James, Warehouseman
56 Collis, Thomas, Floor cloth manufactory
59 Stead, George, Cheesemonger, &c.
60 Rust, William, Warehouseman
63 Eicke and Evans, Solicitors
64 Shepperd, R. W. Blackwell hall factor
66 Bowden, John Saunders, Solicitor
* Jarman & Lacey, Blackwell hall factors
67 Townend, Richard, Jun. Merchant
68 Unwin, S. and Co. Hosiers, &c.
* Clissold, S. & Son, Manchester warehouse
69 Wreford, John, Warehouseman
70 Hardwick and Co. Wholesale glovers
* Doughty, Wilkinson & Co. Warehouse.
71 Child, Cosens, & Co. Wholesale hosiers
72 Cummins, W. D. Warehouseman
73 Alcock, Watkins & Co. Warehousemen
74 Lawes, J. G. Wholesale tea warehouse.
75 Glover, J. & R. Factors & warehousemen
76 Harris, C. & Co. Shag manufacturers
* Edwards, William, Warehouseman
77 Cocher, R. Lace & childbed-linen ware,
Hindmau, Josiah, Solicitor
Higginson, Jon. and Co. Carriers
Holt, James, Agent for carriers

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 12:51:19 GMT

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