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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818  - Ave Maria lane, Ludgate street

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

John Lockie in 1810 describes as :

"Ave Maria Lane, Ludgate Street, at 29, the first on the Right from St Pauls church yard, it is continued by Warwick lane to 10, Newgate street.  "

Ave Maria lane, Ludgate hill in 1832 and 1842

Ave Maria lane, Ludgate street
Length 82 yards. No. of Houses 18.
3 Brauder, Alexander, Upholder, &c.
4 Marlborough, Edward, News-vender
5 Bird, Charles & Henry, Stationers
8 Colley & Hargreaves, Table knife cutler
* Ellerby, William, Wholesale hardwareman
* Roberts, Cadman, & Co. Silver platers
9 Eames(widow) & Barnard, Goldsmiths
12 Scatcherd & Letterman, Booksellers
13 Law and Whittaker, Booksellers
15 Greer, John, Cutler and Razor maker
16 Obbard, Robert, House, & sign painter
17 Jones, George, Bookseller and stationer

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 13:04:20 BST

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