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A listing of the Public Houses, Publicans and Public House address in 1839
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Nags Head, Bowdler Nathaniel, Cotton Street
Nags Head, Burgess William, 37 South Audley Street
Nags Head, Campbell Charles, New Street, Lambeth
Nags Head, Cogan John, 74 St John Street, Clerkenwell
Nags Head, Coverly & Co, 39 Leather Lane
Nags Head, Cross M, 31 New Compton Street
Nags Head, Free Thomas, 30 Tothill Street, Westminster
Nags Head, Gavill Jane, 137 Houndsditch
Nags Head, Gill William Jno, 30 Marshall Street, Golden Square
Nags Head, Haynes William, 343 Oxford Street
Nags Head, Hieron James, 10 James Street, Covent Garden
Nags Head, Howse Joseph, 80 Grays Inn Lane
Nags Head, Hudgell John, 12 Clarkes Place, Islington
Nags Head, Kearney John, London Terrace, Hackney Road
Nags Head, Newman William, Cain Place, Kentish Town
Nags Head, Smith John, 10 Whitechapel Road
Nags Head, Willia Richard, Mare Street, Hackney
Naked Boy and Woolpack, Webster Benjamin, 23 Parish Street, Tooley Street
Neats Tongue, Singer M, 3 Great Pearl Street
Needle Makers Arms, Raffee Stephen A, 22 Dalgleish Street, Limehouse
Nell Gwynne, Watson William, 1 Grosvenor Row, Pimlico
Nelsons Head, Wright James, Nelson Street, Hackney Road
Neptune, Ludham Thomas, 8 Neptune Street, Rotherhithe
Neptune, Lulham Thomas, 27 Adam Street, Rotherhithe
Neptune, Slicock William, Johnson Street, Somerstown
New Barn, Everitt Charles Parkes, 257 Strand
New Bell, Bryon Thomas, 16 York Street, York Road
New Chesterfield Arms, Cozens Isaacs, 10 Carrington Mews, Mayfair
New Coach Makers Arms, Longhurst Henry, 96 Long acre
New Crown and Cushion, Smith Abel, 55 Mount Street, Lambeth
New George, Saunders John, 18 Drury Court
New Globe, Gardner Thomas, Prospect Row, Mile End Road
New Grapes, Biddle William, 242 Bermondsey Street
New Grapes, Willard Henry, 82 Fenchurch Street
New Guildford Barge, Cribb Robert, Guildford Place, Belvedere Road
New Inn, Schofield George, 9 Bulstrode Street
New Inn, Whatmore Edward, 5 Edgware Road
New London Bridge Tavern, Wallis Thomas, 1 Duke Street, Borough
New River Head, Flowers Henry and Farnham, Limehouse cut
New Southampton Arms, Carter Edward, 168 High Street, Camden Town
New Star and Crown, Stewart Johanna, Broadway, Westminster
Newcastle upon Tyne, Savory George, 7 Cambridge Street, Golden Square
Newington Arms, Crabbe Jno, King Street, Walworth
Newport Arms, Stebbing Henry James, Princes Row, Newport Market
Nine Elms, Garnham Robert, Nine Elms
Noahs Ark, Butcher Samuel, Rotherhithe Street
Noahs Ark, Carter John, 216 Blackfriars Road
Noahs Ark, King William, 16 Upper Lisson Street
Noahs Ark, Martin John, Narrow Street, Ratcliff
Noahs Ark, Morey James, 3 New Park Street, Borough
Norfolk Arms, Glass Philip, 28 Leigh Street
Norfolk Arms, King Henry, 288 Strand
North Briton, Malchar John, 1 Bedford Square, Commercial Road east
North Country Pink, Enderwick George, Riesbies Rope Walk, Limehouse
North Country Sailor, Ferguson J P, 109 High Street, Wapping
North Pole, Hills George, 387 Oxford Stret
North Pole, Trovey William, Church Row, St Georges East
Northampton Arms, Jones William, 24 Goswell Road
Northampton Arms, Ramshaw Robert, Lower Street, Islington
Northumberland Arms, Ball Js, 36 Goodge Street
Northumberland Arms, Barnet Thomas H, 9 Russell Street, Covent Garden
Northumberland Arms, Bishop George, 2 Charles Street, Westminster
Northumberland Arms, Cliff Jas, 18 Northumberland Street, Strand
Northumberland Arms, Cordell Thomas, 44 Fashion Street, Spitalfields
Northumberland Arms, Greenwood William, Bagnigge Wells Road
Northumberland Arms, Johnstone James, Holland Street
Northumberland Arms, Snowing Chas, 77 Well Street, Oxford Street
Northumberland Head, Cottage William, 64 Worship Street
Northumberland Head, Norris Frederick & Henry, 8 Fort Street, Spital Square
Nottingham Arms, Dymes John, Nottingham Street, Marylebone
Nottingham Castle, Heaps Jno, 9 Angel Street, Post Office
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