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History of Stratford in 1878
Commercial Traders
Abbott Frederick, inland revenue
officer, 5 St Johns Terrace, Romford Road
Abbott George, beer retailer, 121 High
Adams & Glynes, farmers, Plashet Hall,
Romford Road
Aiane Henry, wire worker, 236 High
Alderson John, rope & twine
manufacturers, Marsh Gate Lane
Alexander Fredk John, surgeon, Margery
Hall, Margery Park
Allen Edward, grocer, 50 Bridge Road,
High Street
Allen James, boot & shoe maker, Chapel
Street, High Stret
Alment Edward & Co, Manufacturing &
brewers chemists, High Street
Andrews Charles, picture frame maker,
270 High Street
Ansell William, beer retailer, 13
Maryland Point
Armes Charles, baker, 31 Leyton Road,
New Town
Armitage Annie (Mrs), beer retailer, 348
& 350 High Street
Ashby Frederick, boot & shoe maker, 306
High Street
Ashdown Charles William, registrar of
marriages, Lime Cottage, Gurney Road
Ashton & Green, slate merchants, High
Athey George, beer retailer, Francis
Street, New Town
Axten George, grocer, 5 Maryland Point
Aylett William, grocer, 52 High Street
Baker Edward & Sons, black lead
manufacturers, 135 High Street
Baker & James, coal merchants, 33
Maryland Point
Baker George, tobacconist, 1 Bridge
Road, High Street
Baker Thomas, academy, 10 Upton Place,
Romford Road
Bailey David, hosier, 315 High Street
Bains John, dairyman, The Grove
Ballinger Frank,
Canteen, Vicarage Lane
[an error has crept into the 1878 directory, should read
Bane Robert Bond, beer retailer, 17
Maryland Road
Banes Thomas & Sons, cowkeepers,
Banes & Son, dairyman, Broadway
Bannerman James, confectioner, 17
Maryland Point
Barber John, pig dealer, Marshgate Lane
Barnett Jane (mrs), shopkeeper, 52
Waddington Road, new Town
Barrett Joseph, solicitor, 1 Eugene
Villas, Romford Road
Barrett William, coffee rooms, 300 High
Barry Du Barry & Co, millers, Marshgate
Bartlett Alf, marine store dealer, 138
Leyton Road, New Town
Barton Frederick, shopkeeper, Vicarage
Battley Joseph, grocer, 239 High Street
Bayford James, supervisor of excise, The
Bayley Henry, linen draper, Leytonstone
Baylis John, leather seller, 322 High
Bear Edwin Henry, tobacconist, 393 High
Beaumont Stephen,
Lion & Lamb, Chapel
Street, High Street
Beckwith Fanny (Mrs), farrier, 294 High
Belcher Mark, cheese monger, 389 High
Bell & Black, Limited, manufacturers of
wax vestas in plaid cardboard, round wood & tin boxes for exportation, patent
safety matches; also the “household”, “Standard” and “Bell” matches; cigar
lights, oval wood & French spring pocket boxes, containing wax vestas, etc etc (estab.
1839), High Street; & 38 Queen Victoria Street etc
Bellinger William John Clark, beer
retailer, 7 Maryland Road, New Town
Bennett James Clark, beer retailer,
Waddington Road, New Town
Bennett Sarah (Mrs),
Cart & Horses,
Leytonstone Road
Beresford Charles, beer retailer, Brydges Road, New Town
Berkshire George N, pyrotechnic artist,
307 High Street
Bex John Isaac, beer retailer, 33 High
Bickell John, greengrocer, 39 Leyton
Road, New Town
Biggs William, cutler, 28 Broadway
Binden George, boot & shoe maker, 45 The
Bird Thomas, hatter, 274 High Street
Bish George, smith & engineer, 123 High
Blackmore William, tobacconist, Chapel
Street, High Street
Blows Joseph Thomas, baker, 42 The Grove
Boake & Co, manufacturing chemists,
Warton Road
Boardman Clement, linen draper, 16 to 19
Bodilly Ralph Hacker & Co, grocers, 382
High Street
Bond Clarissia (Mrs), grocer, 48 Leyton
Road, New Town
Bond Joseph Edward, baker, Leytonstone
Bond Samuel, linen draper, 9 & 10
Maryland Point
Bone William, tailor, Martin Street
Boyes Walter, shopkeeper, 19 Angel Lane,
Boyle John, beer retailer, 377 High
Brayshaw Benjamin, pawnbroker, 14
Windmill Lane, New Town
Brayshaw John, house agent, 29 Maryland
Breeze Louis, herbalist, medical
botanist & vapour bath proprietor, 407 High Street
Bressey John & Son, pawnbrokers, 326
High Street
Brewer Joseph, beer retailer, Angel
Place, New Town
Brittain Henry, relieving officer,
Vicarage Lane, Green
Brooks Charles,
Coach & Horses, 38
Brooks George, butcher, 37 Broadway
Brooks George jun, butcher, 366 High
Broks Joseph, butcher, Leytonstone Road
Brooks William, butcher, 26 Windmill
Lane, New Town
Brown Annie (Miss), toy dealer,
Leytonstone Road
Brown Elizabeth (Mrs), dairy, 93 Leyton
Road, New Town
Brown Fanny (Mrs), grocer, 24 Maryland
Brown Henry, shopkeeper, 16 Carpenters
Road, High Street
Brown James,
Carpenters Arms, Carpenters
Brown Peter, confectioner, 246 High
Brown Stephen, blacksmith, Chapel
Street, High Street
Bryne Henry Walter,
Chobham Arms,
Chobham Road
Buckle Henry, tailor, 19 Maryland Point
Budgett John Alfred, surgeon, The Grove
Bull John, beer retailer, New Street
Burford Ephraim, dyer, Burford Road,
High Street
Burgess John Edward, grocer, 387 High
Burningham Henry, berlin wool
repository, 14 Broadway
Burridge Alfred, undertaker, 233 High
Burrows Thomas, boot maker, 4 Bridge
Road, High Street
Burrows Thomas, boot & shoe maker, 32a
Burton Wm, hosier & outfitter, 330, 332,
334 High Street
Butcher George, butcher, Chobham Road
Butler James, baker, 60 Leyton Road, New
Button & Co, linen drapers, 14 Maryland
Butty William,
Freemasons Hotel, Romford
Byatt Aaron, beer retailer, 124 Leyton
Road, New Town
Cakebread Thomas, tobacconist,
Leytonstone Road
Camp William, beer retailer, 8 Angel
Place, New Town
Campbell Peter & Co, dyers etc, 52 The
Capper George, shopkeeper, Henniker
Road, New Town
Cardo James, shoe maker, 20 Westbury
Cardozo John Isaac, builder, Chobham
Carr Frederick, grocer, 335 High Street
Carter William jun & Co, coppersmiths,
brassfounders & worm makers, High Street
Carter James, furniture dealer, Grove
Carter James, grocer, 1 Lavender Street,
Carter Thomas, baker, Francis Street,
Maryland Point
Carter Wm Jas, plumber etc, 6 Bridge
Road, High Street
Cartwright Wm Bryan, chemist, 2
Whitehall, Leytonstone Road
Carver John, butcher, Leytonstone Road
Casselton Bros, stone & slate merchants,
Phoenix Wharf, High Street
Catlin Thomas,
Angel, Broadway
Ceres Nitro Phosphate Co, manure
manufacturers, Warton Road
Chadwick John,
Marsh Gate, 66 High
Challener Edwin, tobacconist, 40 Leyton
Road, New Town
Chandler William, shopkeeper, 20 Bridge
Road, High Street
Chapman Henry, shoe maker, 82 Windmill
Lane, New Town
Chapman Richard John, greengrocer,
Chobham Road, New Town
Chapman William, linen draper, 354 & 356
High Street
Charlton Walter, builder, Leytonstone
Cheffins Helen (Miss), shopkeeker, 8
Green, Romford Road
Cheffins John, builder, Bridge Road,
High Street
Childs Frederick, baker, Chapel Street,
High Street
Clapp Samuel, upholsterer, 282 & 284
High Street
Claringbull Edwin, marine store dealer,
317 High Street
Clark John, coffee rooms, 93 High Street
Clark Robert Samuel, chandlers shop, 1
Albion Street
Clark William Robert, greengrocer,
Martin Street
Clitheroe Henry, dairyman, Martin Street
Clutterbuck Chas Edmund, glass stainer,
18 Maryland Point
Coake Thos James, oil & colourman, 74
Maryland Road
Cogswell Thomas, pawnbroker, 250 & 252
High Street
Cohen Joshua, wardrobe dealer, 310 High
Collier Richard, coal merchant, Burford
Colling John, steam saw & moulding
mills, Fredk Street, High Street
Collinge Ashton, clog maker, 17 Angel
lane, Broadway
Collins David John, beer retailer, 8
Waddington Street, New Town
Colton James Robert, beer retailer,
Street, High Street
Colwill Charles, draper, Chobham Road,
New Town
Comber Henry, dairyman, Vicarage Lane
Comerford Michael Henry, veterinary
surgeon, 1 St Johns Terrace, Romford Road
Connolly Charles, ginger beer maker, 206
High Street
Connolly Charles, shopkeeper, Union
Street, North Street
Connolly Henry, plumber & gasfitter,
Chapel Street
Convent of Jesus & Mary, Park House, The
Cook Edward & Co, hard & soft soap
manufacturers & tallow melters, East London soap works, Bow
Cook Edward & Co, steam bone mills &
manufacturers of special bone manures, Bow
Cook Alfred Roper, oilman, 16 Maryland
Coote George, shoe maker, Chapel Street,
High Street
Coppen Henry, butcher, High Street
Corney William, baker, 7 Alma Street
Cornwell Charles, beer retailer,
Maryland Terrace
Cottrell Henry, watch maker, 10 Bridge
Coule Frederick, grocer, 136 Leyton
Road, New Town
Courtney George Henry, boot & shoe
maker, Broadway
Cox Alfred, greengrocer, 20 Waddington
Street, New Town
Cox Robert, oilman, Maryland Terrace
Craddock Frank, hair dresser, Broadway
Craddock George, toy dealer, Broadway
Craddock Henry, boot maker, 6 Langthorne
Place, Romford Road
Crane Sarah (Mrs), furniture broker, The
Crispe & Hall, wine & spirit merchants,
Maryland Terrace
Crispin William Henry, melting works,
Marshgate Lane
Croft William, boot & shoe maker, 6
Market Place, New Town
Cropper Sarah Ellen (Miss), beer
retailer, 72 Maryland Road
Croscombe William Thomas, hair dresser,
355 High Street
Cruickshank Susan (Miss), ladies school,
27 Upton Place
Crutchfield James, beer retailer, 222
High Street
Cryspin Joseph, hair dresser, 125 Leyton
Road, New Town
Culley John Robert, tinman, 371 High
Curtis Maria (Mrs), shopkeeper, 92
Leyton Road, New Town
Curtis Robert Leabon, auctioneer, land &
estate agent, The Grove; the Broadway, Plaistow; & 15 & 16 Blomfield Street,
Dace James, pianoforte warehouse, 5
Alexander Terrace, The Grove
Dakin James, fruiterer, 276 High Street
Dale David, livery & bait stable,
Frederick Street & Martin Street
Dane Jas & Co, printing ink
manufacturers, Sugar House Lane, High Street
Dann William, saddler, 2 Manby Park
Villas, Grove
Davies David, watch maker, 303 High
Davis Alfred, marine store dealer,
Chapel Street, High Street
Davis Caroline (Mrs), coffee rooms, 1
Angel Place, New Town
Davy David, corn & flour dealer, 68 High
Day John, blacksmith, Francis Street,
Maryland Point
Day Zillah (Miss), ladies school, 19
Upton Place, Romford Road
Daybell George, beer retailer, Henniker
Road, New Town
Daycock Robert, cork cutter, 238 High
Deason Charles & Son, timber merchants,
231 High Street & 116 Maryland Road
Deason E & C M (misses), hosiers, 21
Denison Mary Ann (Mrs), wardrobe dealer,
397 High Street
Dick John, tobacconist, 88 High Street
Dickins John,
Royal, Leytonstone Road
Dickinson Robert, chemist, 35 Broadway
Dicks Robert & James, boot & shoe
makers, 272 High Street
Dilworth John, dairyman, 5 Maryland Road
Dipple Richard,
Railway Hotel, Martin
Dodd Edwin, beer retailer, Well Street,
Maryland Point
Dodson George, beer retailer, 403 High
Dodwell Frederick, baker, Maryland
Dorton William,
Railway Tavern, Angel
Dow John, engineer, 130 Maryland Road
Dowley Thos Augustus, draper,3
Whitehall, Leytonstone Road
Drake T & A J, surgeons, Romford Road
Drake Thomas, surgeon, Romford Road
Drewery William, shopkeeper, 37 Angel
Lane, Broadway
Druitt Jabez, stone merchant &
monumental mason, 72 High Street; & at Little Ilford
Duncan Thomas, clothier, Broadway
Duncombe John George, news agent, 196
High Street
Dustow Stephen, builder, 1 Rosland
Terrace, Chobham Road
Dyas Emma (Mrs), dyer etc, 7 Grove
Terrace, The Grove
Ebdon Henry Francis, baker, 383 High
Edwards James Hy, greengrocer, 70 Leyton
Road, New Town
Ellenger George, baker, Martin Street
Emmott Edward, carpenter 13 Upton Place,
Romford Road
Erback Peter, baker, 126 Leyton Road,
New Town
Essex Artillery Volunteers (3rd)
(Hon Col William Thomas Makins; Lieut-col Samuel Howard), head quarters, Green,
Romford Road
Essex Loan Office (James Green, sec),
268 High Street
Essex Times & Romford Telegraph (Wilson
& Whitworth, proprietors), published wed & sat Broadway; & at Brentwood &
Evans John, hair dresser, 18 Angel Lane,
Evennett Charles, tailor, 8 Market Place
Evennett Thomas, tailor, 2 Bridge Road,
High Street
Farmery Emma (Miss), fancy repository, 4
Whitehall, Leytonstone Road
Farnham John, marine store dealer, 224
High Street
Farrant Abraham, baker, Chobham Road,
New Town
Fawcett John, shopkeeper, 13 Burford
Fenn William, earthenware dealer, 363
High Street
Ferrar Wm,
Waddington Arms, 27
Waddington Street, New Town
Field William, undertaker, Prospect
Cottage, Romford Road
Finegar James, zinc worker, 6 Albion
Finley James,
Albion, Bridge Road
Fisher Anne Charlotte (Miss), ladies
school, Cleveland House, Romford Road
Fisher Mary Ann (Miss), dairy,
Leytonstone Road
Fisher Thomas, auctioneer & surveyor,
Cleveland House, Romford Road & at Plaistow
Fisk Sidney Thomas & Co, grocers, 2
Maryland Road
Flack J & Son, oil & color men, 1
Alexander Terrace, Grove
Flack John, cheese monger, Broadway
Flindell William, butcher, 275 High
Flude William, hair dresser, Broadway
Folkard John, dairyman, Romford Road
Foot Brothers, printers, Levett Road,
New Town
Ford Wm, marine store dealer, 6
Waddington Street, New Town
Fordhan Henry, wheelwright, 2 High
Forrow Francis, beer retailer, Chapel
Street, High Street
Forster Dorothy (Miss), seminary, 3
Langthorpe Place
Forster Richard, shoe maker, 325 High
Foster James, wheelwright, Angel Lane,
Fowler Anne (Mrs),
Falmouth Arms,
Falmouth Street, New Town
Fowler Thomas, glass cutter, 242 & 244
High Street
Fox John James, greengrocer, 277 & 299
High Street
Fox William Albert, chemist, 27 Leyton
Road, New Town
Foyer T W, surveyor of taxes, The Grove
Freeman Joseph & Son, Stratford House
school for young gentlemen, Romford Road
French Asphalte Co, Sugar House Lane
Friedmann Henry, photographer, 50 The
Frith James, corn & flour dealer, 208
High Street
Frost Samuel, corn dealer, 141 Leyton
Road, New Town
Fuller Elizabeth (Miss), dress maker, 14
Warwick Terrace, Vicarage Lane
Gadsby William, basket maker, 87
Windmill Lane, New Town
Galley George, coach painter, 204 High
Gas Purification & Chemical Co Limited,
manufacturing chemists, Wharton Road
Geere Thomas & Walter, timber merchants,
High Street
Gentle John, tailor, 11 Maryland Point
Gentry William, wine merchant, Broadway
Gibbs Ellen (Mrs), confectioner, 3
Maryland Point
Gilbert Richard, hair dresser, 240 High
Gladwin William, shopkeeper, Channelsea
Glover Jane (Mrs), omnibus proprietor,
Glover Richard, veterinary surgeon,
Surinam House, Broadway
Gobbett John, shopkeeper, 143 Leyton
Road, New Town
Goedicke Franz Wilhelm Edward Reinhold,
surgeon, Prospect House, Romford Road
Golding George, shopkeeper, 28 Angel
Goode Charles, dairyman, Henniker
Street, New Town
Gore William, plumber etc, 43 The Grove
Gossline George William, cheesemonger,
Maryland Terrace
Govier Albert, boot maker, 4 Alexander
Terrace, Grove
Govier John,
Engineers Arms, 17 Alma
Gowar Jane Arthurine (Mrs), carriage
builder, 9 Broadway
Gravenor Charles, hat & cap maker, 40
Windmill Lane, New Town
Grays Chalk Quarries Co Limited (Alfred
W Channer, sec; John Meeson, manager), High Street
Great Eastern Railway Boys School
(William Charles Culling, master; William John White, assistant master),
Maryland Street
Great Eastern Railway Engine &
Locomotive Works (William Adams, locomotive engineer; Massey Bromley, civil
engineer), Station Street, Angel Lane
Great Eastern RailwayGoods & Passenger
Station (Henry Clark Francis, station master), Angel Lane
Great Eastern Railway Mechanics
Institute (Charles Richardson, sec), Maryland Street, New Town
Greaves John jun, boot & shoe warehouse,
361 High Street
Green Godfrey, clothier, 98 Leyton Road,
New Town
Green Henry, furniture dealer,
Leytonstone Road
Green Robert, grocer, 73 Burford Road
Green Thomas, ivory turner, 36 High
Greeney Emily (Miss), beer retailer, 1
Burford Road
Gregar William, builder, High Street
Griffiths John, shoe maker, 28 Windmill
Lane, New Town
Griggs Samuel, chandlers shop, 91 High
Grogons Walker Atkins, surgeon, 216 High
Grover William, butcher, 358 High Street
Grunbaum Herman, dentist, 10 William
Grundy Henry, grocer, 52 Maryland Road
Gynn David, butcher, Chapel Street, High
Haines George, fruiterer, 228 High
Halford Vincent John, beer retailer, 273
High Street
Hall John, shopkeeper, Chapel Street,
High Street
Hallett John, dining rooms, 86 High
Hallett Thos, tobacconist & dining
rooms, 54 High Street
Hallom William, boot & shoe maker
Hallpike Angelo Vincent, tobacconist,
232 High Street
Hamblin William,
Bay Tree, Vicarage Lane
Hamilton John Burnett, surgeon, 34
Maryland Point
Hammond Wm Hy, tailor, 2 Alexandra
Place, The Grove
Handley John, pork butcher & poulterer,
26 Broadway
Handley Thomas,
Manbey Arms, Manbey
Hannant William, corn dealer, 9 Leyton
Road, New Town
Hanney Rayner John, greengrocer,
Falmouth Street, New Town
Hanton William, greengrocer, West
Street, New Town
Harbour Henry, greengrocer, 20 Maryland
Harman Godfrey, dyer etc, 3 Bridge Road,
High Street
Harmer Anthony, printer, Leytonstone
Harmer Hannah (Mrs), milliner, 2
Alexander Terrace, The Grove
Harmsworth Charles William, Carman, 30
High Street
Harnet Frederick, oil & colorman, 278
High Street
Harris Thomas Horatio & Sons, bone
boilers, Marshgate Lane; & soap & candle makers, 5, 6 & 7 Gloucester Street,
Curtain Road
Harris Edward, hatter, 6 Angel Lane
Harris Henry James, builder, 18 Lavender
Street, Grove
Harris Jesse, boot maker, 23 Maryland
Harrison George & Henry, baker & shoe
warehouse, High Street
Hart Louisa (Mrs), hatter, Broadway
Hart Thomas, butcher, Broadway
Hart Thomas, pork butcher, 22 Maryland
Harvey & Neville, rice starch
manufacturers, 85 High Street
Haslam James & Son, barge owners &
lightermen, 4 High Street
Hatcher John, linen draper, 33 Broadway
Hatcher John, milliner, 52 Grove
Hatcher Sarah (Mrs), shopkeeper, 6
Maryland Road
Hawkins Frederick, beer retailer,
Francis Street, New Town
Hawkins John, oilman, 95 Leyton Road,
New Town
Hay George, baker, Broadway
Hay Joseph,
Fox & Hounds, 18 High Street
Haycock William Thomas, greengrocer, 381
High Street
Hayden Thomas, livery stables, Vicarage
Hayes John, furniture dealer & grocer,
Leytonstone Road
Hayward George, auctioneer, 4 Grove
Terrace, The Grove
Heath William, beer retailer, Union
Street, North Street
Helmore & Commerford, veterinary forge,
339 High Street
Hemmings George, boot maker, Manbey
Road, Grove
Herbert George, oil & colorman, 44
Leyton Road, New Town
Herrman Edward, fishmonger, 32 Leyton
Road, New Town
Herson Samuel, plumber etc, Leytonstone
Hester Henry, confectioner, 192 High
Hills George, cheesemonger, Broadway
Hillyer Henry, grocer & cheesemonger,
Martin Street
Hillyer Henry, oilman, Martin Street
Hillyer Henry jun, tobacconist, Martin
Hinchley Henry, dyer, 15 Leyton Road,
New Town
Hitchcock Joseph, greengrocer, 80
Windmill Lane, New Town
Hobson John, saddler, Martin Street
Hodson Harry & Co, color manufacturers,
Sugar House Lane
Hodson Mary Ann (Mrs), shopkeeper,
Carpenters Road
Hoffler Henry, baker, 7 West Street, New
Hogarth John Brooks, dealer in old iron,
High Street
Holbrook Richard & Son, engineers &
machinists, Martin Street
Holdsworth & Co, engineers, Marshgate
Holford Thomas Constantine, LDS surgeon
dentist & chemist, 342 & 344 High Street
Holliday Hy Benj, pawnbroker, 154 Leyton
Road, New Town
Holloway Eliza A (Mrs),
King of Prussia,
Holmes Thomas,
Essex Arms, Leytonstone
Horwood Joseph, ironmonger, Broadway
Hosford John Stroud, physician, The
Hosking Richard, black lead & blue
manufacturer, Station Street, High Street
Housden Charles, scale & weight
manufacturer, High Street
Howards & Sons, manufacturing chemists,
High Street
Howell James, toy dealer, 311 High
Howes Henry William, grocer, 78 High
Hudson Francis Mead, cheesemonger, 385
High Street & 330 mare Street, hackney Road
Hudson John, architect & surveyor,
Green, Romford Road
Hughes, Sanders & Co, wine merchants, 49
The Grove
Hull Simeon, grocer, 137 Leyton Road,
New Town
Humm Geo & Son, general dealers, 86
Leyton Road, New Town
Humphreys Thomas, coal dealer, 5 Alma
Humpleton Thomas, gasfitter, Leytonstone
Hunt Frederick James & Co, soap
merchants, High Street
Hunt Jared Terrett & Son Limited (Alfred
T Hunt, managing diretor), bone merchants, crushers, importers of foreign bones
& guanos, manufacturers of super phosphate of lime, phosphate guano, dissolved
bones etc, Bow Bridge; works, High Street
Hunt John Harman & Co, match, vesuvian &
wax vesta manufacturers, ward Road, High Street
Hurcum Charles Philip, water rate
collector, Disraeli Road, Romford Road
Hurren Chas, watch maker, 86 Windmill
Lane, New Town
Henry William, undertaker, 82 Angel
Lane, Broadway
Huskisson John, butcher, Broadway
Hymas Edward, shopkeeper, Vicarage lane
Ibbetson James & Co, grocers, Broadway
Ichaboe Guano Stores (Daniel de pass,
proprietor), Sugar House lane, High Street; office, 128 Leadenhall street ec
Iles Benjamin & Co, naptha distillers,
Marshgate Lane
Imperial Chemical Co Limited
manufacturing chemist, Marshgate lane
Ind, Cooper & Co, Romford & Burton Ale
Stores, Broadway; & Brentford End, Isleworth & Enfield Town
Ingram Maria & Matilda (Misses),
preparatory school, 1 Ellen Cottage, Chobham Road
Inland Revenue Office, (T W Foyer,
surveyor of taxes; James bayford, supervisor of excise), The Grove
Ireland Emma (Mrs),
George, Broadway
Ivimey Joseph, professor of music, music
seller, piano forte tuner & organist of St Pauls, 2 Market Place
Jackson James, shopkeeper, 29 Maryland
Street, New Town
Jacobs Henry, baker, 373 High Street
James Benjamin, cowkeeper, 22 Angel
James George Edward, baker, 35 Leyton
Road, New Town
Jaques Robert, marine store dealer,
Henniker Road, New Town
Jarman Henry, butcher, 54 Leyton Road,
New Town
Jenkins Hannah (Mrs), oilman, 128 Leyton
Road, New Town
Jennings John, boot & shoe maker, 25
Jennings Richard, beer retailer, 91
Leyton Road, New Town
Jenson & Nicholson, varnish, japan &
color manufacturers, warton Road; office & warehouse, 65 Goswell Road, London ec
Jeremy Emma Maria (Mrs), ladies school,
40 Manbey Grove
Jervis Thomas, saw maker, 218 High
Jessop Mary Ann (Mrs), dress maker, 26
Manbey Street, Grove
Jeune J & Co, cork carpet manufacturers,
Sugar House Lane
Johnson & Cumber, printing ink
manufacturers, Sugar House Lane
Johnson George & Son, oil & color men,
379 & 405 High Street
Johnsons Saccharum Co Limited, saccharum
manufacturers (s H Johnson, managing director), Carpenters Road
Johnson Francis,
Grey, 337 High
Johnson Samuel Henry, brewers engineer,
Carpenters Roas; & 79 Cornhill
Johnstone David Frederick, beer
retailer, 227 High Street
Jones Jas Cornelius, tinman & brazier,
20 Leyton Road, New Town
Jull Herbert, corn dealer, 5 Market
Kemp Alfred, painter, 279 High Street
Kennedy Alfred & Sons, surgeons,
Kennedy George & Co, plumbers etc, 2
Norris Place, High Street
Kennedy Angus, surgeon, Stratford Hall,
Romford Road
Kennedy John Blydestyn, surgeon, 5
Surinam Terrace, Broadway
Kibby William, ironmonger, 34 Broadway
Kincey John Double,
Kings Head, Broadway
King John, chimney Sweeper, 85 Windmil
Lane, New Town
Kipping Charles, wholesale & retail
fruiterer, Broadway
Kirby Alfred,
Swan Hotel, Broadway
Kirby George Foster, boarding school, 4
The Grove
Kite William George, coffee rooms,
Knight & Derstow, builders, Falmouth
Street, New Town
Knowler Charles John,
Princess Alice,
Romford Road
Land & Co, gas fitters, 2 Surinam
Terrace, Broadway
Lanham William, carman, Martin Street
Lascelles William Henry, concrete
building manufacturer, Sugar House Lane
Latham Alfred, grocer, Leytonstone Road
Lawrance Francis Burdett,
Grey, Maryland Point
Lazarus Joseph, tobacconist, 308 High
Ledger Thomas, dentist, 2 Cloughton
Villas, Chobham Road
Lee William, Son & Co, grey stone lime
works, Stratford Wharf, High Street
Lee James, beer retailer, 263 High
Lee James, builder, 4 Lucas Terrace,
Romford Road
Leete Wiliam Alexander, baker, 84 Angel
Lemere James, oil & color man, Broadway
Lemon Tom Summer, pawnbroker, 14
Maryland Road
Letchford & Co Limited, manufacturers of
wax vesta, Congreves, ink, blacking, blacklead, furniture polish, marking ink,
perfumery & fancy soaps, High Street; city office, 63 Wilson Street, Finsbury
Lewis David, grocer, 12 Maryland Point
Lewis John, linen draper, 46 The Grove
Lewis Josiah, coffee rooms, 3 Leyton
Road, New Town
Lidbury Edmund, fishmonger, 401 High
Lightly James, pawnbroker, 41 Leyton
Road, New Town
Lines John, provision dealer, 271 High
Ling David, cab proprietor, Frederick
Street, High Street
Lingley George, grocer, 1 Market Place
Linn John, greengrocer, 27 Angel lane
Little Philip Thomas, stationer, 372
High Street
Lomas Sarah (Mrs), tarpaulin
manufactory, 8 & 210 High Street
London & County Bank (branch) (John
Crosthwaite, manager), Broadway
Lord Frederick James, photographer, 327
High Street
Lott John jun, farmer, Chobham manor
farm, Chobham Road, new Town
Lovell George, ivory waste dealer, 53
Leyton road, New Town
Lovibond John & Sons, brewers & wine
merchants, park lane, High Street
Low George, gardener, 28 Upper Place,
Romford Road
Lucas John William, toy dealer, 36
Leyton Road
Lunnis William, hair dresser,
Leytonstone Road
Lyne George, beer retailer, Henniker
Road, New Town
Macaire George,
Castle, 156 Leyton Road,
New Town
McBean Donald, pattern maker, 133 High
McDonald John Robert, beer retailer,
Romford Road
McDonell George, architect, Sunnyside,
Romford Road
McGovain Thomas,
Three Pigeons, Green,
Romford Road
McNess James, shoe maker, 7 Windmill
Lane, New Town
McSweeney Dennis, boot maker, 264 High
Maddiss John, beer retailer, Major Road,
New Town
Maguire Benjamin, hosier, 376 High
Mallett William, boot maker, 248 High
Malone Thomas,
Lord Henniker, The Grove
Mann John, shoe maker, 7 Leyton Road,
New Town
Mansfield Charles, greengrocer, 32
Chobham Road
Mansfield Cornelius, builder, 1
Chesterfield Villas, Chobham Road
Markham Martha (Mrs), fishmonger, 43
Leyton Road, New Town
Markwick Labourn, tailor, 75 Windmill
lane, New Town
Marsh William, boot & shoe maker, 61
High Street
Marshall Charles James, plumber, 8
Maryland Point
Marshall Joseph G B, engineer &
surveyor, Martin Street
Martin Henry, painter, 234 High Street
Martin James William, builder &
contractor, The Grove
Martin Thomas, greengrocer, 10
Waddington Street, New Town
Mason George, butcher, 226 High Street
Mason William George, linen draper, 8
Maryland Road
Matthews William, window blind
manufacturer, 49 High Street
Maw Catherine (Miss), ladies school,
Lime Cottage, green, Romford Road
Maw James, lime, cement, tile, drain
pipe & fire brick merchant, white & red Suffolk facing bricks, depot for red 7
blue Staffordshire terra-metallic ridges, stable & other pavings, vitrified blue
bricks, tiles etc, agent for Jackson & Garsides patent roofing tiles, Harrow
Bridge Wharf, High Street
May James Pearson, solicitor, Bethell
House, Romford Road
May William, grocer, Romford Road
Mayfield Myers, herbalist, 80 Leyton
Road, New town
Mays Robert, carpenter, Martin Street
Meggs Elizabeth (Mrs), ladder maker, 47
High Street
Meiklejon John, draper, 127 Leyton Road,
New Town
Mein William & Co, smiths & engineers,
Hope Iron works, Station Street, high Street
Merry William, greengrocer, 62 High
Merry William, shopkeeper, Chapel
Street, High Street
Meyer William & son, varnish
manufacturers, Sugar House lane
Meyers Albert, grocer, 45 Leyton Road,
New Town
Middleton William Thomas, auctioneer,
367 High Street
Millard Thomas, watch & clock maker, 26
maryland Point
Millist John, French polisher, 1 William
Mills Alonzo, greengrocer, 3 Maryland
Mills Charles Philips,
Two Brewers, 215
High street
Mitchell Samuel, grocer, Chobham Road
Moan James, dairyman, Martin Street
Moore George, ham & beef dealer, 22
Moor Samuel, photographer, 110 Leyton
Road, New Town
Moore Sarah (Mrs),
Harrow Inn, 84 High
Morris John Stephem, painter, 8 Richmond
Villas, Chobha, Road, New Town
Mortimer James,
Railway Tavern, 14
Bridge Road, High Street
Moss Abraham, clothier, 234 High Street
Moss Alfred, stationer, Broadway
Mott Emily (Mrs), ladies school, Foxley
House, Romford Road
Mounteo Charles, beer retailer, 45
Maryland Road
Moy Thomas, coal merchant, Angel Lane
Murphy Timothy, tobacconist, 1 Leyton
Road, New Town
Musgrave William, greengrocer, 29
maryland Road, new Town
Nash Charles, glass & china dealer, 24
Nash William James, tobacconist &
Stationer, 346 High Street
Needham James C, coffee rooms, 22
Waddington Street, New Town
Newborn Catherine (Mrs), toy dealer, 52
Leyton Road, New Town
Newins James, tailor, 11 Waddington
Street, New Town
Newland John James, hair dresser, 4
Maryland Point
Newman Charles F, greengrocer, Martin
Newman James, greengrocer, Chapel
Street, High Street
Newman John, baker, 12 Maryland Road
Newstead Henry, clothier, 316 High
Newstead Henry, wardrobe dealer, 357
High Street
Newton George, beer retailer, 253 High
Newton George R, coach builder, 219 High
Nicholson & Buchan, surgeons, Romford
Nickelson Thomas, baker, Henniker Road,
New Town
Noble William N,. book seller, 47 The
North Charles, carpenter, Manbey Road,
North Metropolitan Tramways Co (George
Hy Smith, manager), Broadway
Norton Thos & Son, Builders &
contractors, Frederick Street, High Street
Norton William Francis, coffee rooms, 5
Bridge Road, High Street
Oakley Richard, shopkeeper, 9 Bridge
Road, High Street
O’Grady Henry, newsagent, 241 High
Oldroyd Allen, tobacconist, 364 High
Orgwood Frederick, shopkeeper, High
Osborne John, Baker, 64 High Street
Ough Henry, architect, Hazelwood House,
Romford Road
Ovenden William, beer retailer, 17
Waddington Street, New town
Overton William, wheelwright, Martin
Pagett Edwin, butcher, 33 Leyton Road,
New Town
Paine Henry, shopkeeker, Falmouth
Street, New Town
Palmer Elizabeth & Catherine (Misses),
ladies school. The Hermitage, Romford Road
Palmer James & Co, candle manufacturers,
Warton Road
Palmer Thomas William, solicitor, 2
Rokeby Place, Broadway
Pannell John, beer retailer, 221 High
Parrott George, tobacconist, 13 Leyton
Road, New Town
Parsons Thomas, shopkeeper, Henniker
Road, New Town
Pash Daniel & Co, boot 7 shoe makers,
Patent Victoria Stone Co, 284 High
Paterson James & Co, engineers, Albion
Payne Thomas, shoe maker, 235 High
Perry & Co, builders, Sugar House lane
Phillips Edward, news agent, 19 Leyton
Road, New Town
Phillips James, dairyman, 38 Leyton
Road, New Town
Phillips Jane (Mrs), pawnbroker, 384
High Street
Piggott Henry, shopkeeper, Martin Street
Pim Mary Ann (Mrs), tool dealer,
Leytonstone Road
Platten William, asphalte manufacturer,
Sugar House lane
Plummer Robert, clothier, 7 Bridge Road,
High Street
Pokin Allen, furniture broker, 2
Windmill lane, New Town
Polley John & Co, chemists, 360 high
Ponder Charles, hat & cap maker, Martin
Ponder William, picture frame maker, The
Ponsford George, beer retailer, 7
Maryland Point
Poole Frederick,
Green man, 194 High
Poole Thomas, tailor, 5 Leyton Road, New
Porter James Raven, milliner, 266 High
Porter Thomas, coal merchant, Burford
Powell Eliza (Mrs), shopkeeper, Vicarage
Priddy Samuel, linen draper, Broadway
Printing Ink & stationery Co, Sugar
House Lane
Privet Richard, shopkeeper, New Street
Pyramid Fire Light Co, Sugar House Lane
Quelch William, cheesemonger, 32 High
Randell Joseph, loan office, 2 Ponder
Terrace, Water lane
Rawlins John, butcher, 84 Leyton Road,
New Town
Rawlins Joshua, confectioner, Chapel
street, High Street
Read John & Henry, rag merchants, 365
High Street
Read George, butcher, 25 Maryland Road,
New Town
Reeve Charles, woollen draper, 290 High
Reid William, florist, The Grove
Reynolds John, beer retailer, Plashet
Lane, Romford Road
Rice James,
Eagle Tavern, Chobham Road,
New Town
Richards Edwin, insurance agent, 15
Warwick Terrace, Vicarage lane
Richardson & Son, chemists, Leytonstone
Richardson Henry, beer retailer,
Vicarage lane
Richardson William, watchmaker,
Leytonstone Road
Rickett, Smith & Co, coal merchants,
High Street & Angel Lane
Ridpath Andrew, fruiterer, 198 High
Rippen Henry William, brush maker,
Warton Road
Ritchie William & Son, merchants, jute
spinners & powerloom linen manufacturers, Carpenters Road, High Street; city
office, 6 Lime Street ec
Rivett James, funeral furnisher & timber
merchant, 312 high Street
Rivett William James, builder,
contractor & horticultural builder, 312 High Street
Robbins Alfred, sign writer, 3 Ingham
Place, Leytonstone Road
Roberts & Johnson, wharfingers, Rowatts
Wharf, High Street; city offices, 84 Bishopsgate within ec
Roberts Henry, grocer & cheesemonger, 32
Manbey Street, Grove
Roberts John Reynolds, linen draper, 29
& 30 Broadway
Robinson Benjamin George, fruiterer,
Robinson Lance,dyer & scourer, 28
Robinson Saml, blind maker, 4 Clarendon
Terrace, Leytonstone Road
Rogers Emma (Miss), school, 6 Chobham
Terrace, Chobham Road, New Town
Rogers Richard Wm, cabinet maker, 374
High Street & martin Street
Rogers Samuel, shopkeeper, 94 High
Roofe Edward, confectioner, 1 Maryland
Rose Henry, butcher, Broadway
Ross John, greengrocer, 12 Waddington
Street, New Town
Rowe Edwin Samuel, dyer, 4 Angel Lane,
Rowsell Ethelbert James, grocer, Major
Road, New Town
Ruddick James, grocer, 25 Leyton Road,
New Town
Rule Deborah (Mrs), dairy, 13 Waddington
Street, New Town
Rumsey Robert, pork butcher, 369 High
Ruttey William Henry, linen draper,
Ryley Jas Beresford, LRCP EDIN, surgeon,
1 Maryland Villas
Ryton Thomas Benson, shirt & collar
manufacturer, Lingfield Villa, Chandos Road, New Town
Sackett Richard, zinc & tin plate
worker, 92 High Street
St Mary of Egypts Home (Miss Sophia
Ingersole, superioress), Water Lane
Sanders William, coffee rooms,
Leytonstone Road
Sargent Rebecca (Mrs), beer retailer,
Henniker Street, New Town
Saul Charles, butcher, Chapel Street,
High Street
Saunders Henry & Co, wine merchants &
agent for W & A Gilbey, wine & spirit merchants, Broadway
Saunders George, grocer, Leytonstone
Savage Betsy (Mrs), tobacconist, 8
langthorne Place, Romford Road
Savill Brothers, ale & porter brewers
(India pale ale for exportation), Stratford Brewery
Sayer Caroline (Mrs), saddler, 292 High
Sayer Mary Ann (Mrs), news agent, 21
Maryland Point
Schleicher Otto, oil & grease
manufacturer, Warton Road
Schofield James, match maker, Martin
Schultz Alfred, hair dresser,
Leytonstone Road
Scott Wm Thos & Co, Crown Sulphur Works,
Marshgate lane
Scott Henry, greengrocer, Chapel Street
Scrine John, grocer, Romford Rod
Seaborne George, bone boiler, Marshgate
Searles Henry, marine store dealer, 35
Angel Lane
Self Jeremiah, clerk to the school board
& to the burial board, 4 Surinam Terrace, Broadway
Senechal Louis, beer retailer, 29 Angel
Shambrook Charles. Oilman, 33 Chobham
Sharp Robert, cowkeeper, Chapel Street,
High Street
Shaw John, shopkeeper, 70 Angel Lane,
Shaw Samuel, oilman, 305 High Street
Shea Joseph, rag merchant, 333 High
Shead James, marine store dealer,
Falmouth Street, New Town
Shean John, boat builder, High Street
Sherwin Matthew Henry William, professor
of music & pianoforte tuner, 1 Lansdowne Terrace, Romford Road
Shimwell & Co (late E Morwood & Co),
manufacturers of patent rolled large tin & terne sheets & iron & tin plate
merchants, Bridge Road
Simlick Conrad, chemical cigar light
manufacturer, Martin Street
Simmons William, smith, Frederick
Street, High Street
Simpson James,
Lion, 74 Angel Lane,
Simpson James, tailor, 2 Angel Lane,
Simpson James, window blind maker, 214
High street
Singer Manufacturing Co, sewing machine
ma, Broadway
Single Arthur, auctioneer, estat agent &
surveyor, The Grovw
Slater Louisa (Mrs), shopkeeper,
Henniker Road, New Town
Slaughter Archibald Alfred, butcher, 2
Maryland Point
Smart Martha (Miss), cork manufacturer,
80 Angel lane
Smedley William, beer retailer, 24
Maryland Road
Smith Bros & Co, tar & grease
manufacturers, Marshgate Lane
Smith Arthur John, dining rooms, 47
Leyton Road, New Town
Smith Augustus, brush & mat
manufacturer, & patent fibre mills, Marshgate Lane
Smith Chas Cooper, corn dealer, Harrow
Bridge, High Street
Smith Frederick, corn chandler, 336 High
Smith James, beer retailer, 395 High
Smith James, leather seller, 399 High
Smith John, printer etc, 31 Angel Lane,
Smith John Moore, architect, estate
agent & surveyor, Rokeby House, Broadway
Smith Richard, grocer, Broadway
Smith Stephen, beer retailer, 21 Angel
Southern David, beer retailer, 12 Upton
Place, Romford Road
Souhwood Jane (Mrs), shopkeeper, 34
Windmill Lane, New Town
Spencer George, carpenter, 25 Maryland
Spendslow Joseph, fishmonger, Falmouth
Spinks Richard, hair dresser, 11 Leyton
Road, New Town
Springall John, engineer, Harrow Bridge
iron works, High Street
Springer Wm, boarding school, 1
Carnarvon Terrace, Romford Road
Sprolding George, fishmonger, 10
Maryland Road
Staines George, baker & beer retailer,
Chart Street, Broadway
Staines John Nicholas, baker, 318 High
Stebbing George, grocer, 324 High Street
Steel Brothers, paper hangers,
Leytonstone Road
Steel George, smith, High Street
Stibbard Martha (Mrs), stay maker, 3
Alexander Terrace, The Grove
Stimpson John, grocer, 70 High Street
Stimson Edwin Chas, architect &
surveyor, Coimbra House, The Grove
Stimson Frederick, baker, 265 High
Stock William, stationer, 24 Upton
Place, Romford Road
Stockdale Charles, harness maker, 375
High Street
Stockdale Geo sen, boot & shoe maker,
100 Leyton Road, New Town
Stockdale William, shoe
maker, Leytonstone Road
Stocker (Misses), ladies school, Globe
House, Romford Road
Stratford Co-operative Society (James
Horn, sec), 60a Maryland Street, New Town
Stratford Express (Wilson & Whitworth,
proprietors & publishers), published on Saturday, Broadway
Stratford Times (Wilson & Whitworth,
proprietors & publishers), published on wednesday, Broadway
Summer William,
Telegraph, 85 Leyton
Road, New Town
Sutherland John, beer retailer,
Leytonstone Road
Swimming Baths (Thomas Brittain Creed,
manager), Manbey Park Terrace
Tanner Charles Wm, coal & corn merchant,
351 High Street
Taplow & Co, wine & spirit merchants,
Maryland Point
Tartt Laurence, watch maker, 5 Grove
Terrace, The Grove
Taylor Alfred, grocer, Martin Street
Taylor Charles, plumber, Broadway
Taylor Harriet (Mrs), professor of
drawing, 4 Maryland Point
Taylor William Poole, auctioneer &
surveyor, 18 Water lane
Temple & Co, wholesale & general
furnishing ironmongers, bellhangers, gasfitters, whitesmiths, locksmiths,
braziers, tinmen, stove & range manufacturers, & agricultural implement agents,
High Street
Thompson Benj,
Dorset Arms, 58 Leyton
Road, New Town
Thomson Frederick, circulating library,
stationer, bookbinder & tobacconist, 3 Clarendon Terrace, Leytonstone Road
Thorne Charles, beer retailer, Chandos
Road, New Town
Threadwell George, photographer, 288
High Street
Threlford Thomas jun, cabinet maker,
Thurston George, butcher, 34 Leyton
Road, New Town
Thurston John, leather cutter, 90 Leyton
Road, New Town
Tiffin Alfred, grocer, Chobham Road
Tiffin George, greengrocer, 134 Leyton
Road, New Town
Tillett William, beer retailer, Major
Road, New Town
Tilley James, chimney sweeper, Burton
Court, High Street
Tindale & Co, tobacconist, 378 high
Tingey Henry, cabinet maker, Romford
Tomlinson Wm, blacksmith, 3 Manbey park
Villas, Grove
Treadwell Mary (Mrs), shopkeeper,
Chandos Road, New Town
Trench Wm, Turkish bath proprietor,
Lovett Road, New Town
Tripp Zeno, chemist etc, 313 High street
Trott Robert, baker, Chapel Street, High
Trow & Sons, dining rooms, Broadway
Tubbs John, seedsman, 48 The Grove
Tucker Hannah (Mrs), beer retailer, 37
Leyton Road, New Town
Tucker William, coal merchant, Burford
Tuckwell Thomas G, oilman, 83 Leyton
Road, New Town
Tuffin Charles, butcher, 15 Maryland
Turbyfield William, umbrella maker, 44
The Grove
Turner Arthur, tailor, 267 High Street
Turner Charles,
Old Black Bull, Broadway
Turner George, hatter, 362 High Street
Turner Marlton Wm, stone mason, Manbey
Street, Grove
Turner Samuel, toy dealer, 132 Leyton
Road, New Town
Tyler Joseph, tailor, Manbey park
Tertace, The Grove
Underwood James, baker, 67 High Street
United Counties Land & Building Scoiety
Limited (Robert Leabon Curtis, clerk), The Grove
Vallance Thomas James MD, surgeon &
registrar of births & deaths for the Stratford sub district, Romford Road
Van de Wall & Co, lamp black makers,
Marshgate Lane
Verrier George, marine store dealer, The
Vincent George Herbert, clothier, 304
High Street
Volckman Wm & Chas, wholesale
confectioners, 338 & 340 High Street; &
Wade William, beer retailer, 30 Leyton
Wade William, zinc worker, Leytonstone
Wager Richard, boot maker, Martin Street
Wait James,
Bird in Hand, 314 High
Walf John, coffee rooms, 123 Leyton
Road, New Town
Walker Thomas, shoe maker, 43 Manbey
Street, Grove
Walmsley George Sackett, licensed
maltster, 26 High Street
Walsh Fanny (Mrs), milliner, 8 Bridge
Road, High Street
Ware Frederick, steam boiler & tank
manufacturer, High Street
Warne Joshua, tailor, 75 High Street
Warren Frederick & Co, coal merchants,
Martin Street
Warwick William, boot & shoe maker, 76
Angel Lane
Waste utilizing Co Limited ( J T Cook,
managing director), High Street
Watson William Hurrell, clothier,
Waugh Mary (Mrs), shopkeeper, 94 Burford
Way Frederick John,
Commercial Hotel,
Martin Street
Wayland Ann (Mrs), hosier etc, 329 & 331
High Street
Wayland Henry John & James, watch
makers, 380 High Street
Wayman Richard, carpenter, Leytonstone
Wayte Mary Ann (Mrs), chandlers sh, 129
High Street
Webb James, builder, Brydges Road & 64
Chobham Road, New Town
Weekes Thos & Wm, lime & cement
manufacturers, Burford Road
Welch Henry, plumber etc, 1 Burford Road
Weller & Pratt, butchers, 32 Broadway
Wells James & co, grocers, Broadway
Wenninger George, butcher, 58 High
West Ham & Barking Brickfield Co (Thomas
Sharp, sec), The Grove
West ham Conservative Club (R T Wragg,
hon sec), 6 Surinam Terrace, Broadway
West Ham Gas Works (James Madge, sec;
Edward Henry Thorman, manager), Union Street, High Street
West Ham Liberal Association (Frederick
Close Blackburn, sec), Rokeby House, Broadway
West Ham Local Board of Health (frederick
Edward Hilleary, clerk & solicitor; George Alfred Sedgwick, vestry clerk &
solicitor; Lewis Angell, district surveyor;
Thomas Drake, medical officer; William
Darling, chief inspector; Robert Everest & William Allen, inspectors of
nuisances ), Town Hall, Broadway
West Henry, tallow chandler, 27 Broadway
Wheeler William, cowkeeper, Warton Road
Whenn Robert, baker, 6 Maryland point
Whimp John, tobacconsit, 75 Leyton Road,
New Town
White Caroline (Mrs), stay maker,
Romford Road
White Henry, beer retailer, 4 Windmill
lane, New Town
White John, ginger beer maker, Martha
Whitehouse Thomas Gill MD, surgeon, 7
Maryland Point
Whybro David,
Rising Sun, Romford Road
Whymark William, butcher, 128 maryland
William William Alfred, corn & flour
merchant, 409 High Street
Williams & Sabine, coffee rooms, 280
High Street
Williams Annie (Mrs),
Blue Boar, 328
High Street
Williams Geo Wm, corn & flour merchant,
Whitehall, Leytonstone Road
Williams Samuel, firewood merchant, 127
High Street
Willis Henry, shopkeeper, Francis
Street, New Town
Willis Thomas, solicitor, Broadway &
The Grove
Willmott Joseph ( late of Tottenham
Court Road), New Imperial Veneer, timber & deal saw mills, Bow Bridge
Wilmot Edwin, coffee rooms, Leytonstone
Wilshin James, wholesale confectioner,
251 High Street
Wilson & Whitworth, printers, Broadway;
& at brentwood
Wilson Eliza (Mrs), shopkeeper, 13
Lavender Street, Grove
Wilson Mary (Mrs), carpenter, 2 Alma
Wilton John & sons, candle works,
Winny Henry, house agent, Romford Road
Winstone Benjamin & Son, manufacturers
of printing inks, vegetable lamp black, paints etc, Sugar House Lane;,offices
100 & 101 Shoe lane, London ec
Wintle George, dairyman, 257 High Street
Witherick Harriet (Miss), ladies school,
Lovett Road, New Town
Wood Alfred, watch & clock maker, 72
Wood O'Connor, boot & shoe maker, 11 &
12 Bridge Road, High Street
Wood William, butcher, 4 Market Place
Woodfield Joseph, butcher, 103 Leyton
Road, New Town
Woods William Hallsgrove, beer retailer, 302 High Street
Worrell Wm, furniture dealer, 56 Leyton Road, New Town
Young Edward, baker, Chobham Road
Young William, lead & glass merchant,
gas fittings & paper hanging warehouse, 36 Broadway