A listing of the Public Houses, Publicans and Public House address in 1836
[an error occurred while processing this directive]Brown Bear, Bergman Henry, Upper East Smithfield
Brown Bear, Codgbrook Thomas., 63 Broad street, Bloomsbury
Brown Bear, Diller George, 2 Grafton Street, Soho
Brown Bear, Flack Richard, 89 Leman street
Brown Bear, Hilliard John, 191 Upper Thames street
Brown Bear, Mason Thomas, 10 Worship street
Brown Bear, Proudley
John, 14 Seacoal lane
Brown Bear, Pursell Michael, 29 Eldon street, Finsbury
Brown Bear, Scambler John, 2 Bear lane, Gravel lane
Brown Bear, Spencer James, 30 High row, Knightsbridge
Brown Bear, Treadaway John, Market street, Horseferry road
Brown Bear,
Williamson Thomas Felton, Bridge street, Borough
Brown Bear, Wright William, 32 Devonshire street, Queen’s square
Brownlow Arms, Shrubb James, 13 Brownlow street, Drury lane
Brunswick Arms, Schnackenberg Stoffer, Hooper Square, Goodmans fields
Brunswick Arms,
Yates William Henry, Brunswick street, Stamford street
Buckridge Arms, Fosdick Stephen, 31 George street, Bloomsbury
Buck’s Head, Higgins William, 12 James street, Bethnal Green
Buffalo, Poole Robert, Brett’s buildings,
Buffalos Head, Allder
William, 1 Allsop terrace, Marylebone
Builders Arms, Dowell Joseph, 10
Compton street East, Brunswick square
Bull, Barnes Henry, Birdcage alley, High street, Borough
Bull, Bone Richard John, Milford lane, Strand
Bull, Brown
Charles, 33 Great Windmill street, Haymarket
Bull, Duck William, St John street, Smithfield
Bull, Harvey George Hildyard, 17 Devonshire street, Bishopsgate
Bull, Leach James, 190 Kingsland road
Bull, Newell George,
Tooleys Gateway, Tooley street
Bull, Paris William, 8 Little College street,
Bull & Anchor, Cook Jno, 92
High Holborn
Bull & Bell, Hulks Susannah, 19 Ropemakers street,
Bull & Last, Knight Sarah, Kentish town
Bull & Mouth,
Coleman Elizabeth, 31 Hart street, Bloomsbury
Bull & Ram, Miles Thomas, 114 Old street
Bull in the Pound,
Vening Sarah, 42 Broadwall, Stamford street
Bulls Head, Adams George, 16 Aylesbury street
Bulls Head, Allen _, 8 Crown street, Soho
Bulls Head, Andrews William, Wells street, Mile end
Bulls Head, Coleman Edward, 44 Carnaby street
Bulls Head, Croot Benjamin, Broad street, Lambeth
Bulls Head, Edwards Thomas, 6 Jewin crescent
Bulls Head, Haselup Robert, 2
Newmarket street, Wapping
Bulls Head, Hewson
Edw, Little Windmill street, Golden square
Bulls Head, Jones William, 94 Wood street, Cheapside
Bulls Head, Kemp William, 16 Peter street, Cowcross street
Bulls Head, King
Ann, 23 Wallbrook, City
Bulls Head,
Ladbury Edward, 26 High street, Bloomsbury
Bulls Head, Lange Ludwig, 1 High street, Shadwell
Bulls Head, Lowis
William, 40 Vere street, Clare market
Bulls Head,
Olley Thomas, 101 Tottenham Court road
Bulls Head, Sharpe James, 148 Whitechapel High street
Bulls Head, Topp John, Lower East Smithfield
Bulls Head,
Wilkes Thomas, 71 York street, Westminster
Bulls Head,
Wilson John, 81 Leadenhall street
Bulls Head, Wright Jno, 5 Wellington street, Goswell street
Bunch of Grapes, Abbott John, 51 Gainsford street
Bunch of Grapes, Farr Joseph, 9 Bennett street, Rathbone place
Bunch of Grapes, Powell Joseph, 67 Ratcliff highway
Burlington Arms, Still John, 21 Old Burlington street
Burns Arms, Oliver David, 6 Burn street, Edgware road
Butchers Arms, Callow
Sarah, 48 Peartree court, Coppice row
Butchers Arms, Watson William, 4 South street, Spitalfields
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