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Public Houses, Inns & Taverns of Southwark St Olave, Surrey

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Southwark St Olave, Surrey,  London.

Southwark St Olave 1825 recognizances & Bermondsey street in 1842 & Tooley street, Southwark in 1842

Premises Pic? Text?
Adam & Eve, 246 Bermondsey Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Admiral Duncan, Tooley Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Admiral Hood, 103 Tooley Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Antelope, 48 Weston Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Bear, Bridge Foot, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Black Horse, 3 Maze Pond , Southwark St Olave No Yes
Boatswains Arms / Boatswain & Call, 51 Maze, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Borough Tavern, 11 Railway Approach, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Brewers Arms, Symons Wharf, Morgans Lane, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Bull, 2 Bull Court, Tooley Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Carpenters Arms, Maze, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Chequers, Hays Wharf, Tooley Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Cross Keys, 257 Bermondsey Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Duke of Clarence, 56 Tooley Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Dyers Arms, 11 & 13 Webb Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
George, Morgans Lane, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Grapes, 22 Tooley Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Green Man, 214 Tooley Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Horse & Cart, 43 Tooley Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Horseshoe & Wheatsheaf, 34 Melior Street, Southwark St Olave Yes Yes
Joiners Arms, 1 Joiners Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Kings Head, 95 Tooley Street / Old Kings Head, 135 Tooley Street, Southwark St Olave, Surrey No Yes
Kings Head, 178 Tooley Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Kings Head, 31 Webb Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Lady and Cat, Bermondsey Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
London Bridge Tavern, 5 Borough High Street, Southwark St Olave SE1 No Yes
Mitre, 242 Tooley Street,Southwark St Olave / 14 & 15 Duke Street Hill, London Bridge SE1 Yes Yes
Mitre, 18 St Thomas Street east, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Mooneys, 3 & 4 Duke Street, London Bridge, Southwark St Olave No Yes
New Grapes, 215 Bermondsey Street , Southwark St Olave No Yes
Old Kings Head, Green Bank, Tooley Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Old Queen's Head, 23 Great Maze Pond, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Old Red Cock, Mill Lane, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Plymouth Arms, 18 Mill Lane, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Queens Arms / Hat & Shears, 36 Weston Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Railway, 15 & 16 Joiner Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Red Lion, 4 Maze, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Red Lion & Key, 9 Mill Lane, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Roebuck, 6 Tooley Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Royal Oak, 79 Tooley Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Ship, Bridge Yard, Tooley Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Ship Wright Arms, 88 Tooley Street, Southwark St Olave Yes Yes
Spread Eagle, 7 Mill Lane, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Sun and Hat Block, Maze, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Sussex, 3 & 4 Duke Street, London Bridge, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Three Jolly Hatters, 254 Bermondsey Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Two Brewers, 16 Stoney Lane , Southwark St Olave No Yes
Two Sawyers, Crown Court, Glean Alley, Tooley Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
Vine, Vine Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
21 Webb Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
White Lion, 8 Tooley Street , Southwark St Olave No Yes
White Swan, Glean Alley, Tooley Street, Southwark St Olave No Yes
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