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Camberwell pubs history index
According to the newsletter for the Dulwich Society, the Old Greyhound and the Crown were two separate Public Houses which were both demolished before 1900 and replaced with the one, i.e. the Crown & Greyhound. The Crown dates from 1720 and was pulled down in 1895 to allow for the construction of the Crown and Greyhound - or the 'Dog' as the locals call it. **
A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Camberwell, Surrey, London. This area includes Camberwell, Dulwich and Peckham.
The Crown Inn, Dulwich - in 1875
Kindly provided by Ian McInnes
The Crown Inn, Dulwich - Licensee H Howell
Kindly provided by John Carnaby
The Crown Inn, Dulwich - Licensee H Jennings
Kindly provided by Ian McInnes
Residents at this address
Edwards Companion from London to Brighthelmstone (Brighton) surveyed in 1789 but published in 1801 - The Crown Inn occupied by Mr Ryton **
1791 Surrey Licensed victuallers - Crown Inn, Francis Goodman **
1805/Francis Goodman, Crown, Dulwich/../../Holdens Directory
1825/Thomas Goodman/Crown, Dulwich/../../Petty Sessions
1832/Thomas Goodman/Leaseholder and occupier of a House at a Rent of 50l per annum, Dulwich/../../../Electoral Register
1841/Thomas Goodman/Victualler/40/../Census **
1841/Mary Goodman/Wife/41/../Census
1841/Thomas Goodman/8/../Census
1841/Mary Goodman/12/../Census
1841/Emily Goodman/6//../Census
1841/John Goodman/3../Census
1841/L Goodman/1//../Census
1841/E Burlington/30/../Census
1841/Edward Phillip/20/../Census
1841/John Leach/15/../Census
1841/Mary Murphy/20/../Census
1841/Ann Lucas/15/../Census
1841/John Seagull/70/../Census
1841/James Chambers/50/../Census
1841/Edward Paris/12 / ../Census
1851/Thomas Goodman/Victualler/52/Surrey Dulwich/Census **
1851/Mary Goodman/ Wife/52/Kent Beckenham/Census
1851/Elizabeth Goodman/Daughter/20/Surrey Dulwich/Census
1851/Thomas Goodman/Son, draper/18/Surrey Dulwich/Census
1851/Eleanor Goodman/Daughter/16/Surrey Dulwich/Census
1851/Emily Goodman/Daughter, scholar/11/Surrey Dulwich/Census
1851/Edward Neville/Ostler/20/Surrey Chertsey/Census
1851/Julia Sullivan/General servant/27/Ireland/Census
1851/William Emery/Potboy/16/Kent Beckenham/Census
1851/M Naughton/Lodger, tailor/42/Scotland/Census
1855/T Goodman/../../../../Post Office Directory
8 March 1861/The Will with a Codicil of Thomas Goodman late of Dulwich in
the County of Surrey Innkeeper deceased who died 6 December 1860 at Dulwich
aforesaid was proved at the Principal Registry by the oaths of Mary Goodman
of Dulwich aforesaid Widow the Relict and Thomas Goodman of the same place
Innkeeper the Son two of the Executors/Effects under �6000
1861/Mary Goodman/Licensed victualler/62/Kent Beckenham/Census **
1861/Elizabeth H Goodman/Daughter/30/Surrey Dulwich/Census
1861/Thomas Goodman/Son, Licensed victualler/28/Surrey Dulwich/Census
1861/John Goodman/Son/23/Surrey Dulwich/Census
1861/Emily A Goodman/Daughter/21/Surrey Dulwich/Census
1861/Ann E Marlow/Barmaid/ 19/ Surrey Peckham/Census
1861/Jane Farrell/General servant/27/Surrey Bermondsey/Census
1861/Joseph Littlewood/Ostler/49/Surrey Lambeth/Census
1861/Edward Bennett/Potman/25/Kent Longbridge Hill/Census
1867/T Goodman/../../../../Surrey Post Office Directory
1871/Thomas Goodman/Licensed victualler/38/Surrey Dulwich/Census **
1871/Elizabeth Goodman/Wife/29/Westminster/Census
1871/Thomas D Goodman/Scholar/7/Surrey Dulwich/Census
1871/John Goodman/Scholar/5/Surrey Dulwich/Census
1871/Fanny Hill/Barmaid/21/Bermondsey/Census
1871/Hannah Grindley/General servant/19/Camberwell/Census
1871/Frank Valentine/Potboy/15/Surrey Dulwich/Census
1871/Edward Bennett /Ostler/33/Surrey Dulwich/Census
1874/Thomas & Mary Goodman/../../../../Licensed victualler & Hoteliers
1876/Thomas Goodman/Crown Inn/../../../Electoral Register
1878/George Poulton/../../../../Surrey Post Office Directory
1881/George Poulton/Licensed Victualler/60/Maidenhead, Berkshire/Census
1881/Eliza Poulton/Wife/58/Walworth, Surrey/Census
1881/Lydia Martin/Visitor, Widow/42/Walworth, Surrey/Census
1881/Lydia Russell/Servant/14/Walworth, Surrey/Census
1881/Henry Bartholomew/Barman/20/Seven Oaks, Kent/Census
Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper 20 September 1885
Offences under the weights and measures act, 1878:
Henry Jennings, of The Crown, Dulwich, victualler was fined £5 for 24 unjust measures.
1891/Henry Jennings/../../../../Surrey Post Office Directory
1891/Henry Jennings/Licensed Victualler/50/../Census **
1891/Emily Jennings/Wife/34/Wandsworth/Census
1891/Susannah Jennings/Daughter/26/Walworth/Census
1891/Alice Vye/Barmaid/21/Annerley/Census
1891/Alexander Welk/Waiter/ 25/Hammersmith/Census
1896/Henry Jennings/../../../../Suburban Post Office Directory
* Provided By John Carnaby
** Provided By Ian McInnes
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