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History of Barking

Frogley's Barking - A Manuscript of the History of Barking. This is available on microfilm at the Essex Record Office, and I copy their brief description in the index at SEAX - (search for Frogley) or  T/A 333/1

A set of books have been created by Tony Clifford from these MSS, I have only scanned through the first edition, but it is a brilliant source of history.

Repository: Essex Record Office - T/A 333/1
Level: Category Records in public repositories

Scope and Content Microfilm of MSS. History of Barking presented to the Library of the Essex Archaeological Society by Fred.J. Brand.

The History was compiled c.1900 - 1912 by the son of Joseph FROGLEY of 44 Longbridge Road (of. Kelly's Directory, 1890-99 and biographical note, p.312); there is also an invitation to Mr. & Mrs. J. FROGLEY to opening of Gascoigne Road School, 1892; for earlier generations of the FROGLEY family see pp.125, 394-5. The History is chiefly of value for the late 19th and early 20th centuries and for its illustrations, many of which show buildings demolished in the writer's lifetime.

(pp.1-8) Introduction, chiefly relating to the Forest.
(p. 9) Brief notes on Daniel Day (d.1767) with illustration of his tombstone in Barking churchyard.
(p.10) Maps of the Forest showing perambulation of 1641 and boundaries of manors.
(pp.11-57) Barking Abbey including:- (p.26) note on Bow Bridge and its relation to the modern bridge (1909); (pp.31-32) note on Smart Lethieullier (d.1760); (p.33) excavations in garden of National Schools, 1876; (p.34) plan of Barking Abbey, 1724 (of.T/P 93/3); (pp.50-51) table showing possessions of the Abbey; (pp.50-51) table showing possessions of the Abbey; (pp.52-57) site of the Abbey including plan of (pp.52-57) sale, 1878, with sketch of Infirmary gateway and horse pond, 1881; (pp.58-67) Curfew Tower and church path, including account of restoration of tower, 1893-4, and details of occupiers of property in this area (illus. including Market House).
(pp.74-101) Description of St. Margaret's Church (illus.), including accounts of restorations, 1848, 1888, notes on bells and change ringing, list of brasses and monuments (inscriptions given).
(pp.103-118) List of vicars and curates to 1904 (biographical notes in most cases).
(pp.118-133) List of gravestones in churchyard with biographical notes.
(pp.135-138) Notes on parish registers.
(pp.139-145) List of Barking charities to 1879, with on 19th century disputes and schemes.
(pp.147-224) Accounts of Barking manors and families associated with them including: (p.157-164) Uphall (plan and view of Uphall Farm, 1907); Benyon family; development of Uphall Road (view, 1878); Howard's Chemical Works and the Brickfields; (pp.165-7) Jenkins (note on gates being moved to St. Botoph, Aldgate, 18980; (pp.168-9)Malmaynes; (pp.169- 173) Parsloes (illus.) including ref. (pp.169-173,) to use of Park by Essex Trotting Club; (pp.174-5) Porters (inc. extract from sale catalogues plan, 1894 [copy in E.R.O.]); (p.176) Fulkes; (pp.177-184) Loxford (illus., 1906), with notes on Pitman family and Franois Whitbourn; (pp.185) Wangey (incl. note on death of Mrs. John Greenhill, 1855); (p.186) Bee-Hive and Fullwell Hatch (position of gate to Forest c.1880). (pp.187-8) Gayshams (purchase of recreation ground by Ilford Council, 1899); (p.188) Stone Hall; (pp.189-190) Newberry and Downshall (connection with family of Jeremy Bentham); (pp.191-2) Aldersbrook; (pp.193) Wyfield; (pp.194-5) Highlands (illus.) (p.196) Cricklewood, Frislings, Bennetts Castle, Cockermouth; (p.197-8) Great and Lt. Gearies (illus.) (pp.199-201) Cranbrook (plan of Cranbrook Park Estate, Ilford, c. 1900); (pp.202-3) Valentines (illus.); (pp.204-206) Claybury (illus. description of Asylum); (pp.207) Valence, Dagenham; (pp.208-209) Clay Hall; (pp.211-12) Aldborough Hatch; (pp.213) Lethieullier family; (pp.215-220) Fanshawe family of Jenkins and Parsloes; (pp.221-2) Gascoyne family; (pp.223-224)views of Bifrons and Westbury House, 1800; (pp.225-9) Ilford Hospital (account of restoration and note of 7 burials, 1717-1832)

(pp.231-2) Ilford Lane (inc. history of "The Plough", rebuilt 1902).
(pp.233-244) Local Government (inc. reorganisation of wards and creation of Ilford as civil parish, 1885-7; appointment of officers, inclu. vestry clerk (Sam. Glenny, 1890) and population statistics, 1763 - 1911 (of.p.151); perambulation, 1888-1890.
(pp.245-252) Brief history of Barking (changes since 1870: fishing industry replaced by jute factory and Beckton gas works; licensed houses in 17th century; public services; Bifrons Park (illus.).
(pp.253-257) Local Board 1882 - 94 (biographical notes on candidates and officers, 1882; sewage scheme, 1884-8; elections, 1885, 1888-93.
(pp.258-261) Urban District Council (list of members and officers, 1894-8)
(pp.262-263) Electric lighting and tramways, 1896-1902.
(pp.264) Biographical notes on Robert Hewett, C.L. Beard, Archibald Burners, J.G Mullett and T.W. Parker
(pp.265-274) School Board, (statistics of children of school age, 1888; membership (biographical notes, including trade unionists) and officers; use of Congregational and Birfrons Schools, 1890; building of Gascoigne Road Schools, 1891-2 (illus.; invitation to opening); North Street Schools, 1895-6; Castle School,1897; Westbury School, 1904; Technical Instruction Committee, 1891, and continuation schools, 1894.

(pp.277-300) Nonconformity
(pp.277-282) Baptists (from 1846; chapel built 1851, and Tabernacle, 1893, illus.); (pp.282-285) Salvation Army (purchase of chapel in Ripple Road, 1891, illus.); (pp.286-288) Congregationalism (17th century origins; revived 1782; biography (illus.) of Rev. J. Corney, 1836-60; building of chapel, 1863-4 (illus.); unemployment fund in connection with closing of jute works, 1886; (pp.289-290) Methodism (primitive Methodist Chapel, Manor Road, 1856, and chapel at East Ham, 1880, illus.; ref. to Methodists at Rainham, 1766, (pp.299-300) Wesleyan chapel, (illus.). (p.291) Brethren (support of Glenny family); (pp.292-294) Roman Catholicism (church founded by Father Benfield (illus.) 1857; (pp.292- 294) opening of schools, 1889); (pp.295-8) Society of Friends (meetinghouse at Taits Place, 1673-1830; Assembly Hall (illus.) built on site 1908; biog. notes on Fry family).
(pp.301-304) Brief history of Rippleside (school founded 1860; Board School built 1896-7; agriculture (Thos. Pittman of Loxford; use of oxen; stud farm belonging to East India Co., 1807.
(pp.305-312) Fishing industry (refs. to Barking fishermen, 1320-1655; well smacks; Hewett family; introduction of ice, c.1840, and steam carriers, c.1860; Morgan family; inns associated with fishermen; list of smack owners and fishing captains, including Joseph Fregley of Longbridge Road, father of the writer.
(pp.313-320) River Roding (maintenance of walls by Hulse family; Town Quay; steam ferry; quotation from vestry minutes about tolls, 1714, regulation fo Quay by Directors, 1786-1889, conservators, 1889-92, and Local Board, 1892-98; water mills or Abbey Flour mills: ownership by Smith, Whitbourn and Ridley families, 1747-1897; widening of river by Joseph Goodman, 18th century; Howard's Chemical Works; 1898; Crows Factory, pitch and tar distillers, 1895; Clark's Wharf, used during construction of railway; Byford's Wharf and right of way case, 1896; floodings esp. 1764, 1847, 1888, 1895; South Essex Water Works, 1897, with notes on earlier water Supply
(pp.321-370) North Street detailed description of buildings (names of tenants) including: (p.322) The Duke of Wellington; (p.325) The Good Intent; (pp.326-7) Police Station on site of Barking Gaol (1790-1834); (p.328) plan of cowbridge Lane, 1907 (p.323) Dangerfield Cottages, 1900 (illus.); (pp.321,329) The Jolly Fisherman (illus.); (p.330) Union Terrace, built 1826 (illus. 1900); (p.1331) Roding Lodge (illus); (p.332) The Red Lion and making of George Street; (pp.335-338) Workhouse, built 1787; details of tenants of site after removal of workhouse, 1838; suggestion of forming new Union (East Ham, barking and ilford) 1891; (pp.338-9) Co-operative Society; (pp.339-40) The Bull (Parsons and Graham families); (pp.343-346) Market House (illus. 1890); (pp.349-352) The George (demolished 1892; illus.); (p.354) Barking Distillery, formerly the Queen's Head; (pp.357-363) National Schools (relationship to Campbell charity and Charity School); list of private Schools; Church Infants School, 1894-5 (illus.); (pp.364-5) Free Libraary, 1889; (pp.366-8) Fire Brigade; (pp.369-370) Barking fair (abolished 1875)
(pp.371-375) Burial Board, 1884-97, and Cemetery, opened 1886.
(p.376) Linton Road
(pp.377-392) Fisher Street: detailed descripton including: (p.377) Barking Cross Tavern (Bapitist Mission Hall, 1912) and Rose and Crown (demolished 1904); (p.378) The Fishing Smack (illus.; dem.1901); (pp.379-382) Barking Gas Works, 1839 (includes bill for tallow 'dips', 1867; dispute over relative cost of lighting town by gas or oil, 1875-96; closure of gas works, 1912; (p.383) Morgan's wharf (plan); (p.384) Battery wharf, River Roding Co. and bridge (illus.); (pp.385- 388) Abbey Works (Jute Factory) 1866-91 (plan from sale catalogues, 1895); (p.389) sale of wharves, 1895; (pp.389-392) explosion at Messers. Hewett's yard, 1899 (plan and list of 10 exployees killed);
(pp.393-6) Heath Street (Blue Anchor, illus. 1898; Ship; Anchor and Hope
(pp.397) Hart Street (Darrell's Foundry)
(pp.398-400) Axe Street (Bifrons, developed 1895; White's Mineral Water Works; twine-spinning and candle industries (of. p.379)
(pp.401-418) Ripple Road (partly lighted, 1889; horse pond (illus. St. Paul's church, 1892; St. Margaret's Estate (plan from sale catalogues, 1881); Westbury House Estae (do., 1881;
(pp.401-418 cont.) copy in E.R.O., Sage Sale Catalogues 13/21); Gascoigne and Melborne estates; Kennedy estate; Thatched House (burnt, 1885); Ship and Shovel; The Chequers (illus.); isolation Hospital, 1892-4.
(pp.419-422) Eastbury House (used as dairy, 1900-1907)
(pp.425-442) East Street detailed description including: (p.425) butcher's shop, dem. 1906 (illus.) ; (pp.426-7) Duke of York built on site of Cock (illus.) (p.428) erection fo bank on site of White House; (pp.429-431) Cecil House (biog.notes on William Wallis Glenny; illus.); (pp.432-435) The Paddock (illus. plan); (p.437) Almshouses; (pp.439-442) council offices (ill.) Public Baths and Mortuary.
(pp.443-453) Railway (notes on coach times and fares; Eastern Counties railway to Ilford; building of London, Tilbury and Southend railway; Barking Stations, built 1854, 1888, 1907 (plans); Pitsea branch, 1888; accidents at level crossings; improvements, 1905-1907.
(p.455) Postal Service (post office in East Street, 1895)
(pp.456-464) Longbridge Road detailed description including: (p.456) Rope walk (plan); (pp.457-459) Spotted Dog (illus., plan); (pp.459-460) Recreation Ground, 1897; (pp.462-3) Fair Cross Farm (illus.)
(pp.465-466) Glenny family.
(pp.469-476) Dove House Estate (plans, 1800, 1900; Laurel Cottage, formerly The Swan, illus.)
(pp.477-480) Tanner Street (illus. including house dem. for railway extensions, 1906)
(pp.481-492) Barking Road (New Road) description includes: factories; (p.483) windmill built 1815; (p.484) East Ham Hall (illus.); portion of road in East and West Ham (e.g. plan of Abbey Marsh, Plaistow, 1865)
(pp.493-496) Creeksmouth notes on factories and communications
(pp.497-504) Beckton (East Ham) Gas Works and village; strike, 1872; sewage outfall.
(pp.505-508) Dagenham Gulf: includes notes on angling and Dock scheme, 1856-70; Messrs. Williams & Sons, 1875-1907.
(pp.509-511) Brief notes on embanking

Date From 1900
Date To 1912

The Museums & Heritage of Barking & Dagenham

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