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Romford 1861 Census Walk

part 1

 History of Romford

Romford 1861 Census - an abridged walk through the town of Romford following the enumerators steps. This lists the head of most households present in 1861, but not all - there would have been approximately 2000 persons in total listed in this census.

All that part of the Town ward of Romford lying on the south side of the Turnpike Road from the corner of Hornchurch lane to Pigstyle Bridge west of the Road to Hornchurch as far as Havering Well, North of the Boundary from Havering Well to Bell House Farm and East of the Boundary from Bell House Farm to Pigstyle Bridge.

High Street:
Chemist & druggist - Frederic Harris
Auctioneer & Appraiser - Stephen Collier
Printer & bookseller- Hannah Harvey
Jeweller - William B lake
Master Grocer - Joseph Scruby
Hotel Keeper - Joseph Cowland [White Hart]
Inn Keeper - George Hardcastle [White Hart Tap]
Land proprietor - Caroline Broome
Brewers Foreman - Isaac Beamish
Brewers Clerk - Edward W Kimpton
Brewery Labourer - Charles Eary
Veterinary surgeon - Thomas Sparks
Tailor - Mary A Cook
Carpenter - William Wooton
Furniture broker - Philip Wilks
Groom- Charles J Whipps
Brewery Labourer - William Lewis
Brewery Cashier - Frederick G Richardson
Tobacco pipe maker - John Palmer
Tobacco pipe maker - Samuel Ford
Tobacco pipe maker - Hugh Bailey
Tobacco pipe maker - William R Mathew
Butcher - William Rayner
China & glass dealer - Mary Collier
Plumber - Edward Silcock
Book maker - Isaac Black
Tobacconist - Samuel C Cox
Corn dealer - John Smith
Tailor - Francis K Cumbers
Drover - John Goff
Joiner - Charles Frances
Gardener - John Attwell
Ag Labourer - James Brown

Rays Square:
Brewery Labourer - Nathaniel Annett
Widow. Susan Shaw
Chimney sweeper - James Comberland
Ag Labourer - Thomas Howe
Tinman - Richard Counter
Brewery Labourer - Thomas Gentry
Ag Labourer - John Lushing
Brewery Labourer - James Ramsey
Marine Store dealer - James Chilcott
Sawyer - Thomas Finch
Ag Labourer - Thomas Newell
Fish vender - William Cornwell
Ag Labourer - James Wright
Brewery Labourer - Joseph Wawson

High Street:
Ag Labourer - James Brazier
Ag Labourer - john Finelly
Ag Labourer - Samuel Hunt
Marine store dealer - John Green
Coffee house keeper - Emily Jordan
Greengrocer - Charles Williams
Marine store dealer - Thomas Young
Chelsea pensioner - William Slipper
Baker - John Franklin
Shoe maker - James Hale

Waterloo Road:
Grocer, William Suckling
Fishmonger - Daniel Joel
Lodging House keeper - Ann Chapple
Brewery Labourer - Richard Smith
Brick layer - John Jay
Railway porter - Joseph Webb
Dress maker - Jane Adams
Brewery Engine driver - John Norman
Tailor - William Dennis
Cooper at brewery - David Carter
Cooper brewery - James E Vale
Brewery Labourer - John Moore
Carpenter - George Thorogood
Brewery carpenter - Robert Wipeth
Wheelwrights smith, Thomas Humfryes
Engineer Turner - Charles Raynell
Shoe maker - William Sarling
Brewery cooper - Charles Carter
Railway porter - William Fewell
Brewery Drayman - John Cutts
Brewers Drayman - Charles Starr
Watchman in brewery - John Drake
Master Plumber - Charles Goodwin
Ag Labourer - James Finch
Ag Labourer - James Carter
Chair weaver - Eliza Nicholls
Shoe maker - John Cousins
Publican - William Loveday
Brick layer - John Sibthorp
County court bailiff - Tamer T Axon
Brewers drayman - Samuel Cattling
Fund holder- Caroline Biggs
Inspector of Police - William Gilpin
Professor of music - John Walden
Gardener - James Lovely
Dress maker - Elizabeth Axon
Plumber - Francis Summerfield
Harness maker - John Pooley
Brewery Labourer - Alfred Yull
Brewers drayman - James Long
Dress maker - Elizabeth Keele
Tailor - Ridley Lyon
Grocer - Thomas Heathcote
Cooper at brewery - Peter Drake
No occup - Ellen T Hayward
Brewers drayman - John Bailey
Ag Labourer - Daniel Nutting
Shoe maker - George Rogers
Coach builder - Charles Rogers
Laundress - Elizabeth Clark
Brewers drayman- John Long
Baker- George Carter
Brewers Labourer - William Fisk
Brewery Labourer - John Gunn
Brewery Labourer - James Shelford
Ag Labourer - Thomas Archer
Dress maker- Elizabeth Barnett
Carpenter - George W Miller
Jobber - John Carter
Railway porter - Robert Harrison
Independent - John Bailey
no occup - Charles Hart
Railway signalman - William T Axon
Carpenter- Joseph Hills
Jobber - William Rouse
Brewers Labourer - William Tyler
Market gardener - William Axon

Barrack Ground:
Machinist - James Marchant
Brewery carpenter - John W Keele
Cabinet maker - George Reed
Platelayer on railway - john Clench
Carman - John Rickwood
Carpenter - John Springet
Lath turner - Robert Tydeman
Coal merchant - William Tydeman
Painter - William Cornell
Railway porter - William Fayers
Wheelwright - Abraham Vauderword
Gardener, William Millbank
Ag Labourer - Arthur Cass
Shoe maker - Thomas Perkins
Grocer - Thomas Pitts
Harness repairer - William Smith
Brick layer - Robert Fairman
Bricklayers Labourer - Edward Aldous
Market gardener - Charles Hayless
House owner - John King
Labourer, William Butler
Ag Labourer - John Ray
Brewery Labourer - William Ray
Watchman - Robert Saunders
Ag Labourer - Charles Wood
Ag machinist - William Warren
Cattle dealer - Joseph Guiver
Beer retailer - Charles Cumbers
Private coachman - Joseph Starling
Railway porter - William Campion

Waterloo Road:
Iron founder - Robert H Alabaster
Carpenter - William Bruty
Cattle dealer - William Heard
Ag Labourer - James Moss
Ag Labourer - Charles Lodge
Railway signalman - George Carr
Bricklayers labourer - Henry Smith
Waiter - James Hedge
Brewers servant - Alfred Hills
Ag Labourer - Samuel Meade
Laundress - Hephzibah Nunn
Blacksmith - Edmund Cowell
Railway porter - John Dennis
Ag Labourer - Henry Stubbings
Brick layer - George Taylor
Stone mason - William Blake
Carpenter - William Witt
Brewery Labourer - William Wray
Brewery Labourer - Samuel Workman
Brewery Labourer - Charles Potter
Gardener - James Bailey
Engineers Labourer - James Webb
Brick layer - John Taylor
Blacksmith - Robert Horide
Brewery Labourer - John Simmons
Cabinet maker - Isaac Flinn
Shoe maker - William Taylor
Brick layer - John Masters
Brick layer - Tilus Wells
Laundress - Mary Banks

Barrack Ground:
Ag Labourer - Thomas Wakeling
House painter - William Milton
Carpenter - Thomas Davis

Barrack Ground:
Police constable - James Manning
Brewers cooper - Samuel Hayward
Comb maker - Thomas W Spencer
Schoolmistress - Sarah A Ayley

Carpenter - Thomas Bright
Stoker at Gas works - Joseph Whalesby
Brewery Labourer - Henry Boreham
Carpenter - William Bradford
Shoe maker - Joseph Potter
Iron founder - Margaret Alabaster
Ag Labourer - William Cooper
Sawyer - David Bull
Brewery Labourer - William Rowlatt
Ag Labourer - James Day
Brick layer - John Milbourne
Gardener - John Finch
Shoe maker - John Jefferey
Brewery Labourer - William H Barlow
Drover - John Rich
Brick layer - John Cross
Groom - John Bennett
Brewery Labourer - Thomas Knight
General dealer - James Rowlatt
Bricklayers labourer - George Bennett
Tobacco pipe maker - George Masters
Drover - George Huggins
Well digger - James Bennett
Brick layer - William Murley
Brick layer - Arthur Brown
Ostler - Samuel Goldsmith
Carman - Henry J Holby
Drover - George Rich
Taylor - James White
Brewery Labourer - John Dowsett
Brewery drayman - Joseph Dowsett
Carpenter - John Osborne
Ag Labourer - John James
Ag Labourer - David Cobb
Carpenter - John Rayment
Ag Labourer - John Potter
Ag Labourer - David Speller
General Labourer - William H Bush
Brewery Labourer - William Ramsey
Brewery Labourer - Joseph Palmer
Ag Labourer - James Harris
Hotel waiter - William Charlick
Whitesmith - Samuel Swain
Brewery Labourer - James Smith
Butcher- William Sorrell
Brewery Labourer - James Golding
Grocer - Jane E Thompson
Ag Labourer - Thomas Potter
Shoe maker - David Stiff
Police constable- James Davies
Carpenter - Alfred Martin
Brewery Labourer - William Jackson
Railway signalman - John Hayward
Shoe maker - Joshua Pryke
Ag Labourer - John Stanley
Blacksmith - Edward Brown
Ag Labourer - Henry Gentrey
Boot maker - Davis Collins
Ag Labourer - George Stowe
Boot maker - Charles peck
Boot maker - George farrow
Boot maker- John Siblous
Police constable - William Cousins
Ag Labourer - Thomas Hale
Brewery Labourer - Samuel Perry
Plumber painter - Joseph Westwood
Laundress - Sophia Sorrell
Ag Labourer - George Turner
Baker - Charles Woodward
Brick layer - William Watts
Brewery Labourer - Thomas Nash
Ag Labourer - Thomas German
Carrier to London - William Murphy
Licensed Victualler - Jeremiah Murphy [Laurie Arms]

High Street:
Licensed Victualler - John Rich [New Mill inn]
Ag Labourer - William Chapple
Ag Labourer - William Carter

Essex buildings, High Street:
Tobacco pipe maker - William Coppen
Brewery Cooper - Alexander Sherbert
Brewers clerk - Matthew Gibson
Ag Labourer - John Digby
Brewery Labourer - Henry W Smith

High Street:
Brewery Labourer - John Rowlatt
Brewery Watchman - John Finch
Shopkeeper - Mary Eniver
Blacksmith = John Warren
Ag Labourer - John Stubbings

Balls Court:
Laundress - Ann Turner
Ag Labourer - Samuel Fry
Straw carter - James Martin
Wood sawyer - Thomas Benson
Ag Labourer - Abraham Brooks
Ag Labourer - Thomas Hockley
Ag Labourer - Benjamin Parson
Labourer at Coal wharf - James Millborn

High Street:
Dress maker - Ann Shaw
Grocer- Joseph Golding
Bricklayers Labourer - Thomas Mays
Ag Labourer - James Crisp
Ag Labourer - Daniel Forster
Brewery Labourer - Luke Poole
Road Labourer - James Bradley
Ag Labourer - David Simpson
Ag Labourer - George Hitchcock
Licensed Victualler - Alfred Pryor [Sun inn]
Licensed Victualler - Henry Kinch [Compasses]

London Road:
Carpenter - John Pitch
Chelsea pensioner- James Miles
Ag Labourer - John Kilman

High Street:
Ag Labourer - Robert Hardy
Brick layer - Richard Dowsett
Ag Labourer - James Cornwell
Timber merchant - Charles Springham
Cow keeper - Samuel Runacres
Carpenter - John Crisp
Tailor - Mark Anderson

London Road:
Practical brewer- John G Matthews
Solicitor - William H Clifton
Sack hirer- Thomas D Lee
Retired Army Lieut-Col - Benjamin Graves
Market gardener - Alithia Stubbs
Ag Labourer - Robert Ray
Ag Labourer - Thomas Collins
Ag Labourer - George Harvis
Plumber - William Iron

Crow Lane:
Farmer - Selina Seabrook
Ag Labourer - William Childs
Straw dealer - Abraham Mead
Bell House, Farmer - Thomas W Haws

Rush Green:
Brewery Labourer - Robert Dawkins
Ag Labourer - William Hampton
Horse keeper - John King
Ag Labourer - Joseph Bennett
Ag Labourer - George Harding
Ag Labourer - Henry C Blewett
Ag Labourer - Edward Miller
Hurdle maker- Charles G Bridge
Hay jobber- James Hawkins
Beerhouse keeper- John Potter [Coopers Arms]
Hurdle maker - John Bridge
Barman - George Blewitt
Farmer - Ephraim Gray

Waterloo Road:
Sawyer - Richard Watling
Ag Labourer - William Sparrow
Ag Labourer - Thomas Stanley

South Street:
Licensed Victualler - Thomas Matthews [Star inn]
Manager of gas works, Henry E Marriage
Ag Labourer - Thomas Cast
Commercial clerk, Brewery - Henry W Smith
High Bailiff of Essex Co Court - Charles Godfrey
Salesman & Farmer - Thomas Turner
Leather seller - Joseph Smith
Storehouse clerk, brewery - Eusebius S Palmer
Annuitant - Henry Ind
Coachman of London Bus - William Manning
Land surveyor - John Ping
Farrier - Henry Lagden
Basket maker- James Mumford
Glass cutter - James Rooke

High Street:
Coachman - James Hughes

Waterloo Road
Brewery Labourer - George Hills
Ag Labourer - Charles Bennett
Baker - John Yearley

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