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John Lockie, a descriptive London Street Directory in 1810 - IJ.

A Concise Local description of  and Accurate Direction to every Square, Street, Lane, Court, Dock, Wharf, Inn, Public Office, &c. in the Metropolis and its Environs.


John Lockie 1810 index & next

Idol Lane, Tower Street, the fifth on the Right about of a mile from Fish Street hill, along Little Eastcheap, it extends to St Dunstans hill, and 84 Lower Thames Street
Imperial Gazette Office, at 45, Old Bailey, the corner of Fleet lane, opposite Newgate prison.
Imperial Insurance Office, at 6, St James's Street that number of doors on the Right from the Palace towards Piccadilly; also in Cornhill, entrance seven doors on the Right from Bishopsgate St .
India House, Dock, &c. See East India.
Ingram Court, Fenchurch Street, at 167, the first on the  Left about eight doors from 69 Gracechurch street.
Innholders Hall, Little Elbow Lane, behind 175, Upper Thames St about 1/4 of a mile on the Right from London bridge.
Inkhorn Court (Five), Whitechapel High Street, at 91, about 1/3 of a mile on the L. below Aldgate pump, and eighteen or twenty doors West from Osborn Street
Innage Lane, Creechurch Lane. See Heneage Lane.
Inrolment Office, Chancery Lane, the fourth house on the Right from 310, High Holborn.
Ipswich Arms Inn, Cullum Street, Fenchurch Street, four doors on the Right from 135, Fenchurch Street
Ipswich Arms, Lower Thames Street, at 22, about of a mile on the Right from London bridge.
Ireland Row, Mile End Road, part of the Left side, near the Eagle public house, about of a mile East from the turnpike.
Ireland Yard, Blackfriars, at 6. St Andrews hill, or the South end of New Street and Creed lane, from 14, Ludgate Street
Irish Court, Glasshouse yard, Goodmans Yard, Minories, the second on the Right a few doors from Goodmans yard, entering by 61, in the Minories.
Irish Court, Whitechapel High Street, two or three doors East from Somerset Street about 1/5 of a mile on the Right from Aldgate.
Irongate Stairs and Wharf, Tower hill, on the East side, at the commencement of St Catherines Street near 1/2 a mile below London bridge.
Ironmongers Alms Houses, Kingsland Road, about 1/3 of a mile on the Right from Shoreditch church.
Ironmongers Hall, Fenchurch St between 117 and 118, nearly opposite Mark lane.
Ironmonger Lane, Cheapside, at 90, two doors East from King Street about 1/4 of a mile on the Left from St Pauls church yard.
Ironmonger Row, Old Street, St Lukes, at 97, on the East side the church, it is continued by Pittmans buildings towards the City road.
Isaacs Place, Willsted Street, Sommers Town, at 13, being that number of doors on the Right from Judds place, New. road.
Isabella Row, Castle Lane, Westminster, on the East side of Elliotts brewery, or behind 22, William street.
Island Row, Commercial Road, Limehouse, on the South side, about 1/4 of a mile West from the church, it leads to Richardsons timber yard and Risbys rope walk.
Isle of Dogs, or Poplar Marshes, the ground on the South side of Poplar High Street extending from Limehouse to Black wall, across which are now the West India docks and canal.
Islington Road. See St John Street Road.
Islington Spa, on the South side of Sadlers Wells, by the New River head.
Ivy Court, Ivy Street, St Giles, on the South side, the first on the Left a few yards from Dyot Street
Ivy Lane, Newgate Street, at 30, about the middle of the South side, it extends to 22, Paternoster row.
Ivy Lane, Hoxton, opposite Rentons garden, near 1/2 a mile from Old St along Pitfield St and Haberdashers walk, it extends to Hoxton town.
Ivy Place, Hoxton, on the North side the Ivy house, on the Right nearly adjoining to the last described.
Ivy Street, Dyot Street, St Giles, the second on the Left from 25, Broad street, leading into Carrier Street and Buckbridge Street
Ivy Terrace, Hoxton, opposite Ivy place, and on the Left side the road, which leads towards Kingsland.

Jacksons buildings, Pauls Alley, Redcross Street, Cripplegate, the first on the L. from 13, Redcross Street towards Hare court and 62 Aldersgate Street
Jacksons Buildings, Vine Yard, Tooley Street, the second on the Right a few doors from 110 Tooley Street
Jacksons Court, Curriers Row, Blackfriars, about three doors on the Right from Bristow Street by St Andrews hill.
Jacksons Island, Willow Walk, Bermondsey, about six houses on the South side, over the ditch, near 1/8 of a mile on the Right from Pages walk.
Jacksons Place, Long Alley, Moorfields, about eleven doors on the Left from 29 Sun street, towards Moorfields.
Jacksons Wharf, Horselydown, is nearly opposite Kings row, about 5/8 of a mile below London bridge.
Jacobs Court, Turnmill Street, Clerkenwell, the first on the Left a few doors from Cow cross.
Jacobs Mews, Charles Street, Manchester Square, on the East side of the Chapel by Spanish place, from the North East corner of the said square.
Jacob Street, Dock Head, Bermondsey, the second South parallel to the Thames, or about twenty six doors on the Right in Mill Street from Dock head.
Jacobs Wells Court, Barbican, at 20, about the middle of the South side, leading to Pauls alley.
Jamaica Coffee House, St Michaels Alley, adjoins the church, a few yards on the Left from 43 Cornhill.
Jamaica Level, Bermondsey, is a few houses situate East from the Blue anchor, but near it, and about 1/2 a mile from Fort place towards the Mill pond.
Jamaica Place, Commercial Road, Limehouse, is situate between Gill Street and Rich Street a few doors from the church towards the West India dock.
Jamaica Place East, Limehouse, extends from the last described to Gun lane.
Jamaica Place or Street, Borough Road, St Georges Fields, the second on the Left a few doors from the Obelisk towards the Kings Bench.
Jamaica Row, Bermondsey, the East continuation of Parkers row, Prospect row, and Printers place, it commences near the Gregorian arms and extends to Mill pond Street
Jamaica New Wharf, Upper Ground, Christ Church, between Lukins iron foundry and Bull stairs, about 1/8 of a mile above Blackfriars bridge.
St James's Buildings, Rosamond Street, Clerkenwell, at 51, about five doors on the Right from Corporation row, St John Street
St James's Chapel, Hampstead Road, about 1/4 of a mile on the Right from Tottenham court road.
St James's Chapel, Clerkenwell, on the North side the High St or road, about 1/8 of a mile on the Right from Islington.
St James's Chronicle Newspaper Office, the first door on the Right in Union Street from 30, New Bridge St Blackfriars.
St James's Church, Piccadilly, behind 200, about 1/6 of a mile on the Left from the Haymarket.
St James's Church, Clerkenwell, on the North side of Clerkenwell green.
St James's Church, Garlick Hill, behind 190, Upper Thames Street and about 1/5 of a mile on the Left from 59 Cheapside, along Bow lane.
St James's Church, Little Dukes Place, Aldgate, about five doors on the Right from 32 Aldgate, along Mitre court.
James Court, James Street, St Lukes, about three doors on the Left from 38 Featherstone Street and eleven doors on the Right from Old Street
St James's Court, Dukes Place, Aldgate, on the West side of Heneage lane, or the fourth on the Right along Creechurch lane from 87 Leadenhall Street
James Court, James Street. St Georges in the East, on the South side, a few doors on the Left from Cannon Street road.
James Court, Union Street, St Georges Fields, the second on the Left a few doors from Prospect place, towards the London road.
James Court, Golden Lane, St Lukes, at 103, three doors North from Cherry tree court, and near the same distance from Old street.
St James's Infirmary, Poland Street, Oxford Street, entrance between 48 and 49, about seventeen doors on the Right from 355 Oxford Street
St James's Market, St James's, the West end of Norris Street from 56 Haymarket, or North end of St Albans Street from 3 Pall Mall.
St James's Palace, the West end of Pall Mall, on the Left about 1/3 of a mile from the Haymarket, or the South end of St James's St near 1/4 of a mile from 163 Piccadilly.
St James's Park, situate between Charing cross and Buckingham gate, about 5/8 of a mile in length and 3/10 s in breadth.
St James's Place, St James's Street, at 66, the third on the Right from 162 Piccadilly , and about nineteen doors on the Left from the Palace.
St James's Place, Clerkenwell Green, on the East side of the church, leading from Aylesbury Street towards the New Prison, Rosamond Street and Spa fields.
James's Place, Hackney Road, forms part of the South side, nearly opposite Thurlow place, about of a mile on the Right from Shoreditch church, extending to Durham place.
James Place, Silver Street, Old Gravel lane, St Georges in the East, the second on the Right a few doors from King Street and nearly opposite Raines hospital.
James Place, Salisbury Street, Bermondsey, the first on the Left a few yards from the Admiral Hawk public house, Jamaica row.
James's Rents, Kingsland Road, the first on the Right a few doors from Shoreditch church.
St James's Row, Great Suffolk Street, Mint, the continuation of it (entering by 80 Blackman Street) to Gravel lane.
St James's Square, St James's, the third on the Right twenty nine doors from the Haymarket, along Pall Mail, it is also nearly South from St James's church, from which there is a way to it, entrance by 200 Piccadilly.
James Street, Westminster, commences at Buckingham gate, and leads by the side of the park to York Street on the Left and Little Chapel Street on the Right
St James's Street, St James's, at 163, Piccadilly, the third Street on the Left about y of a mile from the Haymarket, it extends to the Palace.
St, James's Street (Little), St James's Street, about eleven doors on the Left from the Palace towards Piccadilly.
James Street, Haymarket, at 17, about the middle of the East side, two doors from the theatre, it extends to Whitcomb Street
James Street, Grosvenor Square, at 29 Brook Street, five doors on the Left from the North East corner of the said square, it extends to 287 Oxford Street
James Street, Manchester Square, at 163 Oxford Street opposite the last described, it extends to Hinde Mews, near the S.E. corner of the said square.
James Street (Upper), Golden Square, at the North East corner, leading to 33 Silver Street about five doors East from Carnaby Street
James Street (Lower), Golden Square, at the South East corner, extending to 12, Brewer Street
James Street, Lisson Green, near Paddington, at the back of Lisson grove, opposite the Yorkshire stingo, or the continuation of Bell Street towards the White lead manufactory.
James Street (Little), Lisson Green, the continuation of Lisson St from Bell Street to the Nursery.
James Street, Adelphi, the West end of William Street entering by 65, in the Strand, it leads to Duke Street
James Street, Covent Garden, about the middle of the North side, extending to 43 Long acre.
James Street (Great), Bedford Row, is the North continuation of it, extending from the Kings road to Chapel Street and Milman Street
James Street (Little), Bedford Row, at 16, in the last described, the first on the Right from the Kings road. it extends to Grays inn lane.
James Street, Skinner Street, Sommers Town, the first on the Left a few doors from Judds place, East New road, it extends to West Street
St James's Street, Clerkenwell, on the North side of the church, leading from St James's row to Clerkenwell close.
James Street, Featherstone Street, St Lukes, at 37, nine doors on the Right from the City road, it extends to Old Street opposite St Lukes hospital.
James Street, Church Street, Bethnal green, at 124, the first East of Brick lane and about 1/3 of a mile on the Right from 65 Shoreditch.
James Street, Leonard Street, Shoreditch, at 51, the first East parallel to part of Paul St it extends to Luke Street
James Street, Cannon Street Road, St Georges in the East, the first on the Right about 1/8 of a mile from the Commercial road towards Cannon Street it extends to Samuel Street
James Street, Borough Road, St Georgs Fields, is at the South end of Dover Street entrance the first on the Left from the obelisk towards the Kings Bench.
James Street, Lambeth Marsh, or New Cut, the third on the Left about 1/8 of a mile from the Marsh turnpike, towards Surrey chapel, Blackfriars road.
St James's Walk, Clerkenwell, on the North side the church by the New Prison, or the first on the Right in St James's place from Aylesbury street
Jane Court, Little York Place, Marylebone, the first on the Right a few doors from 10, Upper Baker Street near the New road.
Jane Court, Jane Street, Commercial Road, the first on the Right a few doors from the said road.
Jane Place, Kent Road, the third on the Left a few doors East from or below the Bricklayers arms.
Jane Street, Commercial Road, St Georges in the East, the second on the Right east from Cannon Street road, extending to Lower Chapman Street
Jane Shore Alley, 101 Shoreditch. See Wilkies Court.
Jealous Row, New Road, St Georges in the East, a part of the North side, nearly op. Betts Street from 164 Ratcliffe highway.
Jees Court, Oxford Street, at 163, near, 7/8 of a mile on the Right from St Giles, about three doors East from James Street
Jeffries or Jeffreys Buildings, Great Almonry, Westminster, at the West end of it, entering by Dean Street six doors from Tothill Street
Jeffries Square, St Mary Axe, at 16, on the East side, about twelve doors on the R. from 116, Leadenhall Street
Jenkins Court, Ropemakers Fields, Limehouse, at 49, the first on the Left a few doors from the East end of Narrow street.
Jenuerian Societys Central House, at 11, Salisbury Square, being that number of houses on the Right from 81 Fleet Street
Jermyn Court, Jermyn Street, at 14, East end, yearly opposite Market Street, St James's market
Jermyn Street, St James's, the first South parallel to part of Piccadilly, being the continuation of Hammond Court, from 47, Haymarket, leading to St James's street.
Jermyn Street(Little), the West end of the last described, extending from Bury Street to 41, St James's Street
Jersey Court, Whites Yard, Rosemary Lane, the first on the Left a few yards from 58, Rosemary lane, or the last on the Right from 98, Upper East Smithfield.
Jerusalem Coffee House, at 32 Cornhill, nearly opposite the Royal Exchange.
Jerusalem Court, Gracechurch Street at 58, about six doors on the Left from Fenchurch Street towards London bridge.
Jerusalem Court, St John Street, Clerkenwell, about y of a mile on the Left from Smithfield and six doors; North of Albemarle Street
Jerusalem Passage, St John Square, at the North side, leading to 16 Aylesbury Street near Clerkenwell green.
Jetsom Strcet, Bennets Row, St Georges Fields, the second on the Right from Blackfriars road, it extends to Higlers lane or Friar Street
Jewin Court, Jewin Street, Cripplegate, at 11, the first on the Right ten doors from 46 Aldersgate Street
Jewin Street, Cripplegate, it 46, Aldersgate St the third street on the Right from 66, Newgate St along St Martins le Grand, it extends to 30 Redcross Street
Jewin Street Crescent. See Crescent.
Jewry (Old), Cheapside, the first coach turning on the Right from the Mansion house towards St Pauls church yard.
Jewry (Old) Chapel, Jewin Street, Cripplegate, about twelve doors on the Right from l 29 Redcross Street
Jewry Street, Aldgate, the first on the Right about ten doors from the East end of Fenchurch St or of Leadenhall street, it extends to Crutched friars.
Jews Row, Chelsea. See Royal Hospital row.
Jews Walk, Bethnal Green, the North side of the Green, about of a mile North from the Salmon and Ball public house.
Jews Harp Court, Angel Alley, Long Alley, Moorfields, the second on the Right a few doors from Long alley near Skinner street.
Jobbing or Jobbs Court, Knightsbridge, about 1/2 a mile on the Right from Hyde park corner, or the third on the Left a few doors from the Barracks.
Jockey Fields, Bedford Row, is parallel to and between the East side of it and Grays inn gardens, extending from Warwick place to the Kings road.
Johns Buildings, Great Peter Street, Westminster, the first North parallel to part of it, viz. between Great St Anns Lane and Little St Anns Lane, about six doors South from Old Pye Street
St Johns Chapel, Great James Street, Bedford Row, at the North end, being the corner of Chapel Street from 25 Lambs conduit Street
St Johns Chapel, St John Street, Spitalfields or Bethnal Green, about eighteen doors on the Left from 105 Brick lane.
St Johns Chapel, West lane, Walworth, a few doors on the Right from opposite East lane.
St John the Evangelists Church, Westminster, opposite 18, Millbank Street entering by the third on the Right about 5 of a mile from the Abbey.
St John the Baptists Church, Savoy, Strand, behind 125, in the Strand, nearly op. Exeter change.
St Johns Church, St Johns Square, Clerktnwell, on the East side, near St Johns Gate.
St Johns Church, Wapping, a few yards North from 98, Wapping Street on the side the London docks.
St Johns Church, Fair Street, Horselydown, about the middle of the South side, a mile on the Right from London bridge, along Tooley Street
Johns Court, Edward Street, Manchester Square, at 1, the East end of it, or West end of Wigmore Street it leads to 65 Marylebone lane.
Johns Court, Hanway Street, Oxford Street, three or four doors on the Right from 6 Tottenham court road.
Johns Court, Farm Street, Berkeley Square, two or three doors on the Left from South Street and nearly opposite John Street
Johns Court, John Street, Golden Square, at 7, two doors from the South West corner of the square.
St Johns Court, Corporation Row, Clerkenwell, is a door or two on the Left from St Johns Street towards Rosamond Street
Johns Court, St. Martins le Grand, at 30, the first on the Left five doors from 66, Newgate Street near Cheapside.
Johns Court, Chalton Street, Sommers Town, about eleven doors on the Right from the New road towards the Polygon or Clarendon square.
Johns Court, Somerset Street, Goodmans Fields, at 16, being that number of doors on the Left from Whitechapel or from Aldgate High Street
Johns Court, Upper East Smithfield, at 54, the second on the Right a few doors from the East side of Tower hill.
Johns Court, New Walk, Horselydown, the first on the Left, from a few doors from Shad Thames towards Thomas Street
St Johns Gate, St Johns Square, Clerkenwell, is at the South entrance of it, viz. from St Johns lane.
St Johns Lane, St John Street, Clerkenwell, at 68, about of 1/8 of a mile on the Left from the North side of Smithfield market.
Johns Hill, Ratcliffe Highway. See John Street
Johns Mews, John Street, Edgware Road, at 6, under the archway, or the first North from Cato Street 
Johns Mews, Little James Street, Bedford Rcw, on the South side, between John St and James St or is the third en the Left from Grays inn lane.
St Johns Passage, Smith Square, or St Johns Church Yard, Westminster, at the South W. corner, leading to Vine Street 
St Johns Place, Roberts Place, Bedford Row, on the East side, or the third on the L. in Henry Street, from Grays inn lane.
St Johns Place, St Johns Row, St Lukes, the first on the Left about seven doors from Pittmans buildings, or from Orchard Street towards Brick lane.
St Johns Place, Locks Fields, Walworth, at the back or North side of Salisbury place, leading towards Pitt Street and the Kent road.
Johns Rents, Silver Street, Old Gravel Lane, at the North end of it, behind Raines hospital.
Johns Row, Tottenham Court, is at the East end of Phillips gardens and by the North E. corner of Tottenham place from Tottenham court road.
St Johns Row, St Lukes, at 42, the North end of Brick lane, being the third on the R. about of a mile from 113 Old Street
St Johns Square, Clerkenwell, at the North end of St Johns lane from 68, St Johns St it leads to Aylesbury Street and Clerkenwell green .
Johns Square, Church Lane, Whitechapel, about the middle of the East side, viz. between the Commercial road and Cable Street
John Street, Wood Street, Westminster, the second street on the Left a few doors from 63 Millbank Street extending to the North West corner of St Johns church yard.
John Street, Adam Street, Adelphi, three doors on the Right from 72, Strand, it is continued by Duke Street to Villiers Street
John Street, St James's Square, at the South East corner of the said square, or at 29, Pall mall.
John Street, New Road, Paddington, the fourth on the Right about 1/8 of a mile East from the Yorkshire stingo, extending to York Street
John Street, Oxford Street, at 101, near half a mile on the Right from St Giles, it extends to Margaret Street and is continued by Great Portland Street
John Street, Tottenham Court Road, the first West parallel to part of it, extending from 31, Windmill Street to 7, Howland Street
John Street (Upper), Tottenham Court Road, the continuation of the last, extending from 47 Howland Street to 52, London Street
John Street, Kings Road, Grays Inn Lane, the second on the Right about ten doors from opposite 69, Grays inn lane, it leads into Doughty Street
John Street, Edgware Road, at 77, the seventh on the Right near half a mile from Tyburn turnpike, towards Winchester row, it extends to Homer row.
John Street, Berkeley Square, behind the North East corner of it, or at the South end of Little Grosvenor Street from 62 Grosvenor Street
John Street, Hill Street, Berkeley Square, intersects it at 15 and 24, and is the second on both the Right and the Left from the west side of Berkeley square.
John Street (Lower), Golden Square, at the South West corner, extending to 20, Brewer Street or is the continuation of Francis Street and Air Street from 27, Piccadilly.
John Street (Upper), Golden Square, at 31, the North West corner, facing the last described, it extends to 30 Silver Street
St John Street, West Smithfield, or Clerkenwell, at 74, on the North side of Smithfield market, it extends to Corporation row and Perceval St about 1/2 a mile in length.
St John Street Road, Clerkenwell, the North continuation of the last described, extending to Islington, near 4 a mile in length.
St John Street, Brick Lane, Spitalfields, or Bethnal Green, at 106, the third on the Left of a mile from 145 Church Street it extends to Bethnal green workhouse.
John Street, Curtain Road, the first on the Right about eighteen doors from Old Street road, and nearly opposite William Street from 136,
John Street, Leonard Street, Shoreditch, at the East end on the Right from Paul St or the first on the Left in Susannah row, from the Curtain road.
John Street, Browns Lane, Spitalfields, at 30, being the continuation of Wood Street from the church, it extends to Grey Eagle Street
John Street, America Square, is on the North side the said square, and forms part of it, it extends from 122, in the Minories, to Crutched friars.
John Street, (Little), two doors on the Right in the last described, from 122, in the Minories, leading from America square to New square.
John Street, Cannon Street Road, St Georges in the East, the first on the Left from the turnpike, Cannon street, towards Whitechapcl, and nearly opposite Chapman Street
Johns Street or Hill, Ratcliffe Highway, at 34, about 1/8 of a mile East from Wellclose square, extending to 110, Pennington Street
John Street, Ducking Pond Row, Whitechapel Road, on the West side of Liptraps distillery, and nearly opposite Court St from 110 Whitechapel road.
John Street, Charles Street, St Georges in the East, the fourth on the Right from Lower Cornwell Street, Back lane, and nearly opposite Lower Chapman Street from Cannon street New road.
John Street, Lucas Place, Commercial Road, the second on the Right a few doors below the Halfway house, near 1/2 a mile East from Cannon street road.
John Street, Union Street, Lambeth, at 16, the second on the Left a few doors from Walcot place, towards Lambeth walk.
John Street, Burrows Buildings, Blackfriars Road, the first on the Right from Surrey chapel, about 1/8 of a mile from the Bridge towards the Obelisk.
John Street, Christ Church, Blackfriars Road, the first East parallel to part of it, viz. from Holland Street to Church Street
John Street, East Lane, Kent Road or Walworth, the third on the Right about 1/6 of a mile from the Kent road, it leads to York Street and Pitt Street
John Street, Webb Street, Maze, Borough, about the middle of the South side, a few doors on the Left from 248, Bermondsey Street
John Street, Kent Road, the second on the Left a few doors East from or below the Bricklayers arms.
John Street, Hickmans Folly, Dock Head, Bermondsey, the third on the Right about 1/8 of a mile below St Saviours Dock, being the first East parallel to Parkers row.
John Street, Free School Street, Horselydown, at 27, the third on the Left from Tooley Street it extends to Gainsford Street
John Street (Little), Free School Street, the South end of the last described, adjoining Free School street.
John Street, Mint, Borough, the first on the Left about of a mile from 108 Blackman Street along Old Lant St it leads to Great Suffolk Street
Johns Yard, Royal Hospital Row, Chelsea, a narrow passage, situate between the Duke of Yorks passage and Andersons yard.
Johnsons Buildings, Rosemary Lane, behind 138, about 1/8 of a mile on the Left from the Minories.
Johnsons Buildings, Church Street, Lambeth, at the West end by the church, extending from Fore Street to the Thames.
Johnsons Buildings, Westminster Bridge Road, St Georges Fields, on the North side by the Obelisk, or behind the Circus.
Johnsons Change, Rosemary Lane, at the back of 128, about 1/8 of a mile on the L. from the Minories.
Johnsons Court, Charing Cross. See Angel Court.
Johnson Court, Great Peter Street, Westminster, is two doors West from Great St Anns lane.
Johnsons Court, Fleet Street, at 166, about the middle of the North side, it leads to Great New Street and Fetter lane.
Johnsons Court, Rupert Street, Goodmans Fields, about the middle of the East side, leading to 76 Lambert Street
Johnsons Court, Shakespears Walk, Shadwell, at 62, the third on the L from 18 High Street near the West side the church.
Johnsons Place, Marsham Street, Westminster, behind 48, about seven doors on the Left from the Horseferry road.
Johnsons Row, Duke Street, St Georges Fields, a few doors on the Right from Westminster bridge road, near the Obelisk.
Joiners Court, Jacob Street, Dock Head, about the middle of the North side, viz. between Mill Street and Georges row.
Joiners Hall Buildings, Upper Thames street, at 79, nearly opposite Dowgate hill, about 1/4 of a mile on the Left above London bridge.
Joiners Place, Curtain Road, Shoreditch, at 9, the first on the Left about nine doors from Old Street road.
Joiners Place, Bridge Road, St Georges Fields, the first on the Left about 1/8 of a mile from the Obelisk, towards the Asylum.
Joiner Street, Tooley Street, at 240, opposite St Olaves church, about fourteen doors on the Right from London bridge.
Jolly Gardener Court, Lambeth Butts, behind the Jolly Gardener public house, facing Lambeth walk, and leading to Vauxhall walk.
Jones's Court, Bainbridge Street, St Giles, the third on the Right a few doors from Oxford Street it leads to Buckbridge Street
Jones's Court, Jacob Street, Dock Head, Bermondsey, two or three doors on the left East from Mill Street over the Bridge.
Jones's Court, Mile End Road, about a mile on the Left below Whitechapel church, and a few doors West of the Old Globe public house.
Josephs Alley, Gravel Lane, Borough, on the West side, nearly opposite Zoar Street
Judds Alms Houses, Great St Helens, a few yards on the Left from 36, Bishopsgate within.
Judds Place East, Sommers Town, forms part of the North side the New road to Marylebone, it commences a few doors on the Right from the turnpike, Battle bridge, and extends to Skinner Street
Judds Place West, Sommers Town, the continuation of the last described, extending to Sommers place.
Judsons Row, St Georges Fields. See Jetsom Street.
Juniper Court, Chigwell Street, Ratcliffe Highway, three doors on the Right from 51 Ratclirfe Highway.
Jurstone Street, Apollo Gardens, Lambeth, or St Georges fields, the first East parallel to Hooper Street nearly opposite the Asylum street leads to Union Street and Tower Street

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