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A Concise Local description of and Accurate Direction to every Square,
Street, Lane, Court, Dock, Wharf, Inn, Public Office, &c. in the Metropolis and
its Environs.
Keate street, Spitalfields, the continuation of Thrawl St entering by 208, Brick
lane, it extends from George St to Flower and Dean St
Keate Court, Keate Street, Spitalfields, at the West end of it from Thrawl St
entering by 208, Brick lane.
Keens Row, Walworth High Street or Road, forms part of the Right side, about | a
mile from the Elephant and Castle, and nearly opposite East lane.
Kemps Court, Berwick Street, Oxford Street, at 89, three doors East from Broad
Kemps Row, Chelsea or Pimiico, about 1/2 of a mile on the Right from Buckingham
gate, nearly facing Ranelagh walk.
Kendals Court, Stangate Street, Lambeth, the first on the Right from behind Astleys
Amphitheatre, and nearly opposite Felix St
Kendals Farm, Marylebone, on the North side the New road, nearly opposite Fitzroy
Kendals Mews, George Street, Portman Square, at 18, five doors on the left East
from Baker St it extends to 16 Blandford St
Kendrick Place, Chenies Street, Tottenham Court Road, at 4, a few doors on the
R. from the said road, and nearly opposite Thornhaugh street.
Kennets Wharf, Upper Thames Street, at 66, opposite Garlick hill, about 1/3 of a mile
on the Left from London bridge.
Kennington Common, the open space fronting the Horns tavern, in the road to Clapham.
Kennington Cross, Kennington. between Upper and Lower Kennington lane, by the
White hart public house, about 1 1/8 of a mile from Westminster bridge.
Kennington Gardens, Kennington Green, at the back of 18, on the East side, leading
to the back of the Horns tavern.
Kennington Green, Kennington, commences by Kennington cross, on both sides the
High Surrey road, extending towards the Horns tavern.
Kennington Lane (Lower) , branches off to the R, from the Plough and Harrow,
about a of a mile South from Newington church, it extends to Kennington cross.
Kennington Lane (Upper), is opposite the last described, or is the continuation of it
to Vauxhall.
Kennington Place, Upper Kennington Lane, forms part of the South side, commencing
near the Windmill tavern, extending towards Vauxhall.
Kennington Place, Kennington Green, behind the Horns tavern, or the first on the
R. from the Common towards Kennington cross.
Kennington Row, Kennington, is facing the Common, extending from the Horns
Tavern to Queens Place, on the High road to Newington.
Kent Place, Kent Road, forms part of the Left side, about of a mile below the
Bricklayers arms, and opposite the Asylum for the Deaf
and Dumb.
Kent Road, commences at the Elephant and Castle, about a mile South from London
bridge, and leads to Blackheath, Greenwich, &c.
Kent Street, Borough, commences a few doors on the Right east from St Georges
church, and leads to the Bricklayers arms.
Kent Street Road, , the East continuation of Kent street, extending, from the
turnpike to the Bricklayers arms.
Kentish Buildings, High Street, Borough, at 94, about of a mile on the Left from
London bridge.
Kenton Street, Brunswick Square, the North continuation of Wilmot St from 36,
Bernard St being parallel to and between Hunter St and Marchmont St
Kepple Mews North, Kepple Street, Bedford Square, a few yards on the Left from 11,
Gower St towards Russell square.
Keppel Mews South, Keppel Street, Bedford Square, the first on the Right a few
yards from 10, Gower St towards Russell square.
Keppels Row, New Road, Marylebone, on the South side, about 1/6 of a mile on the Left
from Tottenham court road, near the North West corner of Fitzroy square.
Keppel Street, Russell Square, at 30, on the West side, extending to 10, Gower St
Bedford square, and is continued by Great Store St to Tottenham court road.
Keppel Street, Old Gravel Lane, at 71, the tecond on the Left about 1/8 of a mile
from 66, Ratcliffe highway.
Keppel Street, Great Guildford Street, Borough, about ten doors on the Right from
35, Queen St leading to America place.
Key Court, Little St, Thomas Apostles, behiad the fourth house on the Right from
34, Bow lane, Cheapside.
Kidney Stairs, Narrow Street, Limehouse, 1 a few doors West of the Draw bridge,
about 2 1/3 miles below London bridge by the line of the river.
Kilvintons Coal Wharf, Bankside, on the East side of Honduras wharf, about 1/6 of
a mile below Blackfriars bridge.
Kings Buildings, Marylebone Lane, at 67, the first on the Left about 1/8 of a mile
from 158, Oxtord St
Kings Court, Kings Row, Pimlico, the first on the Right from Arabella row towards
Kings Court, Blue Anchor Alley, Bunhill Row, the secend on the Left a few yards
from 9P, Whitecross St towards 99, Bunhill row.
Kings Court, King Street, Spitalfields or Bethnal Green, about the middle of the
N. side, viz. between 158, Brick lane and Farthing St
Kings Court, Broadwall, Christ Church or Lambeth, the second on the Left from
Charlotte St or the New cut.
Kings Court, Great Suffolk Street, Mint, Borough, is the last on the Right about
1/4 of a mile from 80, Blackman St and near Gravel lane.
King Court (Three), Whitecross Street, Cripplegate, at 9, about six doors on the
R. south from Beech lane.
King Court (Three), Lombard Street, at 33, four doors East from Clements lane, it
leads to Nags head court, and 33, Gracechurch street.
King Court (Three), Minories, at 10, the second on the Left ten doors from opposite the
Church, Aldgate.
Kings Mews, Charing Cross, a few yards on the Right from the Strand, towards the
Haymarket, the principal entrance is opposite the Phoenix Fire office.
Kings Mews (Upper), on the North side of the last described, from whence it leads
to Castle street, Leicester sq.
Kings Mews (Back), on the West side the Kings mews, entrance the corner of
Whitcomb St
Kings Mews or King Street Mews, Park Lane, Grosvenor Square, the fifth on the Left
from Oxford St it leads to King St
Kings Mews, Kings Road, Grays Inn Lane, the first on the Right a few yards from the
said lane.
Kings Mill, Rotherhithe Street, about 1/4 of a mile bek>w the church, and opposite
King Jamess stairs, Wapping wall.
Kings Place, Pall Mali, at 58, about thirteen doors on the Left from St Jamess
street, it leads to King St
Kings Place, Church Row, St Pancras, about 1/4 of a mile on the Right from Battle
bridge towards Camden town, it leads to Back lane.
Kings Place, Commercial Road, forms part of the South side, viz. between Batty St
and King street, about 1/4 of a mile from Whitechapel church.
Kings Place, Blackman Streer, Borough. at 63, nearly cp. the Kings Bench.
Kings Place, Belvedere Place, Borough Road, the first West parallel to part of it,
at the back of 45, nearly opposite the Kings Bench.
Kings Road, Grosvenor Place, Pimlico, the fourth on the Right about 3/8 of a mile
from Hyde park corner.
Kings Road Terrace, Chelsea, a part of the Kings road by Manor place, and nearly
op. Smith St about 3/8 of a mile from Sloane St
Kings Road, Grays Iun Lane, the first on the Left about of a mile from Middle row,
Holborn, it extends to Bedford row and Theobalds road.
Kings Road, Poplar (late Harrow. Lane), by the Harrow public house, about 1/2 a
mile on the Right from the Commercial road.
Kings Row, Brompton, forms a part of the Right side the High St or road, adjoining
Kings Row, Pimlico, forms part of the Right side the High St or road, near 1/4 of a
mile from Buckingham gate, ex tending from Arabella row to Eaton St
Kings Row, Palmers Village, Westminster, the first on the Left from Brewers Row,
or from the Bridewell.
Kings Row, Pentonville, part of the North side the High St or road, nearly opposite the
New river reservoir, it extends from Penton st, to the chapel.
Kings Row, Dog Row, Bethnal Green, forms part of the West side, nearly opposite Red cow
lane, about 1/4 of a mile on the Left from Mile end turnpike.
Kings Row, Walworth High Street or Road, about 3/4 of a mile on the Left from the
Elephant and Castle, nearly opposite the Montpellier gardens.
Kings Row, Ncwington High Street or Road, part of the East side, a few doors on
the Left from the Elephant and Castle, and nearly opposite the church.
Kings Row, Horselydown. See King St
Kings Square, Brick Lane, Spitalfields, at 162, two doors North from Phoenix St
Kings Square, Horseshoe Alley, Moorfields, the first on the Left a few yards from
Wilson St
Kings Square Court, Chapel Street, Oxford Street, is the continuation of it,
entering by 396, Oxford St it leads to Carlisle St and Soho sq.
Kings Stairs, Rotherhithe Street, at 18, opposite King St about 1/2 of a mile West from
the church, facing Wapping New stairs.
King Street, Ebury Street, Chelsea, the first on the Right a few doors from the
Watch house towards Five fields.
King Street, Edgware Road, at 53, the fifth on the Right near 1/3 of a mile from
Tyburn turnpike.
King Street, Baker Street, Portman Square, the second street on the Left 1/8 of a
mile from the North East corner of the square, it extends to Gloucester place.
King Street, Park Street, Grosvenor Square, at 28,, the fifth on the Left 1/5 of a
mile from 2 18, Oxford St
King Street, Golden Square, or Carnaby Market, at 27, Silver St near the N.W.
corner of the square, where the numbers begin and end, viz. 1 and 101, it
extends to 332, Oxford St
King Street, St Jamess Square, on the West side, leading to Little King St and 12,
St Jamess St near the Palace.
King Street (Little), St Jamess St at 12, being that number of houses on the Right
from the Palace.
King Street, Westminster, the South continuation of Whitehall, bearing to the Right
and leading to the Abbey, being the West parallel to Parliament St
King Street, Covent Garden, at the North West corner, leading to New St and to 59, St
Martins lane.
King Street, Drury Lane, at 165, the second North parallel to part of Great Queen
St Lincolns inn fields, it leads to Cross St and Newton St Holborn.
King Street, Princes Street, Soho, at 18, on the East side the church, between
Gerrard St and Compton street.
King Street, Broad Street, St Giless, the first street on the Left from Holborn,
or from Drury lane, it leads to Cross lane and 106, Long acre.
King Street, High Holborn, at 120, about 5/8 of a mile on the Right from Fleet
market, it extends to Hart St Bloomsbury square.
King Street (Upper), Bloomsbury, the continuation of the last described,
extending from Hart St to Southampton row.
King Street, Snow Hill, the continuation of it on the Left from Fleet market
towards Smithfield.
King Street, Goswell Street, near the North end, about 1/2 a mile on the Left from
Barbican, it leads to Compton St and St John St
King Street, Long Lane, West Smithfield, about the middle of the South side, opposite
Charter house St it leads into Bartholomew close.
King Street, Cheapside, between 92 and 93, near 1/4 of a mile, on the Left from St
Pauls church yard, it extends to Guildhall.
King Street, Wilson Street, Finsbury Square, at 45, nearly opposite the North East
corner of the square.
King Street, Old Street Square, St Lukes, at the South East corner, leading to
Pesthouse Row, West side of St Lukes hospital.
King Street, Old Street Road, the second on the Right about 1/8 of a mile from
Shoreditch church, it leads to Hoxton square.
King Street, Turk Street, Bethnal Green, the first on the Left a few doors from
Virginia row behind Shoreditch church.
King Street, Brick Lane, Spitalfields, at 158, the fourth on the Right from 165,
Church St it extends to Farthing St
King Street, Creechurch lane, the continuation of it on the Right from 87
Leadenhall St it leads to Dukes place.
King Street, Tower Hill , behind the houses which form Little Hill St on the East
side of Little Tower hill, by Rosemary lane.
King Street, Church Street, Mile End New Town, at 60, the first on the Left a few
doors from Bakers row, entering by 94 Whitechapel road.
King Street, Commercial Road, the third on the Right from Church lane and nearly
op. Gloucester St about of a mile from Whitechapel church.
King Street, Sampsons Gardens, Wapping, the continuation of Globe St from 60
Wapping Street
King Street, Old Gravel lane, St Georges in the East, at 17, the second on the
R. from 157, Wapping St it extends to 29 New Gravel lane.
King Street, Lambeth Walk, about the middle of the East side, nearly opposite Paradise
row, it leads to Globe court and Grays walk!
King Street, Belvedere Place, Borough Road, the second on the Left from behind 15,
on the West side the Kings Bench.
King Street, Mint Street, Borough, the fourth on the Right from opposite St Georges
King Street, High Street, Borough, at 109, about i of a mile on the Left from
London bridge, leading to Snows fields.
King Street or Row, Horselydown, the continuation of Queen street from the East
end of Free School St to Shad Thames.
King Street, Bermondsey New Road, the third on the Right from the Bricklayers arms,
Kent road, towards Bermondsey church.
King Street, East Lane, Walworth, the first on the Left about 1/8 of a mile from
Walworth High St or road, it leads to Queen St
King Street, Rotherhithe Street, at 375, opposite Kings stairs, about 1/5 of a mile
above or West of the church, it extends to Paradise St near Mill pond bridge.
Kings Arms Buildings, Wood street, Cheapside, at 10, that number of doors on the
R. from 122, Cheapide.
Kings Arms Buildings, Change Alley, behind numbers 24 and 28, Cornhill, opposite the
Royal Exchange.
Kings Arms Court, Windmill Street, Finsbury Square, about seventeen doors on the
R. from the North West corner of the square.
Kings Arms Ccurt, Whitechapel Road, at 29, a few doors on the Left east from the
Kings Arms Gardens, Sun Tavern Fields, St Georges in the East, a few doors East
from King David lane, Shadvvell.
Kings Arms Inn, Holborn Bridge, facing the North end of Fleet market, between Snow hiil and Holborn hill.
Kings Arms Inn, Leadenhall Street, is behind 121, nearly opposite the India House.
Kings Arms Coach Office, Bishopsgate Within, at 106, about ten doors North of
Threadneedle street.
Kings Arms Stairs, College Street, Narrow Wall, Lambeth, on the South side
Martineaus brewery, about 1/4 of a mile below Westminster bridge.
Kings Arms Stairs, Mill Wall, Poplar, about 3/4 of a mile below the entrance to
the West India docks, nearly opposite Greenland dock.
Kings Arms Yard, Drury Lane, at 180, the third on the Left about fourteen doots
from the West end of Holhorn, it leads into Smarts Buildings.
Kings Arms Yard, Queen Street, Golden Square, about seven doors on the Right from
46, Great Windmill St Haymarket.
Kings Arms Yard, Whitecross St Cripplegate, at 40, the second on the Right about
twelve doors from 115, Fore St there is another of the same name two doors
further North
Kings Arms Yard, Coleman Street, at 51, about nine or ten doors on the Right from
Lothbury, or from the Old Jewry.
Kings Arms Yard or Court, Princes Street, Lambeth, a few yards on the Right from
Vauxhall row, and nearly opposite New street.
Kings Bench (courts of). See Westminster Hall and Guildhall.
Kings Bench Office, Temple, on the South side of Kings Bench walk, near the bottom
of Mitre court, from 44 Fleet St
Kinds Bench Prison, Stones End. Borough, the corner of the Borough road, about f
of a mile on the Right from London bridge.
Kings Bench Row, Borough Road, the first on the Right from Stones end, leading by
the South side the Kings Bench to Belvedere place.
Kings Bench Walk, Temple. the open space on the North side the Temple gardens,
entrance at 44, Fleet St by Mitre court.
Kings Bench Walk, Bennets Row, St Georges Fields, the fourth on the Right about of
a mile from Blackfriars road, it extends to Higlers lane.
King David Fort, Back lane, St Georges in the Ea t. about | of a mile on the Left
below Cannon St turnpike, and opposite King David lane.
King David Lane, Shad well High Street, at 198, nearly opposite the West side of
Shadwell church yard, it leads to Back lane and Sun tavern fields.
King David Street, King David Lane, Shadwell, the first on the Left from 199,High
St extending to Mercer street.
King Edwards Stairs, Wapping, at 221, Wapping St nearly opposite Rotherhithe church,
about 1/3 of a mile below the London docks.
King Edward Street, New Bridge Street, Blackfriars, the first on the Right in
Wiltam street, by. the bridge, extending to Tudor * t.
King Edward Street, Mile End New Town, the second on the Left in Chapel St or
Princes row, from Great Garden St entering by 50, Whitechapel road.
King Edward Street, Wapping, at 172, Wapping St opposite King Edward stairs, it
extends to Cinnamon St
Kings Head Alley, Rose Lane, Spitalfields, at the back or South side of Kings head
court, a few doors on the Left from Wentworth St
Kings Head Alley, Virginia Street, Parsons Street, Upper East Smithfield, about
ten doors on the Right from 47, Parsons St and is opposite Pennington St
Kings Head Court, John Street, Westminster, on the East side, being the third on
the Left in Wood street from 63, Millbank St
Kings Head Court, Broadway, Westminster, on the North side, about ix doors on the R. from Tothill St towards Queen square.
Kings Head Court, Shoe Lane, at 98. the first on the Left about fifteen doors from 130, Fieet St it leads to Gough square.
Kings Head Court, 326, High Holborn. See Middle Row. Place.
Kings Head Court, Holhorn Hill, at 40 about 1/6 of a mile on the Left from Fleet market, it leads to 63 Fetter lane.
Kings Head Court, Grays Inn Lane, about twenty four doors on the Right from Middle row, Holborn (late Plough court or yard).
Kings Head Court, St Martins le Grand, at 17, the fourth on the Left seventeen doors from 66, Newgate St
Kings Head Court, Beech Street, Barbican, at 42, about eight doors East from Golden lane.
Kings Head Court, St Pauls Church Yard, at 27, South side, leading into Little Carter lane.
Kings Head Court, Shoreditch High Street, at 244, about six doors North from Worship St it leads to Cumberland St
Kings Head Court, Long Alley, Moorfields, the third on the Left a few doors from Crown St towards Worship St
Kings Head Court, Gutter Lane, at 14, the second on the Right fourteen doors from 132, Cheapside.
Kings Head Court, Fish Street Hill, at 34, about five doors on the Right from London bridge, it leads into Pudding lane.
Kings Head Court, Rose Lane, Spitalfields, the first on the Left a few doors from Wentworth St
Kings Head Court, Pctticcat lane, Spitalfields, the second on the Left a few doors from Widegate street, Bishop.sgate, and is nearly opposite Catherine wheel alley.
Kings Head Court, Red Lion St Spitalfields, a few doors on the Left from the West side of the church, or from Paternoster row.
Kings Head Court, Gravel Lane, Borough, on the West side, nearly opposite Zoar St or a
few doors North from Prices St
Kings Head Gardens, Holywell Row, Holywell Mount, the first on the Left from
Worship square, towards Chapcl St
Kings Head Inn, Old Change, at 17, about ten doors on the Right from the South East
corner of St Pauls church yard.
Kings Head Inn, High Street, Borough, at 53, about 1/6 of a mile on the Left from
London bridge.
Kings Head Yard, Duke Street, Lincolns Inn Fields. the first on the Right a few doors from 52, West side of Lincolns inn fields.
Kings Head Yard, Charles Street, Hatton Garden, at 14, about six doors on the Right from 24, Hatton garden, towards Saffron hill.
Kings Head Yard, Duke Street, Bloomsbury, about three doors on the Left from 43, Great Russell St
Kings Head Yard, High Street, Lambeth, the third on the Right a few doors from the church.
Kings Head Yard, Tooley Street, behind 178, being the corner of Bermondsey St
King Henry Court, King Street, St Georges in the East, the first on the Right a few doors from 29, New Gravel lane.
King Henry Yard, Nightingale Lane, East Smithfield, about of a mile on the Right from Upper East Smithfield, and two or three doors North from Burr St
King James's Stairs, Wapping Wall, at 70, opposite Star St Shadwell, about 1 3/4 of a mile below London bridge, and nearly opposite the Kings Mills, Rotherhithe.
King Johns Court, Holywell Lane, Shoreditch, at 13, being that number of houses on the Right from 93, Shoreditch.
King Johns Court (Little), Holywell Lane, Shoreditch, the first on the Left in the last described, from 13, Holywell. lane, it leads to Woods buildings.
King Johns Court, Lime Kilns, Limehouse Causeway, is facing the Lime kilns dock, at the East end of Fore St
King Johns Palace, Tottenham Court, on the East side the corner formed by the Hampstead road and the new road, facing Tottenham court.
King and Key Coach Office, Fleet street, at 112, about twelve doors West from Shoe lane.
King and Queen Stairs, Rotherhithe, on the East side the Surrey Canal, about 1/2 a mile below the church, and opposite Cole stairs, Shadwell.
Kinnings Buildings, Swan Lane, Rotherhithe, a few doors on the Right from Rotherhithe St and near the East end of Adam St
Kirby Court, West street, West Smithfield, a few doors on the Right from the North West
corner of Smithfield, towards Saffron hill.
Kirby Street, Charles Street, Hatton Garden, at 33, four doors on the Left from
25, Hatton garden, it extends to Cross St
Kirks Place, Pitt Street, Prospect Place, St Georges Fields, a few doors on the
L. from Prospect place, being a part of the East side the said St
Kirkmans Place, Tottenham Court Road, at 54, between Windmill street and Goodge
street, about 1/4 of a mile on the Left from Oxford street.
Kitisford Place, Hackney Road, forms part of the Left side, adjoining the chapel,
about 1/3 of a mile from Shoreditch church.
Kittleby Court, Blue Anchor Yard, Rosemary Lane, the fifth on the Right a few doors
from 48, Rosemary lane.
Kingsgate Street, High Holborn, at 180, about 5/8 of a mile on the Right from Fleet
market, between Red Lion square and Bloomsbury square, it leads to Gloucester St
and Queen square.
Kingsland Road, commences at Shoreditch church, on the Left and leads to
Kingsland, Dalston, and Stoke Newington.
Kingsland Row, Old Gravel Lane, at 114, about ten doors on the Right from 65,
Ratchffe highway.
Knightsbridge, commences by the turnpike at Hyde. park corner, and includes both
sides the high road, towards Kensington, say about a mile in length.
Knightsbridge Green, Knightsbridge, about 1/2 a mile on the Left from Hyde park
corner, nearly opposite the Barracks, leading to the Brompton high road.
Knights Court, Green Bank, Wapping, the continuation ot Harrels court, bearing
to the Right it leads to Tench St
Knights Court, Green Walk, Christchurch, Surrey, the second on the Left a few
doors from Holland St near Blackfriars bridge.
Knight Rider Court, Little Knight Rider Street, Doctors Commons, at 15, a few
doors on the Right from the Old Change, or from Old Fish street.
Knight Rider Street (Great), Doctors Commons, about ten doors on the Right from 14,
on the South side St Pauls church yard, along Pauls Chain and Godliman St
Knight Rider Street (Little), Doctors Commons, is opposite the last, entering by
Pauls Chain.
Knowles Court, Little Carter Lane, Doctors Commons, at 10, the second on the Left
a few doors from 14, Old Change.