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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818 - Blackman street, Borough

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail.

Blackman street is renamed as the southern section of  Borough High street by about 1899. It is also renumbered about 1824, although all directories do not show these changes (i.e. they are inorrect).

John Lockie in 1810 describes as :

"Blackman Street, Borough, is the Southern continuation of the Borough High street, extending from St Georges church to Stones end, by the kings bench, about 1/4 of a mile in length, "

Blackman street, Borough in 1832 and 1842

Blackman street, Borough
Length 390 yards, No of houses 150
Beckett, John, Tobacconist & snuff manufacturer
2 Rokes, Rich. Carpenter and undertaker
3 Bicknell, John, Hosier & worsted manufacturer
9 Biddulph, T. H. Bookseller and stationer
10 Hobbs, Samuel, Straw hat manufacturer
11 South, James, Surgeon and accoucheur
12 Kewell, T. Linen draper & haberdasher
13 Breillat, Geo. Glass and Staff. warehouse
16 Hunt, Tim. Bread and biscuit baker
17 Castell, Jacob, Wire and trellis worker
18 White, Richard, Tea dealer and grocer
19 Green, Baynes, & Co. Carvers & gilders
21 Fair and Sons, Florists and seedsmen
22 Cole, Edward, Wine & brandy merchant
24 Jones, Joseph, Bookseller and stationer
25 Lawrence, Fred. Paper stainer, &c.
Goat Yard, Blackman Street, Borough, at 25, nearly opposite Old Lant street being the third on the Left and that number from the South side of St George's church. (Lockie 1810)
* Martin, John, Saddle & harness maker
* Pugh, William, Rag and phial merchant
28 Jacobs, John, Fishmonger & Salesman
29 Bryan, Thomas, Horse hair manufactory
Lamb Alley, Blackman Street, Borough, at 31, the fourth on the Left about that number of doors from St Georges church towards the Stone end.  (Lockie 1810)
31  -  Flying Horse
32 Clack, Tho, Linen draper and lace man
33 Brown, Samuel, Bread & biscuit baker
34 Gresham & Barber, Silversmiths, &c.
35 Walker & Co. Umbrella & parasol manufacturer
36 Bowling, Walker & Co. Chemists & druggists
37 Stanton, Robert, Pewterer & tin manufacturer
38 Harding, Jas. Gun and pistol maker
40 Davey, George, Hut manufacturer
41 Stamford, T. S. Paper manufacturer and stainer
42 Williams, Partridge & May, Solicitors
Union Court, Blackman Street, at 42, being that number on the Left from St Georges church. (Lockie 1810)
43 Ware and Young, Solicitors
44 Tibbs, Thomas, Wax and tallow chandler
45 Harland, William, Painter & glazier
46 Pike, William, Perfumer and toyman
47 France, Henry, China and glass warehouse
* Oram, Benjam. Chemist and druggist
50 Brand, James, Brush maker and turner
51 Lance, William, Hatter and furrier
52 Gotton,Will, Cabinet maker & upholder
Cumberland Court (Great), Blackman Street, Borough, at 52, near Stones end and opposite Suffolk Street (Lockie 1810)
53 Cahuac, John, Bookseller and stationer
* Hardcastle, John, Optician
Cumberland Court (Little), Blackman Street, at 54, two doors South from the Cumberland Court (Great) (Lockie 1810)
55 Sturmy, Henry, Coach & harness maker
56  -  Kings Arms
57 Cook, (Widow) Plumber and glazier
58 Bennett, David, Furniture broker
59 Cockerell, G. W. Upholder & auctioneer
Union Place, Blackman Street, Borough, at 59, opposite the Kings Bench. (Lockie 1810)
Garden Place, Blackman Street, Borough, at 59, by the Stones end, nearly opposite the King's Bench, about 1/8 of a mile on the Left from London bridge .  (Lockie 1810)
60 Bowling, Walker & Co. Chemist & druggist
* Stunt, Walter, Tobacco & snuff manufacturer
61 Whitaker, Joseph, Wine & spirit merchant
Locks Yard, Blackman Street, Borough, at 62, about 1/5 of a mile on the Left from St Georges church, and nearly opposite the Kings Bench. (Lockie 1810)
63 Shipton, Jno. Ironmonger & nail manufacturer
64 Dutton, Thomas, Wholesale shoe warehouse
Revels Row, Blackman Street, Borough, behind 64, by the Kings Bench.  (Lockie 1810)
65 Baynes and Co. Tea dealers & grocers
66 Hasleham, John, Oil and colourman
68 Oran, and Co. Cheese & butter factors
69 Heath and Son, Leather cutters, etc.
Broad Yard, Blackman Street, Borough, at 69, leading to Great Suffolk street by the Kings bench. (Lockie 1810)
70  - Crown
72 Drew, Vincent, Wine & brandy merchant - Grapes
74 Huson, Henry, Bread and biscuit baker
76 Carter, Samuel, War and tallow chandler
77 Burford, William, Boot and sloe maker
78 Smiths and Sindrey, Upholders, etc.
Suffolk Street (Great), Blackman Street, Borough, at 80, about sixteen doors on the Left from the Kings Bench, leading to Gravel lane.  (Lockie 1810)
84 Munton, Edw. Wine & brandy merchant - Red Lion
85 Baker, George, Cheesemonger & factor
86 Roberts and Wheeler, Curriers, etc.
87 Watts, Richard, Music warehouse
88 Surry, John & S. Bread & biscuit bakers
90 Mann & Griffiths, Horse hair manufacturer
91 Inman, K. J. Gas lamp manufactory
92 Cooper, W. M. Auctioneer & appraiser
93 Finch & Miles, Curriers & leather cutters
94 Ellis, J. Collar and harness maker
95 Serle, John, Draper and salesman
96 Fluister, Will, Wine & brandy merchant  - Star
97 Smith, George, Oil and colourman
98 Roots, Thomas, Cheesemonger & factor
100 Phillips, T. & B. Tea dealers & grocers
101 Bond, Benjamin, Rag and phial merchant
Hasley Court, Blackman Street, Borough, at 101, about six doors South from Lant St or the third on the right 1/8 of a mile S. from opposite St Georges church, it is also called Nelsons place. (Lockie 1810)
102 McMaster, J. Saddler & harness maker
Nelsons Place, Blackman Street, Borough, at 102, about six doors on the Right from Lant Street towards the Kings Bench.  (Lockie 1810)
103 Rose, E. Cheesemonger & butterfactor
104 Scrogg, Geo. Tobacco, & snuff manufacturer
105 Ager, Dan. Wine & brandy merchant  - Black Man
107 Hosegood, Thomas, Surgeon & accoucheur.
Cannon Street, Mint, Southwark, the continuation of Lant Street from 109, Blackman street, leading into George street and Great Suffolk street. (Lockie 1810)
Lant Street (Old), Blackman Street, Borough, at 109, the first on the Right about twenty doors from St Georges church towards the Kings Bench.  (Lockie 1810)
110 Collison, Nicholas, Patten maker lilo
111 Knight, G. Carpet and floor cloth ware.
112 Wright, William, Linen draper & hosier
113 Collinson, T. B. Block tin manufacturer
114. Baker, Robert, finen draper & hosier
115 Fishery Sam. Confectioner & pastrycook
Vine Court, Blackman Street, Borough, at 115, the second on the Right from St Georges church.  (Lockie 1810)
116. Dodson, Henry, Bread & biscuit baker
117 Such; James, Boot and shoe maker
118 Beddell, Edward, Silk and cotton dyer
119 Stewart, John, Hat manufacturer
120 Irish, Edward & Co., Chemists and druggists
122. Davisou, John, Wine & brandy merchant
123 Dare, John, War and tallow chandler
124 Gobley ideri, Silkmercer and draper
125 Bradley, John, upholder & undertaker
126 Evans&Randle, Milliners & dressmakers
127 Snelling, Thomas, Tea dealer & grocer
128 Birt, John, Linen draper and laceman
129 Horton, Fred, Haberdasher and hosier
130 Peters, Will, Wine & brandy merchant

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 12:51:18 GMT

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