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London Robsons Street Directory in 1832 - Blackman street, Borough

Robsons 1832 directory index

This is the earliest street directory I have found so far which also includes pub history detail.

Blackman street, Borough
Sims & Co
1 Beckett John
2 Rokes Richard
3 Bicknell W V
4 Biddulph W V
Rossiter George
6 Pugh W & C
7 Thomas Thomas
8 Smith & Rowles
Speed T
9 Stevens William
10 Hunt James
11 Barr & Co
12 Hawkes John
13 Miller James
15 Fair Rt & Sons
16 Lawrence & Barwise
18 Southall & Co
19 Pout W C
20 Chappell James
21 Myers Michael
Tipper Thomas

Flying Horse yard
Jones & Thorn
Admiral Codrington, Tetsall Charles
22 Fitchett William
24 Young Duncan
25 Atkinson R M
26 Thredder Robert
27 Powell S
28 Davies David
29 Kesterton Richard
30 Hobbs Samuel
31 Wells Samuel
31 Tombs T
32 Jones Thomas
33 Young & Ware

Union place
8 Thibow M D
34 Fisher George
35 & 36 Fisher Harland
37 Reynolds Jane
38 Oram Benjamin
39 Hibberdine James
40 Harvey & Son
41 Revill George
42 Willis Henry & Co
43 Brand James
44 Kings Arms, Willis G
45 Slark William
46 Tombs Robert
47 Cockerell G W sen
48 cockerell G W jun
Rowley Robert
49 Clark henry
50 Preice & Godwin
51 Foxsmith Charles
52 Sentance William
Weight Thomas
52 1/2 Tilby William

Kings place
53 Dutton Thomas

54 Ship, Garrett George
55 Dent George
56 Vaughan J B
57 Stone Francis
58 Waring Francis
59 Heath J & E
Crown, Gray James
61 Breillat J & J
62 Grapes, Drew Vincent
63 Evans Edward
64 Ratcliff I T
65 Carter Samuel
66 Smith Thomas
67 Powell N
68 Red Lion, Taylor Joseph
69 Eedes Henry
70 Proctor W & Co
71 Watts Richard
72 Huson Henry
73 Bywaters Samuel
74 Batford I J
75 Cooper W M
76 Miles Alan
77 Kattenback & Co
78 Sails John
79 Star, Nash
Eades J W & N H
82 Harding James
83 McMillan William
84 Phillips Thomas
85 Copen Joseph
85 Smith Robert
87 Scrogg George
88 Black Man, Mayhew William
89 Catlin Matthew
90 Hosegoof Thomas
91 Yate Richard
92 Collison Nicholas
94 Williams Thomas
95 Collison T B
96 Hinton J
97 Mann J
98 Dobson Henry
99 Clark & Son
100 Baynes John
101 Steward John
102 Whittaker & Perkins
104 George & Dragon, Bush
105 Brook W W
106 Mahon Joseph
108 Radford George
109 Smith John
110 Alderson John
111 Mallet Thomas
112 Fountain & Grapes, Sheppard William

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 12:50:34 GMT
And in comparison from 1842, although with no links as it is an image. It does include much more detail about trade details rather than in 1832.

1 - 44 Blackman street, Borough 1842 Robsons street directory
1 - 44 Blackman street, Borough 1842 Robsons street directory
45 - 112 Blackman street, Borough 1842 Robsons street directory
45 - 112 Blackman street, Borough 1842 Robsons street directory
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