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Bricklayers Arms, 1 Edith road, New Southgate N11

New Southgate index

Open until about 1965, and demolished in 1968

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Middlesex.

Residents at this address

1871/Henry Harper/Builder (Master)/33/Garwood, Norfolk/Census
1871/Mary Harper/Wife/35/Gruniton, Norfolk/Census
1871/Charlie Harper/Son/5/Wood Green, Middlesex/Census
1871/Harry B Harper/Son/3/Wood Green, Middlesex/Census
1871/Herbert F W Harper/Son/1/Wood Green, Middlesex/Census

1901/William Hayter/Beer House Keeper/41/Tiverton, Devon/Census
1901/Florence Hayter/Wife/33/Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire/Census
1901/William John Hayter/Son/7/Bethnal green, London/Census
1901/Mary Ann Hayter/Daughter/5/New Southgate, Middlesex/Census
1901/Edward George Hayter/Son/4/New Southgate, Middlesex/Census
1901/Emily Dlorence Hayter/Daughter/3/New Southgate, Middlesex/Census

1911/William Hayter/Father, Beer Retailer/51/Tiverton, Somerset/Census
1911/Florence Hayter/Mother, Assistant/44/Hemel Hempstead, Hertfordshire/Census
1911/William John Hayter/Son, Carpenters Apprentioce/17/Bethnal green, London/Census
1911/Mary Ann Minnie Hayter/Daughter, Assistant/15/Friern Barnet/Census
1911/Edward George Hayter/Son, Errand Boy/14/New Southgate/Census
1911/Emily Dlorence Hayter/Daughter/13/New Southgate/Census
1911/Ivy Mary Hayter/Daughter/1/Bowes park/Census

1914/William Hayter, beer retailer, 1 Edith road, New Southgate N/../../Post Office Directory

1937/Thomas Hy. Farmer, Bricklayers Arms, 1 Edith road, New Southgate N11/../../Post Office Directory

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