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Prince Albert, 290 Golders Green Road, Golders Green NW11

Hendon pub history index

Closed around 1995 at which time it was a branch of the Harvester. It has since been demolished. *

Prince Albert, 290 Golders Green Road - circa 1905

Prince Albert, 290 Golders Green Road - circa 1905

Kindly provided by Stephen Harris

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Hendon, Middlesex.

Residents at this address

1914/Frederick David King/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory

1926/Frederick David King/Beer Retailer/../../Post Office Directory

1937/Fredk David King/../../../Post Office Directory

1938/Frederick David King /Deceased, Died 13 June 1938/../../London Gazette, 16 August 1938 **

1952/William Frederick King/../../../London Gazette, 15 July 1952 **

* Provided By Tris

** Provided By Stephen Harris

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