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Hawk, New End square, Hampstead

Hampstead pub history index

This pub was trading by at least 1748. Rebuilt in 1815, it was open until at least 1839 but by the 1860s was occupied by the mother of Alfred Lord Tennyson. In the 1930s it was occupied by artist and Slade tutor, George Charlton. Currently in residential use. ***

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Hampstead, London.

Hawk, 40 New End square, Hampstead - in March 2016, long closed as a pub

Hawk, 40 New End square, Hampstead - in March 2016, long closed as a pub

Kindly provided by Tris

Residents at this address

1809/John Gowing, the Hawk, Flask walk, Hampstead/../../Holdens Directory

1826/Jno Cannon/Hawk, St James square/../../London Directory

1834/Mrs Sarah W Saltwell/Hawk, New End/../../LV Association

1839/Thomas Marsden/../../../Pigot's Directory *

* Provided By Ewan

*** Provided By Tris

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