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Edgware pub history index
A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Middlesex.
Residents at this address
1826/John Madocks, White Lion/../../Pigots Directory
1839/Abraham Smith, White Lion, Edgware/../../Pigots Directory
1851/Abraham Smith, White Lion, & farmer/../../Post Office Directory
1851/Abraham Smith/Licensed Victualler, Widow/68/Chiswell, Middlesex/Census
1851/Mary Ann Ward/Daughter/40/St Saviours, Southwark/Census
1851/Elizabeth Ward/Daughter of Mary/16/St Saviours, Southwark/Census
1851/George Ward/Son/14/St Saviours, Southwark/Census
1851/Mary H Ward/Daughter/8/St George, Borough/Census
1851/Martha Ward/Daughter/7/St George, Borough/Census
1851/Abraham Ward/Son/4/St George, Borough/Census
1851/Marian Ward/Daughter/2/St George, Borough/Census
1851/Charles Stedman/Hostler/30/Kilburn/Census
1851/Isaac Cox/Hostler, Widow/40/Kings Langley/Census
+ Carters etc
1861/Henry W Higgin/Licensed Victualler/30/Hayes, Middlesex/Census
1861/Henry W Higgin/Son/6/Kings Langley, Hertfordshire/Census
1861/Frederick G Higgin/Son/2/Little Stanmore, Middlesex/Census
1861/Harriet Higgin/Sister, Housekeeper/38/Crown street, Strand/Census
1861/William Smith/Ostler/28/Lilley, Hertfordshire/Census
+ Lodgers
1866/David Abraham, White Lion/../../Post Office Directory
1871/James Meager/Licensed Victualler/54/Great Berkhampstead, Hertfordshire/Census
1871/Jane Meager/Wife/49/Great Berkhampstead, Hertfordshire/Census
1871/Ann Meager/Daughter/22/Watford, Hertfordshire/Census
1871/William Meager/Son/15/Watford, Hertfordshire/Census + Lodgersv
1874/James Meager/../../../Post Office Directory
1878/John Sperring, White Lion inn, beer retailer, Little Stanmore/../../Post Office Directory
1881/Alfred Darnbrough/Saddler/59/Ripon, Yorkshire/Census
1881/Mary Ann Darnbrough/Wife/39/Cripplegate, London/Census
1881/Arthur Darnbrough/Son, Publican/25/Cripplegate, London/Census
1881/Mabel Darnbrough/Daughter/5/Hackney, London/Census
1881/Jane Carrington/Visitor, Widow/74/Norfolk/Census
1881/John Brown/Hostler/36/Tilsworth, Bedfordshire/Census
+ Lodgers
1890/Charles Edgar Cornwell/../../../Post Office Directory
1894/Charles Edgar Cornwell/../../../Post Office Directory
1899/Mrs Martha Cornwell/../../../Post Office Directory
1914/John Daniel Cook/../../../Post Office Directory
In 1921 census at The White Lion, High Road, Edgware
J D Cook, Licensed Victualler, aged 50 years, and born in Kentish Town, Middlesex
E Cook, Wife, aged 50 years, and born in Islington, Middlesex
A Cook, Daughter, Machic, aged 21 years, and born in Islington, Middlesex
I J Cook, Son, Traveller, aged 27 years, and born in Islington, Middlesex
J Collip, Son-in-law, aged 27 years, and born in Finchley, Middlesex
M Collip, Daughter, aged 25 years, and born in Islington, Middlesex
B Collip, Son, aged 5 months, and born in Islington, Middlesex
1926/Edmund Wm Victor Allen/../../../Post Office Directory
1937/Edmund William Victor Allen/../../../Post Office Directory
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