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Masonic records, 1717 – 1894 : Lists of all the Lodges. By John Lane F.C.A.
Dates of constitution, places of meeting etc. Printed in 1894. (excerpts relevant to London Taverns ..)
Grand Stewards Lodge, 1792.
151 Vectis Ancient Lodge, named in 1805
Albany Lodge, 1819
Date of Warrant or Constitution 8 May 1801
Castle and Banner, Hunny hill, Carisbrook, Newport, Isle of Wight, Hampshire in 1801
Red Lion, St James’s square, Newport in 1806
Fountain Inn, Sea street, Newport in 1815
Tontine Inn, South street, Newport in 1816
Three Tuns, Holyrood street, Newport in 1821
Green Dragon hotel, Pyle street, Newport in 1836
Star Inn, St James’s street, Newport in 1843
Masonic rooms, 48 Pyle street, Newport in 1846
Masonic hall, Lugley street, Newport in 1848-
152 Red Cross Lodge, 1804-13
Lodge of Virtue, 1832
153 Inhabitants Lodge, named in 1804
154 Lodge of Unanimity, named in 1777
Lodge of Love and Unity, named in 1813
Date of Warrant or Constitution 12 Dec 1777
Canteen, Garrison of Dover, Dover Castle, Dover, Kent in 1777
Swan Inn, Dover Pier, Dover, Kent in 1793
Kings Head, Clarence place, Dover, Kent in 1806
Ordnance Arms Tavern, Queen street, Dover, Kent in 1807
Hoveling Boat, Dover, Kent in 1809
Royal Oak Inn, Oxenden street, Dover, Kent in 1823
erased in 1837
Date of Warrant or Constitution 22 Feb 1766
Kings Arms Punch House, Shad Thames, London in 1766
lapsed about 1806
155 Lodge of Perseverance
Date of Warrant or Constitution 6 April 1778
Half Moon Tavern, Cheapside, London in 1778
delivered up warrant 6 June 1781
156 Harmony Lodge, named in 1814
157 Operative Lodge (from 1739 and 1740)
Bedford Lodge, 1784
Date of Warrant or Constitution 17 May 1766
Mitre, Union street, Westminster, London in 1766
Rose and Crown, Crown street, Westminster, London in 1767
Mitre, Union street, Westminster, London in 1768
The Crown, Crown street, Westminster, London in 1769
Northumberland Arms, Great Russell street, Covent garden, London in 1772
London Stone Tavern, Cannon street, London in 1774
Thistle and Crown, Russell court, Drury lane, London in 1784
Coal Hole Tavern, Fountain court, Strand, London in 1788
Freemasons Tavern, Great Queen street, London in 1791
Queen Annes Tavern, St James’s street, London in 1799
Freemasons Tavern, Great Queen street, London in 1807
British Coffee house, Cockspur street, London in 1839
Freemasons Tavern, Great Queen street, London in 1845
Freemasons Hall, Great Queen street, London in 1865
Lodge of Fiendship, named in 1775
Date of Warrant or Constitution 26 May 1766
Black Lion, Greenwich, London in 1766
Crown and Sceptre, High Bridge, Greenwich, London in 1775
erased in 1778
Date of Warrant or Constitution 29 May 1766
White Hart Inn, High street, Lewes, Sussex in 1766
erased in 1775
L’Immortalite de L’Ordre
Date of Warrant or Constitution 16 June 1766
Crown and Anchor, Strand, London in 1766
erased 28 April 1775
Assyrian Lodge, named in 1770
Date of Warrant or Constitution 23 June 1766
The Swan [Oxford road], Oxford street, London in 1766
erased 10 April 1782
Date of Warrant or Constitution 26 July 1766
Weavers Arms, Dorset street, Spitalfields, London in 1766
Pewter Platter, White Lion yard, Norton Folgate, London in 1767
Fleece, Well court, Queen street, Cheapside, London in 1770
erased 5 February 1777
Union Lodge
Date of Warrant or Constitution 10 Sept 1766
Kings Head Tavern and Coffee house, Upper street, Islington, London in 1766
erased in 1773
Date of Warrant or Constitution 17 Sept 1766
Black Horse, Oxenden street, Haymarket, London in 1766
Blue Boar, near Red Lion street, Holborn, London in 1772
Patriotic Lodge
Date of Warrant or Constitution 13 March 1783
Greyhound hotel, High street, Croydon, Surrey in 1783
erased in 1822
Ship Masters Lodge, named in 1769
Date of Warrant or Constitution 25 Sept 1778
Marquis of Granby, Sheerness, Kent in 1778
Masons Arms, Sheerness, Kent in 1792
warrant delivered up 7 September 1795
158 Adams Lodge, named in 1812
Date of Warrant or Constitution 4 Dec 1797
Bell and Lion, High street, Sheerness, Kent in 1797
In Barracks, High street, Blue Town, Sheerness, Kent in 1799
Masons Arms, Sheerness, Kent in 1800
Marquis of Granbys Head, The Garrison, Sheerness, Kent in 1801
White Horse, High street, Blue Town, Sheerness, Kent in 1802
Marquis of Granbys Head, The Garrison, Sheerness, Kent in 1802
Bell and Lion, High street, Sheerness, Kent in 1804
Red Lion, High street, Sheerness, Kent in 1804
In Barracks, High street, Sheerness, Kent in 1805
Bell and Lion, High street, Sheerness, Kent in 1807
Freemasons Hall, Mile Town, Sheerness, Kent in 1811
Their own room, Blue Town, Sheerness, Kent in 1813
Their own room, Mile Town, Sheerness, Kent in 1813
Swan Inn, High street, Blue Town, Sheerness, Kent in 1827
Fountain hotel, West street, Blue Town, Sheerness, Kent in 1828
Britannia, High street, Mile town, Sheerness, Kent in 1839
Royal Hotel, Broadway, Mile town, Sheerness, Kent in 1843
Wellington Inn, High street, Mile town, Sheerness, Kent in 1847
Fountain hotel, West street, Blue Town, Sheerness, Kent in 1850
Masonic Hall, Mile town, Sheerness, Kent in 1857
Masonic rooms, Victoria hall, Broadway, Sheerness, Kent in 1876
Britannia, High street, Mile town, Sheerness, Kent in 1883
159 Brunswick Lodge, named in 1834
160 Lodge of True Friendship, named in 1786
Date of Warrant or Constitution 4 Dec 1766
Crown and Thistle, near Tower hill, London in 1766
Three Cranes, Mile end road, London in 1786
Seven Stars, Bromley, Kent in 1787
Bird in Hand, Bow road, Stratford, London in 1797
George Inn, Broadway, Stratford, London in 1800
Kings Head, West street, Rochford, Essex in 1801
New Ship, East street, Rochford, Essex in 1802
Old Ship, North street, Rochford, Essex in 1823
Lodge of Peace
Date of Warrant or Constitution 19 Dec 1766
Rose and Crown, opposite the Custom House, Thames street, London in 1766
Ship Tavern, Water lane, Tower street, London in 1773
Gun Tavern, Bishopsgate, London in 1773
erased in 1776
162 Black Fryers Bridge Lodge
Blackfriars Bridge Lodge, 1800
Cadogan Lodge, 1836
Date of Warrant or Constitution 9 Feb 1767
Kings Arms, Bennet street, Southwark, London in 1767
Mitre, Broadwall, Upper ground, Southwark, London in 1773
Leaping Bar, New road, Blackfriars Bridge, London in 1776
Angel, Upper ground, Christchurch, Southwark, London in 1777
Halfway House, St Georges fields, London in 1800
Northumberland Arms, Holland street, Blackfriars road, London in 1804
Running Horse, Blackfriars road, London in 1809
Hercules Tavern, Threadneedle street, London in 1817
Dollys Chop House, Newgate street, London in 1819
Anchor Tavern, St Mary at Hill, Tower street, London in 1821
Crown Tavern, Museum street, London in 1826
Coach and Horses, High Holborn, London in 1828
Ship Tavern, Gate street, Lincolns Inn fields, London in 1829
George and Blue Boar, Holborn, London in 1834
Ship Tavern, Gate street, Lincolns Inn fields, London in 1834
George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, London in 1835
Stag Tavern, Fulham road, Chelsea, London in 1836
Manor House, Kings road, Chelsea, London in 1839
Freemasons Tavern, Great Queen street, London in 1841
Freemasons Hall, Great Queen street, London in 1865
Lodge of Zeal, named in 1770
Date of Warrant or Constitution 16 Feb 1767
Castle, Holborn, London in 1767
Angel and Sun, Strand, London in 1769
Ship and Dolphin, Temple Bar, London in 1770
Welsh Harp, Fulwoods rents, High Holborn, London in 1773
Magdalen Coffee house, St Georges fields, London in 1775
erased 17 November 1775
163 Lodge of Industry, 1783
Lodge of Integrity, 1784
164 Lodge of Perseverance, named in 1824
Date of Warrant or Constitution 17 Feb 1767
Sun, High street, Chatham, Kent in 1767
Golden Lion, High street, Chatham, Kent in 1769
Date of Warrant or Constitution 16 March 1767
White Hart, Folkestone, Kent in 1767
erased in 1778
Constitution Lodge
Lodge of Emulation, 1770
Date of Warrant or Constitution 11 April 1767
Constitution Coffee house, Bedford street, Covent garden, London in 1767
Guildhall Coffee house, Gresham street, London in 1770
Pauls Head Tavern, Cateaton street, London in 1771
London Tavern, Bishopsgate street, London in 1774
united with Mourning Bush lodge October 1780
Lodge of Truth, named in 1770
Date of Warrant or Constitution 1767
Bulls Head, Little Windmill street, London in 1767
Crown, Silver street, Golden square, London in 1769
Cock, Margaret street, Cavendish square, London in 1771
erased 12 April 1780
Lodge of Morality, named in 1777
Date of Warrant or Constitution 21 May 1767
Cross Keys, Peter street, Westminster, London in 1767
Blue Posts, Peter street, Westminster, London in 1769
Mercers Arms, Mercers street, Long acre, London in 1773
Ship, Wardour street, Soho, London in 1777
Kings Head, Old Compton street, Soho, London in 1792
Britannia, James street, Covent garden, London in 1799
Dog Tavern, St James’s market, London in 1801
Hercules Pillars, Great Queen street, London in 1802
erased 3 March 1830
165 Lodge of Honour and Generosity, named in 1789
Date of Warrant or Constitution 17 June 1767
Sun and Punch Bowl, High Holborn, London in 1767
Crown and Cushion, Parkers stret, Lincolns Inn fields, London in 1770
Bedford Head, King street, Bloomsbury, London in 1787
Turks Head, King street, Bloomsbury, London in 1789
Buffalo Tavern, Bloomsbury, London in 1793
Kings Head Tavern, High Holborn, London in 1796
White Hart Tavern, High Holborn, London in 1798
Horn Tavern, Doctors commons, London in 1814
Crown, Bow lane, Cheapside, London in 1815
Bell, Carter lane, Doctors commons, London in 1818
London and Southwark Bridge Tavern, Queen street, Cheapside, London in 1820
Bunch of Grapes, Little St Martins lane, London in 1822
White Hart, Giltspur street, Newgate street, London in 1824
White Horse Tavern, Friday street, Cheapside, London in 1827
Horn Tavern, Doctors commons, London in 1829
George and Vulture Tavern, Cornhill, London in 1834
London Tavern, Bishopsgate street, London in 1837
Inns of Court hotel, Lincolns Inn fields, London in 1876
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