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London Pigots 1833-34 Taverns, Hotels, Inns and Coffee House L to Y

A listing of the Taverns, Hotels, Inns and Coffee House in 1833-34 & Public Houses


L - Y

Lamb Tavern, William George Pardy, Halfmoon passage, Leadenhall market
Lemms Hotel, Michael Lemm, 19 Park street, Grosvenor square
Limmers Hotel, Charls Rennaud, Conduit street, Regent street
Lisbon Hotel, David Hickinbotham, 45 Dover street, Piccadilly
Lloyds Coffee House, John Bolton, Royal Exchange
London Coffee House, Samuel Lovegrove, 24 Ludgate hill
London Commercial Sale Rooms Coffee House, George Fred Burridge, Commercial Sale Rooms, Mincing lane
London Hotel, John Cripps, 43 Albemarle street
London Tavern, Charles Bleaden & Co, 123 Bishopsgate street within
Longs Hotel, James Markwell, 16 New Bond street
Lords Coffee House, John Lord, 14 New street, Covent garden
Lyceum Tavern, James Meek, 349 Strand
Lyceum Tavern, George Spellman, 354 Strand
McNivens & Carters tavern & Coffee House , Thomas Wood, 1 Gilberts passage, Clare market
Manchester Coffee House & Hotel , Charles Dent, 14 Manchester street, Manchester square
Mansion House Tavern, Margaret Deeme, 3 Mansionhouse street
Marshall Thompsons Hotel, Marshall Thompson, 28 and 29 Cavendish square
Mermaid Tavern and Family Hotel, Robert Fiddes, Church street, Hackney
Mitre Inn and Tavern, Charles Thorogood, 38 New Church street East
Mitre Tavern, George Strutton, Mitre court, Fleet street
Mivarts Hotel , James Edward Mivart, 44 Lower Brook street
Montpelier Tavern, David Ross, Princes row, Walworth
Monument Coffee House and Hotel , Isaac Worley, 48 Fish street hill
Morleys British Coffee House and Hotel, Mary Hastie, 25 Cockspur street
Mount Hotel , Walter Richardson, 78 Lower Grosvenor street
Mourning Bush Tavern and Coffee House, Theodosius Williams, 61 St Martins le grand
Mundays Coffee House, Eliz Curtis, 30 Maiden lane, Covent garden
Nags Head Inn, John Harris, 102 High street, Borough
Nerots Hotel, Fras Nerot, 15 Clifford street, New Bond street
Newcastle Coffee House, John Howard, 21 St Mary at Hill
New Catherine Wheel Inn, William Sykes, 190 Bishopsgate street without
New Cross Inn and Posting House, William Demee, New Cross, Surrey Kemt road
New England Coffee House, James Davies, 60 Threadneedle street
New Exchange Coffee House, Robert Swatman, 94 Leadenhall street
New Inn, Thomas Browning, Old Bailey
New London Hotel, George Radley, New Bridge street, Blackfriars
New Slaughters Coffee House, see Slaughters Coffee House (New)
New Wine Shades, Benjamin Bradley, 2 Whitehart court, Lombard street
New York Coffee House, James Careless, 7 Sweetings rents, Threadneedle street
Newton Hotel, George Daniel Bertolini, 34 St Martins street, Leicester squae
Norfolk Hotel, Thomas Plumer Hayman, 183 Strand
Norfolk Hotel, Adam Young, 30 Surrey street, Strand
North & South American Coffee House, James Davies, 61 Threadneedle street
Oakes Coffee House, Walter Oakes, 135 Salisbury court, Fleet street
Old Bell Inn, Charles Richard Tinson, 123 Holborn Hill
Old Bettys Coffee House, John Beaumont, 314 Strand
Old George Inn, Thomas Percival, George Inn passage, Snowhill
Old Jewry Tavern, Thomas Barton, 22 Old Jewry
Old Slaughters Coffee House - see Slaughters Coffee House (Old)
Olivers Coffee House , John Mansfield, 28 Bridge street, Westminster
One Tun Tavern and Coffee House, George Walter, 107 Jermyn street
Orleans Hotel, Thomas Talkes, 81 Jermyn street
Osbornes Hotel, William Chaplin, John street, Adelphi
Owen Glendower Tavern, Charles Edwards, 163 Aldersgate street
Paris Hotel , Charles Rogers, 58 Haymarket
Parliament street Coffee House and Hotel, Nathaniel Harris, 16 Parliament street
Peacock Inn, John Spice, 6 High street, Islington
Peel's Coffee House, William Moore, 177 & 178 Fleet street
Penstones Hotel (private), Mary F Penstone, 2 and 3 Cork street, New Bond street
Percy Coffee House, William Lovegrove, 29 & 30 Rathbone place
Piazza Tavern, Coffee House & Hotel, George Cutriss, Great Piazza, Covent garden
Pied Bull Inn, John Johnson, 8 Upper street, Islington
Portland Hotel, Betty Gray, 94 & 95 Great Portland street
Portugal Hotel, Frederick Gye, 155 & 156 Fleet street
Prince of Wales Hotel, John Degex, 10 Leicester place
Probatts Hotel, Fanny Probatt, 35 King street, Covent garden
Procters Hotel, Charles Procter, opposite Astleys amphitheatre, Bridge road, Lambeth
Pulteney Hotel, Jno Escudier, 13 Albemarle street, Piccadilly
Quadrant Hotel, Samuel Tarrant, 89 Regents quadrant
Queens Arms Tavern, Thomas Edwards, 70 Newgate street
Queens Arms Tavern, James Innes, Bird in Hand court, Cheapside
Queens Arms Tavern, Jesse Miller, 10 Redlion passage, Holborn
Queens Head Inn, John Hughes, 84 High street, Borough
Queens Head Tavern , John stapler, Queens Head passage, Newgate street
Rainbow Coffee House, William Jones, 3 King street, Covent garden
Ram Inn, Thomas Brough, 78 West Smithfield
Reads Coffee House, Sarah Elizabeth Read, 102 Fleet street
Red Lion Inn, Thomas Pepper, 109 Aldersgate street
Red Lion Inn, Jane Shaw, 111 Edgeware road
Regent Arms Tavern, William Hinton, 50 York terrace, Regents park
Regents Hotel, Richard Preston, 82 Regents quadrant
Richardsons Hotel, Richardson and Clunn, 1 Little Piazza, Covent garden
Robin Hood Tavern, Timothy Clancy, 281 High Holborn
Rose Inn, William Bunney, 80 Smithfield
Round Table Chop House , Charles Lovell, 23 St Martins court
Royal Hotel, Elizabeth & Henry Annis, 3 Leicester square
Royal Hotel, William Cox, 55 Jermyn street, St James's
Royal Standard, William Smith, 227 Piccadilly
Royal Standard Hotel and Tavern, John May, 26 Stockbridge terrace, Vauxhall Bridge road
Royal York Hotel, Samule Sibery, 54 York terrace, Regents park
Rummer Tavern, George Hall, 9 Old Fish street hill
Russell Coffee House, John Scott, 17 Great Piazza, Covent garden
Russell Hotel, Martha Salter, Great Piazza, Covent garden
Russell Hotel and Coffee House, Wright Davidson, Great Piazza, Covent garden
Rutland Hotel, Joseph Holder, 13 King street, St James's
Sabloniere hotel, Charles Pagliano, 30 Leicester square
St Albans Coffee House, William Frederick Duncan & Co, 12 Charles street, Haymarket
St Georges Hotel, Charles Hitchcock, 33 & 34 Albemarle street
St James's Hotel, Henry Stuart, 76 Jermyn street
St Johns Wood Tavern, James Watkins, St Johns Wood road
St Pauls Hotel, John Leech, 6 St Pauls Church yard
Salisbury Tavern, George Rounthwaite, 9 Bear street, Leicester square
Salopian Coffee House, Sarah Holland, 41 Charing Cross South
Salutation Tavern, Philip Harris, 17 Newgate street
Saracens Head Inn, John Godfrey, 5 Aldgate within
Saracens Head Inn, Thomas Mayo, Skinner street, Snowhill
Saracens Head Inn, Charles Smith, 6 Friday street, Cheapside
Scaifes Hotel, Francis Scaife, 7 Lower Brook street
Serjeants inn Coffee House, Dagnall Ells, 4 Chancery lane
Serles Coffee House & Hotel, William Lawrence, Carey street
Ship Tavern, William Rusby, 15 Water lane, Great Tower street
Ship Tavern & Coffee House , John Hill, 44 Charing cross South
Simmons Hotel, William Simmons, 57 & 58 St James's street
Simpsons Tavern & Coffee House, Sophia Kincade, Ball court, Cornhill
Slaughters Coffee House (New), William Hinks, 82 & 83 St Martins lane
Slaughters Coffee House (Old), Reid & Co, 74 & 75 St Martins lane
Somerset Hotel, Samuel Robert Saunders, 162 Strand
Southampton Coffee House & Tavern , James End, 21 Southampton buildings, Holborn
Spread Eagle Inn, John Chaplin, 84 Gracechurch street
Spread Eagle Tavern, William Rogers, Rotherhithe street
Spring Garden Hotel, Martha Barnett, Spring Gardens
Spur Inn, John Coffield, 96 High street, Borough
Stag Inn & Tea Gardens, Jos Houseman, Portsmouth road
Stevens Hotel, Scott & Freeman, 18 New Bond street
Storeys Gate Coffee House, Joseph Workman, near Storeys gate, Great George street
Strand Hotel, Arthur Warmoll, 333 Strand
Stratford Coffee House & Hotel, John Bennett, 160 Oxford street
Sun Tavern & Coffee House, Jane Twallin, 31 Ludgate street
Surrey, Kent and Sussex Hotel, Mary Ann Blizard. 167 Great Surrey street
Surrey Theatre Coffee House and Tavern, Thomas Thomson, 3 Great Surrey street
Sussex Hotel, William Croom, 17 & 18 Bouverie street, Fleet street
Sutherland Arms, John Hammond, 6 Great Mays buildings
Swan Hotel, Thomas Wentworth, 32 Arundel street, Strand
Swan Inn, Nicholas Broughton, Holborn bridge
Swan Inn, David Smith, 8 Great Dover street, Borough
Swan Tavern, Thomas Doe, Uxbridge road
Swan with Two Necks, Eliza Kingford, Lad lane, City
Symonds inn Coffee House, Taylor & Smith, Chancery lane
Talbot Inn, John Fulljames, 75 High street, Borough
Talbots Private Hotel, Charles talbot, 24 Green street, North Audley street
Tavistock Hotel & Coffee House, Thomas Harrison, Covent garden
Tavistock Hotel & Coffee House (New), Thomas Poole, 19 Great Russell street, Covent garden
Tetsals Hotel, George Tetsal, 6 John street, Adelphi
Thatched House, James & William Willis, 80 St James's street
Thomas's Hotel, Bailey & Thomas, 25 Berkeley square
Three Cups Inn, William Smith, 88 Aldersgate street
Three Nuns Inn, Charles Harber, 11 Aldgate High street
Three Tuns Tavern, Thomas Frank Harvey, 87 High street, Borough
Tilt Yard Tavern, Brice McGregor, Whitehall
Toms Coffee House , William Warne, 31 Cornhill
Turks Head, Thomas Whitehead, 142 Strand
Tower Coffee House, Robert Shaw, 10 Gilberts Buildings, Westminster road
Turks Head Inn, William Shenton, Half way House, Old Kent road
Union Hotel, James Barrack, 4 Cockspur street
Union Tavern, Elizabeth Ann Seex, 73 Jermyn street
University Hotel & Tavern, William Smith, 30 Grafton street East
Vine Inn, Joseph Holdom, 70 Bishopsgate street within
Virginia Coffee House, Thomas Thorne, 4 Newmans court, Cornhill
Warnes Hotel, William Walker, 33 Dean street, Soho
Warrens Hotel, William Warren, 1 Regent street
Waterloo Coffee House, Hawkins & Roddis, 69 Haymarket
Waterloo Hotel, George Hanwell, 85 Jermyn street
Webbs Hotel, John Bast Webb, 220 Piccadilly
West India Dock Tavern, Samuel Lovegrove, Blackwall causeway
Westminster Hotel, Mary Scrivener, 1 Bridge court, Westminster bridge
Wheatsheaf Tavern & Hotel, William Payne, 2 Hand court, Holborn
White Bear Hotel, Thomas Holl, 221 Piccadilly
White Bear Tavern & Coffee House , James Hildyard, 32 Basinghall street
White Conduit House Hotel & Tavern , George Bowles, Penton street, Pentonville
White Hart Inn, Henry Hargan, 120 St John street, Smithfield
White Hart Inn, Robert Miller, 62 High street, Borough
White Hart Inn , William Morris, 199 Bishopsgate street without
White Hart Tavern, William Austin, 18 Abchurch lane
White Hart Tavern, John Wingfield, 39 High Holborn
White Horse Inn, William Phillips, 29 Friday street, Cheapside
White Horse Tavern , Jane Cross, 88 & 89 Fetter lane
White Lion Tavern, Edward Marklew, 1 Talbot court, Gracechurch street
Wills Coffee House & Hotel, James Green, 7 Serle street, Lincolns Inn fields
Windmill Inn, Joseph Iliff, 115 St John street, Smithfield
Woods Hotel, William Woods, 9 Furnivals Inn
Woods Hotel & Coffee House, Thomas Wood, 2 Arundel street, Coventry street
Woolpack Tavern, Thomas Gilby, 6 St Peters alley, Cornhill
Woolpack Tavern, David james, 94 Minories
Wrights Hotel, Catherine Wright, 12 Adam street, Adelphi
York & Albany Tavern, Thomas Pugh, Park village East
York Hotel, Charles Crawley, 9 Albemarle street, Piccadilly
York Hotel, C & H Nodin, 39 New Bridge street, Blackfriars
York Hotel and Coffee House, William Stannard, 1 Charles street, Covent garden
York Hotel & Tavern, James Parkin Fryer, Basing place, Waterloo road
Yorkshire Stingo, Samuel Bird, New road, Paddington

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 02-Oct-2024 12:34:49 BST

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