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Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent.
WOOLWICH is an extensive town ..
Traders in 1858 Melvilles Directory by surname
A - B ; C to F ;
G to J ; K to P ;
R to T ; U to Y
Gentry in 1858
Allen, Henry William, esq., R.N., Samuel street Allen, Miss Jane S., Unity place Ancorn, John, esq., Dundas terrace Anderson, Colonel William 0., Woolwich common Andrews, Mrs. Henry, Wood street Atherton, Charles, esq., Dockyard Bainbridge, Captain P.J., R.N., Woolwich common Barclay, John, M.D., R.N. Bowater crescent Barnes, Samuel, esq., Bowater crescent Barr, John, esq., Brewer street Bastard, Major-General James, R.A., Woolwich common Belson, Colonel George John, Woolwich common Bent, Captain Hugh, R.A., Woolwich common Bingham, Major Charles, E.A., Royal Artillery Barracks Blanchett, Mrs., Powis street Bland, Henry, esq., Wood street Boddy, Rev. George, M.A., Nightingale vale Bossey, Francis, jun., esq., Thomas street Bossey, Peter, esq., Thomas street Boxer, Captain E. M., R.A., Arsenal Boyce, Mrs. Mary Ann, Brewer street Bremen, Mrs., Wellington street Bridges, James, esq., R.M.A., Nightingale vale Bridgeman, William D., J.D.C.L., Woolwich common. Briscoe, Mrs. Anne, Prospect place Bromley, Mrs. Mary, Mulgrave place Brooks, Mrs. Elizabeth, Bowater orescent Brown, Rev. Henry, M.A., Rectory Browning, Dr. Colin A., Dockyard Budgen, Lieutenant Richard, R.N., Brewer street Bullock, Captain, Frederick, R.N., Bowater crescent Burdis, Mr. Edward F., Beresford terrace Burns, Dr. John J. D., R.N., Rectory grove Butler, John, esq., Rectory place Calvert, Captain Archibald, R.A., Barracks Campbell, Major-General P., R.A., Wood street Campbell, Lieutenant James, R.A., Wood street Cannon, William, esq., Ordnance terrace, Shooter's hill Carlile, Rev. James, D.D., Independent, Rectory place Cator, Major-General W., R.A., Arsenal Chalmer, Colonel James. R.A., Arsenal Christie, James, esq., R.M.A., Queen's terrace, Woolwich common Clerk, Captain H., R.A., Arsenal Cleveland, Mrs. Elvira, Chatham place, Woolwich common Clubb, George, esq., Wood street Cockburn, John, esq., Rectory place Cockburn, Miss Mary L., Rectory place Colelough, Captain George, R.A., Artillery barracks Coles, Rev. Cornelius, Catholic, New road Collington, Mrs. Colonel, Beresford terrace Collinson, Captain Thomas B., R.E., Dundas terrace Colquhoun, James, esq., Parson's hill Cougdon, Capt. George, R.M., Brewer street Connolly, Rev. James C., Unity place Cooper, Henry, esq., Clarence place Cowen, John, esq., Woolwich common Cox, Francis E., esq., Wellington street Crassweller, Rev. Harris, B.A., Russell terrace, Plumstead common Crew, Mrs. Maria, Kempt terrace, Woolwich common Crofton, Major Edward, R.A., Woolwich common Cullis, Mrs. Susan T., Unity place Cuthbert, Richard, esq., Mulgrave'place Davidson, Miss Catharine, Unity place Danis, Hyman, esq., Rectory place De la Mare, Rev. Abraham, M.A., Woolwich common Desborough, Captain J., R.A., Artillery Barracks Downes, Rev. John W., M.A., Nightingale terrace Drew, Mrs., Wellington street Dunbar, Charles, esq., Bowater crescent Dwyer, Captain Michael, R.N., Samuel street Dyneley, Captain E. E. R., R.A., Artillery barracks Eden, Miss Mary, George street Eden, Walter D., esq., Wood street Edes, Colonel Samuel B., C.B., R.M., Bowater House Ellgree, Mrs., Nightingale House Ellborough, William, esq., Brewer street Elcook, Henry Thomas, esq., Samuel street Evans, Mr. John, Samuel street Fairfield, Mrs. Arabella Kempt terrace Feiling, Charles A., esq., Nightingale terrace Fenwick, Mrs. Rebecca, Bellevue, Woolwich common Ferguson, Admiral John M,, Woolwich common Flinch, Matthew, esq., Bowater crescent Flint, Mrs. Mary, Beresford terrace Forbes, Colonel John, Staff-officer of Chelsea pensioners, Wood street Foster, Lieutenant-Colonel Thomas, R.E., Mill lane Fraser, Rev. Arthur C., Woolwich common Frazer, Lady Emma, Queen's terrace Frazer, Mrs. Mary, Rochester place, Woolwich common Freeth, Captain Richard, R.A., Dundas terrace Fullager, Smart, esq., Unity place Gasney, Thomas, esq., Shooter's hill Gleig, Captain Alexander, R.A., Wood street Glubb, Captain Warren, Brewer street Goddard, Robert, esq. Mulgrave Cottage Goldsmith, John, esq., Wood street Goldsmith, Malcolm, esq., Wood street Goodall, Major George, Ordnance terrace, Shooter's hill Gore, Capt. John, R.A., Woolwich common Gotteil, Frederick V., esq., Dockyard Graham, Miss Jane, Nightingale terrace Greeif, Mr. David, Dundas terrace Hackford, Mr. George, Nightingale vale Halahan, John, W. esq., Military hospital Hall, John Henry, esq., Essex place, Woolwich common Hall, Whitmore, esq., Nightingale vale Hamilton, Mrs. Anne, Nightingale vale Hamilton, William esq., R.N., Samuel street Hardinge, Colonel Richard, Repository Harrison, Montague, esq., Woolwich common Hasmore, Colonel John, Rt.M., Royal Marine barracks Hassard, Captain F. C., R.E., Mill lane Cottage Hatton, William, esq., Rectory place Hawkins, Colonel Samuel, E..M., Royal Marine barracks Heather, John F., esq., Brewer street Hebditch, Rev.' Samuel, Independent, Wood street Henry, Captain G. C., R.H.A., Artillery barracks Hills, John Lee, esq., Ordnance terrace, Shooter's hill Hinde, William T., esq., Unity place Holderness, Robert F., esq., Wood street Hughes, Mr. Edwin, Brewer street Jackson, Mrs. Margaret, Rectory place Jackson, William P., esq., Thomas street Johnson, Mr. George, Powis street Jolly, Mr. John R., Rectory place Jones, Charles, esq., Prospect House, Parson's hill Jones, Rev. Hugh, Wesleyan, Powis street Kidd, Samuel, esq., Wood street King, William, esq., George street Lacey, Mrs. Elizabeth, Wood street Lacey, Mrs. Farrer S., Woolwich common Ladd, Mr. William, Prospect row |
Lea, Mrs. Mary Ann, Rectory place Left oy,Captain John Henry, Adelaide place, Woolwich common Lewis, Major-General George, G.C.B., R.E,, Woolwich common Logan, the Misses Ann and Elizaheth, Rectory place Lovey, Alphonse, esq., Brewer street Lowton, the Misses, Rectory place Malyn, Mr, John, Beresford street Marsh, Thomas, esq., Mulgrave place Marvin, William, esq., Wood street Matthews, William, esq., Rectory place McGee, William C., esq., Adelaide place Miller, Miss Adye, Samuel street Minchin, Mrs. Charlotte, Unity place Mitford, Col. Henry, R.H., Royal Marine barracks Moore, Mrs. Jane, Unity place McNeil!, William, esq., Glenmohr Cottage, Lower road McNeill, Christian,esq., Glenmohr Cottage, Lower road Morgan, Horatio, esq., Wood street Morgan, Peter, esq., Dockyard Morrice, William, esq., Queen's terrace McDonald, James, esq., Pawis street McDonald, John, esq., Dockyard Mullimer, Mr. John, Bowater crescent Musgrove, Mr. William, Wood street McArthur, Lieut.-Col. John, R.M., Frances street Newstead, Mr. William, Beresford street Nokes, John Frederick, esq., Rectory place Nokes, William, esq., Rectory place Nokes, William Taylor, esq., Rectory place O'Brien, Rev. Matthew, M.A., Woolwich common Ogilvie, Alexander, M.D., Military hospital Parkin, Miss Sarah, Frances street Patten, Mrs. Susan, Powis street Patterson, Lieut.-General Thomas, R.A., Kempt terrace Payne, Mrs. Emma, Nightingale place Prater, Augustus, esq., M.A., Thomas street Pease, Mrs., Rectory place Peddy, Mrs., Dundas terrace Pellatt, Francis, esq., Arsenal Pellatt, Joseph, esq., Arsenal Pickering, Lieut.-Col. W. H., R.A., Arsenal Pideock, Richard, esq., Church hill Pitfield/Mr. Thomas, Rectory place Phillips, Nobet, esq., Nightingale terrace Philpott, Mrs., Rochester place Poole, Lieut.-Col. Henry, R.A., Nightingale terrace Porter, Miss Margaret, Rectory place Portlock, Lieut.-Col. Joseph N., R.E,, Woolwich common Power, Mrs. Col., Rectory place Finland, William, esq., George street Pym, Lieut. Richard, R.N., Wood street Guarterman, Mrs., Bowater crescent Rice, William M., esq., Dockyard Richardson, Felix W., esq., High street Eiddle, Captain C. J. B., R.A., Artillery barracks Rideout, Captain Samuel, R.N., Brewer st. Rixon, JOhn, esq., Rectory place Robe, the Misses, Common Roertson, Thomas, esq, Mulgrave place Robson, Mr Thomas, Dundas terrace Rolls, W.B. esq. Thomas street Rose, Captain Henry, Frances street Ross, Captain George, R.E., Common Rowland, Lieut-Col., G.T., Wood street Ruegg, Richard, esq., Unity place Russell, General Henry Charles, Rose Mount, Hill street' Satehwell, Thomas A- G., esq.,, R.M.A., Nightingale place Sparke, John, esq., Brewer street Sparrow, John William, esq., New road. Staunton, Mrs., Chatham place, Woolwich common Schalch, Captain Andrew, Queen's terrace Strausham, Lieut.-Col. A. B., R.M., Wood street Shepherd, John, esq., Dockyard Shershy, Henry esq., Samuel street Shershy, John, esq., Samuel .street Sherwin, Matthew H., esq., Wood street Spencer, Lieut.-Col. Robert, R.H.A., Woolwich common Stewart, James, esq., Nightingale terrace Silverlock, Henry, esq., Bowater crescent Shipman, George, esq., Red Lion street Smith, Mr. Clement, Rectory place Smith, Mrs. Elizabeth, Wood street Smith, John, esq., Bowater crescent Scott, Captain Henry Y. D., R.E., Queen's terrace Scott, Rev. Matthew B,., M.A., Royal Arsenal Shott, Mr. Abraham, Belmont place, Nightingale vale Stockley, Mrs. Maria, Wood, street Stuart, the Misses, Powis street Stuart, William, sen., esq., Mulgrave place Stuart, William, esq., King street Tame, Thomas, esq.,. Brewer street Tanswell, Mrs. Elizabeth, Nightingale vale Taylor, John, esq., Clarence place, Woolwich common Tendron, Mrs. Heloise, Rochester place, Woolwich common Timpson, Henry C., esq., Samuel street Thoburn, Ralph, esq., Unity place Thomas, Rev. Ueorge John, curate of St. Mary's, Rectory place Thomas, Morgan, esq., Woolwich common Thompson, Rev. William M., Nightingale place Thompson, Mrs. Mary, Unity place Troppanegar, Albert, esq., Brewer street Tulloh, Lieut-Col. Alexander, R.A., Arsenal Varlo, Captain George, R.M., Bowater Cottage Venning, Miss Ann, Unity place Warde, Colonel Edward C., R.A., Royal Arsenal Washington, Captain John, R.N., Wood Street Waterfield, Mr. William, Rectory place Webb, Lady Jane Theodore, Woolwich common Webb, Captain Theodosius, R.E., Woolwich common Wilford, Lieut.-Col. J. A., R.A., Arsenal Willis, Colbnel Browne, R.A., Woolwich common Wilkinson, Thomas, esq., Wellington place, Woolwich common Wilson, Lieut.-Col. J. A., R.A., Arsenal Winnett, Lady Augustus, Nightingale vale Winterbottom, Henry, esq'., Rectory place Whitmare, Mrs. Isabella, Wood street Wright, Mrs. Louisa, Woolwich common Wolfe, Mrs., Wood street Wolfe, John Frederick, esq., Wellington street Woodland, Rev. William, Independent, Lower Market street Yorke, Major Frederick A., R.B., Sappers and Miners' barracks Young, Alfred, esq., Nightingale vale Young, William, esq., commissary, Beresford place |
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