American Stores, 10 Graces alley, Whitechapel E1

Whitechapel index

The address is also listed as 9 Graces Alley in the 1891 and 1895 directories. The name is given in the 1871 and 1891 census entries. *

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

1871/Lewis Nathan/Ale & Wine Stores/44/Whitechapel, Middlesex/Census *
1871/Amelia Nathan/Wife/43/Whitechapel, Middlesex/Census
1871/John Nathan/Son/20/Whitechapel, Middlesex/Census
1871/Jessie Nathan/Daughter/19/Whitechapel, Middlesex/Census
1871/Alexr. Nathan/Son/16/Whitechapel, Middlesex/Census
1871/Samuel Nathan/Son/15/Whitechapel, Middlesex/Census
1871/Rosetta Nathan/Daughter/13/Whitechapel, Middlesex/Census
1871/Michael Nathan/Son/12/Whitechapel, Middlesex/Census
1871/Catherine Nathan/Daughter/11/Whitechapel, Middlesex/Census
1871/Esther Nathan/Daughter/6/Whitechapel, Middlesex/Census
1871/Miriam Nathan/Daughter/4/Whitechapel, Middlesex/Census
1871/Mary Witney/House Servant/27/Cork, Ireland/Census
1871/Fred. Pawson/Potman/33/Stratford, Essex/Census

1882/Lewis Nathan/beer retailer/../../Post Office Directory *

1891/Lewis Nathan/beer retailer/../../Post Office Directory *

1891/Lewis Nathan/Wine & Beer Retailer (Widower)/60/Aldgate/Census *
1891/Alexander Nathan/Son/33/Whitechapel/Census
1891/Esther Nathan/Daughter, Barmaid/22/Whitechapel/Census
1891/Henry Nathan/Son, Boot Rivetter/20/Whitechapel/Census
1891/Julia Leary/Domestic Servant/45/Ireland/Census
1891/Frank McMillan/Boarder, Seaman/22/America/Census
1891/William Fowler/Boarder, Seaman/32/Ireland/Census
1891/John Campbell/Boarder, Seaman/43/Scotland/Census
1891/Duncan McGregor/Boarder, Ships Carpenter/72/Scotland/Census

1895/Lewis Nathan/beer retailer/../../Post Office Directory *

1901/John Nathan/Wine Store Keeper/52/Whitechapel/Census *
1901/Charlotte Nathan/Wife/46/Whitechapel/Census
1901/Alexander Nathan/Brother, Wine Store Keeper/46/Whitechapel/Census
1901/Sarah Bell/Domestic Servant (Widow)/63/Whitechapel/Census

London Evening Standard 27 October 1909 Licensing Act 1904 Notice of principal meeting to discuss by the Compensation authority on the 1st, 2nd, 14th and 15th July 1909
Wellclose precint
American Stores, 10 Graces alley, Beer and wine on, Edwin Edward Hedges

1910/Edward Edwin Hedges/../../Post Office Directory *

* Provided By Ewan

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  • And Last updated on: Thursday, 18-Apr-2024 23:08:44 BST