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Wheatsheaf, 32 Farringdon street, St Sepulchre EC4

St Sepulchre index

It is named in 1811 at 32 Fleet Market, and is an un-named coffee house by 1841 at 32 Farringdon street. IN the 1827 Pigots directory it is named the Albion coffee rooms at 32 Fleet market

Here is Fleet market in 1818, which is quite a useful listing.

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

1811/James Griffiths, Wheat Sheaf, 22 Fleet market/../../Holdens Directory

Grand Lodge Freemasonry registers 1812-1836
March 2 1824, John Smith, victualler, 32 Fleet Market, Dec 1823 to 1825 is listed during his membership of the Lodge of Stability

1827/Cs Lawrence, Lancashire tea & coffee rooms, 22 Fleet market/../../Pigots Directory

1827/John Smith, Albion coffee rooms, 32 Fleet market/../../Pigots Directory

1841/George Hemans/Coffee House Keeper/45/../Census
1841/Martha Hemans/../42/../Census
1841/Elizabeth Bolter/Female Servant/20/Middlesex/Census
1841/Thomas Bond/Linen Draper/25/Middlesex/Census
1841/Mary Bond/../20/Middlesex/Census

1842/George Hemmens, Coffee House, 32 Farringdon street

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  • And Last updated on: Thursday, 25-Jan-2024 10:33:48 GMT