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Johnstones London commercial guide in 1818 - Fleet market, Fleet street

Johnstones 1818 directory index

This is the 1818 Johnstones London commercial guide which also includes a little pub history detail (#).

Fleet market - Fleet street
Length 404 yards. No. of Houses 98.
2 Fleet Market, Hudson William, leather seller &c
3 Fleet Market, Parlett James, Tea warehouse
4 Fleet Market, Haycraft and Smith, Leather sellers
7 Fleet Market, Walker W, British wine & brandy merchant
6 Fleet Market, Bailey Thomas, Leather seller & dresser
7 Fleet Market, Richard Benj, Funeral feather maker
# At 8 Fleet market is the Market House,
# At 16 Fleet market is the Bunch of Grapes , later address is at 16 Farringdon Street

17 Fleet Market, Butler, David & son, Undertakers
# At 18 Fleet market is the White Swan,

21 Fleet Market, Hubbard William, Tobacconist
# At 22 Fleet market is the Wheatsheaf

23 Fleet Market, Blake Robert, Furnishing undertaker
24 Fleet Market, Sheldon John, Oil and colour man
27 Fleet Market, Wilcox J, Wine and brandy merchant - this is the White Hart with a later address is at 28 Farringdon Street
# At 28 Fleet market is the Crown and Anchor , later address is at 29 Farringdon Street

30 Fleet Market, Carpender & Bethell, Furnishing undertaker
31 Fleet Market, Gwennap J, Furnishing undertaker
# At 34 Fleet market is the Artichoke, later address is at 34 Farringdon Street

35 Fleet Market, Chandler & Bedford, undertakers
# At 2 Fleet market is the Rose Inn, later address is at 2 Farringdon Street; This is roughly where Turnagain lane joins Fleet market.

45 Fleet Market, Ayres William, Hat manufacturer
46 Fleet Market, Brown T & D, Glassmen & potters
#At  47 Fleet Market, was the Key, or Golden Key, this appears to have later been called the Blue anchor

48 Fleet Market, James Edw, Cheesemonger and factor
49 Fleet Market, Stubbs David, Line draper & hosier
50 Fleet Market, Salsburg Edward, Tailor and draper
51 Fleet Market, Doolan William, Hair merchant
# At 56 Fleet Market, was the Angel later addressed at 56 Farringdon street.

57 Fleet Market, Bull Matthew, Chandler and oilman
59 Fleet Market, Trimmer Henry, Orange merchant
# At 60 Fleet market is the Mail Coach, with  a later address of 60 Farringdon street

61 Fleet Market, Sharp T & Co, Glass manufacturers & potters
62 Fleet Market, Beal Richard, Cheesemonger & factor
64 Fleet Market, Guest John, Gold and silversmith
65 Fleet Market, Morley Henry, Surgeon and accoucheur
66 Fleet Market, Rawbone William, Oil and colour man
67 Fleet Market, Sheares & Sons, Coppersmiths
71 Fleet Market, Light William, Wholesale Birmingham & toy warehouse
72 Fleet Market, Tarsey & Co, Tea dealers and grocers
73 Fleet Market, Farrow David, Silversmiths etc
74 Fleet Market, Wakeman T, Stationer & rag merchant
76 Fleet Market, Bradley William jun, Linen draper
*  Fleet Market, Hart John, Diamond & pearl broker
77 Fleet Market, Garlick & Son, Furnishing undertakers
79 Fleet Market, Jolley Thomas, Fruit merchant
80 Fleet Market, Oliver J, Wine & brandy merchant - this is the Hoop & Grapes,  with  a later address of 80 Farringdon street

82 Fleet Market, Clarke Christ, Fruit salesman
83 Fleet Market, Gwillim and Warlters, Auctioneers
85 Fleet Market, Hoole Rob, Pen & tableknife cutler
86 Fleet Market, Riddell Rob, Tea dealer and grocer
87 Fleet Market, Davies James, Turner and toyman
88 Fleet Market, Southgate J W, Floor cloth manufacturer
89 Fleet Market, Ducroq & Son, Wax & tallow chandlers
90 Fleet Market, Moore Thomas, Cheesemonger & factor
91 Fleet Market, Roberts S, Floor cloth manufacturer
92 Fleet Market, Yorke Ann, Fancy straw hat warehouse
93 Fleet Market, Cooper William, Linen draper and hosier
95 Fleet Market, Barclay & Sopn, Medicine warehouse
96 Fleet Market, Crowther John, Boot and shoe maker
97 Fleet Market, Cutler, Mark & Henry, Corn dealers
 Fleet Market, Davis William, Poulterer & salesman
 Fleet Market, Jacobs Samuel, Fruit salesman &c
 Fleet Market, Morris Joseph, Linen draper & hosier
 Fleet Market, ANGEL INN - see above
Harms George, Waggon warehouse

And Last updated on: Wednesday, 22-Jan-2025 12:51:24 GMT

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