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Anchor and Crown, Turnagain lane, Fleet market, St Sepulchre EC4

St Sepulchre index

In 1811 there is a William Bedford at the Anchor & Crown, Turnagain lane, Fleet market; and in 1805 there is again a William Bedford, at the Crown and Anchor, 4 Turnagain lane, Fleet market. Turnagain lane is on the right side of Fleet market leading to Snow hill in 1799 at about 35 Fleet market. The closest public house appears to be the Rose. I think they are the same, but for now, I will list them separately.

William Morgans map of London shows a clear building at the junction with Fleet market.

See Fleet market in 1818

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

The Musicians Lodge meets at the Crown and Anchor, Turnagain lane, Snow hill, London in 1767

23 May 1789 / Insured: Thomas Matts, The Anchor and Crown, Turnagain Lane, Fleet Market, victualler/National archives

1805/William Bedford, Crown & Anchor, 4 Turnagain lane, Fleet market/../../Holdens Directory

1811/William Bedford, Anchor & Crown, Turnagain lane, Fleet market/../../Holdens Directory

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  • And Last updated on: Thursday, 25-Jan-2024 10:33:36 GMT