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Wheatsheaf Tavern, 433 Strand, St Martins in Fields

St Martins pub history index

The numbering in the 1831 and 1842 street directories on the north side of the Strand appear to stop at #249. It looks like the entirety of this part of the Strand is about to go under redevelopment.

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in St Martins in Fields, London.

Residents at this address.

1805/John Dewhurst, Wheatsheaf Tavern, 433 Strand/../../Holdens Directory

1809/George Linton, Wheatsheaf Tavern, 433 Strand/../../Holdens Directory

John Lockie, a descriptive London Street Directory in 1810 describes - "Round Court (Old), Strand, at 433, East side of the last, leading to 13, Chandos Street"

1811/George Lintern, Wheatsheaf Coffee House & Tavern, 433 Strand/../../Holdens Directory

The Lodge of Unity, 1777 meets at the Wheatsheaf Tavern, Strand, London in 1812

1818/433 Strand, Morgan, J. Wine and spirit merchant - Wheat Sheaf tavern/Johnstones London commercial guide

There are many avertisements in the press for the Wheatsheaf in 1825, and Henry Coveney is our man. It always mentions it is 8 doors to the west of Bedford street.

1827/Henry Coveney, Wheat Sheaf tavern, 433 Strand/../../Pigots Directory

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