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Nags Head, Orange Court, Orange Street, Leicester square, St Martins in Fields WC2

Light Horseman and Nags Head, Orange Court, Orange Street, Leicester square in 1810

Light Horseman and Nags Head, Orange Court, Orange Street, Leicester square in 1810

St Martins pub history index

A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in St Martins in Fields, London.

Residents at this address.

The 1796 Electoral Poll lists a John Cuttell, victualler, at Orange court

John Lockie, a descriptive London Street Directory in 1810 describes - "Orange Court, Castle Street, Leicester Square, the first North from the Kings mews, leading into Orange Street"

1811/John Salt, Nags Head, Orange court, Leicester square/../../Holdens Directory

27 October 1818/Insured: Mary Casley The Nags Head Orange Court Orange Street Leicester Square victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records, held at London Metropolitan Archives

3 July 1823/Insured: Mary Casley of the Nags Head Orange Court Orange Street Leicester Square victualler/../../Sun Fire Office records, held at London Metropolitan Archives

1829/Mary Casley, Nags Head, Orange court, Orange street, Leicester square/../../Pigots Directory

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