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St George Hanover Square pub history index
In 1843 there is now a Thomas Spencer, coal merchant & bird preserver, trading at 23 South Molton street
A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in St George Hanover Square
Residents at this address.
1805/John Gamble, wine and liquor merchant, 23 South Molton street/../../Holdens
1811/Rasmus Lund, wine merchant, 22 South Moulton street/../../Holdens Directory
1827/Racheal Wilde, Grapes, 23 South Molton street/../../Pigots Directory
1839/Luke Allinson/../../../Pigot's Directory *
1841/Luke Allison/../../../Post Office Directory *
* Provided By Ewan
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