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Greyhound, 9 Handel street, St George Bloomsbury WC1

St George Bloomsbury pub index

At 9 Henrietta street, Brunswick Square before 1891 - road name change?

A listing of historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in  St George Bloomsbury parish, London.

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Residents at this address

1825/Mr Bellew, Greyhound, Henrietta street, Brunswick square/../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1832/Henry Bell/../../../Robsons Directory

1842/George Wingrave/../../../Robsons Directory

1851/John Plowright/Publican/43/Cottingham, Rutland/Census
1851/Susan Plowright/Wife/27/Horndon on the Hill, Essex/Census
1851/Isabella Archer/Visitor/25/Horndon on the Hill, Essex/Census

1856/William Williams/../../../Post Office Directory

1861/Thomas Willson/Victualler, Widow/52/Amersham, Buckinghamshire/Census
1861/Sophia Allison/Sister, Housekeeper/38/Paddington, Middlesex/Census
1861/Alfred Tules/Barman/21/Gravesend, Kent/Census
1861/Mary A Gill/Servant/17/Chelsea, Middlesex/Census

April 1862/T Wilson/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

April 1862/Samuel Pond/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

October 1863/Samuel Pond/Outgoing Licensee/../../Morning Advertiser

Sarah Hollyman had been the licensee at the Dolphin, Long alley prior to this for the previous fourteen years.

October 1863/Sarah Hollyman/Incoming Licensee/../../Morning Advertiser

Sarah Hollyman transfers the licensee to her son Henry, and moves to a new licensed premises at the Eight Bells, Church Street (Mare Street).

April 1864/Sarah Hollyman/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

April 1864/Henry Hollyman/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

1867/Henry Hollyman/../../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1869/Henry Hollyman/../../../Post Office Directory

July 1869/Henry Hollyman/../../../Licensed Victuallers Association

July 1870/Henry Hollyman/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

Henry Hollyman next moves to the Load of Hay, Haverstock Hill, Hampstead.

July 1870/William Naylor/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

January 1872/William Naylor/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

January 1872/William Walter Stephens/Incoming Licensee/../../Era Newspaper

1881/John T Fielder/Licensed Victualler/35/Middlesex/Census
1881/Elizabeth Fielder/Wife/37/Winterborne, Wiltshire/Census
1881/Sarah Blanchard/Visitor/75/Winterborne, Wiltshire/Census
1881/Emma Gilbert/Servant/22/Winterborne, Wiltshire/Census
1881/Henry Durant/Barman/19/London, Middlesex/Census

1882/John Thomas Fielder/../../../Post Office Directory

1884/John Fielder/../../../Post Office Directory

1891/John Thomas Fielder/../../../Post Office Directory

1895/Walter Edward White/../../../Post Office Directory

1899/Herbert John Clarke/../../../Post Office Directory


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