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Plough Tavern, Cold-Harbour, Blackwall E14

Poplar pub history index

This pub was present by 1725 and closed in around 1861. It was demolished in the 1880s. **

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Residents at this address.

1802/William Pinchin / Victualler /../../Sun Fire Office records – Guildhall Library **

1805/William Pinching, Plough tavern, Blackwall/../../Holdens Directory

1809/William Pinchin / Victualler /../../Sun Fire Office records – Guildhall Library **

1814/William Ficham/../../../Proceedings of the Old Bailey **

1821/Francis Pinchin / Victualler /../../Sun Fire Office records – Guildhall Library **

1825/Fras. Pinching/../../../Pigot’s Directory **

1830/Mrs Pinching, Plough, Blackwall/../../Licensed Victuallers Association

1832/Frances Pinching / Tavern Keeper /../../Sun Fire Office records – Guildhall Library **

1832/Frances Pinching/(execs of)/../../../Sun Fire Office records – Guildhall Library **

1833-34/Plough, Frances Pinching, Blackwall causeway/../../Pigot's Directory

1841/James Breach/../../../Post Office Directory **

1842/C Bleadon/../../../Robson’s Directory **

1844/Wm. Bathe/../../../Thompson’s Directory **

1846/C Bleaden / Occupier /../../Property documents held at London Metropolitan Archive **

1851/Charles Bleaden/../../../Kellys Directory

1852/Bleaden & Co./../../../Watkin’s Directory **

1857/Samuel Lovegrove jun. /../../../Survey of London **

The Woodman in George Street, St Alphage parish of Greenwich
John Harradence was definitely there by April 1848 when a bar man gave him as the publican at this pub as a reference. (Article on BNA in 7th April 1848 Morning Advertiser). He gave up the license in 1854 according to licence transfers. *

Plough Tavern :
You have him listed as Hawadence - which is the incorrect transcription of the 1861 census. John Harradence and his wife Sarah Ann are at the Plough Tavern in Poplar in the 1861 census. He was born in Litlington Cambridgeshire, only his wife was born in Wanstead Essex - there's an original transcription error by the census taker. They had probably left the Plough by 1864 when he applied to the Licensed Victualler's association for an Almshouse and gave a different address in Poplar of 2a newby Place Poplar. *

1861/John Hawadince/Head/65/Wanstead, Essex/Census

1861/Sarah Hawadince/Wife/62/Wanstead, Essex/Census

Morning Advertiser 21 October 1864 :
John Harradence applies unsuccessfully for election to the Licensed Victuallers Association.

* Provided By Deborah

** Provided By Stephen Harris

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