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Prince of Denmark, 151 Junction Road, Islington N19

Islington index

At 8 Hargrave Park Terrace, Junction Road in 1869. Now in residential use. ***

Prince of Denmark, 151 Junction Road, Islington N19

Prince of Denmark, 151 Junction Road, Islington N19

Prince of Denmark, 151 Junction Road, N19 - in April 2010

Prince of Denmark, 151 Junction Road, N19 - in April 2010

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Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

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Residents at this address.

Islington Gazette, 21 November 1865 :
Prince of Denmark, Junction road, Robert Clark to Charles John Scull, Duke of York, Edgware road

March 1866/Fred Soames/License renewal/../Clerkenwell News

1869/William Clapham/../../../Post Office Directory

June 1872/John H Cox/Outgoing Licensee/../../Era

June 1872/Charles Cross/Incoming Licensee/../../Era

1874/Charles James Hartland/../../../Post Office Directory

1881/Chas Hartland/Licensed Victualler/48/Tnyning, Gloucester/Census
1881/Mary A Hartland/Wife/59/Crowle, Worcester/Census
1881/Chas Hartland/Son, Assistant/24/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Elizabeth Hartland/Daughter/22/London, Middlesex/Census
1881/Edwin Hartland/Son/16/London, Middlesex/Census

1896/Mrs Martha Hudson/../../../Kelly's Directory *

1899/Henry Whale/../../../Post Office Directory

1906/Henry H. Whale/../../../Post Office Directory *

1910/Henry Whale/../../../Post Office Directory

1915/Henry Whale/../../../Post Office Directory

1921/Henry Whale/../../../Post Office Directory

1926 - 1948/Mrs Sibbons/../../../Freehold

1934/Mrs Alice Annie Sibbons/../../../Kellys Directory

1938/Mrs Alice Annie Sibbons/../../../Post Office Directory

1944/Mrs Alice Annie Sibbons/../../../Post Office Directory

1949 - 1952/W F Lloyd/../../../Freehold

1953 - 1958/J H Blackman/../../../Freehold

1959 - 1965/A P Lawrence/../../../Freehold

* Provided by Ewan

*** Provided By Tris

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