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Greenwich Index
A listing of historical public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels in Greenwich, London.
Archdeacons 1852 pub history directory - Greenwich & Woolwich including Deptford, Blackheath, Lewisham, Charlton and Plumstead
John Abbott, White Hart, High street, Lewisham
Major Agate, Prince of Wales, Montpelier Row, Blackheath
William Agate, Castle, High street, Lewisham
William Andrews, William the Fourth, Wellington street, Deptford
Joseph Frederick Andrews, Prince Regent, King Street, Woolwich
Josiah Andrews, Rising Sun, Rushey Green, Lewisham
James Avery, The Gibraltar, 4 Hardinge Manor Way, Woolwich
John Avery, beer retailer, 25 High street, Deptford
John Baker, beer retailer, King street, New Town, Deptford
William Baker, Prince of Wales, Rope yard rails, Woolwich
James Balls, Three Crowns, High bridge, Greenwich
E F Barber, Prince of Wales, Butcher row, Deptford
John Barker, beer retailer, King street, New Town, Deptford
James Barnes, Lord Nelson, Dock street, Deptford
James Barnes, beer retailer, Thames street, Greenwich
T Barrett, beer retailer & grocer, 7 & 8 Royal hill row, Greenwich
Mary Ann Barry, Bugle Horn, Charlton village, Old Charlton
S Barton, Royal George, Tanners hill, Deptford
W Batch, Fubbs Yatch, Brewhouse lane, Greenwich
T Bates, Ordnance Arms, Lewisham road, Greenwich
Thomas Bathurst, Red Lion inn, Shooters hill
Robert Beaver, Crown and Anchor, King Street, Greenwich
_ Benge, beer retailer, Plumstead road, Woolwich
Mrs Elizabeth Beten, Carpenters Arms, 18 High street, Woolwich
James Betts, Prince Regent, High street, Deptford
Richard Birchard, Spotted Cow, Hither green, Lewisham
Robert Blackburn, Druids Head, Church street, Deptford
William Blackshaw, Kings Arms, King street, Deptford
John Blackwell, The Highlander, Elm place, Lee road, Lee
Thomas Blake, Duke of Wellington, Lower Market street, Woolwich
Alexander M Blest, Kings Arms Hotel, Francis street, Woolwich
George Bolton, The Victoria, Victoria road, Deptford
Mrs Harriet Bond, beer retailer, 1 Park place, Greenwich
James Bowring, beer retailer, Prince street, Deptford
George Bradpeer, George Inn, Charlton village, Old Charlton
Samuel Brett, Hoy Inn, Creek road, Deptford
James Brewster, Bull Inn, 1 Bull Fields, Helen street, Woolwich
B Bridge, Beer retailer, New king street, Deptford
J W Brind, White Hart, 8 Hare street, Woolwich
Daniel Brown, Earl of Warwick,
66 Warwick street, Woolwich
Ebenezer Brown, Pier Tavern, 103 High street, Woolwich
Mrs Mary Brown, Star inn, Wellington street, Woolwich
H Budding, Red Lion, Old King street, Deptford
Thomas Bull, Greyhound Hotel, Stockwell street, Greenwich
George Burch, beer retailer, George street, Woolwich
Mrs Mary Burch, The Roebuck, 43 Church street, Woolwich
Richard Burchett, Three Tuns, London street, Greenwich
James Burchfield, beer retailer, 110 High street, Woolwich
Alfred Burford, The Telegraph,
236 Evelyn street, Deptford
J R Burgess, Queens Arms, Marlboro street, East Greenwich
John Burles, beer retailer, North row, Lewisham
Henry Burrell. beer retailer, 17 Elliot square, Deptford
George Butler, The Globe, 7 Church street, Woolwich
Mary Butler, Anglesea Arms, 59 New road, Woolwich
J Buttrey, Forlorn Hope, Albion road, Woolwich
Richard Bytham, licensed victualler, Trinity street, Woolwich
James Calvert, White Swan, Greenwich road, Greenwich
Henry Carter, Black Bull, High street, Lewisham
Edward Catley, beer retailer, 141 High street, Woolwich
Henry Cause, Nelson Inn, 3 Coleman street, Woolwich
John Chambers, grocer & beer retailer, 9 Bath place, Greenwich
William Henry Champion, The Salutation, Beresford square, Woolwich
Mrs M Champion, beer retailer, Loampit vale, Lewisham
John Chester, Rose and Crown, Crooms hill, Greenwich
Edward Clark, Yorkshire Grey, Blackheath hill, Blackheath
Henry Clark, Railway Tavern, Hamilton street, Deptford
Josh Clark, Friend at Hand, Boone street, Lee
Susan Claxon, Woodman Inn, Little heath, Old Charlton
Benjamin Clayton, beer retailer, Trinity street, Ferry road, Woolwich
Sophia Clifford, Queens Arms, Burrage road, Plumstead
Mrs Susannah Cluxon, Woodman Inn, Little heath, Woolwich
Benjamin Cickle, beer retailer, Pelton road, Greenwich
Robert Cole, beer retailer, Union street, Greenwich
William Coleman, beer retailer, Ravensbourne street, Deptford
Charles Coles, Travellers
Home, 1 Trafalgar place, Woolwich
Sarah Collins, Evelyn Arms, 1 Grove street hill, Deptford
Mrs Mary Ann Compton, The George, George row, Deptford
Edward Coney, beer retailer, Loampit vale, Lewisham
Charles Cook, The Fountain, Broadway, Deptford
Nathaniel Cook, Crown, Trafalgar road, Greenwich
A Cooper, grocer and beer retailer, 6 Bath place, Greenwich
John Cooper, Royal Oak, High street, Deptford
Mrs S Cooper, The Priory, Lewisham
Thomas Cotterell, Red Lion, 9 East lane, Greenwich
Mary Coulding, beer retailer, Tanners hill, Deptford
Alfred Courthope, Garricks Head,
Evelyn street, Deptford
William James Covil, The Albion tavern, Albion road, Woolwich
Joseph Cribb, beer retailer, Dodds corner, Greenwich
Thomas Cubitt, beer retailer, 8 Greenwich road, Greenwich
Austin Cullum, Tiger Cat, 23 Prince street, Deptford
John Cusack, Royal Oak, Church street, Lee
Robert Dalzell, Roupell Arms, Woolwich road
John S Davis, Neptune, Bellwater gate, Woolwich
Davisson and Bowman, Lion Brewery, Hare street, Woolwich
Henry Day, Lads of the Village, Charles street, Deptford
John Delaney, beer retailer, Church street, Deptford
John Dennison, beer retailer, Evelyn street, Deptford
Edward Dent, beer retailer, Queens place, Blackheath road, Greenwich
John Dinoson, beer retailer, 247 Evelyn street, Deptford
William Dorrington, beer retailer, 6 Royal hill, Greenwich
H E Douse, Three Tuns, Butcher row, Deptford
William Dunbar, Mitre Tavern, 145 High street, Woolwich
William Dwyer, Duchess of Wellington, Greens end, Woolwich
Mrs Sarah Eams, beer retailer, Osborne place, Blackheath
Thomas East, Crown and Sceptre Tap, High bridge, Greenwich
Edwin Edwards, Old Sheer Hulk, 3 Church street, Woolwich
John Edwards, Duke on Horseback, 44 High street, Woolwich
William Edwards, City Arms, High street, Deptford
Henry Elfinch, beer retailer, Garden row, Deptford
George Ellis, beer retailer, Wellington street, Deptford
George William Ely, Bell, Bell water gate, Woolwich
Charles Evans, Crown, Tranquil vale, Blackheath
Mrs Evans, White Hart, Osborne place, Blackheath
Walter Evans, Carpenters Arms, 4 Francis street, Deptford
Samuel Farnfield, Ordnance Arms,
Beresford square, Woolwich
James Figg, beer retailer, Prospect row, John street, Woolwich
R B Fisher, King of Prussia, Union street, Deptford
Edmund Foster, General Abercrombie, 17 Artillery place, Woolwich
Thomas Fowle, Fox and Hounds, Lee road, Lee
E C Francis, Steam Packet, the Stowage, Deptford
William Francis, Oxford Arms, Church street, Deptford
George Franklin, beer retailer, 64 Prince street, Deptford
Charles Fry, Prince Albert, 11 Hare street, Woolwich
Mrs M A Fry, Two Brewers, Church street, Greenwich
Elizabeth Gadsel, Ship Torbay tavern, Stable yard street, Greenwich
James Gent, Horse and Groom, Blackheath hill, Blackheath
Hester Gentry, beer retailer, Rushey green, Lewisham
William George, The Black Horse, 133 Evelyn street, Deptford
Thomas George, Brown Bear, High street, Deptford
Sophia Gering, Queens Arms, 9 Burrage road, Plumstead
Edwrd Gibbin, Swan, 10 Limes grove, Lewisham
Charles Gibbons, Dover Castle, Plumstead road, Woolwich
James Giles, Dover Castle, Church street, Greenwich
Richard Goodchild, beer retailer, Samuel street, Woolwich
Richard Goodison, Lion and Lamb, High street, Lewisham
Thomas Goodwin, Union, Ballast quay, Greenwich
Thomas Gosling, Steam Packet, Bell water gate, Woolwich
Joseph E Gowers, Three Daws, 78 High street, Woolwich
Charles Gray, The Britannia, 10 Grove street, Deptford
Charles Green, George and Dragon, 47 High street, Woolwich
George Greenwood, beer retailer, 15 New road, Woolwich - Duke of York
Justinian Grocock, beer retailer, King street, Woolwich - Lord Whitworth
Joseph Guyer, Angel, Albert street, Woolwich
William Haggis, beer retailer, 10 St Mary street, Woolwich
John Hammond, Gun Tavern, New road, Woolwich
John Hammond, Star & Garter, 24 Richard street, Woolwich
Leonard Hammond, Black Eagle, 15 Church street, Woolwich
William Hammond, Tigers Head, Lee green, Lee
Mrs Mary Ann Hammond, Navy Arms, Queen street, Woolwich
Thomas Hancock, beer retailer, Samuel street, Woolwich
Mrs Sarah Hannaford, Crown and Anchor Hotel, 37 High street, Woolwich
Benj Harding, beer retailer, 1 Romney place, Church street, Greenwich
John Harridence, Woodmans Inn, 26 Lower George street, Greenwich
Charles Hart, Trafalgar, Crane street, Greenwich
Nathaniel Hart, beer retailer, Wellington street, Deptford
John Harvey, White Horse, Lee road, Lee
James Hawkins, Vintners Arms, Union place, Greenwich
James Haywood, beer retailer, 47 New road, Woolwich
Mrs Mary Ann Herbert, Two Brewers, 10 Ravensbourne street, Deptford
John Hester, Walter Arms, Addey street, Deptford
John Hight, The Bee Hive, Wellington street, Deptford
Thomas Hill, Bull Inn, Shooters hill, Old Charlton
George Hilsbury, Ship and Punch Bowl, Church street, Woolwich
James Hockley, Bee Hive, 22 Bridge street, Greenwich
James Hodgkin, beer retailer, Marlborough street, East Greenwich
Henry Harvey Hodgson, The Royal Mortar, New road, Woolwich
John Holland, beer retailer, 6 Blackheath road, Greenwich
Thomas Holloway, Royal Standard, New Town, Deptford
William H Holme, Rose and Crown, Blackheath road, Greenwich
Joseph Hone, Wheatsheaf, Church street, Greenwich
John Howard, The Woodman, 9 Robinson terrace, Deptford
Joseph Huggett, Three Compasses, Church street, Deptford
W H Hughes, Canteen, Marine barracks, Woolwich
Daniel Humphrey, The Globe, 199 Evelyn street, Deptford
Thomas J Hunt, The Fox, King street, Deptford
Thomas Hurditch, George the Fourth, King street, Woolwich
George Ilsley, Punch Bowl, 27 Church street, Woolwich - Ship & Punch Bowl
Mrs Inglis, beer retailer, Bull fields - Princess of Wales
James Inward, beer retailer, 4 Roan street, Greenwich
C Ireland, The Golden Fleece, Nelson street, New Town, Deptford
Richard Irwin, Dukes Head, Dartmouth row, Blackheath
Henry Jaggars, The Queen Victoria, 1 Mulgrave place, Woolwich
John Jenkins, beer retailer, Matilda place, Bridge street, Greenwich
Mrs Jenkins, Old Centurion, 1 Broadway, Deptford
Joseph Jennings, beer retailer, Mill lane, Deptford
James Jones., The George, Rushey green, Lewisham
Richard Jones, beer retailer, Church street, Deptford
John Jutsum, Bricklayers Arms, Trafalgar road, Greenwich
John Kerr, beer retailer, Ferry road, Woolwich
John Kinchin, beer retailer, 99 High street, Woolwich - New Steam Packet
Henry John Kingham, Mitre, Deptford bridge, Deptford
James Kinnear, Queens Arms, 35 Artillery place, Woolwich
William Kinnear, British Queen, Church street, Greenwich
W H Knight, beer retailer, Queen street, Woolwich
Thomas Knock, The Sun, 8 Blackheath hill, Blackheath
Mrs Elizabeth Lacey, The Red Lion, Mulgrave place, Woolwich
James Laidbetter, Lad of the Village, 10 Manor way, New Charlton
George Lancefield, Barrack Tavern, Rochester place, Woolwich common
M Langford, Lord Nelson, Trafalgar road, Greenwich
Fred Larming, beer retailer, East lane, Greenwich
Ann Lawrence, beer retailer, Coldbath street, Greenwich
John Leach, Robinhood and Littlejohn, Blue stile, Greenwich
James Leadbeter, Lads of the Village, Hardinge Manor way, Woolwich
Thomas Lee, Royal Oak, New road, Woolwich
Thomas Lee, The Shakespeare, Powis street, Woolwich
George Lloyd, beer retailer, Chapel row, Woolwich
Richard Lock, Sun in the Sands, Shooters hill road
Joseph Lockett, Nile Tavern, Hog lane, Woolwich
William Lockwood, beer retailer, Church street, Greenwich
H C Lovegrove, Pavilion Hotel, North Woolwich
John Lovibond, Nags head brewery, Bridge street, Greenwich
Ann G Luke, The George, Blackheath hill, Blackheath
John Luntley, Golden Cross, Church street, Woolwich
John Lyver, Ashburnham Arms, Ashburnham grove, Greenwich
Maria McPherson, beer retailer, 55 New road, Woolwich
Ellen Mackay, beer retailer, 7 Church street, Greenwich
Francis B Malin, White Horse, Church street, Deptford
James Marshall, beer retailer, 4 Trafalgar road, Greenwich
William Marshall, beer retailer, Trafalgar road, Greenwich
R B Martin, Dover Castle, 7 Broadway, Deptford
William Maslen, The Duke, 1 Creek road, Deptford
George Mason, The Windmill, Lower road, Deptford
Thomas Mather, Robin Hood and Little John, Church street, Deptford
Henry Matthews, The Angel, Loampit hill, Lewisham
John May, beer retailer, Ratcliffe buildings, Woolwich road, Greenwich
Augustus Mayes, The Elephant and Castle, Beresford square, Woolwich
Joshua Meade, White Hart, 1 London street, Greenwich
Richard Messenger, Shipwright Arms, 1 Friendly street, Deptford
Andrew Metcalf, beer retailer, 52 High street, Woolwich
Peter Puget Meyrick, Olive Branch, Prospect house, Orchard hill, Greenwich
R S Middlemas, Prince Albert, Hare street, Woolwich - Prince Albert
Elizabeth Miller, Roebuck, High street, Lewisham
Francis Miller, beer retailer, 1 Anne street, Woolwich
Henry Miller, Sidney Arms, Lewisham road, Greenwich
James Miller, Telegraph, 1 Telegraph place, Maidenstone hill, Greenwich
Henry Richard Mitchell, Admiral Hardy, 7 Clarence street, Greenwich
William Monk, beer retailer, 16 Coleman street, Woolwich
Henry Montague, Crown and Masons Arms, 15 Cannon row, Woolwich
George Moore, Fortune of War, East street, Greenwich
James Moore, Railway Tavern, near the station, Lee terrace, Blackheath park,
James and Mary Moore, Globe, Circus row, Royal hill, Greenwich
William Morris, The Plough, Lewisham
William Moulder, Duchess of Kent, Brunswick square, Deptford
James Muckle, Kings Head, Bear lane, Greenwich
John Munn, Hare and Billett, Grotes place, Blackheath
Thomas Munyard, Spread Eagle, Stockwell street, Greenwich
James Muruss, Coach and Horses, Market place, Greenwich
William Neale, Morden Arms, Brand street, Greenwich
W Nelson, Eagle Tavern, 60 Beresford street, Woolwich
Thomas Neyler, Railway Tavern, Plumstead road, Woolwich
Mary Oakley, Royal Albert, Prospect place, Hedge row, New Charlton
John Pain, Royal Standard, 88 High street, Woolwich
William Painter, Barley Mow, Royal hill, Greenwich
Thomas Parish, Earl of Chatham, Hughes fields, Deptford
John Parker, Duke of York, Lewisham road, Greenwich
Robert Parker, Royal Oak, East lane, Greenwich
Thomas Parkins, Duke of Cornwall, 1 Cornwall terrace, Creek road, Deptford
William Parks, beer retailer, 10 Albert place, New Charlton
James Parratt, beer retailer, 10 Trafalgar road, Greenwich
George William Parsons, Crown and Cushion Inn, 1 Market hill, Woolwich
Christopher Payne, Kings Arms, King street, Greenwich
Robert Peat, Trafalgar Inn, George street, New Charlton
Richard Penfold, beer retailer, 8 Royal hill, Greenwich
William Perriman, beer retailer, high street, Lewisham
George Pettafor, Duke of Kent, Royal hill row, Greenwich
Ann Phillips, Yacht Tavern, Crane street, Greenwich
Edward Thomas Phillips, Ship and Sailor, 7 Church street, Greenwich
William H Phillips, Hope, Loampit vale, Lewisham
Robert Phillips, Little Crown, 3 East street, Greenwich
Thomas W Plaisted, Coopers Arms, High street, Woolwich
Thomas Plaw, Buffalos Head, Garden stairs, Church street, Greenwich
John Porter, White Swan, High street, Deptford
James Potter, Eight Bells, 1 Church street, Greenwich
Thomas Pound, Three Tuns, Tranquil vale, Blackheath
James Powles, Royal George, Blissett street, Greenwich
William Preece, Plume of Feathers, Park place, Greenwich
J Pretty, Coach and Horses, Blackheath road, Greenwich
John Price, George and Dragon, Conduit vale, Blackheath
William Pullen, Wheatsheaf, Glenmore terrace, Henry street, Woolwich
Thomas Quartermaine, The Crown and Sceptre, Queen street, Greenwich
Frederick Radford, beer retailer, Trafalgar road, Greenwich
Elizabeth Randall, The Swan Inn, Charlton village, Old Charlton
Ebenezer Reading, The Crystal Palace, King street, Woolwich
Joseph Reed, Shipwrights Arms, Bennett street, Lewisham road, Greenwich
Thomas Reynolds, Edinbro Castle, Bowater crescent, Woolwich - Edinboro Castle
David Rice, Fortune of War, Greens end, Woolwich
William Joseph Richards, Castle Inn, Edward street, Woolwich
Frederick Ridford, beer retailer, Bennett street, Greenwich
Daniel Riordan, Duke of Sussex, 30 Beresford street, Woolwich
John Roberts, beer retailer, Church row, Greenwich
John Robertson, North Pole, 25 St Mary street, Woolwich
Thomas Robinson, Mitre, Church street, Greenwich
W Robinson, Prince of Orange, Greenwich road
S C Roff, The Grapes, Old King street, Deptford
Frances Rome, Princess Alice, Old Woolwich road, Greenwich
John Ross, The Admiral Rodney, 19 New King street, Deptford
Jonathan Russell, Fishermans Arms, Coldbath street, Greenwich
John Rutter, Ship Defiance, Grove street, Deptford
William Salmon, Red Lion and Wheatsheaf, 24 High street, Deptford
William Sanders, beer retailer, George street, New Charlton
Edward Sayer, The Powerful, 40 Warwick street, Woolwich
Richard Scales, Mansion House, 106 Evelyn street, Deptford
R Scott, Prince of Wales, 45 Albert street, Deptford
C Seabrook, The Grapes, New King street, Deptford
S E Seabrook, Fishing Smack, the Stowage, Deptford
Robert Seaton, Cricketers, Turnpin lane, Greenwich
William Seaward, Sussex Arms, Plumstead road, Woolwich
Thomas Selves, White Lion, 56 Church street, Woolwich
Phillip Shelley, White Swan, Blackheath road, Greenwich
Robert Shorter, Navy and Army Hotel, Francis street, Woolwich
W H Showell, The Unicorn, Horseferry road, Greenwich
William Sloman, Ship Hotel, 11,12 & 13 George street, Woolwich
G H Smith, The Red Cow, Old King street, Deptford
Thomas F Smith, Black Horse, Rushey green, Lewisham
Henry Solaway, Horse and Groom, Prospect place, New Charlton
E Spackman, beer retailer, 11 Blackheath hill, Blackheath
Alexander Spence, Earl of Chathams Arms, 21 Thomas street, Woolwich
John Spence, The White Hart, Grove street, Deptford
H Spencer. beer retailer, Ravensbourne hill, Greenwich
Robert William Sprules, Druids Arms, Straightsmouth, Greenwich
James Stacey, Lord Hood Arms, Bridge street, Greenwich
John Staples, Prince of Wales, 8 London street, Greenwich
James Steves, Duke of York, Evelyn street, Deptford
John Stevens, Pelton Arms, Pelton road, Greenwich
William Steward, Man in the Moon, East street, Greenwich
C J Stockwell, Sugarloaf, Billingsgate street, Greenwich
Thomas Stone, The Grey Coat Boy, Roan street, Greenwich
Sophia Stratton, Red Cow, High street, Deptford
John Swalling, beer retailer, Straightsmouth, Greenwich
John Talbot, Trinity Arms, Church street, Deptford
John Taylor, Trafalgar, 29 George street, Woolwich
William Taylor, beer retailer, Plumstead road, Woolwich
Charlotte Thomas, The Marquis of Granby, Lewisham road, Deptford
George Thomas, Brown Bear, High street, Deptford
J C Tiley, Swan, High road, Lee
James Towley, Royal Hospital, Queen street, Greenwich
Edward Trafford, British Queen, Trafalgar road, Greenwich
Benjamin Trench, beer retailer, 6 Hare street, Woolwich - Spotted Dog
William Trench, Golden Anchor, 7 Anchor wharf, Greenwich
John Trequin, The Neptune, Creek street, Deptford
Turnbull, beer retailer, 29 Bridge street, Greenwich
R B Tweed, Old George, The Stowage, Deptford
Ann Twining, beer retailer, 56 Samuel street, Woolwich - Rose & Crown
Henry Tyler, Ship and Billet, Woolwich road, Greenwich
John Waghorn, Devonshire Arms, 12 Lower George street, Greenwich
Francis Ward, Lord Nelson, Trafalgar road, Greenwich
Jane Ward, The Director General, 27 Wellington street, Woolwich
Josiah Warrin, beer retailer, 18 Royal hill, Greenwich
Richard Waterhouse, Star and Garter, 52 Park street, Greenwich
J Watson & sons, White Horse Inn, Charlton terrace, Charlton
George John Watson, White Horse Inn, 28 Charlton terrace, Charlton
William Watson, The George Tavern, Maize hill, Greenwich
Frederick Watt, Victory, Trafalgar road, Greenwich
William Watt, William the Fourth, Trafalgar road, Greenwich
George Webb, Salutation, Church street, Greenwich
M A Well, The Flower of Kent, Lewisham road, Deptford
John West, Marquis of Granby, 80 High street, Woolwich
J B Wheatley, Ship and Half Moon, Ship stairs, Woolwich
Hannah White, Rose and Crown, Thames street, Greenwich
Henry White, Fort Tavern, Sandy hill, Woolwich
John White, Noahs Ark, High street, Deptford
Thomas Whitewood, Guildford Arms, Cuildford road, Greenwich
Ann Whitmarsh, Green Man, Blackheath hill, Blackheath
Joseph Whittaker, Machinists Arms, High street, Deptford
George Wilkins, beer retailer, 8 Green lane, Greenwich
George Wilkins, beer retailer, Royal hill, Greenwich
V Williams, beer retailer, 41 Church street, Greenwich
W Williams, Bricklayers Arms, Lewisham road, Deptford
Edward Winch, beer retailer, Trafalgar road, Greenwich
J S Wolveridge, The Dog and Bell, Dock street, Deptford
John Woolbridge, licensed victualler, Dock street, Deptford
Jane Woollams, Duke of Wellington, Morden place, Old Woolwich road, Greenwich
W H Wright, North Pole, Vansittart place, Greenwich road, Greenwich
Alfred W Young, Fountain Tavern, Watermans fields, Woolwich
James Young, Coach and Horses, 43 High street, Woolwich
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