Old Cherry Tree Hotel, 31 Grove Vale, East Dulwich SE22

Camberwell pubs history index

Earlier name in 1938 and earlier is Ye Olde Cherrie Tree & Railway Hotel. In 1904 it is just the Cherry Tree at 8 Grove Vale. The Cherry tree in Grove Vale, was another Trumans pub - after the first refusal in 1863 Plimmer continued to run it as a beer house until he finally got hold of a licence in 1872. The current building dates from the 1930s and is not as the picture, that was taken about 1905/06 when Walter Collison was the landlord. *

Historical London public houses, Taverns, Inns, Beer Houses and Hotels.

Old Cherry Tree, Grove Vale, Camberwell SE22 - licensee Walter W Collison in 1905

Old Cherry Tree, Grove Vale, Camberwell SE22 - licensee Walter W Collison in 1905

Kindly provided by Vincent O'Loughlin

Residents at this address.

1863 - Morning Advertiser 19/03/1863: Licence refused - Henry Plimmer, Cherry tree, Grove Vale *

1867 - South London Chronicle 10/08/1867: SURREY HORTICULTURAL SOCIETY: The 21st Annual show of this society took place this Wednesday and Thursday. It was held in the grounds of E Lloyd Esq of Champion Hill where a large marquee had been erected. Refreshments were provided by Mr Henry Plimmer of the Cherry Tree, Grove Vale, who catered well for the many visitors. *

Morning Advertiser 31 March 1871 - licence applications :
Cherry Tree, Grove vale, East Dulwich, to Henry Plimmer, Licence refused.

1871/Henry Plimmer/Licensed victualler/58/Blandford/Census *
1871/Elizabeth K Plimmer/Wife/23/Surrey Bermondsey/Census
1871/George Plimmer/20/ Surrey Bermondsey/Census
1871/Adelaide Plimmer/18/ Surrey Bermondsey/Census
1871/Sarah Staff/General servant/19/Census

1872 - Morning Advertiser 29 March 1872: Newington Licencing - Henry Plimmer, Champion Hill Railway Hotel, Grove Vale � in this case the application was for a victualler�s licence of for the removal of the wine and beer licence from the Cherry Tree, Grove Vale, to the Champion Hill Railway Hotel. The chairman said the former part of this application would not be granted. As to the removal of the existing wine and beer licence there was some little irregularity in the notices; but still the new house was a very superior one, and, therefore, this part of the application would be granted *

1878 - Surrey Directory: V A Mears (Railway Tavern, Grove Vale, Peckham SE) *

1881/James Nowell/Publican/34/Southwark, Surrey/Census
1881/Julia G Nowell/Wife/32/Walworth, Surrey/Census
1881/James W Nowell/Son/4/Camberwell, Surrey/Census
1881/Albert S Nowell/Son/2/Walworth, Surrey/Census
1881/Percy S Allingham/Brother In Law/15/Walworth, Surrey/Census
1881/Florence C H Allingham/Sister In Law/13/Walworth, Surrey/Census
1881/Fredk C Allingham/Brother In Law/22/Walworth, Surrey/Census
1881/Florence Banger/Barmaid/19/Ramsgate, Kent/Census
1881/Jane Pearson/Cook/28/Northampton/Census
1881/Ada Aston/Nursemaid/15/Ireland/Census

1884/Walter Coles, at the Railway Hotel, 8 Grove Vale/../../../Post Office Directory *

1891 Census: at the Railway Hotel
1891/Walter Coles/Licensed victualler/44/Devon Ottery St Mary/Census *
1891/Elizabeth Coles/Wife/21/London Bermondsey/Census
1891/Jessie E Coles/16/London Chelsea/Census
1891/Hilda M Coles/scholar/13/London Bermondsey/Census
1891/Rose Coles/ Licensed victualler�s assistant /20/Cambridge Swaivesy/Census
1891/Emily J Reeves/Licensed victualler�s assistant/30/ London Bermondsey/Census
1891/Harriet Williams/ General servant/26/Herts Bushey/Census

1901/Reuben Denman/../../../../Post Office Directory

1901/Reuben Denman/Licensed victualler/41/Somerset Ilminster/Census *
1901/Ethel M M Denman/wife/30/Norfolk Yarmouth/Census
1901/Lilian M Briggs/Bar assistant20/ Middlesex St Pancras/Census
1901/Ann F Chapman/Bar assistant/24/ Wiltshire Preston Parish/Census
1901/Herbert H Lee/Bar assistant/22/London Lambeth/Census
1901/Ida Hunt/Cook & general servant/25/Wiltshire Preston Parish/Census

1904/Ernest Jasper Collison/../../../../Post Office Directory

1905/Ernest Jasper Collison/../../../../Post Office Directory

1905/Walter W Collison/../../../../Telephone Directory *

1908/Walter W Collison/../../../../Telephone Directory *

1911/Archie Ives Tyler/../../../../Post Office Directory

#Note the pub is called the Railway Hotel in the 1911 Census. *
1911/Archie Ives Tyler/Licensed victualler/31/London Bermondsey/Census *
1911/Winifred Ann Tyler/wife/26/Kent Chislehurst/Census
1911/Alfred Usher/Barman/26/Surrey Camberwell/Census
1911/William Sherriff/Barman/25/ Surrey Camberwell/Census
1911/Robert Broadbridge/Potman/27/ Surrey Camberwell/Census
1911/May Winifred Hobbs/Barmaid/25/London Deptford/Census
1911/Minnie Alice Barker/ General servant/ 23/London parish/Census
1911/Dudley Lawford Collison/ Clerk/18/London Bermondsey/Census

1919/Frank Ede/../../../../Hughes Directory

1921/Frank Ede/../../../../Hughes Directory

1938/Henry Gosheron/../../../../Post Office Directory

1944/Henry Gosheron/../../../../Post Office Directory

* Provided By Ian McInnes

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