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Blackheath, Lewisham

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Melvilles 1858 Directory of Kent.

BLACKHEATH is in Lewisham union, the lathe of Sutton-at-Hone, and the hundred of its name. The Heath joins Greenwich, from which it is approached by a steep ascent. There is a very handsome church, with a fine spire, built and endowed by John Augustein, Esq.; also a Congregational chapel, in the Gothic style, near the railway station, erected in 1854.

POST-OFFICE, Dartmouth row. - Mr. Udle, Receiver.
Receiving and Money Order Office, Tranquil Vale - W. C. Roe, Receiver.

Receiving Office, Blackheath hill. - J. P. Cooper, Receiver.


Trinity Church. - Rev. J. Fenn, Minister.
St. Germain's Chapel. - Rev. H. Battiscombe, Minister.
Chapel of Ease, Dartmouth place. - Rev. 0. Powles, Minister.
Chapel of Ease, Dartmouth row. - Rev. W. Hawtague, Minister.
St. John's Church, Charlton lane. - Rev. R. G. Lewis, Minister.
Congregational Chapel. - Rev. J, Sherman, Minister.

Gentry in 1858

Traders in Melvilles 1858 Directory

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