Search london history from Roman times to modern day
London, by Walter Besant.
| PAGE |
Stowe's Monument, in North Aisle of St. Andrew Undershaft | 2
Roman Marble Sarcophagus. Guildhall | 4
Statues of Mercury, Apollo, and Jupiter or Neptune: found in the Thames, 1837 | 6
Bronze Articles for Domestic Use | 8
Bronze Fibul� and other Ornaments: found in London | 11
Roman Pavement: Leadenhall Street | 14
Bronze Bust of the Emperor Hadrian: found in the Thames.
British Museum | 17
A Bit of Roman Wall. From a Photograph by W. H. Grove,
174 Brompton Road | 20
Lamps and Lamp-stand | 23
Sepulchral Cists, etc.: found in Warwick Square, Newgate
Street, 1881. British Museum | 32
Roman Keys. Guildhall | 34
Toilet Articles—Hair-pins; Hair-pin (Sarina, Wife of Hadrian);
Bone Comb and Case (Cloakham); Bone Comb (Lower Thames Street) | 36
Statuettes: found in Thames Street, 1889. Guildhall | 39
Roman Amphor� | 41
London Stone, Cannon Street, as it appeared in 1800 | 45
Battle between Two Armed Knights | 49
River Tilting in the Twelfth Century | 52
Crypt: Remains of the Collegiate Church of St. Martin-le-Grand, N.E. | 54
The Founder's Tomb, St. Bartholomew the Great, E.C., founded
1123 | 57
{xii}South Ambulatory, Church of St. Bartholomew, founded 1123 | 61
St. Katherine's by the Tower | 64
Interior of the Church of St. Katherine's by the Tower | 65
Dowgate Dock | 68
St. Saviour's Dock | 70
North-east View of St. Saviour's | 73
Plan of Saxon Church, Bradford-on-Avon | 76
Saxon Church, Seventh or Eighth Century, Bradford-on-Avon | 77
Sculptured Angel, Saxon Church | 78
View of Interior of Saxon Church, showing very remarkable
Chancel Arch and Entrance | 79
First Stone London Bridge, begun A.D. 1176 | 82
Crypt, or Lower Chapel, of St. Thomas's Church, London
Bridge | 84
West Front of Chapel on London Bridge | 85
Part of London Wall in the Church-yard of St. Giles, Cripplegate | 88
Entrance to Knights Hospitallers | 90
Buildings of Knights Hospitallers | 91
Crypt in Bow Church, from the North Side, near the East
End of the Nave | 95
Interior of Porch of the Parish Church of St. Alphege, London
Wall, formerly the Chapel of the Priory of St. Elsynge Spital | 97
The Arms and Seals of the Prior and Convent of St. Saviour
at Bermondsey | 101
A City Monument | 107
Ruins (1790) of the Nunnery of St. Helen, Bishopsgate Street | 110
St. Helen's, Bishopsgate | 113
South-west View of the Interior of the Church of St. Helen,
Bishopsgate Street | 116
Church of St. Augustin (St. Austin) | 119
Church of Austin Friars | 122
Christ's Hospital, from the Cloisters | 126
The Charter House | 130
Ruins of the Convent of Nuns Minories, 1810 | 133
Bow Church, Mile End Road | 137
{xiii}North-east View of Waltham Abbey Church, Essex | 140
Waltham Abbey Church, Essex, before Restoration | 145
Porch of St. Sepulchre's Church | 148
South View of the Palace of the Bishops of Winchester, near
St. Saviour's | 151
Charing Cross. Erected by Edward I. in memory of Queen
Eleanor of Castile | 156
Church of St. Paul's before the Fire | 158
Monuments of St. Paul's which survived the Fire (east end
of North Crypt) | 160
Ancient North-east View of Bishopsgate Street | 162
The College of Arms, or Herald's Office | 164
Bridewell | 165
View of the Savoy from the Thames | 165
View of the South Front of Baynard's Castle, about 1640 | 167
View of Cold Harbor, in Thames Street, about 1600 | 171
Crosby House, Bishopsgate Street | 173
Interior of Crosby Hall | 175
Interior of part of Crosby Hall, called the Council Room,
looking East | 178
Gateway, etc., in Crosby Square (now destroyed) | 180
Crosby Hall | 183
North-east View of Crosby Hall, showing part of the Interior
of the Great Hall | 187
Gerrard's Hall | 191
Bridewell Palace, about 1660, with the Entrance to the Fleet dRiver, part of the Black Friars, etc. | 195
The Thames Front, A.D. 1540 | 197
Ancient Court of Bridewell Palace | 201
Old Charing Cross | 216
The Strand (1547), with the Strand Cross, Covent Garden,
and the Procession of Edward VI. to his Coronation at Westminster | 241
Arms of Sir Richard Whittington | 244
Arms granted to the Craft of the Ironmongers of London by
Lancaster King of Arms, A.D. 1466 | 246
Guildhall, King Street, London | 248
Blackwell Hall, King Street | 251
{xiv}Ancient Plate | 254
The Conduit, near Bayswater | 257
South-east View of Stepney Church | 259
Boar in Eastcheap | 264
The View of London Bridge from East to West | 271
The Pool | 275
Burghley House | 283
Ilford Almshouses | 287
Old Tavern | 289
Front of Sir Paul Pinder's House, on the West Side of
Bishopsgate Street Without | 291
The Royal Exchange, Cornhill | 295
The Steel Yard, etc., Thames Street, after the Great Fire of
1666 | 299
Collegii Greshamensis a Latere Occidentali Prospectus A.D.
1739 | 302
Curious Pump | 305
Newgate | 315
Sign of the Three Kings, Bucklersbury | 321
The Manner of Burning Anne Askew, John Lacels, John
Adams, and Nicolas Belenian, with certane of ye Counsell sitting in Smithfield | 326
Old Fountain Inn in the Minories. Taken down in 1793 | 329
South-west View of an Ancient Structure in Ship Yard,
Temple Bar | 335
Obsequies of Sir Philip Sidney | 341
Dr. Shaw preaching at St. Paul's Cross | 347
The Old Bull and Mouth Inn, St. Martin's-le-Grand. Now
pulled down | 353
Globe Theatre | 357
Inside of the Red Bull Playhouse | 359
South View of Falcon Tavern, on the Bank Side, Southwark,
as it appeared in 1805 | 363
Palace of Whitehall in the Reign of James II. | 373
Hungerford Market | 380
Cheapside | 382
Fleet Street | 385
Below Bridge | 389
{xv}Old East India House | 396
Sion College | 398
John Bunyan's Meeting-house in Zoar Street | 401
Old Grocers' Hall, used for Bank of England | 403
London after the Fire | 405
Old St. Paul's, with the Porch of Inigo Jones | 411
Houses in St. Katherine's. Pulled down in 1827 | 432
Lud Gate | 435
Davenant's School | 439
Sign | 444
St. Dunstan's in the West | 445
Approach to London Bridge | 447
Above Bridge | 452
St. James's Palace—March of the Guards | 456
Ranelagh | 459
North View of the Marshalsea, Southwark | 461
Charing Cross | 463
A Dish of Tea | 469
Visiting Card | 478
Vauxhall | 481
Sir John Fielding's Court, Bow Street | 487
Interior of St. Stephen, Walbrook | 491
Concert Ticket | 493
Chapter 1 - page 1 - 43 ; Chapter 2 - 44 to 105 ; Chapter 3 - 106 to 154 ; Chapter 4 - 155 to 214 ; Chapter 5 - 216 to 262 ; Chapter 6 - 263 to 319 ; Chapter 7 - 320 to 370 ; Chapter 8 - 371 to 428 ; Chapter 9 - 429 to 501.
- Abergavenny House, 177
- "Abram Man," the, 416
- Agas, Ralph, map of, 274
- Ale-houses, number of, in 1736, 476
- Alfune, founder of Church of St. Giles, Cripplegate, 63
- Alien priories suppressed, 240
- Alleyn, 364
- All Hallows the Great, Church of, Thames Street, 441
- Almshouses in the City, 238
- Alphege, Archbishop of Canterbury, 85
- Alsatia, 120
- Amusements in Saxon and Norman times, 90
- Anderida destroyed, 29
- "Angler," the, 416
- Angli� Metropolis, or, The Present State of London, 1690, quoted, 400
- Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 1, 8, 13
- London not mentioned in, 13
- Antwerp at commencement of Elizabeth's reign, 293
- Apothecaries, 474
- Apprentices, London, 334
- Assessment of London in 1397, 184
- Augusta, fate of, after the Romans left, 8
- Aulaf and Swegen, 85
- Austin Friars Monastery, 112;
- distinguished persons buried there, 264
- Bagnigge Wells, 492{503}
- Baltic Coffee-house, 477
- Bank Side, 356
- Barber-surgeons, 474
- Barnard's Castle, 288
- Bartholomew's Fair, 457
- Bassing Hall, 83
- Bath, ruins of Roman temples at, 6
- Baynard's Castle, history of, 163
- Bean tansy, 476
- Bede's Ecclesiastical History, 1
- Beer-drinking, 419
- Beer the national drink, 83, 481
- Bermondsey, Abbey of, 134, 267
- — Spa Gardens, 496
- Bethlehem Hospital, 131
- Black Friars Church destroyed, 267
- Blackfriars Theatre, 308
- Blackwell Hall, 83
- Blakeney, William, story of, 249
- Blue-coat School, 115, 303
- Bonvici, Antonio, 170
- Bow Church, Mile End Road, 135
- Bowyers' Company, 454
- Bradford-on-Avon, description of Church of St. Laurence at, 71
- Bread a luxury in time of Charles II., 421
- Brewer, Dr., and his estimate of medi�val London, 155
- Breweries along the river, 50
- Bridewell Palace, 83
- Briset, Jordan, and Muriel, his wife, 65, 128
- Buildings small and mean until long after the Norman conquest, 47
- Bull-baiting, 356, 361, 408{504}
- "Bully," the, in the Georgian period, 489
- Burghley House, 286
- Butcher Row, 446
- Calleva Atrebatum destroyed, 29
- Card-makers' Company, 454
- Card-playing temp. Elizabeth, 310
- Carmelites, the, 119
- Carpenter, John, founder of the City of London School, 193
- Carthusians, House of the, 120
- Castellan and standard-bearer to the City of London, 164
- Cedd, Bishop, 53
- Champneys, Sir John, 311
- Chapter Coffee-house, 477
- Charing Cross, 141
- Charles, King, deplorable morals of Court of, 371
- Charter House, 128, 266
- — — School, 303
- Chaucer, 149
- Chepe, 334, 337
- — East, butchers in, 217
- — of medi�val London, 185
- — the chief market of the City, 50
- — West, mercers and haberdashers in, 217
- Chester, battle of, in 607, 111
- Chichele, Sir Robert, 194
- Christ Church, built by Wren, 115
- Christian symbols and emblems found on site of Roman towns, 5
- Christ's Hospital, 115
- Church of England in time of George II., 436
- Churches, the thirteen large conventual, 54
- — penalties for absence from, 442
- Cistercian Order, 123
- City companies, formation of, 208
- — foreign trade of, 190
- — holidays, 236
- — of London School founded by John Carpenter, 193{505}
- — residences of the nobility, 174
- — wall, 81, 111
- — water supply of, 83
- — wealth of, 184
- — worthies, 194
- "Clapperdozen," the, 416
- Cloth Fair, 63
- Clubs, 477
- Cnut, 85
- Coals, duty on, to rebuild public buildings after the Great Fire, 400
- Cock-fighting on Shrove Tuesday, 224
- Cockpit Theatre, 308
- Coffee-houses, business carried on at, 477
- — first started temp. Charles II., 411
- Cold Harborough, house built by Sir John Poultney, 166, 289
- Companies, City, formation of, 208
- Congreve's "Way of the World," 410
- Cordwainer Street, shoemakers in, 217
- Cornhill, drapers in, 217
- Court of Judicature created after the Great Fire, 399
- Craftsmen of London, 215
- Cranmer and Waltham Abbey, 139
- Cromwell House, 265
- — Lord, 325
- Crosby Hall, 170, 289
- — Sir John, 169
- Crutched Friars' Church turned into a carpenter's shop and tennis court, 265
- — — Priory of, 111
- Cuneglass, King, 3
- Curfew bell, the, 243
- Curtain Theatre, Shoreditch, 307
- Daily Life, Elizabethan, 303
- Dances in time of Elizabeth, 310
- Danes, the, 47{506}
- Debtors' prison in the Georgian era, 496
- Debts, like property, destroyed by the Great Fire, 402
- Defoe, Daniel, and his account of the Plague, 377
- — trades enumerated by, 380
- Derby House, 163, 289
- Dick's Coffee-house, 411
- Dominicans, first settlement of, in Chancery Lane, 118
- "Dommerer," the, 416
- Dover, St. Mary's Church at, 75
- Dress of the time of George II., 458
- Drinking and fires the pests of London, 52
- — habits in the time of George II., 475
- — in time of Charles II., 407
- Dryden, John, on the Great Fire, 404
- D'Urfey, Tom, songs of, 412
- Durovernum destroyed, 29
- East India Company, the, 297
- Eastland Company, the, 297
- Eastminster, 133
- — pulled down, 263
- Edmund, Earl of Lancaster, founds Holywell Nunnery, 132
- Education of girls, thorough, temp. Elizabeth, 314
- Edward II. and the City, 205
- Edward IV. and Baynard's Castle, 164
- Elbing, merchants of, 296
- Eleanor, Queen, a benefactor of St. Katherine's by the Tower, 66
- Elizabethan Daily Life, 303
- — house, the, 286
- — pageants, 304
- Elsing's Spital, founded in 1329, 144
- Elsing, William, 197, 238
- England, Conquest of, completed, 10{507}
- Epping Forest, 233
- Erber House, history of, 169
- Ermyn Street, 23
- Estfield, Sir William, 197
- Ethelbald, King, grant of, to Bishop of Rochester, 47
- Etheling, Edmund, 85
- Ethelwerd, 1
- Falcon Tavern, Bank Side, 362
- Famines in London, 240
- Fire, Great, of London, 394
- — — John Dryden on, 404
- — — destruction caused by, 397
- Fires, great, of London, 394
- Fitz-Stephen, William, 48, 51
- Fleet weddings, 483, 498
- Flemings, the, 44
- Fletchers' Company, 454
- Flogging in the army and navy, 484
- Food in the time of George II., 475
- — of the citizens, 236
- Fortune Theatre, Whitecross Street, 308
- Foxe's Book of Martyrs, written at Waltham Abbey, 139
- Franciscans, the, 113
- Franklin, Benjamin, on beer-drinking in a London printing-house, 420
- Fraternities, the, 147
- Fratres de Sacc�, 139
- Froissart on the Londoners, 205
- Fuller, Thomas, wrote his Church History at Waltham Abbey, 139
- Funerals, 484
- Furniture in medi�val times, 181
- Fustarers' Company, 453
- Gaming temp. Elizabeth, 310
- Gambling in the time of Charles II., 415
- Gardens in Saxon and Norman times, 89{508}
- Garraway's Coffee-house, 477
- Gascony wine, ingredients of, 473
- Gates of the City closed at sunset until 1760, 433
- Gay's Trivia, description of London in, 436
- Geoffrey of Monmouth, 1
- Gerrard's Hall in Basing Lane, 179
- Gildas, 1-3, 25, 43
- Gin-shops, number of, in 1736, 476
- Girls, education of, thorough, in time of Elizabeth, 314
- Gisors, John, 179
- Glasse, Mrs., and her book on cookery, 475
- Globe Theatre, Bank Side, 307, 356
- Glovers' Company, laws and regulations of, 209
- Government situations bought in time of George II., 482
- Greenstead Church, Essex, 71
- Greenwich Fair, 457
- Gresham College, 301
- — House, 288
- — Sir Thomas, account of, 290, 301;
- builds the Royal Exchange, 294;
- crest of, 294
- Grey Friars, foundation of, 113
- — — Church, celebrated persons buried here, 267
- Guildhall, remains of Roman London in, 48
- Guilds, 50, 208
- Guthrun's Lane, goldsmiths in, 217
- Haberdashers' Company, 452
- Hainault Forest, 233
- Hampton Court, 288
- Hanseatic League, 182
- Harding, Stephen, founder of the Cistercian Order, 123
- Harold at Waltham Abbey, 138
- Hengist and Horsa, 9
- Henry VI. erects new grammar-schools, 240, 303{509}
- Heraclius, Patriarch of Jerusalem, 129
- Heralds' College, 162, 174
- Herbalist, 474
- Holy Trinity, Aldgate, founded by Queen Matilda, 64, 111
- — — Church, Minories, 132
- Holywell Nunnery, 132
- Horsa, Hengist and, 9
- Household accounts of a family, 1677-79, 416
- — in time of George II., 465
- — furniture, inventory of, of newly-married pair, temp. 14th century, 253
- Hudson's Bay Company, 375
- "Huffs," 415
- Hutchinson, Lucy, 314
- Ironmongers' Lane, ironmongers in, 217
- Jamaica Coffee-house, 477
- Jerusalem Coffee-house, 478
- Jesus Commons, foundation of, 144
- Jonathan's Coffee-house, 478
- Jonson, Ben, 363, 365
- Justice under the Plantagenets, 245
- Jutes, the, 9, 27, 28
- Kidnappers of the Georgian era, 486
- Kingston-on-Hull, Trinity House at, 87
- Knights Hospitallers, Church of, blown up with gunpowder, 266
- Ladies' Bower, the, 89
- — occupation of, in time of George I., 478
- Latroon, Meriton, Life of, 414
- Lepers, lazar-house established in St. Giles in the Fields for, 141
- Life in the time of George II., 460
- "Limitour," the, in Chaucer, 149
- Lloyd's Coffee-house, 478{510}
- Loftie's History of London, 13, 22
- Lombard Street, drapers in, 217
- — — Gresham's shop in, 301
- London a city of ruins, temp. Elizabeth, 263
- — commercial centre of the world, temp. Elizabeth, 293
- — conquest of, by the men of Essex, compared with that of Jerusalem by Titus, 40
- — conversion of, A.D. 604, 45
- — craftsmen of, 215
- — described by William Fitz-Stephen, 48
- — desolate state of, after the Roman period, 34
- — drinking and fires the pests of, 52
- — found deserted by the East Saxons, 34
- — medi�val, description of, 157, 185
- — merchant generally a gentleman, 200
- — municipal history of, 91
- — not mentioned in Anglo-Saxon Chronicle, 12
- — population of, temp. Richard II., 49
- — rebuilding of, after Great Fire, 398
- — Saxon and Norman, described, 92
- — veritable mother of saints, 45
- London Bridge, chapel on, 78
- — — first stone, 77
- — — songs on, 81
- Londoners in the time of Elizabeth, 278
- Long Bowstring-makers' Company, 454
- Loriners' Company, 454
- Mail-coaches, 464
- Malpas, Philip, 238
- Manners, City, in time of Charles II., 407{511}
- Manny, Sir Walter, 120
- Matilda, Queen of Henry I., 65
- — wife of King Stephen, founds St. Katherine's by the Tower, 65
- Maurice, Bishop, 53
- May-day in the City, 231
- May Fair, 457
- May-pole, the, 332
- Medi�val furniture, 181
- — London, description of, 157
- — names, survival of, 19
- Megusers' Company, 453
- Mellitus, first Bishop of London, 39
- Mercers' Chapel, 142
- Merchant adventurers, the, 295, 296
- — London, generally a gentleman, 200
- — Taylors' School, 303
- Misrule, feast of, 309
- "Mithridate" water, 473
- Mitre Tavern, 351
- Monastery towns grow rapidly and prosper, 46
- Monk in Chaucer, 150
- Moorfields, people camped in, after the Great Fire, 399
- More, Sir Thomas, and Crosby Hall, 170
- Morris-dancing, 233
- Mughouse, a kind of music-hall, 480
- "Mumpus," the, 416
- Municipal London, history of, 91
- Mystery plays, 94
- Nennius, 1
- New Abbey, 133
- — — pulled down, 263
- Newspapers about 1750, 465
- Nobility, residences of, in City, 177
- Norman House, description of, 86
- — London, monuments of, 52
- Northumberland House, 288
- — — site originally of Hospital of St. Mary Rounceval, 141
- Nunneries in Saxon times, 93{512}
- Old Jewry, branch of the Fratres de Sacc� established in, 139
- "Oxford Clerk" in Chaucer, 150
- Pads, 415
- Pageants, City, 224
- — Elizabethan, 305
- Palaces of the nobility in the City, 174
- Papey College, 144
- Pardon Church-yard, 121
- "Pardoner" in Chaucer, 153
- Parish organization in time of George II., 439
- Patten-makers' Company, 454
- Pattens, 484
- Pecock, Reginald, Bishop of Chichester, 194
- Pembroke, Earl, and Baynard's Castle, 166
- Pepys' Diary, 417
- Pepys on the Great Fire of London, 395
- — on the Plague, 377
- Perranazabuloe Church, 75
- Pewterers' Company, 454
- Philippa, Queen, a benefactor of St. Katherine's by the Tower, 66
- "Philo Puttonists," 415
- Philpot, Sir John, 190
- Picard, Sir Henry, 179
- Pilgrims, 57
- — consecration of, 60
- — office of, 58
- Pillory, the, 247
- "Pimpinios," 415
- Plague, the, 376
- — at Astrakhan in 1879, 387
- — at Marseilles in 1720, 387
- — Daniel Defoe on, 377
- — loss caused to trade by, 384
- — Pepys on, 377
- — remedies for, advertised, 408
- — water, 473
- Plagues, 376
- — of London, 120{513}
- — of 1603 and 1625, 387
- Plantagenet London, religious houses the most conspicuous feature of, 107
- Poisoning, men boiled and women burned for, 318
- Population of London according to Fitz-Stephen, 84
- Post-office rates about 1750, 464
- Prentice, London, temp. Charles II., 414
- Prices of food about 1750, 462
- — — in time of Charles II., 462
- "Prioress," the, in Chaucer, 149
- Punishments under the Plantagenets, 318
- Quacks, 474
- Queen's wardrobe, 174
- Quintain, the, 304
- Rahere, 55, 56, 60, 63
- Rainbow Coffee-house, 411
- Rainwell, Sir John, 197
- Ranelagh Gardens, 494
- Red Bull Theatre, St. John Street, 307
- Red Cross, Order of, 111
- Reeds, floors covered with, 87
- Reformation, the, and destruction of ecclesiastical buildings, 270
- Religious houses the most conspicuous feature of Plantagenet London, 108
- Rents about 1750, 461
- Richard of Cirencester, 1
- Richard II. and the City, 206
- Riley's Memorials of London, 21
- Robins's Coffee-house, 478
- Rogues and vagabonds, temp. Elizabeth, 314
- Roman customs, no trace of in London, 21
- — remains, 42
- — London, City wall about three miles long, 17{514}
- — — dependent on supplies from without, 24
- — — description of, 12-18
- — — probable population of, 17
- — — the only port in the kingdom, 18
- — street, no trace of, in London, 20
- — town, construction of, 20
- Rooks, 415
- Royal African Company, the, 297
- — Exchange, 334
- — — temp. Charles II., 410
- — Society, Institution of, 375
- "Ruffins," 415
- "Rufflers," 415
- Russian Company, the, 297
- Rutupi� destroyed, 29
- St. Alphege Church, 145
- St. Anthony, patron and saint of the grocers, 208
- St. Bartholomew's Priory, 267
- St. Bartholomew the Great, built by Rahere, 55
- St. Botolph, church dedicated to, 46
- St. Clare, abbey of, called the Minories, 132, 263
- St. Dunstan, church dedicated to, 46
- St. Dunstan's in the East, church of, built after the Great Fire, 400
- St. Edmund the Martyr, church dedicated to, 46
- St. Erkenwald builds Bishopsgate, 45
- St. Ethelburga, 45
- St. Giles, Cripplegate, founded by Alfune, 63
- — — in the Fields, church of, 140
- St. Giles's Hospital, founded by Queen Matilda, 63
- St. Helen, church of, 112
- St. Helen's Nunnery becomes the property of the Leathersellers' Company, 266{515}
- St. James, Clerkenwell, parish church of, 131
- St. John of Jerusalem, priory of, 65, 128;
- destroyed by rebels under Wat Tyler, 130
- St. John's Gate, Clerkenwell, 128
- St. Katherine's by the Tower, 65
- St. Magnus, church dedicated to, 46
- St. Martin, the patron saint of saddlers, 208
- — — Outwich, church of, 297
- St. Martin's le Grand, a house of Augustine Canons, 113
- — — church of, tavern built on site of, 267
- — — sanctuary and collegiate church of, 55
- St. Mary Axe, 328;
- skinners in, 217
- — — of Bethlehem, hospital of, 131
- — — Overies, legend of, 67
- — — Rounceval, hospital of, at Charing Cross, 141
- St. Mary's, or Bow Church, 135
- — — Spital, hospital of, 131
- — — destroyed, 266
- St. Michael's Church, choir and aisles rebuilt by Sir William Walworth, 143
- — — College, Crooked Lane, 143
- St. Olaf, church dedicated to, 46
- St. Osyth, Queen and Martyr, 45
- St. Paul's, Cathedral of, 53, 54, 109, 346
- — — Cross, 344
- — — first church of, destroyed by fire, 48
- — — School, 303
- St. Swithin, church dedicated to, 46
- St. Thomas of Acon, College of, 142
- St. Thomas's Hospital, 134, 146
- St. Vedast, church of, 76
- Salutation of the Mother of God, house of the, 120
- Saxon house, description of, 86
- — London, destroyed by fire 1135, 48{516}
- — — darkest period of any, 48
- — — foreign merchants in, 44
- — — no remains of, 53
- — women, employment of, 92
- Saxons, East, 35
- — — before and after conversion to Christianity, 44
- — fond of vegetables, 87
- Schools, Grammar, erected by Henry VI., 240, 303
- — — in time of Elizabeth, 302
- — of the alien priories suppressed, 240
- Sebbi, King, 53
- Selds, 186
- Sernes Tower, 83
- Servants, ladies used to beat, 310
- — troop of, a mark of state, 310
- "Setter," the, in the Georgian period, 489
- Sevenoke, Sir William, 194, 216
- "Shabbaroons," 415
- Shakespeare, William, 364
- Sion College, 269
- Smithfield, horse-fair in, 51
- "Sompnour" in Chaucer, 150
- Soper's Lane, pepperers and grocers in, 217
- Southwark Fair, 457
- Sports, 51, 223
- Stage-coaches, 465
- Staple, Sir Richard, 297
- Steelyard, the, 182
- Still-room, importance of the, 473
- Stodie, Sir John, 179, 238
- Stow, John, the antiquary, 320
- Sunday amusements in the Georgian period, 490
- Sutton, Thomas, 266
- Swan Inn, Dowgate, 368
- — with Two Necks, the, 465
- Taxes of a house about 1750, 462
- Tea becomes cheaper, temp. Charles II., 410{517}
- Tea-drinking, 467
- — John Wesley on, 470
- Temple Bar, 433
- — Church, the, 67
- Thames, River, in Tudor times, 366
- — Street, fishmongers in, 217
- Theatre companies, temp. Elizabeth, 307
- — first, built in 1570, 307
- Theatres at end of sixteenth century, 307
- Tobacco, use of, spreads rapidly, 313
- Tofig, the royal standard-bearer, 136
- Tom's Coffee-house, 411
- Torgnton, Desiderata de, hanged for theft, 247
- Torold, Roger, imprisoned for speaking disrespectfully of the mayor, 247
- Tournaments, temp. Elizabeth, 304
- Tower of London, 82
- "Town Parson" in Chaucer, 150
- — Royal, 82
- Trade, foreign, of City, 190
- — great advance of, in time of Elizabeth, 289, 295
- — loss and injury caused to, by the Plague, 384
- Trades carried on in the City, 218
- — enumerated by Daniel Defoe, 380
- — of the City allotted their own places of work and sale, 50
- Tradition, continuity of, 20
- Turkey Company, the, 297
- Vegetables as part of daily diet reintroduced, 313
- Venice treacle, 473
- Vicinal Way, 23
- Vintners' Hall, 179
- Vintry, the, 179
- Vox Civitatis, tract on the Plague, 392
- Wages of the craftsmen, 243{518}
- Walls, City, 433
- Waltham Abbey Church, 135
- — — Cranmer at, 139
- — — Foxe's Book of Martyrs written here, 139
- — — Harold at, 138
- — — history of, 136-139
- — — Thomas Fuller wrote his Church History here, 139
- Walworth, Sir William, 194
- Wardens of Companies, 211
- Washington, arms of, in Holy Trinity Church, Minories, 132
- Water, supply of, 83
- Watling Street, 23
- Weavers, Guild of, 208
- Wells, Sir John, 197
- Wesley, John, on tea-drinking, 470
- Wethell, Richard, 311
- Wheat, price of, in time of George II., 482
- "Whip Jack," the, 416
- Whitawers' Company, 453
- White Friars, the house of the Carmelites, 119
- Whitefriars Theatre, 308
- Whittington, Richard, 180, 199, 290, 301
- — College of, 143
- "Wild Rogue," the, 416
- William of Wykeham, 55
- Willoughby, Sir Hugh, 297
- Winchester House, 264, 269, 289
- Window-tax, 462
- Wine-drinking, introduced by Normans, 88
- Women, English, excel in embroidery, 92
- Wonderful Year, The, pamphlet on plague, 387
- Wood Street Compter, a prison, 497
And Last updated on: Wednesday, 01-Jan-2025 11:52:36 GMT
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