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This is a listing from the London 1874 Licensed Victuallers and Hotel Keepers Directory for London and suburbs. The directory is one of the more diverse listings which covers the City of London, London north and south etc.
The London 1874 index
Nags Head, Perry J. York road, Battersea, SW
Nags Head, Savage W. 645 Wandsworth road, SW
Nags Head, Wratten John, jun. Mitcham
Nags Head Inn, Harris A. R. High street, Borough SE
Naked Boy and Woolpack, Norton J. Parish street, Horselydown, SE
Napier Arms, Jones J. St. Johns hill, Battersea, SE
Navv and Army Hotel, Epsom J. Francis street, Woolwich, SE
Navy Arms, Andrews G. New King street, Deptford, SE
Navy Arms, Parsons T. Queen street, Woolwich, SE
Nelson, Chappman W. 600 Wandsworth road, SW
Nelson, Dubbin E. Coleman street, Woolwich, SE
Nelsons Arms, Batt T. High street, Merton, SE
Neptune, Andrews W. T. Creek street, Deptford, SE
Neptune, Pocok R. Neptune street, South Lambeth, SW
Neville Arms, Durham W. Tyer street, Vauxhall, SW
New Bell, Hatchings J. York st. York road, Lambeth, SE
New Concord Tavern, Turner Ann M. Keetons road, Rotherhithe, SE
New Cross House, Gordon A. New Cross, SE
New Cross Inn, Bratt George, New Cross, SE
New Crown and Cushion, Isaacs I. Mount street, Walworth, SE
New ficldford Barge, Way W. Belvedere road, Lambeth, SE
Ncwington Arms, Kensey H. King street, Borough SE
New Inn, Gower Henry, Croydon
New Inn, Snow W. Westminster bridge road, SE
New Queens Head, Robins I. Stookwell green, SW
New Ship, Burke Edward. King street, Richmond
New Tanners Arms, Wintle G. Ernest street, Grange road, Bermondsey, SE
New Tigers Head, Warner M. and B. Lee green, SE
New Vauxhall Tavern, Tidd A. R. Elfin road, Wyndham road, Camberwell, SE
New White Hart, Day H. St. Thomas street, Borough, SE
New Windmill, Clarke James, Croydon
Nightingale, Wallis T. Nightingale lane, Balham, SW
Nile, Panton G. Hog lane, Woolwich, SE
Nine Elms, Springett W. Nine Elms lane, Battersea, SW
Noahs Ark, Andrews T. Broomfields, Deptford, SE
Noahs Ark, Fowler Sophia M. Rotherhithe street, Rotherhithe, SE
Noahs Ark, Hearn W. M. New Tark street, Bankside, SE
Noahs Ark, Morgan Mary N. Blackfriars road, SE
Norman Arms, Pilgrim T. Norman road, Greenwich, SE
Northcote Hotel, Sansom G. Battersea rise, SW
North Pole, Castle Emma, Greenwich road, SE
North Pole, Matthews W. St. Mary st.reet, Woolwich, SE
Northumberland, Makepeace G. Blue Anchor road, Bermondsey, SE
Northumberland, Robertson W. D. S8 Brandon street, Walworth, SE
Northumberland Arms, Chidley J. Upper Richmond road, Putney, SW
Norwood Hotel, Lowther J. P. Knights hill, Lower Norwood, SE
Norwood Junction Railway Refreshment Rooms, Bertram John, and Roberts Henry,
Nottingham Castle, Turner G. Wandsworth road SW
Nuns Head, Doughton H. Nunhead green, SE
Oak, Handford Thomas, Widmore, Bromley
Oak, Pugh Sarah J. Chapel street, Lambeth, SE
Oakfield Tavern, Marton H. R. Croydon
Oakley Arms, Delay W. Oakley street, Lambeth, SE
Old Antigallican, Tobin P. Tooley street, London bridge, SE
Old George, Hillgood F. T. Stowage, Deptford, SE
Old George, Ottley William. High street, Mortlake
Old Green Gate, Smith Henry, Regent street, Lambeth walk, SE
Old Jamaica Tavern, Haynes W. Jamaica level, Bermondsey, SE
Old Justice Hookham J. F. Little Suffolk street, Borough, SE
Old Justice, Lane Elizabeth, Mint street, Borough, SE
Old Justice, Poole R. Bermondsey wall, Bermondsey, SE
Old Leather Bottle, Palmer W. T. Morton Rush, Merton, SW
Old Mill, Goldsmith George, Plumstead common, SW
Old Queens Head, Lowrey Sarah, Stockwell, SW
Old Rose, Cunningham R. Russell street, Rotherhithe, SE
Old Rose, Hagger Thomas. New Cross, SE
Old Sergeant, Brown J. Garrett lane, Wandsworth, SW
Old Ship Brittain Isaac jun. Blackman street, Borough SE
Old Ship, Vassila Alex. King street, Richmond
Olive Branch, Cook Ann, Bath place, Greenwich, SE
Olive Branch, Cornish M.A. Waterloo place, New cut, Lambeth, SE
Orange Tree, French Thomas. Kew road, Richmond
Ordnance Arms, Nevard G. Lewisham road, SE
Ordnance Arms, Reynolds W. York road, Lambeth, SE
Ordnance Arms, Taylor R. Ordnance road, Greenwich, SE
Ordnance Arms, Walton W. Greens end, Woolwich, SE
Oval Tavern, Moore William, Croydon
Oxford Arms, Conuell W. G. Westminster bridge road, SE
Oxford Arms, Thatcher William. 33, Park road, Clapham, SE
Oxford Arms, Raybould Hy. Croydon
Oxford Arms, Thornton F. Church street, Deptford, SE
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